The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
May 11, 2024 at 5:50 PM Post #88,966 of 90,825
If only a CP622B with DD bass would exist…
I would have thought the Jewel, but since you have that one already clearly that is not what you are looking for. I did not have enough ear time with the 622B because they were painful for me. But in terms of IEMs with neutral/reference tuning and DD bass I would have said the Jewel, although the bass quantity is a bit smaller and there is a small peak in the upper mids. I quite liked the Camelot for a reference tuning but I heard it only briefly. It has a double DD for the bass, which does not give it a lot of bass quantity but rather gives the bass great texture. Another one of my favorites with DD bass and a neutral-ish tuning (with some treble boost, which the Canpur also has IIRC) is the Kublai Khan, an underrated IEM imho. But yeah, quite a few of fhe neutral tuned TOTL IEMs have BAs for the bass. I guess you could look into the Fei Wan, but it is definitely more V shaped than neutral, so likely needs a listen before buying.
May 11, 2024 at 5:50 PM Post #88,967 of 90,825
Curious as to why a lot of TOTL iems don’t use a dd for bass when the demand is so high .. I feel like there might be some kind of scientific explanation 🧪🧬🔬
Of all the drivers, BA is the only one that specifically designed for IEM.
May 11, 2024 at 5:57 PM Post #88,968 of 90,825
Also BA has gotten really good at bass lately.

Yes definitely, I'm almost eating my earlier words with regards to the FA19 and it's ability to handle mid-bass kick drums for techno etc, listening to this and absolutely satisfied with the performance.

May 11, 2024 at 5:59 PM Post #88,969 of 90,825
Random, unexpected moments of emotionally-charged joy in audio occured this afternoon... which I figured I'd share as a somewhat stream of thought!

I hooked up my recently delivered FiiO FA19 to also my also recently delivered DITA Navigator as there were a few songs I was curious to hear on TIDAL, most notably ‘Angel of the Morning’ cover by Juice Newton as I had heard it a few months ago on a TV show (The Leftovers) and really brought me back to a time in early childhood. I’ve noted before, there is nothing for me that is more effective to ‘time travel’ than music, a unique ability to plunge me back to moments in life over the last fast-approaching five decades of my existence - the music fuelling a sense of almost actually being back at whatever point of life the song is connected to - in this case, I guess ‘Angel of the Morning’ must have been playing on the radio a lot at the time, I would have only been 5 years old but my Mum always had either the radio or records playing from as early in life as I can remember… as I say, personally speaking music is by far the most powerful vehicle to memories throughout my life. Anyway, I found myself pretty quickly in tears, followed by a combination of laughing at myself for crying :) - the emotions heavily two-fold… 1/ the music was doing exactly as what I just described, bringing me back to distant childhood memories that even with the passing of many years, I can still feel like being in those moments… sometimes an overwhelming experience 2/ Absolutely mesmerised by how the Navigator / FA19 combo hooked up to my phone were performing, absolutely jaw-dropping stuff which combined with emotional memories, had my brain spinning in musical awe at the same time, hence ending up laughing at myself!

I often talk about my love for the humble DD, but I indeed have an enormous soft spot for a well-tuned multi-BA set, and the FiiO FA19 is absolutely that - an effortless, but pristine tuning with truly phenomenal pinpoint, but not clinical imaging, and while the overall signature has excellent clarity and quite neutral tuning, it is at the same time beautifully captivating and incredibly engaging - be it male or female vocals, acoustic or electric guitars, percussion, synths etc etc… everything just sings with a breath-taking accuracy to my ears, and with buckets of emotion. The vented sub-woofer for me handles the lower registers of bass incredibly well, and even have a ‘rumble’ sensation - personally speaking where I find a DD can’t be beaten is more from a ‘thud’ or ‘punch’ of a kick-drum where a BA just can’t quite achieve that visceral sense of vibration in the mid-bass, and for genres like techno for example I would tend to favour a set with a DD in the mix, the Bellos X4 a great example, and while I’ve only recently waxed lyrical about that, there is definitely more to come - not sure it will include tears though…

So far I’m absolutely loving FA19 with ambient, classical, rock, folk, indie, experimental music etc but still need to further explore my electronic shelves such as house, techno, IDM. I’ve previously enjoyed the FiiO FD7 and FH9, but the FA19 is in another league altogether and for me not only represents fantastic value for $999 when compared to sets multiple times more expensive - I’m not suggesting it is a kilobuck-killer but I would certainly urge folks to give it a listen should the opportunity arise, you might just end up in tears and laughing at the same time :)

Funny how a song can trigger a burst of emotions, followed by a desire to document the moment by putting pen to paper, and then fingers to keyboard! And none of this would have happened had I not binge watched The Leftovers a few months ago, a quirky but brilliant series.

Writing out your thoughts is a good practice, and helps memory and learning. The concentration of doing one thing, not time sharing, is something that we do less and less of, resulting in brief and shallow thinking.
Normal practice is that we are always time sharing, doing multiple things at once, flitting from one thing to another, thinking that this is normal, and efficient.
Studies have shown that we all think we can time share effectively, but the actual truth is that nobody does it well, and it results in the brain never/rarely getting into "flow" state.

