What movies do the watch the most?
Aug 15, 2011 at 8:21 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 19


Headphoneus Supremus
May 1, 2007
Portage, Michigan
You know a movie is good when you can watch it over and over and over. Sometimes it's a bad movie and I still can watch it many times and be entertained. Some movies though I can watch four times and then get sick of them. Often I'll not realize how bad a movie is until I see it three times. Armageddon and The Rock come to mind.
Here's a few of mine. Feel free to give a description of why, but it's not required. Strangely enough I love a lot of foreign films but somehow I don't watch them multiple times.
1) Planes, Trains and Automobiles
In the past month I've gotten into the habit of watching this EVERY Monday. Mostly during work when I need to sort stuff. Weird job I know. John Candy's acting in this is really good in tis one. He was robbed at the oscars!
2) The Goonies
Very cheesy, but extremely entertaining. Lots of cringe-worthy over-acting and dialogue in this movie. I've been watching this since I was a kid.
3) Home Alone
Yes, really. I started watching this when I was 9 and see it about once or twice a year. Saw it recently and it wasn't as good as I remembered.
4) Independence Day
Possibly one of the dumbest movies ever made, but I love it. I love it's characters and it's extremely entertaining. The hacking scenes are just good for a laugh. It also has one of the worst president's in a movie there is. Everyone's acting in the movie was good, except for the president and his awful lines of dialogue. I'll take this over a Michael Bay movie any day!
5) The Day After Tomorrow
What the heck? Another Roland Emmerich movie?! If you think about the basic story of this movie, it's pretty terrible.
6) Breakdown
I clearly remember the day I saw this at the theater and I loved every minute of it. Sadly it hasn't gotten a very good DVD release. One of Kurt Russell's best movies.
7) Dumb and Dumber
I've been watching this since it came out. I think I was in 9th grade and I'm now 31. I haven't watched this in years. At one time I probably could remember the entire script. They ruined the movie with the unrated version. I think I only like this movie because of the two main characters. Yes, I find it funny!
8) The Thin Red Line
Love this movie. Watched it maybe several dozen times and never get sick of it. Best viewing was the most recent one on Blu-Ray
9) World's Fastest Indian
One of my favorite movie characters and an interesting story about a man trying to set a land speed record on his Indian motorycle.
10) The Shawshank Redemption
A perfect movie to me. Any negative is so minor that it's not worth mentioning. Love the last 20 minutes the most.
11) Forest Gump
I don't know why, but this movie has gone downhill recently. My favorites scenes are with Dan and Forrest together. First half is the worst.
12) Back to the Future 1,2,3
These have gone way downhill. Part 2 I disliked the most.
13) Die Hard 1,2
Part 2 is a favorite. I never get sick of it.
14) Stand by Me
Everytime I see this it feels like it's over in an hour.
15) Jaws
Hated this on the first viewing. Second viewing it was OK. Now I love it. Richard Dreyfuss has become a favorite actor of mine.
16) Flight of the Navigator
Hard to believe, but I've been watching this since I was very young. Goes a bit downhill halfway through when it turns into a comedy. This has some good ideas in it.
17) Peewee's Big Adventure
Everyone I know grew up watching this. I finally got to watch this again after 5-8 years just recently.
18) Braveheart
This has gone way downhill, but it's still a good movie. I turn it off 10 minutes before the end.
19) Castaway
Saw this in the theater and was not impressed at all. Felt like it was nothing new when it came survival movies. Now it's a favorite.
20) Ghostbusters
So hard to believe this was made in 1979!! It hasn't aged a bit.
21) Taxidriver
Sometimes I don't know why. Now I think it's a bit overrated.
Aug 16, 2011 at 10:07 AM Post #2 of 19
In the last year:
Let The Right One In
Let Me In
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Tron Legacy
Blade Runner
ps: Ghostbusters was released in 84 so I highly doubt it was made in 79.
Aug 16, 2011 at 6:19 PM Post #4 of 19
"If you can describe the whole movie, plot and what it's about then it's not good movie"
Pulp Fiction & Big Lebowski, I usually find some clip and go see whole movie.
Aug 16, 2011 at 8:26 PM Post #5 of 19
My top 3 movies:
Resident Evil, Afterlife (it reminds me of the pc game)
Iron Man 2
Prince of persia: The sands of time (Epic movie, nice acting)
Aug 16, 2011 at 8:43 PM Post #6 of 19
My favs
Generation Kill
500 Days of Summer
Generation Kill isn't a movie, it's more of a mini-series but I guess it counts as well.
Acting was good. Directors didn't sacrifice any details, it looked real, sounded real.
Dialogue was superb.
500 Days of Summer: Very creative, kinda funny, chemistry between JGL and Zooey Deschanel
made the movie, imo.  
Aug 16, 2011 at 9:41 PM Post #7 of 19
Donnie Darko
Monster Squad
2012 (Yeah I know but I love apocalyptic movies)
Fight Club (Obvious for every goofy pseudo-anarchist/nihilst around)
Halloween (Favorite movie of all time.  Never get tired of it)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Take away the sci fi mind erasing aspect and you have one of the more realistic and down to earth love stories ever written)
The Day After Tomorrow (Yet again I love those dumb apocalyptic movies)
Napoleon Dynamite (Such a relaxing movie that I identify with.  We all knew kids like these in our school)
Aug 17, 2011 at 4:57 AM Post #9 of 19
Big Lebowski
A Serious Man (far more brilliant movie than most people comprehend)
In The Loop
Sunshine (Blu-ray)
Anything Sergio Leone/Ennio Morricone
The Limey
The Thing
The Right Stuff
Waterloo Bridge
Black Rain
The Hunted (w/ Christopher Lambert not Benicio Del Toro)
Das Boot
The Exorcist, French Connection, Bug (I love William Friedkin's direction)
Acting performances:
Hudsucker Proxy/Road to Perdition (something therapeutic about Paul Newman's acting)
Star Trek Wrath of Khan w/ TV prequel (the only role Ricardo Montelban was born to play)/Nemesis (love Tom Hardy's acting)
La Vie en Rose (Marion Cotillard's unbelievable Oscar performance)
House of Cards Trilogy (Ian Richardson)
Mulholland Drive (Naomi Watts best performance IMO)
Shining (Jack)/Misery (Kathy Bates)
Richard III (Ian Mckellen)
The Wrestler (Mickey Rourke)
Aug 18, 2011 at 4:21 AM Post #10 of 19

