what are you drinking right now..
Oct 31, 2004 at 5:18 PM Post #64 of 1,199
after the beer/wine last night I am now a proud member of team water

and team advil

Oct 31, 2004 at 5:46 PM Post #66 of 1,199
I had a crapload to drink last night. What exactly is a "liquid cocaine"? Jägermeister and what else? I got one of those free since some guy was hitting on my girlfriend and she made him buy drinks for all of us. I win.

Also, Löwenbräu (original, blue can) is my new favorite beer.

Right now I'm drinking water.

- Chris
Oct 31, 2004 at 10:57 PM Post #68 of 1,199
I'm just about to get started on some Kelt Tour du Monde V.S.O.P. Unfortunately, it's the best my local liquor store carries, but I think it's also the best ~$50-60 brandy I've ever had. It does REALLY need to be warmed and allowed to breathe for a while, though.
Oct 31, 2004 at 11:19 PM Post #69 of 1,199
I just finished a glass of water in front of the computer. Didn't learn my lesson after spilling a full glass, wetting the bottom of a wireless optical mouse (still works) and almost wetting a school textbook. I'm a smart one, aye?
Oct 31, 2004 at 11:34 PM Post #70 of 1,199
Ice tea. Gotta love it...drink it every day.
Nov 1, 2004 at 12:36 AM Post #75 of 1,199

Originally Posted by Head Creep
I just finished a glass of water in front of the computer. Didn't learn my lesson after spilling a full glass, wetting the bottom of a wireless optical mouse (still works) and almost wetting a school textbook. I'm a smart one, aye?

A couple of weeks ago someone at work split a lot of water on their iBook and it wouldn't start up. We opened it up and it was soaked. We let it dry for 3 days, switched it on and it has been fine ever since.

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