Ultimate Ears UE-x Pro Custom; Appreciation, Review & Discussion thread
Apr 16, 2011 at 11:26 PM Post #166 of 318
Well, I noted that the customs section, if they were going for neutrality, shouldn't the writer be using the JH13 to compare instead of JH16? The JH16 is regarded as bassier according to HF consensus. But overall interesting viewpoints. I got a general feeling of more drivers = better.

I think he meant that the JH16 is more neutral in the mids and upper treble than the ES5.  As an owner of both, I would probably agree, but someone could find the JH16's mids "recessed" and someone could find the ES5's midrange more natural.  JH16 has a sub-bass bump compared to ES5 (and probably JH13), but I've found it to be very subtle--nothing that would necessarily exclude JH16 from being called "neutral" when compared to other top-tier customs.  The UERM demo I heard seemed to be flatter in the bass, but that was a slight difference.  UERM also seemed to have a more forward midrange than JH16.
Apr 29, 2011 at 12:41 PM Post #167 of 318
Well, I just placed my order for the Reference Monitors.  Michael Dias at UE was very helpful throughout the process, and his personal attention was one of the main reasons I decided to get yet another pair of customs. 
I'm not sure why UE gets a bad rap for poor customer service; I know it's a huge corporation and emails to Logitech can be ignored, but the fact that they sent an informed and responsive rep to the NY meet showed me that they are willing to give personal service to headphone enthusiasts.  Based on the impressions I've read from the Bay Area meet, it seems that was the case there too.  Unfortunately, I guess not all customers have the opportunity to make a personal connection with one of the UE reps.
So...I've officially lost my mind.  With only 1 set of ears (which get irritated pretty easily by IEMs), will I be able to fully enjoy 3 sets of customs?  Will I have to convert my (long-delayed) JH16 vs. ES5 review into a menage-a-trois?  Stay tuned...
Apr 29, 2011 at 7:04 PM Post #169 of 318
I definitely get the impression that the customs division stands sort of outside the big Logitech umbrella... I've delt with them and Logitech directly recently and the customs groups customer service is really good, regular Logitech was so-so.

Apr 29, 2011 at 7:28 PM Post #170 of 318
dj nellie, Congratulations!! 

That is awesome.  I am really looking forward to your comparisons...I have found that with the DAC1's extension I love the UE RM without any adjustments.  With a slightly darker source I use a little brighter amp.  I think they do respond well to good amping.  
If I want "fun" I just EQ up the ends.  Still not as much bass "slam/bloom" as dynamic iems like the IE8 or Coppers but most of the time I don't miss that.  I can pop on the HF2 or the Coppers (going to do the Monster Challenge Review soon) if I need that.  It's cool to have the flat sound sig and to compare my other phones to- I'm trying to learn more about what I'm hearing. 
Interested in your amp combos or anyone's experience with the Pico Slim and UE RM.  Haven't heard that yet but from what I've been reading I think I am more a candidate for the Pico Slim than the RSA darker "house sound".
I'm glad you "lost your mind" because I'm wondering if you think that just bumping up the treble and bass works well for giving the UE RM a good sound sig change/"fun" sound if wanted  or if I might like the UE 18 too...  
BTW, Logitech has a Headquarters in Fremont (here in the Bay Area) but the UE team is down in Irvine (I think I remember Vincent saying that).   
Well, I just placed my order for the Reference Monitors.  Michael Dias at UE was very helpful throughout the process, and his personal attention was one of the main reasons I decided to get yet another pair of customs. 
I'm not sure why UE gets a bad rap for poor customer service; I know it's a huge corporation and emails to Logitech can be ignored, but the fact that they sent an informed and responsive rep to the NY meet showed me that they are willing to give personal service to headphone enthusiasts.  Based on the impressions I've read from the Bay Area meet, it seems that was the case there too.  Unfortunately, I guess not all customers have the opportunity to make a personal connection with one of the UE reps.
So...I've officially lost my mind.  With only 1 set of ears (which get irritated pretty easily by IEMs), will I be able to fully enjoy 3 sets of customs?  Will I have to convert my (long-delayed) JH16 vs. ES5 review into a menage-a-trois?  Stay tuned...

Apr 29, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #171 of 318
UE generously provided an audiologist for free impressions (if they were sent to UE) and also 25% off which was not known before the meet.  That really pushed some members over the edge.  I'm REALLY happy that I have customs now and it is sooner than I thought I could get them. 
When we do another meet later this year, UE may come to the Bay Area again...not sure if they will make the same offer but it is at least a good chance to try universal versions and get a sense of the different sound sigs.
I think dj nellie got the same deal at the New York meet that UE was at, but I'm not sure.
The next meet might have more than one customs vendor present too.  (But that might add some risk for me if I try another company since UE still has my impressions and already made one set from them that fit the first time.)

Just how much of a discount did you get from UE? I'm very much in the market for some customs...

