TOUR CLOSED - CUSTOMART US CIEM Demo Lineup Tour - Including Harmony 8 Pro
Apr 2, 2015 at 6:04 PM Post #378 of 533
The demo unit is en route to kunlun! :)
Apr 2, 2015 at 10:07 PM Post #380 of 533
  I live in Glencoe, MN and would like to participate in the tour.  I agree to follow the rules and conditions.

added to East Coast tour. However, if the tours get too lop sided, I may have to move things around a little to shorten wait times.
Apr 7, 2015 at 12:32 PM Post #381 of 533
Countdown to your turn Reminder:
As a reminder for those waiting their turn on the tour, I have been keeping post 2 up to date with status by bolding and coloring blue those that have received the kit so far. You can use that to see how many weeks you have left to receive the kit by counting the remaining people before you. The week is a week plus some shipping time.
Apr 19, 2015 at 12:42 PM Post #383 of 533
Many thanks to Piotrus-g and to Barra for making the tour happen.
I listened to the H8p using the Apex Glacier as an amp connected to a 5.5gen ipod. I listened to a wide mix of classical, Indian classical, with pop and rock, plus a little dubstep. It's a very nice earphone, stands with other high-end multi-BA earphones, and it's clear Piotrus put a lot of care into it. I found it had a very good coherency to the sound and good timbre for instrumental and classical music. Cymbals, which are often a challenge to reproduce well, were no problem for the h8p.
The overall tuning was balanced to the treble side a bit. I found the bass to roll off a bit in the sub-bass range to my ears. One way to describe the tuning would be that the bass and lower mids were more matte, while the treble was glossy. It's a very competent and well-composed sound. I tried a number of tips and moved toward foam tips to help with a few points of treble brightness, which to be fair were generally not a problem for me--I'm pointing it out so people can understand in order to suit their own preferences. Overall, it's a kind of monitor sound that I feel will really match what some people are looking for in a high-end earphone.
Thanks again and these will be moving on in the tour shortly!
Apr 28, 2015 at 1:34 PM Post #387 of 533
Is it to late to get in on this? I don't mind waiting.I live in Buellton, CA and agree to the terms of the tour.

You are in, added to the West Coast tour. Oddly, you ended up in the middle of the list given that we are going full circle to give the first participants a chance to hear the H8P. In this case, the middle is the end of the list.

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