VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread
Sep 10, 2011 at 12:32 AM Post #1,097 of 7,982
I'm really starting to like these GR-07's. Comparing to my westone 3's the bass is less impactful, but the 07's have much better sub-bass, and Bass definition. While the Bass is easy to pick out there is Zero interference to mids and Highs. The Mids are awesome!!!  I got my Scull Candy large tips, and those suck too. I got Phonaks coming, and HiFimans Bi Flange (found out I could order these in the states), and also some sony hybrids. The Skull Candy;s fit is pretty ok, but they are too thin.
These 07's are surprising me daily now, as these are making me visit my collection again. With their amazing clarity, I'm hearing stuff that I've never heard before. Usually this happens with Jazz type music but I'm hearing things with everything. Like Black Label Society with "Final Solution" I'm hearing a very slight "Backwards" type cymbal in the mix where i've never heard that before. I am really looking forward to getting more tips, as even with a average seal (at very best) I'm getting notes and Tones bouncing at me perfectly. I also must add, this is my first attempt with Dynamic Drivers. so maybe this is a common thing for good DD's
I also must add while Isolation is not as good as say my W3's it really isn't as bad as I thought they may be. Takes care of the City noises easily. More to follow, once I get my new tips next week!!!
Sep 10, 2011 at 3:15 AM Post #1,098 of 7,982
So I switched back to the original tips tonight and have to say I think I will stay with them over the Sony tips. They just add more to the treble and midrange while not changing the bass by much, giving my music that much more clarity and aliveness.
So for those who have either the Jays foam or silcone tips. How much change do they have over the original tips and is it worth the price of admission (1 set of tips will cost me upwards of $30 and both sets will be close to $40). I want something that will either be as good as the original tips throughout the sonic range and help give more sound stage, or improve on the sonic range in some way. If the change is only minimal I think I will save my money but if you notice a marked difference then speak up and I may give one or both of them a try.
Sep 10, 2011 at 7:21 AM Post #1,099 of 7,982
I'm really starting to like these GR-07's. Comparing to my westone 3's the bass is less impactful, but the 07's have much better sub-bass, and Bass definition. While the Bass is easy to pick out there is Zero interference to mids and Highs. The Mids are awesome!!!  I got my Scull Candy large tips, and those suck too. I got Phonaks coming, and HiFimans Bi Flange (found out I could order these in the states), and also some sony hybrids. The Skull Candy;s fit is pretty ok, but they are too thin.
These 07's are surprising me daily now, as these are making me visit my collection again. With their amazing clarity, I'm hearing stuff that I've never heard before. Usually this happens with Jazz type music but I'm hearing things with everything. Like Black Label Society with "Final Solution" I'm hearing a very slight "Backwards" type cymbal in the mix where i've never heard that before. I am really looking forward to getting more tips, as even with a average seal (at very best) I'm getting notes and Tones bouncing at me perfectly. I also must add, this is my first attempt with Dynamic Drivers. so maybe this is a common thing for good DD's
I also must add while Isolation is not as good as say my W3's it really isn't as bad as I thought they may be. Takes care of the City noises easily. More to follow, once I get my new tips next week!!!

Wait until you get a better seal my friend. The experience will be all the more promising. 

Sep 10, 2011 at 11:12 AM Post #1,100 of 7,982
can someone compare this sonic-wise to the e-q5 ?
what's the better buy , iyo ?
Sep 10, 2011 at 4:20 PM Post #1,101 of 7,982
Well I decided I would try the Jays tips anyway, so $43 later I will see what happens, I guess if nothing else I will have some alternative tips for other IEM's or will use some of them to sweeten some of the items I need to resell soon. Went with large  black silicone and the foams
Sep 10, 2011 at 9:25 PM Post #1,102 of 7,982

Well I decided I would try the Jays tips anyway, so $43 later I will see what happens, I guess if nothing else I will have some alternative tips for other IEM's or will use some of them to sweeten some of the items I need to resell soon. Went with large  black silicone and the foams

Be sure to let us know how you like the foamies overall, not just on SQ alone. By judging from your posts methinks we share similar tastes, so your preference would be mine
Sep 10, 2011 at 11:36 PM Post #1,104 of 7,982
Dedication or insanity? LOL
Sep 11, 2011 at 1:21 AM Post #1,105 of 7,982
Well it turns out I had accidentally switched to a wider nozzle tip instead of the original tip and I did notice a wider sound stage than the original tips when I finally put them on. The wider tips would occasionally come of in my ear though which tipped me off that they were not the original tips. So I look forward to the Jays as they are supposed to have the wider opening but are snug enough to not come off easily or lose bass.
Sep 11, 2011 at 2:12 AM Post #1,106 of 7,982

Well it turns out I had accidentally switched to a wider nozzle tip instead of the original tip and I did notice a wider sound stage than the original tips when I finally put them on. The wider tips would occasionally come of in my ear though which tipped me off that they were not the original tips. So I look forward to the Jays as they are supposed to have the wider opening but are snug enough to not come off easily or lose bass.

I sprang for the jays foam tips and for me they attenuate the highs a bit, which seems odd to me because I was able to fit the tips quite far down towards the base of the housing, which left the nozzle just about even with the ends of the tips. That is there wasn't any part of the foam hanging over the end of the nozzle, but I still wasn't getting the clear highs I get with the stock medium tips. So I tried trimming the ends of the jays foam down a bit to maybe help give an even wider clearing for the nozzle, but highs are still a bit muddy. I guess the jays just don't fit my ears right to allow for a deep enough fit. The foam itself doesn't compress as well as comply foam (which I use on my DBAs) and consequently the iems probably sit a bit loose in my ears is my guess.
Sep 11, 2011 at 6:49 AM Post #1,107 of 7,982

Well it turns out I had accidentally switched to a wider nozzle tip instead of the original tip and I did notice a wider sound stage than the original tips when I finally put them on. The wider tips would occasionally come of in my ear though which tipped me off that they were not the original tips. So I look forward to the Jays as they are supposed to have the wider opening but are snug enough to not come off easily or lose bass.

Pleased you hear a difference with the larger opening. Works hey.(Phonak)
Sep 12, 2011 at 1:43 AM Post #1,110 of 7,982

Oh, hey, I just noticed that Frogbeats (UK store) is having a 15%-off pre-order sale for the GR07.  Well, if anyone who lives in the UK wants to give the GR07 a try, I guess now'd be the time!

£109 with another 15%off.Steal! Changed the packaging, no wonder. Nice case here, cannot of been cheap to produce.

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