Apr 29, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #172 of 318
Hehe yeah I didn't want to brag about the discount, but it was definitely a major factor in my decision too.  And Michael/UE were generous enough to give me plenty of time to think about whether to take advantage of the discount.
My hope, based on my brief audition, is that the RMs will be a more neutral complement to my ES5 and JH16, which are already fairly neutral but on some of my sources have a bit more bass warmth and less clarity than I would sometimes prefer.  I'm also hoping that UE gets the fit better than JHA did; JHA was patient in trying to accommodate me, but after like 9 refits and a 2nd set of impressions, they never got it even close to correct on my right tip.  My audiologist told me that because I have very straight ear canals, the tips can more easily pop out or move around when I walk or chew (a person with more curves in their canals might have more to grip onto the tips and keep them from moving).
Then again, I had been planning on converting my JH16s to JH3A (in part to fix the fit problem), so getting the RMs eliminates that possibility for a while.  I'll just have to avoid getting too jealous when I read the inevitable flood of gushing reviews, and tell myself that I have some sick headphones already (and the freedom to use any amp or headphone out I want with them).
Apr 29, 2011 at 9:11 PM Post #173 of 318
I'm not sure the RSA being darker is a universal maxim.  I heard the RSA Hornet expecting a darker signature and got what I thought was quite neutral.  Then again I didn't have an issue w/ the LCD2 being dark either so maybe I'm just deaf.
May 11, 2011 at 4:13 PM Post #174 of 318
Hey guys, I'm hoping I can get some help here, it may not be the best thread to ask but I didn't want to start a new one and it's somewhat related. I have a bit of a problem with my TF10's, and after contacting UE and logitech it doesn't appear that they will repair them. Since they won't repair them they have given me a pretty large discount on anything off of their site and I've been contemplating customs for a little while. I was considering getting the TF10's re-shelled into customs by Fisher but if I do that I would like them to be working perfectly. I was wondering in your opinions what would be the better UE custom if I go that route with my discount on the UE site. I listen to a pretty wide variety of music but hard rock and metal are the more common ones, although it's always mood dependent. Any help is greatly appreciated guys!
May 11, 2011 at 5:17 PM Post #175 of 318

Hey guys, I'm hoping I can get some help here, it may not be the best thread to ask but I didn't want to start a new one and it's somewhat related. I have a bit of a problem with my TF10's, and after contacting UE and logitech it doesn't appear that they will repair them. Since they won't repair them they have given me a pretty large discount on anything off of their site and I've been contemplating customs for a little while. I was considering getting the TF10's re-shelled into customs by Fisher but if I do that I would like them to be working perfectly. I was wondering in your opinions what would be the better UE custom if I go that route with my discount on the UE site. I listen to a pretty wide variety of music but hard rock and metal are the more common ones, although it's always mood dependent. Any help is greatly appreciated guys!

UE IERM or UE18.  Figure out your personal sound and pick accordingly.  IMO either go big or just do the reshell.
May 11, 2011 at 7:19 PM Post #176 of 318
I don't really want to go as big as the UE 18, I was thinking the UE 7 or UE 11 if you or someone can offer some advice on them. I hadn't considered the UE IERM before but I will now. If I get the re-shell then I'll end up getting a new pair of full head phones as well
May 11, 2011 at 8:09 PM Post #177 of 318
^^HeadphoneAddict has a great "Top-Tier Custom Comparison" thread you should look at for descriptions of the UE11.  They are supposed to be tuned to have more bass than neutral.  So are the TF10 you are looking to replace.  Maybe you can find some direct comparisons of people who have both?
(If you are looking for the same signature as the TF10, the TF10 have much more bass "bloom" than the IERM...I have and love both of them!) 
May 11, 2011 at 8:19 PM Post #178 of 318
Vincent did say to me the TF10 is similar to UE7, but the UE7 is tuned and built ground-up into a completely different product. May I ask what is wrong with your TF10s? Lunging for UE7/11/UERM will cost you about ~$900+ whereas reshelling will cost maybe $200. Given your relative inexperience from your profile (I apologize if I make the incorrect assumption), you may want to diversify or hang around the mid tier more before jumping to near summit. Head-fi is as much the journey experience in search for audio nirvana; if you jump right to the top you'll miss out a lot and not really appreciate good audio as much.
May 11, 2011 at 8:20 PM Post #179 of 318
^^HeadphoneAddict has a great "Top-Tier Custom Comparison" thread you should look at for descriptions of the UE11.  They are supposed to be tuned to have more bass than neutral.  So are the TF10 you are looking to replace.  Maybe you can find some direct comparisons of people who have both?
(If you are looking for the same signature as the TF10, the TF10 have much more bass "bloom" than the IERM...I have and love both of them!) 
EDIT:  Here's the thread: http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/440051/review-three-flagship-custom-iem-westone-es3x-vs-jerry-harvey-jh13pro-vs-ultimate-ears-ue11pro
May 11, 2011 at 8:42 PM Post #180 of 318
The only thing wrong with my TF10s is the left earphone crackles and makes a fuzzy sound (kinda like the whiteout on a tv) at certain lower range frequencies and some mids. It's not all the time, some songs I can listen to in their entirety and not have it happen once, some it occurs only during certain parts, and some it's near constant. So depending on the song determines how bad it is.
Well they won't be quite that much, as due to the problem logitech gave me a generous discount for when I order anything off the UE site. I am relatively inexperienced as I'm still young and at this point having different rigs and stuff is hard to justify. I made a pretty big jump when I went from my sennheiser PX-200's to the TF10s, since I was still in high school when I got the UE's it was hard to justify then but over the near 3 years I'm so glad I got them. All my friends at school think I'm crazy but I tell them I'm actually quite sane compared to many 
. I like to treat myself to something new after a summer of working or some kind of accomplishment, and I've decided it's time to spoil myself 

I was considering the UE 7 because like the TF10 has the 3 drivers, only I assume (anyone correct me if I'm wrong) are higher quality due to the price difference and the fact they're customs, and the price is bearable, great quality without a complete wallet bust.
Thanks CEE TEE, I'll take a look at that.
I always appreciate everyone's help on here, and I do apologize if I've derailed the thread

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