US Head-Fi Tour: Burson Conductor 3X Performance - Starting July 2020
Nov 11, 2020 at 1:43 PM Post #46 of 72
HeadFi link to my review:

Blog link:

I really, really wish I had need for the 3XP as a replacement. It is a phenomenal desktop amp and so much more. Wonderful unit.
Thanks, added to the reviewer list at the front of the thread and is in queue to be added to the audiotiers site once I get caught up.
Nov 19, 2020 at 1:50 PM Post #48 of 72
Hi Barra,
I would like to know if you can add me to the tour, you have already all my information.

You are added my friend. :)
Nov 30, 2020 at 12:13 PM Post #50 of 72

Do you have any initial thoughts/inputs on the Conductor 3XP? I know that you've have the Wells Audio Milo amp and various others so wondering how this compares? What headphones have you used thus far?

I'm still in search of a great match for the 1266 Phi TCs so the Milo, Conductor 3XP, Soloist 3XP, Flux FA-10, Flux Volot (pending) are all on my radar. I would assume anyone who tests the Conductor with 1266/Susvara/HE6se will be a good proxy for comparable performance.
Nov 30, 2020 at 3:59 PM Post #51 of 72
Unfortunately I haven't received the conductor yet.
@BulldogXTRM has been holding on to the Conductor for OVER a month and a half! I've reached out to him several times but communication on his part is seriously lacking! He seems to check in around every ten days or so, last time was Nov. 19th and he said he would be shipping out the unit that day but hasn't replied since. Before that was Nov 9. and he apologized for the delay and said he would ship it then but he didn't. Oct. 26 same thing.

Sorry but at this point there is absolutely no excuse for this delay, he had plenty of time and chances to send the unit out but he hasn't. I advised him that if he is that busy to drop it off you can have a courier pick up the package from your house and get the show on the road but I'm still waiting.
@Barra also talked to him on our three way pm
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Nov 30, 2020 at 4:31 PM Post #52 of 72
Unfortunately I haven't received the conductor yet.
@BulldogXTRM has been holding on to the Conductor for OVER a month and a half! I've reached out to him several times but communication on his part is seriously lacking! He seems to check in around every ten days or so, last time was Nov. 19th and he said he would be shipping out the unit that day but hasn't replied since. Before that was Nov 9. and he apologized for the delay and said he would ship it then but he didn't. Oct. 26 same thing.

Sorry but at this point there is absolutely no excuse for this delay, he had plenty of time and chances to send the unit out but he hasn't. I advised him that if he is that busy to drop it off you can have a courier pick up the package from your house and get the show on the road but I'm still waiting.
@Barra also talked to him on our three way pm

Yeah if felt like things were moving along quite slowly! I was hoping to get it before Christmas but likely not now. When you get it you wouldn't mind posting some of your initial thoughts but no hurry.

I have a guy here in SLC that is selling one but really would like to get ahold of the product first as I'm a bit tired of playing amplifier roulette.
Dec 1, 2020 at 8:48 PM Post #54 of 72
Same here. There's been a few used Conductor's pop up on the for sale threads here that it would've been great to hear it first before pulling the trigger.
Sorry guys, I will reach out to Mike again.
Dec 1, 2020 at 8:51 PM Post #55 of 72
Sorry guys, I will reach out to Mike again.
Ops, looks like I spoke too soon, it was shipped out yesterday per a PM.
Dec 1, 2020 at 8:53 PM Post #56 of 72
Same here. There's been a few used Conductor's pop up on the for sale threads here that it would've been great to hear it first before pulling the trigger.
Hey guys, I can tell you that I heard many AMP/DACs and this one jumped out at me. It was the first that I have purchase in a long while as it is very special. In fact, I jumped up and grabbed the big brother reference version as I know I will be hanging onto this unit for a long time. :)
Dec 8, 2020 at 9:52 AM Post #57 of 72
Ok, just got home from work this morning and there was a couple packages at my door. Yup you guessed it, one of them was the Conductor. I opened the box and everything looks in order. I'll listen to it tonight and report back.
I'll pm the next two people in line for the tour.
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Dec 15, 2020 at 1:12 PM Post #58 of 72
Hey guys, any more impressions or reviews? This thread has been a little quiet, I would love to have more discussion. The reason that I created this tour was due to Burson's outstanding C3 performance that gets our CIEMs to the next level - especially these new tribrids. :)
Dec 16, 2020 at 3:41 AM Post #59 of 72
Well that was a short week! Man I honestly don't remember what happened but it's seems I only got one good listening session before and I'm doing some listening tonight before I ship it out later today.
Last listening session was mostly done with the hd800 (balanced) and a little bit with the TH900 (single ended). In both cases the Conductor preformed very well and both felt properly driven. The background had no noise, but I've heard quieter (black hole vaccum quiet, lol). Quite honestly I was very happy and satisfied with it as an all in one. Good looking unit, solid build, absolutely nothing wonky about it, lots of features, size and heft are also great. Volume control is very good, lots of range while using high gain mode. I used usb, optical and I briefly tried the Bluetooth input and it was seamless with my phone, I steamed Tidal master track and the oled displayed the bit rate at 24/96 which was a surprise to me. I encountered no hiccups with any inputs. It really was enjoyable and I felt nothing was lacking.

Yesterday I received the Hifiman He-r10 planar loaner headphone so tonight I thought I'd try to compare the Conductor to the Wells Audio Milo per @rmsanger request and that's when the Conductor came up short. The night before my listening chain was laptop > Aurender Flow > Milo > He-r10. Tonight I plugged in the he-r10 to the Conductor and right away it sounded flat in comparison. I tried the Conductor as a preamp to the Milo and still I think the dac in the Conductor comes up a bit short especially as far as a three dimensional stage goes, it sounds a bit flat.

As far as the amp goes the He-r10 is rather sensitive and easy to drive. The Conductor drives it very well but the Milo is just on another level. The Milo just sounds more real to put it simply. Instruments just pop out at you, they're bigger, bolder, three dimensional, well defined space, etc. The interesting thing is the Milo doesn't get fatiguing but I feel like the Conductor at the same listening levels is just a bit more bothersome in comparison because it sounds more like a wall of sound vs the Milo. Again, please keep in mind this is only when comparing them directly, otherwise I'd be perfectly happy with the Conductor.

In conclusion it's hard not to like the Conductor, I do wish I could use other dacs with it because the amp is seriously nothing to sneeze at but I do feel like that's a double edge sword and defeats the purpose of buying an all in one unit in the first place. Off the top of my head if I had to get an all in one unit I would pick this over the RME dac v1 I owned some time ago since the amp on this beats the living crap out of it!

I was listening to this while writing this down. I'm not really a Joni Mitchell fan but man, this is really good! check it out!.. check out the band, wow!
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Dec 16, 2020 at 9:04 AM Post #60 of 72

thx for the impressions I think I'll likely come to a similar conclusion. If anything the soloist will likely be a better fit for me but I'll also keep my eye out for a Milo. I had a chance to buy a base Milo a few months ago but passed because I knew nothing about it. Also interested in the Flux products and might try the FA-10 if a good used one pops up.

Still looking to my week with the Conductor early next year.

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