(WARNING) Fake PX100-II's on the market (w/ comparison to genuine)
Aug 3, 2012 at 6:40 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 25


Headphoneus Supremus
Jul 27, 2009
This probably wouldn't effect me as much as it does, but the PX100-II's are one of my favorite headphones.
Appearance differences WITH the need of comparison:
1) Entire black appearance of the headphone is more sparkly on the genuine pair, while the fake has more of a semi-shiny black look.
2) "1" and "2" on the bottom sides of the arms are different fonts. The genuine has much more of a beveled look, while the fake is flat.
3) Font of "PX100-II" on the bottom outside of earcups is different. Genuine pair is thinner and cleaner, fake is thicker and a bit blurry.
4) The "garbage can and CE" on the inside of the left arm is much more beveled on the genuine pair. Similar to the 1 and 2 on the arms.
5) "L" and "R" are different fonts between both models. The genuine pair has a deeper engraved font, and the bumps on the L side are bigger.
6) Printed "Sennheiser" on the top of the headband is more of a grey color on the fake pair, and more of a black color on the genuine.
7) Headband is slightly wider on the fake pair, most notably due to the fake pair having a wider metal part. Slightest bronze tint on the fake pair.
8) Hinge joints on both arms are more of a dull bronze color on the fake pair, while sparkly silver on the genuine. They're also smaller on the genuine.
Appearance differences WITHOUT the need of comparison:
9) "PX100-II" lettering doesn't exist on the inside right arm of the genuine headphone, while the fake pair clearly has those markings.
10) The "S" logo on the outside arms is white on the fake pair and a sparkly silver on the genuine pair. Fake has blurry edges looking closely.
11) Cord is a 45 inches on fake and 49 on genuine, while being more flexible and feeling softer. Fake pair feels cheap and has many kinks in it.
12) Slight differences in jack colors, but the "S" has rounded edges on the genuine, and square edges on the fake. Genuine is also more beveled.
13) Taking off earpads and looking at the drivers, the genuine pair has numbers printed on the center on both sides, while the fake has nothing.
Build differences that SHOULD be apparent without comparison:
14) Earcup swivel is stiff and very restrictive on the fake, while easily maneuverable on the genuine. They also "click" into place on the genuine pair.
15) When folding the arms, the fake pair is very stiff and makes a loud "click", while the genuine is much smoother to unlock and lock.
16) Headband adjustment "scrapes" on the fake pair and doesn't stay in place well. Genuine has a definitive "click" with each increment.
17) A good rule of thumb; if you are getting the impression of unevenness or low quality in any of the moving parts, you most likely have a fake.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the box to my original, so I can't compare those. Also, bought them for $8.
Please see post #11 for great sound impression! Also, please see post #13 regarding comparison pictures.
Aug 3, 2012 at 7:03 PM Post #2 of 25
Thanks for the heads up. I think I still have my box for the PX100-ii buried in storage somewhere. If I can find it, I can post up some pics if you'd like that to compare.
Aug 3, 2012 at 10:19 PM Post #4 of 25

Aug 4, 2012 at 3:03 PM Post #5 of 25
Any chance of pictures at all? I think they would also be very helpful to other members.
I am kind of bummed than the PX100-II's have been copied. 
Aug 4, 2012 at 3:06 PM Post #6 of 25
Any chance of pictures at all? I think they would also be very helpful to other members.
I am kind of bummed than the PX100-II's have been copied. 

I'll see if I can find my camera, and then I could add throw in some pictures.
I need to add sound it too. They actually sound extremely good for $8, but they're still fakes.
Aug 4, 2012 at 3:24 PM Post #7 of 25
I am kind of bummed than the PX100-II's have been copied. 

Sadly, counterfeiting is standard operating policy and a way of life for some Chinese manufacturers.  It's all about revenue without R&D/marketing expenses for them.  And as unfathomable as that is to us, that's how they roll.  If it did well in the marketplace, they'd copy my left nut given the chance.
Aug 4, 2012 at 3:51 PM Post #8 of 25
Sweet, just found my camera. I'll get pictures up sometime soon.
Also, just stuck the fakes into my E10 and their drivers sound like they're about to explode at about volume 4, and volume 3 with bass boost. Doesn't seem like they can handle high bass output well at all. I then plugged in my genuine PX100-II's and did the same tests. Let's just say, they handled it a lot better as there was none of that noise that was made by the fake pair. Basically, it's the sound of pushing a speaker WAY past it's limit.
Sadly, counterfeiting is standard operating policy and a way of life for some Chinese manufacturers.  It's all about revenue without R&D/marketing expenses for them.  And as unfathomable as that is to us, that's how they roll.  If it did well in the marketplace, they'd copy my left nut given the chance.