Writing with a fountain pen also gives another dimension. It is less convenient, and needs extra effort, but seeing the words formed by the flowing ink can help to focus the mind on the current activity/thoughts, and help the process of thinking and writing.
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May 11, 2024 at 6:09 PM Post #88,970 of 90,825

Writing out your thoughts is a good practice, and helps memory and learning. The concentration of doing one thing, not time sharing, is something that we do less and less of, resulting in brief and shallow thinking.
Normal practice is that we are always time sharing, doing multiple things at once, flitting from one thing to another, thinking that this is normal, and efficient.
Studies have shown that we all think we can time share effectively, but the actual truth is that nobody does it well, and it results in the brain never/rarely getting into "flow" state.
Writing with a fountain pen also gives another dimension. It is less convenient, and needs extra effort, but seeing the words formed by the flowing ink can help to focus the mind on the current activity/thoughts, and help the process of thinking and writing.

Yes I enjoy keeping notes in a journal, and often scribble notes during meetings in work as I find I retain the meeting content more so than I would if I were to type it - likewise my daily to-do lists, a page full of things I need to do for the day - very satisfying to tick off each as I complete, and push incomplete to the following day... although my discipline to do this every day can be poor and needs work!

Very interesting regarding fountain pens and that makes a lot of sense, I will read up further on that - cheers!
May 11, 2024 at 6:10 PM Post #88,971 of 90,825
How are the mids and highs on it? Does it overdo it with the treble to compensate?
Mids are recessed but rich and thick , highs are sparkly and pull out a lot of detailed overall it’s a very strange set, but has this slam and dynamics to it that I haven’t heard anywhere else such a cool different sound signature
May 11, 2024 at 6:16 PM Post #88,972 of 90,825
I remember reading a while back that 2TB microSD cards were on the way, and then also to expect a 1.5TB but I didn't realise the latter were now available, and actually not a bad price - I paid a lot more than this for 1TB a couple of years ago. I have 3x 1TB cards and most are reaching capacity, an extra 500GB will go a long way! This has made my Saturday night :)

May 11, 2024 at 6:19 PM Post #88,973 of 90,825
If only a CP622B with DD bass would exist…

This IEM is so insanely good, I think its becoming my nr1.
The amount of detail, vocals, imaging, soundstage, “lifelike” etc. To my ears, ahead of Jewel, Ve Aura, Traillii.

I might even accept it does not have a DD.

But if there is an IEM out there that is an exact match but with DD, I WANT IT!

Any of you have cable recommendations for the CP622B? I was thinking PW Audio First Times (because of visual match 😅)

Erebus possibly, certainly somewhat neutral, incredible imaging, soundstage etc and has config includes a DD... absolutely fantastic IEM, kicking myself for not buying when MT had a huge clearance discount late last year.
May 11, 2024 at 6:26 PM Post #88,974 of 90,825
I remember reading a while back that 2TB microSD cards were on the way, and then also to expect a 1.5TB but I didn't realise the latter were now available, and actually not a bad price - I paid a lot more than this for 1TB a couple of years ago. I have 3x 1TB cards and most are reaching capacity, an extra 500GB will go a long way! This has made my Saturday night :)

Yes, I recently bought one, but now it's almost full. I was waiting for at least one 2TB to go on sale, but I didn't wait, even though the news promised availability in the spring. Maybe later.
May 11, 2024 at 6:47 PM Post #88,975 of 90,825
I would certainly urge folks to give it a listen should the opportunity arise, you might just end up in tears and laughing at the same time :)

@Scubadevils listening to FA19 on the way to work, circa 2024, colorised

May 11, 2024 at 6:54 PM Post #88,976 of 90,825
@Scubadevils listening to FA19 on the way to work, circa 2024, colorised

Several hours later, and I'm still listening to FA19! - not currently crying or laughing though, might still change before I go to bed :) I must watch that movie!
May 11, 2024 at 6:59 PM Post #88,977 of 90,825
Several hours later, and I'm still listening to FA19! - not currently crying or laughing though, might still change before I go to bed :) I must watch that movie!
I highly recommend it.

I was PITA lately so my missus insisted that I went to the cinema with her to watch this. It’s hard to explain, but I do feel a bit lighter.

“Next time is next time. Now is now”
May 11, 2024 at 7:05 PM Post #88,978 of 90,825
I highly recommend it.

I was PITA lately so my missus insisted that I went to the cinema with her to watch this. It’s hard to explain, but I do feel a bit lighter.

“Next time is next time. Now is now”

It sounds like the right timing for me so - I will 100% watch it tomorrow... thank you!
May 11, 2024 at 7:26 PM Post #88,980 of 90,825
Now, I just get to sit back and enjoy, knowing I don't have to write a 4000-word essay about 'em. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
You mean you're going to write a 40,000 word essay :wink:
Knowing Daniel? He's gonna defend a dissertation on it

Hope you enjoy it! I'm loving the Feiwan, but given my experience with treble being the same or vastly different on customs, I've been hesitant to do that.

Not to mention Sifo's debacle with his custom Jewel. I've never really liked dealing with HK companies as a whole (but that's a seperate story) and his situation just annoyed me further
Beautiful in all their not-yellow glory! :heart_eyes:
Dang it! Just when I run out of popcorn
Conveniently I have some extra to share

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