Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread
Feb 4, 2012 at 2:35 PM Post #2,671 of 5,568

I haven't heard the 3s.  I used the black/dark grey silicone tips (I think Westone calls these the "Mushroom" tips, although I think Etymotic has more mushroom-like tips :p).  I myself, was fine with the highs (I can take slightly aggressive highs like the ones found on the B2s), but could see how some people could think they could be aggressive (reason why it was added in, maybe I stressed it too much in the review).

Oh yeah and the Pictures are fantastic. About the highs, I am just giving another view/opinion. No one is really right or wrong, especially with all different shaped ears, and tastes, never mind emotional moods or sensitivity 
Feb 4, 2012 at 10:46 PM Post #2,672 of 5,568

i have auditioned this today.. they have a very good presentation and does nothing wrong.. the highs are never fatiguing and neither recessed or forward but very detailed and smooth and extended.. but the bass was really lacking to me.. it gave me a hard time finding a seal with the olives so i end up holding both iems while listening..
but i got more involved and poisoned with the um3x's presentation

Actually I've found that the W4 packs a wallop of bass impact - not basshead impact but more pointing to that direction than not. Let me say that I'm more of a basshead than not (although not a bonafide one). Here's the thing: unlike many basshead IEMs where you don't need a deep seal to be assaulted by the deep bottom, the W4 performs best when one is able to use it and wear it like a custom. Therefore you need tips that are going to give you the deepest (but comfortable) insert into the ear canal. For me I've found the XL Earportz long silicon tips to do the trick for me. I pretty much have to almost twist them into my ear canals the same way I have to insert my 1964-Q, but once in I'm rewarded immensely!! What I get is nice bass and sub-bass, and finally some weight on all of the instruments that I thought was lacking with a shallower tip insert. The W4s are amazing to hear with the right depth of an insert and isolation. My two cents.
Feb 5, 2012 at 12:00 AM Post #2,675 of 5,568

I concur, a very nice review Tinyman392
I have been very disappointed with the W4 since the arrival of the red 535 with 3rd party cable. I tend to agree with the review that the trebles on the W4 is aggressive verging on the point of being edgy and harsh. I remember disagreeing with Kunlun (sp.?) on his review that the W4 had an unbearable tizz. As my source got better the tizz was annoying me more and more to the point that I would only use the W4 for casual listening such as going to the supermarket etc. Also compared to the 535 the W4 was lifeless and pretty sterile. I was about to sell them or give them away!!?!!
This all changed today!
I have a few portable amps and after reading Skylab (sp?) review on the best three, 71b, 2step and L3. I decided to buy the L3. What a revelation, I really cannot put it in words. The only analogy that comes to mine, and since I am very big into Home Systems is, the W4 s are like a very difficult to drive large speaker and no matter what amp you drive it with, it just doesn't sound right. You know the speakers are good as all the detail and resolution is there, but it just doesn't fall into place. However, once get the right amplifier with excellent synergy, and appropriately high damping factor that has a vice like grip on the speaker then things changes from bland to real music. This is what happened today. The reason I took out the W4 was I needed something to help bed the amp in. I didn't want to use the 535 until the L3 had at least 50 hours on it.
I put on the W4 and it was a different animal altogether, expecting the usual sterile and bland presentation I was totally overwhelmed by what I heard. From what was supposed to be a short listen turned out to be 2 hours long going through music I know best, usual stuff such as Eagles, Eric Clapton Unplugged, Dave Brubeck - Take 5, Pat Methany, Sarah McLachlan, Sade, Chris Botti, Sting and newer material such as Feist, Adele, Rebecca Ferguson. And some classical. The music brought smiles to my face and some making me teary eyed.
The W4 are the first universals that I bought about 8 months ago when I felt that they were the best thing since slice bread. Coming from the freebies that came with mobile phones etc and listening with a S2 or Motorola Xoom.
Today I am a believer! At the current price they are an absolute bargain, only trouble, driving them costs a lot.
I am using a Cowon X7(I am lazy and love filling the 160 gigs) 5N OCC silver cable, oyaide 3.5mm plugs and the Triad L3. 
Thank you to all the names that I have listed above and probably spelt wrongly (apologies). Really am to lazy to look back at the threads........

Just asking Do you still want to give away the W4?
  I remember one of I2ehan's early reviews of the W4's he was extremely impressed with them with his arrow. Also Shotgun had very positive comments pairing the w with the ZO.  I didn;t amp the W4's when I had them, but my impressions were they were too perfect and almost lifeless, But never harsh
Feb 5, 2012 at 11:59 PM Post #2,679 of 5,568

I read the review, and wonder if the 4R have different highs, since mine are more laid back rather than slightly aggressive.

The 4 and 4Rs are both the same...  Some will find it laid back ,some will find it aggressive.  That's the problem with a grey line :p
Feb 6, 2012 at 12:09 AM Post #2,680 of 5,568

Just asking Do you still want to give away the W4?
  I remember one of I2ehan's early reviews of the W4's he was extremely impressed with them with his arrow. Also Shotgun had very positive comments pairing the w with the ZO.  I didn;t amp the W4's when I had them, but my impressions were they were too perfect and almost lifeless, But never harsh

Sorry, they will be staying for a while longer. I have been listening to them all yesterday and this morning. Had left them playing on repeat with the amp overnight.
This morning when I put the W4 on, it is the best that I have ever heard them sound. No tizz at all!!! They are extremely revealing letting me hear the changes the amp is going through over the last few days.
The soundstage iso sounding pretty overblown all the time is now capturing venue/recording size very well. The bass is rich and well rounded with good impact and slam. Bass guitars are portrayed very tunefully where before I found notes overlapping each other creating sense of muddiness. The mids are pushed forward somewhat letting the main vocal/instrument take center stage where before I found that it was part of the music. The biggest improvement for me are the highs they are just sounding so sweet!
All in all, I am delighted with the Triad and W4 synergy. Where I use to hink that the W4 were dry edging on the verge of sterile, I am hearing a beautiful lush and sweet IEM, very musical and extremely easy on the ears.
I still have a nagging feeling that the W4 are held back from the stock cable, and what a silver or silver/gold cable can do for............W4r, worth a thought!?!
Feb 7, 2012 at 4:04 AM Post #2,682 of 5,568
For those who find the W4's treble aggressive or to much present my advice ist not to buy the PFE 232...I sold them exactly for the same reasons than those on this thread that don't like the W4 treble.
I kept the W4 exactly because I find them sweet, present, natural and because they are much close to my EM4 treble than the 232 are...
Feb 7, 2012 at 11:24 AM Post #2,684 of 5,568

For those who find the W4's treble aggressive or to much present my advice ist not to buy the PFE 232...I sold them exactly for the same reasons than those on this thread that don't like the W4 treble.
I kept the W4 exactly because I find them sweet, present, natural and because they are much close to my EM4 treble than the 232 are...

I found the PFE 232 highs to be less aggressive than those on the 4s...  Maybe it's just my ears.
Feb 7, 2012 at 3:50 PM Post #2,685 of 5,568
Just so everyone knows, the largest Comply foam tips that come with the Westone 4 are the MEDIUM P-Series foam tips. Thanks to wallet's trial and error. 

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