You'd think they'd do a better job at copying them then. Not like I'm encouraging it or anything. But then again they've got their target audience in clear sight... the innocent general consumer.
Aug 4, 2012 at 5:21 PM Post #9 of 25
You'd think they'd do a better job at copying them then. Not like I'm encouraging it or anything. But then again they've got their target audience in clear sight... the innocent general consumer.

Well no, they don't wanna pass inspection - nor do they give a rodent's posterior about build quality - they just want to make the sale and move on.
BTW, apparently "Cheung Ling Fung" means "Fake Cans Sucka".  In fact, that's my new term for fakes:  "Oh they're not genuine, they're Cheung Ling Fungs..."
Aug 4, 2012 at 8:56 PM Post #10 of 25
That's a really interesting comparison, i've seen this headphones for little money on some websites. 
Probably fakes? i'll wait for the pics. 
Aug 8, 2012 at 2:57 AM Post #11 of 25
So, as the other person that got burned in this "deal", I thought I'd post up some SQ impressions. Before I start, please bear in mind that I've never actually heard genuine PX 100-IIs.

The fake is decent. Actually, it reminds me a bit of the PX 200s that I had. Katun and I have been comparing impressions, and I would say that it's pretty much exactly as he said: obviously not a PX 100-II, but definitely not bad for what it is. If not for the counterfeit status, some might even claim that it has giant killer potential (especially for $8.50). But unfortunately for the mfg, labeling it as a Senn raised expectations to a level beyond their reach.

It's fairly dark, without the sparkle I would usually associate with Senns. The highs are there, but I feel like they should definitely be boosted in order to be truly enjoyable.

The mids are somewhat recessed, which is a little surprising as most portables I've had tend to have warm and forward mids. It's not bad enough that I would characterize it as being muffled, but it does make for some odd imaging.

The bass is *okay* but nothing to write home about. There's definitely a bass and mid-bass hump, but it sounds dull and flabby when pushed to extremes. Notes that should be richly toned bass drops, come out as a flat thuds on occasion.

And it sounds remarkably closed for a pair of open cans. There's certainly enough leakage that I would believe they're open, but little depth in the soundstage to back up that claim - or maybe I'm just getting way too used to AKG's house sound.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not all doom and gloom about it. I do agree that for the cost of a fast food lunch these days, it does hold its own. I would even say that it kicks the **** out of many generic full size cans coming out of China these days. It's fine, just not magical.

One thing that does seem different in my unit (vs Katun's) is the build quality. The headband extensions seem to hold alright, and slide in and out with fairly well-defined clicks. Also, the ear cup rotation seems smooth and locks into place without difficulty or stiffness. Build-wise it doesn't seem any worse than my old PX 200s. Luck of the draw I guess?

I did take a few pics before it was packaged up for return. The pics might not illustrate everything Katun pointed out above, but it's all I've got. Will post up the pics some time tomorrow - way too tired right now.
Aug 8, 2012 at 3:39 AM Post #12 of 25
So, as the other person that got burned in this "deal", I thought I'd post up some SQ impressions. Before I start, please bear in mind that I've never actually heard genuine PX 100-IIs.
The fake is decent. Actually, it reminds me a bit of the PX 200s that I had. Katun and I have been comparing impressions, and I would say that it's pretty much exactly as he said: obviously not a PX 100-II, but definitely not bad for what it is. If not for the counterfeit status, some might even claim that it has giant killer potential (especially for $8.50). But unfortunately for the mfg, labeling it as a Senn raised expectations to a level beyond their reach.
It's fairly dark, without the sparkle I would usually associate with Senns. The highs are there, but I feel like they should definitely be boosted in order to be truly enjoyable.
The mids are somewhat recessed, which is a little surprising as most portables I've had tend to have warm and forward mids. It's not bad enough that I would characterize it as being muffled, but it does make for some odd imaging.
The bass is *okay* but nothing to write home about. There's definitely a bass and mid-bass hump, but it sounds dull and flabby when pushed to extremes. Notes that should be richly toned bass drops, come out as a flat thuds on occasion.
And it sounds remarkably closed for a pair of open cans. There's certainly enough leakage that I would believe they're open, but little depth in the soundstage to back up that claim - or maybe I'm just getting way too used to AKG's house sound.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not all doom and gloom about it. I do agree that for the cost of a fast food lunch these days, it does hold its own. I would even say that it kicks the **** out of many generic full size cans coming out of China these days. It's fine, just not magical.
One thing that does seem different in my unit (vs Katun's) is the build quality. The headband extensions seem to hold alright, and slide in and out with fairly well-defined clicks. Also, the ear cup rotation seems smooth and locks into place without difficulty or stiffness. Build-wise it doesn't seem any worse than my old PX 200s. Luck of the draw I guess?
I did take a few pics before it was packaged up for return. The pics might not illustrate everything Katun pointed out above, but it's all I've got. Will post up the pics some time tomorrow - way too tired right now.

