Tinnitus - Who has them here and what do you do with it

Tinnitus - Who has it here?

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May 3, 2022 at 10:14 AM Post #33 of 82
Twenty-four year old Canadian singer, Amazon, Angel, Warrior and Wood Nymph, Grimes, suffers from
tinnitus and had to cancel her European Tour to give her ears a break:

"She recalls one specific concert she attended by one of her favourite bands, Animal Collective, saying, "I suffered permanent hearing loss from that show! I was high on drugs and pressed my ears on the speakers and so the next day I couldn't hear for nearly two days, and I get really sharp pain in my ears now."

"In a 2010 study, it was revealed that hearing loss among teens had risen over the past decade by approximately 31 percent. One in five teens in the U.S. now suffer from some degree of hearing loss and in Canada, one in 10 have hearing problems. Reasons for these statistics weren't specified, but it almost goes without saying that the popularity and inescapable presence of music in our everyday lives factors into a portion of these reasons.

As far back as 2008, the NY Times was reporting that the earbud generation was injuring itself daily: "Users listening at high volumes for more than an hour a day each week risk permanent hearing loss after five years." They added that the noise levels were more than would be permitted in the noisiest factory or work place."

May 3, 2022 at 10:49 AM Post #34 of 82
It started for me about three months ago. It is a fairly loud tone, about 1.5kHz equally in both ears. It is louder than the air conditioning fan in my hotel room and still obvious during spoken conversation.
It wasn’t there one day and then started the next. No noise exposure, illness or anything else that I can point to that triggered it.

It is one of those things that if I think about it it gets annoying and I then focus on it and it starts to irritate. Fortunately it is not stopping me from sleeping.

Right now the only respite from it is listening to music. With headphones on and music playing, even at low levels, gives my brain something else to listen to and the tone fades into the background. I’m favouring open back over the ear headphones since this started based on reading various advice online, but still using IEM for noisy environments as I figure it is keeping the overall sound level down. Frankly I have not experienced any difference between the headphones.

I’m 62 in a couple of days but still have excellent hearing range and pretty sensitive ears. I would love to get this fixed but based on past experience I don’t hold out much hope through the U.K. NHS.
Aug 18, 2022 at 8:04 PM Post #35 of 82
I had a pretty bad, lingering, ear infection awhile back in my left ear that took awhile to go away. Took multiple visits to an ENT and a few courses of strong steroids to knock it out. I had ringing in my ears throughout (much worse than tinnitus, I thought I was losing my hearing altogether). The ENT wasn’t concerned about long term hearing loss, or my headphone use.

Every once in a while something will trigger it, long listening sessions (possibly too loud at times after purchasing new gear and dialing in my dB limits), clogged ears or another minor ear infection. It always seems to subside after a couple of days as long as I’m careful not to overdo it. If you are hearing ringing it’s best to see an ENT, limit your volume levels and remember to take regular breaks. Tinnitus is just your brain telling you to back off the dial a bit (invest in an SPL meter, once your hearing is gone, it’s gone)

(After reading this thread high blood pressure and teeth grinding may also be a factor for me as well)
Aug 19, 2022 at 12:04 AM Post #36 of 82
Tinnitus is just your brain telling you to back off the dial a bit...
Well, it's been telling me since October 1987. I got the message a long time ago, it can stop any time now...

I was going to post anyway to let everyone know the Cicada are out. Or so I hear.

Someone else told me. That's what mine sounds like and i can never tell if it's my ears or if they're really out.
Aug 20, 2022 at 7:14 PM Post #37 of 82
I've suffered with tinnitus for around 20 years. In my right ear only at around 8kHz. I use a masking app on my phone that works really well to keep it under control.

There's quite a bit of research about the effectiveness of masking, particularly white noise. It doesn't eliminate the tinnitus, but trains your brain to ignore it. So, I can usually get by without too much discomfort.

Open-back headphones work best for me. When I wear my IEMs, anytime there is no music playing, the isolation makes the tinnitus much more noticeable.
Aug 20, 2022 at 7:42 PM Post #38 of 82
I've suffered with tinnitus for around 20 years. In my right ear only at around 8kHz. I use a masking app on my phone that works really well to keep it under control.
It must be horrible to only have it on one side. Like having water in your ear and waiting for it to clear but it never does. I'm lucky in that respect that it's the same sound at the same level in both ears.

I've checked out some of the Android apps but have never tired any of them or the over-the-counter remedies I've heard of. I'm happy fo r ou if they work.

It's been a part of my life more than half my life. So while don't love it, I can live with it. Mostly because I decided it was going to be that way early on.
Sep 3, 2022 at 2:00 AM Post #40 of 82
What treatment can be done for tinnitus?
None that I've been told unfortunately. I've had it for years due to and autonomic disease I got when I turned 40(about the time I became a member here. Hence the name)
Sep 13, 2022 at 10:30 AM Post #43 of 82
It's one of the things in the world can't be cured
There are cases where it is caused by some other underlying problem in which case it can be ‘cured’. Unfortunately in the majority of cases there is only mitigation through masking or training to ignore it. As with all things incurable cures often arrive eventually.
Sep 22, 2022 at 9:07 PM Post #45 of 82
I have tinnitus in my left ear. I blame my Denon AH-D2000 for it 😂 I wasn’t really into music at the time mostly just listening in the car at normal volume. Then I got those damn Denons and a portable DAC/AMP and was completely blown away. I had that dial on max. It was so loud I remember times when I would take off the headphones from my bedroom walk two floors down and still be able to hear it playing from my basement. I knew I messed up when one day I was laying down to sleep and suddenly my ear just instantly started ringing LOUD! It was such a pain to sleep that night but I told myself it would go away when I woke up. Well it died down a lot when I woke up but years later it’s still there.

I’m now OBSESSED with my hearing to the point where I measure db levels at places. I went to a wedding back in July and when they started playing music I measured it at 105db and went to sit in the lobby for the rest of the time I was there. People thought I was being ridiculous about it 😆.

I take breaks when listening to music and listen at 75db.

Unfortunately the damage is done all I can do is keep it from getting worse. Rereading what I just wrote it just shows everything is taken for granted until something bad finally happens.

I’ll never know what true silence sounds like again for possibly the rest of my life unless they come up with a cure.

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