What are your dream headpones?
Dec 6, 2011 at 10:52 PM Post #92 of 119

You like Purple Beats...I'm not too sure you're aloud to have an opinion. 



yeah, beats are pretty bad. I don't really like em.

I know, just busting your chops. They should sound the same, though the leather may have a thicker die

Hahah, im not sure about that. A black braid would look good.

Are you sure your looking at my picture?

I'm sure, I don't like the green, or the cream color really.. I'm thinking a darker cream color and brown leather. The green just looks yucky (unless my monitor is messed up)

I've seen worse. Jecklin Float and Stax Sigma, for starters. Stax Lambda to a lesser extent; yes, I'm actually saying the headphones I'm rather fond of look kind of ugly.
But all that matters in the end is comfort and sound quality.

I like the lambda's!


I don't know about ugly, but I think they would look much better with black or dark gray plastic trim instead of all that cream-colored stuff.


agreed, although I think maybe a darker cream would be tolerable :)

Then again, I like the hd598s.. lol
Dec 7, 2011 at 8:02 AM Post #93 of 119
I think the SR007 is my favorite headphone concerning looks. The cable is gorgeous and they're so wonderfully normal. 
I definitely see my final 'end game' rack including a great graphic EQ with a through put as well. So many people here are against EQ, but a quality hardware EQ can work wonders.

The SR-007 and SR-009 are some sleek cans to be sure, and the performance apparently backs that up, too...but my wallet can barely accommodate a Lambda setup as it is.
As for EQs, do you have any particular hardware ones in mind? It's not a field I've looked into much since my X-Fi Titanium HD already has a capable one right in its DSP, but a hardware EQ with physical controls I could adjust on-the-fly with ease (no having to bring the driver console up) would be really nice down the line, once I'm set with the headphones and amp.
I like the lambda's!


I can't say I ever liked their appearance, but the sound and the comfort...those two things are too good for me to do without. I have to have a Lambda of some sort around from this point on, maybe unless I suddenly find myself several times richer and can afford to step up to the Omega offshoots as a result.
Dec 7, 2011 at 9:19 AM Post #94 of 119
I haven't looked too far yet, but my best choice at a good price so far seems like one of Rane's offerings. They make top notch gear (I used quite a bit of it when I was DJing) and most of their EQs have a pass through option as well. 

Doesn't need to break the bank, but as long as I don't hear any imperfections caused by the EQ it'll do me just fine. I'll probably order from Guitar Center (30 day no questions returns) and give it a shot close to the end of next year (gotta get my entire rack together first). 
The SR-007 and SR-009 are some sleek cans to be sure, and the performance apparently backs that up, too...but my wallet can barely accommodate a Lambda setup as it is.
As for EQs, do you have any particular hardware ones in mind? It's not a field I've looked into much since my X-Fi Titanium HD already has a capable one right in its DSP, but a hardware EQ with physical controls I could adjust on-the-fly with ease (no having to bring the driver console up) would be really nice down the line, once I'm set with the headphones and amp.

Dec 7, 2011 at 9:19 PM Post #95 of 119

I think the SR007 is my favorite headphone concerning looks. The cable is gorgeous and they're so wonderfully normal. 
I definitely see my final 'end game' rack including a great graphic EQ with a through put as well. So many people here are against EQ, but a quality hardware EQ can work wonders.


Agreed. The Omega is a beautiful electrostat. My vote still goes to the HiFiMan HE-5. I don't know what it was about the wood that I loved so much.
Dec 9, 2011 at 9:25 PM Post #96 of 119
Probably a bit different than others here:
A NOS/perfect condition Koss ESP/10 + E/10 system (no damage to the wood, proper headband, no foam rot, etc) with D2000 lambskin pads and a fat amplifier to push it.
Doubt that'll ever happen, so I'll probably settle for something else. ESP-950 looks tempting at times.
Dec 10, 2011 at 12:55 AM Post #98 of 119
My dream pair would be the LCD 2s I've heard them in a meetup and have not been able to get them out of my head. I also heard the Stax 007 and HD 800 and the LCD 2s where definitely my cup of tea. I wish I could afford them, but hey I put my my monitor up in the FS section, its worth about 700 used so maybe someone will trade me haha.
Dec 10, 2011 at 2:26 PM Post #99 of 119
If the HD700 is really and is a mix of the Hd600/650/800, then that might be my dream headphone.
Dec 10, 2011 at 8:25 PM Post #100 of 119
Hmmm. Haven't heard a ton but I think I know.
D7000 or LCD3. 
I would like to hear a few others though, Ultrasone Pro 2900, Ultrasone Signature Pro, Shure 1840.
One day, I would like to find the perfect EDM 'phone.
Dec 10, 2011 at 10:25 PM Post #101 of 119
The D7000 is a good one...Not too revealing, easy to power, great sound...Super comfy, scales well...
Hmmm. Haven't heard a ton but I think I know.
D7000 or LCD3. 
I would like to hear a few others though, Ultrasone Pro 2900, Ultrasone Signature Pro, Shure 1840.
One day, I would like to find the perfect EDM 'phone.

Dec 10, 2011 at 10:48 PM Post #103 of 119
Soundstage is roughly the same. The D7000 definitely has more bass emphasis, but you'll find more texture and depth from the LCD 2. 
The LCD 2 give a general jump in clarity and tend to have a more realistic 'meaty' sound across the spectrum. 
The D7000 is loads more comfy but they felt a little 'cheap' to me (weight was a big part of their comfort, but they just don't have that 'expensive' weight that I like). 
Overall I (obviously) prefer the LCD 2, but the D7000 does a lot right (especially for EDM fans) and having one closed and one open can is generally a good plan. 
How would you compare your LCD-2 and D7000? Those are my two endgame headphones basically, probably going to get them when I start college.

Dec 11, 2011 at 12:13 AM Post #104 of 119
The D7000 scales up well? Exactly how well. Like 2K amps and DAC combos well?
Dec 11, 2011 at 12:57 AM Post #105 of 119
I didn't quite get the the level I'm at now with them but I tried them on a few ~500 DAC/Amps and my favorite was the D100. I think they'd sound fantastic with a very transparent SS amp. 
The D7000 scales up well? Exactly how well. Like 2K amps and DAC combos well?


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