You know a movie is good when you can watch it over and over and over. Sometimes it's a bad movie and I still can watch it many times and be entertained. Some movies though I can watch four times and then get sick of them. Often I'll not realize how bad a movie is until I see it three times. Armageddon and The Rock come to mind.
Here's a few of mine. Feel free to give a description of why, but it's not required. Strangely enough I love a lot of foreign films but somehow I don't watch them multiple times.
1) Planes, Trains and Automobiles
In the past month I've gotten into the habit of watching this EVERY Monday. Mostly during work when I need to sort stuff. Weird job I know. John Candy's acting in this is really good in tis one. He was robbed at the oscars!
2) The Goonies
Very cheesy, but extremely entertaining. Lots of cringe-worthy over-acting and dialogue in this movie. I've been watching this since I was a kid.
3) Home Alone
Yes, really. I started watching this when I was 9 and see it about once or twice a year. Saw it recently and it wasn't as good as I remembered.
4) Independence Day
Possibly one of the dumbest movies ever made, but I love it. I love it's characters and it's extremely entertaining. The hacking scenes are just good for a laugh. It also has one of the worst president's in a movie there is. Everyone's acting in the movie was good, except for the president and his awful lines of dialogue. I'll take this over a Michael Bay movie any day!
5) The Day After Tomorrow
What the heck? Another Roland Emmerich movie?! If you think about the basic story of this movie, it's pretty terrible.
6) Breakdown
I clearly remember the day I saw this at the theater and I loved every minute of it. Sadly it hasn't gotten a very good DVD release. One of Kurt Russell's best movies.
7) Dumb and Dumber
I've been watching this since it came out. I think I was in 9th grade and I'm now 31. I haven't watched this in years. At one time I probably could remember the entire script. They ruined the movie with the unrated version. I think I only like this movie because of the two main characters. Yes, I find it funny!
8) The Thin Red Line
Love this movie. Watched it maybe several dozen times and never get sick of it. Best viewing was the most recent one on Blu-Ray
9) World's Fastest Indian
One of my favorite movie characters and an interesting story about a man trying to set a land speed record on his Indian motorycle.
10) The Shawshank Redemption
A perfect movie to me. Any negative is so minor that it's not worth mentioning. Love the last 20 minutes the most.
11) Forest Gump
I don't know why, but this movie has gone downhill recently. My favorites scenes are with Dan and Forrest together. First half is the worst.
12) Back to the Future 1,2,3
These have gone way downhill. Part 2 I disliked the most.
13) Die Hard 1,2
Part 2 is a favorite. I never get sick of it.
14) Stand by Me
Everytime I see this it feels like it's over in an hour.
15) Jaws
Hated this on the first viewing. Second viewing it was OK. Now I love it. Richard Dreyfuss has become a favorite actor of mine.
16) Flight of the Navigator
Hard to believe, but I've been watching this since I was very young. Goes a bit downhill halfway through when it turns into a comedy. This has some good ideas in it.
17) Peewee's Big Adventure
Everyone I know grew up watching this. I finally got to watch this again after 5-8 years just recently.
18) Braveheart
This has gone way downhill, but it's still a good movie. I turn it off 10 minutes before the end.
19) Castaway
Saw this in the theater and was not impressed at all. Felt like it was nothing new when it came survival movies. Now it's a favorite.
20) Ghostbusters
So hard to believe this was made in 1979!! It hasn't aged a bit.
21) Taxidriver
Sometimes I don't know why. Now I think it's a bit overrated.

Quite a long list. I don't watch movie much but my favorite is twilight saga..
Aug 18, 2011 at 9:55 AM Post #11 of 19
Aug 18, 2011 at 10:39 PM Post #15 of 19
Some greats already listed. A big +1 for The Thing, Fight Club, Planes/Trains, and The Shining. 
I'd also add:
National Lampoon's Vacation
The Burbs
The Greatoutdoors
Better Off Dead
Trading Places
Tommy Boy
Die Hard 1&2
Lethal Weapon
Christmas Vacation
An American Werewolf in London
Sweeney Todd
House of 1000 Corpses
Session 9
The Descent
The Orphanage
The Exorcist
Them (Ils)
Silence of the Lambs
Action, Drama, & Guilt Pleasures:
Chronicles of Riddick
There Will Be Blood
The Lion King
The Hurt Locker
True Grit (2010)
Love Actually 
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Island
Casino Royale

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