What are these?!?!?!
Feb 3, 2011 at 1:24 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13

nick n

Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 3, 2011
I am new around here for posting but am constantly browsing these forums for reviews and info. Incredible place this is.
 There has been one thing in particular that has been eating at me for ages now. I picked up these headphones in '91-'92 for $4 at a garage sale as I have always been attracted to shiny stuff attached to electronics. . After an exhaustive search online for any sort of identifying  features, I am at a complete loss.
Here's hoping someone here has a clue what these are or possible age. Any info or ideas are appreciated. The sound on these isn't half bad. At least for the $4 :)

The ONLY identifier is the symbol before the "AUDIOPHILE" name, and below that it says " Made in Japan "  The symbol looks to be either a very stylized "T"  or at least a slanted "I" with an elongated swipe mark pointing to the right. No other markings of any kind.  The aluminum is machined.
HELP? Even if they are LO-PHILE I still need to know. One of those things. Much nicer out of the crappy camera flash I have there. Very solid construction
Thanks in advance.
Feb 3, 2011 at 2:10 AM Post #4 of 13
Giving them another critical listen with some various high quality mp3's, ogg  and FLAC.
I haven't much experience describing the qualities but here goes nothing...
Everything has a wide decent clear quality to it. Decent punchy bass that's most definitely there and nowhere lacking to be sure. Actually it's really good bass!( at least not sloppy/smudged but clear ) Very clear extreme highs.  I guess if I were to put my Audioengine A2 powered speakers on my head with a bit brighter bass/less muddy. I can easily tell when there's a crappy bitrate on a file.
Hearing all sorts of subtleties. Lots of detail. Seem to be well rounded. Lows mids and highs.
This previous is playing through my computer. ( newer hi-def onboard Realtek alc889a AM3 board  )
Cowon D2 same files sound amazing. Better EQ settings than the computer ( none on computer currently ). Yeah the D2 can drive these pretty good. It sounds better even with the normal EQ than on the computer.
Wish my Heathkit tube amp was up and running now.
What I really need is maybe a decent dedicated headphone amp.
Watch someone come along and tell me these are junk , which shoots all this review to hell. Anyhow they have a ton of clarity, tone and pick up very fine details.
I alternate between these in the summer and my NE7M's ( this place helped that buy ...thanks! ) with my Cowon D2 for outside use. I would have to say I like these better for that application.
hope that makes sense
"Are those 2 drivers....." You've got me.... I would have to say yeah. There's no way to remove the pads that I can see to have a look inside but I can feel slight raised circular edges with my fingers directly above each "driver" Actually I can barely see through the fabric on the inside and there is a slight hint of metal/glimmer through it above each.
Feb 3, 2011 at 2:54 AM Post #6 of 13
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A RELIEF to finally find out after all these years.
Oh man . So are these rare/any good/worth much?
More out of curiosity than anything else.
  I doubt i will ever get rid of them. too cool lookin :) All I can judge by is the personal subjective side. What do you think of the specs?
Also: Did you remember seeing these somewhere before or???? How did you know? Curious.  
Thanks again you have no idea how happy this makes me...
I followed a few searches and found this : http://disquantique.com/view_product.php?product=8821
The small metal decals above the earpieces on mine are definitely different but these are the ones. Perhaps I got a rebranded pair? or is this the Original Manufacturer and Marantz brought them in as the "Audiophile" named set I have? It all gets so confusing .  ( must resist the Vinnie Bobarino reference... must resist )
from an old thread also : "And a few of the others also look like the B&O Form 1. The DR-232CH also looks familiar. So, maybe the two or three headphones that I've seen utilizing that unique look weren't just clones of each other, they were OEM'd from Elega..."
Feb 3, 2011 at 3:24 AM Post #7 of 13
is that saying they are worth 14k? NAICE
Feb 3, 2011 at 3:27 AM Post #8 of 13
hahaha!    Yen maybe.... at time of purchase. The page was translated from Japanese....  :)
Feb 3, 2011 at 3:31 AM Post #9 of 13
Translates to 171 bucks. PAWN THAT BEETCH
Feb 3, 2011 at 3:39 AM Post #10 of 13
yeah back then  and that's if you can find em at all these days. Probably can somewhere. Not selling under any... well .. most   circumstances.  Want to find out as much as I can for the hell of it. 
Feb 3, 2011 at 3:54 AM Post #11 of 13
Feb 22, 2011 at 6:02 AM Post #13 of 13



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