As I used to point out on fakeheadphones.com, your headphones might sound decent, however the next persons fakes might sound like garbage. So when it comes to comparing on SQ, I try and withhold any comparisons because the only firm ground one has, is with the originals.
Aug 8, 2012 at 8:59 AM Post #13 of 25
Eric from Sennheiser here. These forums can be helpful in determining fake/real, however, there is a significant danger in posting pics and "how to determine a fake" guides because the counterfeit sellers can simply copy+paste this information into their ebay/Amazon/website listings. This tricks the buyer into believing that a poor quality copy is indeed a genuine Sennheiser; it damages our brand reputation and has a significant ripple effect in terms of customer service (hence why Sennheiser does not post these guides). Buying from an authorized dealer is the only consistent and confident way to avoid getting a counterfeit.
Here are links to our authorized US dealers partners, as well as a running list of non-authorized merchants:


Authorized dealers have a direct relationship with Sennheiser while upholding the highest standards for product integrity in the logistics chain. At any given time, a Sennheiser representative can validate the product at its current position in the supply chain.

Non-authorized dealers selling "legit" product have no relationship with Sennheiser. They may get their goods from a source that is questionable; perhaps they are stolen, returned, refurbished (even though they say they are new), new, old, counterfeit...we have no idea. They may not have been stored in the proper environment (were they in a truck for an entire winter with no heat?) and thus we cannot guarantee the product to perform as it would when going through the appropriate supply chain.

If a price is "too good to be true", it generally is. Only buy from an authorized dealer in your country.
Aug 8, 2012 at 11:33 AM Post #14 of 25
Eric from Sennheiser here. These forums can be helpful in determining fake/real, however, there is a significant danger in posting pics and "how to determine a fake" guides because the counterfeit sellers can simply copy+paste this information into their ebay/Amazon/website listings. This tricks the buyer into believing that a poor quality copy is indeed a genuine Sennheiser; it damages our brand reputation and has a significant ripple effect in terms of customer service (hence why Sennheiser does not post these guides). Buying from an authorized dealer is the only consistent and confident way to avoid getting a counterfeit.

Makes sense. Thanks for the info. I won't post any pictures. The guide up top should be enough anyway.
As I used to point out on fakeheadphones.com, your headphones might sound decent, however the next persons fakes might sound like garbage. So when it comes to comparing on SQ, I try and withhold any comparisons because the only firm ground one has, is with the originals.

Actually, his impression are pretty spot on with mine, and I actually have the genuine pair to compare it to.
Aug 8, 2012 at 1:38 PM Post #15 of 25
As I used to point out on fakeheadphones.com, your headphones might sound decent, however the next persons fakes might sound like garbage. So when it comes to comparing on SQ, I try and withhold any comparisons because the only firm ground one has, is with the originals.

Lol, I think you might have gotten the wrong idea. The impressions above are not a comparison, but a contrast. =) Again, as I have not yet heard genuine PX 100-IIs, it can't possibly be an SQ comparison. But if it were a comparison, it would only serve to deter people from fakes as the genuine article receives glowing praise here at Head-Fi. Plus, as you know, "decent" is not a standard that is aspired to at Head-Fi. I seriously doubt anyone is going to want rabidly want these after what Katun and I have said above.

Eric from Sennheiser here. These forums can be helpful in determining fake/real, however, there is a significant danger in posting pics and "how to determine a fake" guides because the counterfeit sellers can simply copy+paste this information into their ebay/Amazon/website listings. This tricks the buyer into believing that a poor quality copy is indeed a genuine Sennheiser; it damages our brand reputation and has a significant ripple effect in terms of customer service (hence why Sennheiser does not post these guides). Buying from an authorized dealer is the only consistent and confident way to avoid getting a counterfeit.

Makes sense. Thanks for the info. I won't post any pictures. The guide up top should be enough anyway.

Oh cool! Saves me some work in what is turning out to be an irritatingly hot day here in SoCal. =) No pics it is!

Actually, his impression are pretty spot on with mine, and I actually have the genuine pair to compare it to.

And we're also in agreeance about dropping them like a bad habit. Fact of the matter is that these are fake (i.e. fraudulent), and in a civilized world that is just plain wrong. So even if they were the best sounding things ever - which they are NOT - they're at best still trash.

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