The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
May 3, 2024 at 4:21 AM Post #88,246 of 90,803
If that's true I'll happily stay budget-fi forever! 😅
There's more than one way to skin a cat. You could forever chase that carrot hanging in front of your head and buy the best set out there each and every month. Or you could be happy spending $2k, $1k, or whatever number suits you best, stay at that number forever, and see sound quality improve to an incredible level over time.

Had to dry my eyes seeing this. One of the nicest responses I've ever seen... 🥰🥰🥰

How does CP54E compared to Diva? or even with Anni 23?
Betterderder than both to these ears.

[...] the greatest value of price to quality is at the knee of the curve probably around $2500.
Which brings me to a question I've had for a while now:

I don't think I'm prepared to spend over $3k on a new pair of IEMs, but since chances are close to 100% I'd want to either upgrade or sidegrade the cable, I wonder if there are any higher priced IEMs that can be bought without the cable and come close enough price-wise because of it. I know Fitear DC/Ti is one of them but that one's just impossible to demo over here. If you guys know of any other models that I should demo then please chime in.

May 3, 2024 at 5:03 AM Post #88,247 of 90,803
Today is bandcamp friday people! And as you know, the spirits of Ramen and Cool Water commend us to spend money not only on gear, but music as well!
Bandcamp waves all their profit on sales today, the perfect time to support your favorite artists, gift yourself or your friends some good music and discover new favorites. :) I said I would plug my own stuff one last time, so please click on my fancy new title and listen to our new EP, if you haven't already. It's a free download, but you can gift us some amount, if you want to. Thanks for checking it out!

But I actually want to promote something else today:

This is from an old friend of mine. We, Take A Walk, played in a band with him before he went to study music and became pro. He has grown into a full time, hard working musician. Unlike us, who do this for fun and as a hobby, he has to play the game of the industry and work multiple jobs like teaching music, playing in a big band, getting gigs for his own music and creating new material, all at the same time. I thought it would be nice to suprise him with some unexpected attention to his own music, to get him motivated to work hard on his next release.
Also, here are some live sessions he has recorded with his band, to proof to you how good they are 😁:

The music from these live sessions is available here:
If you like it, please show him some love. So far me and the guy I just gifted a copy to are the only people who bought his EP on bandcamp. 🥲 He deserves better. Thanks to you and may your path to divine gear be filled with good music and great people to share it with.
Scubi Damz Hurst - ergo sum, Ramen. 🙏
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May 3, 2024 at 5:55 AM Post #88,248 of 90,803
If you like it, please show him some love.
Do you have some private connection to him, or is he just a random musician that you bumped into and liked?
I was thinking, yeah, right...ok...but I opened the clip anyway...and...I quite liked it! Gooood stuff. :)
So...I might buy that album from Bandcamp..but I prefer CDs...if you have a link to where to buy a it!

Hmm... a link that leads to Bandcamp would be great, too; sometimes I have a tendency to get lost in the space and time continuum. :)

May 3, 2024 at 6:08 AM Post #88,249 of 90,803
Do you have some private connection to him, or is he just a random musician that you bumped into and liked?
I was thinking, yeah, right...ok...but I opened the clip anyway...and...I quite liked it! Gooood stuff. :)
So...I might buy that album from Bandcamp..but I prefer CDs...if you have a link to where to buy a it!

Hmm... a link that leads to Bandcamp would be great, too; sometimes I have a tendency to get lost in the space and time continuum. :)

Hey, he is an old friend of mine, that I played in a band with with my mate from Take A Walk, a couple of years ago, before he went to go study music. :) The bandcamp link is the first one in the post, he has two EPs on bandcamp. 😁 Sadly no CDs as far as I know, though. But I can ask him, if you like!
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May 3, 2024 at 6:36 AM Post #88,251 of 90,803
Looked up his page just last night to see if I could find an Orpheus Shielding for @slumberman but without a positive result. Any other sources you can recommend for exotic stuff?

Edit: Overlooked this quote. I was just going to add that his page is not always updated and sometimes it is best to reach up to him to see if he either has something not listed yet or if he could help you source for one.

One way in which I like to relive Canjams is by looking at photos a month or so after the event. I really enjoy Singapore Canjams. Singapore is such a great city for audio events and also in general. And probably one of the best cities in the world for food and those who like to eat. 🙂

Apart from the burger, those are some delicious Singapore/Asian cuisine there! Love the food porn!

Speaking of great food, I made something extra special for myself last night.

The scotch isn't half bad either! One of the best valued whiskey's around imho!

Sunday survey-- what is your hobby "Credo"? Which is to say, what are some of the guiding principles or notions you have arrived at or which help inform your journey through the audio landscape.

Here are a few of mine:

1) There is no one "right" way to embrace, approach or enjoy this hobby, and no one right way to appreciate and enjoy sound. What is ideal for one person may not at all work for someone else.

2) The listener, the act of listening, and that being listened to cannot be meaningfully divorced from one another. For this reason all measurements, no matter how elaborate and detailed, will only tell a small part of the story and there will never be a substitute for actually hearing something for yourself.

3) The human ear is the most perfect and only self-sufficient measurement rig there is. One should always listen to an IEM first and look at measurements second, lest the measurements skew your perception and expectation of the sound.

4) Target curves-- universal or personalized-- do not appeal to me. I can appreciate a wide variety of tunings, so long as they are well executed. Target curves tend to homogenize the listening experience and suck the life and soul out of it.

5) Most of what is important to me cannot be discerned from an FR curve.

6) While there are surely elements of both, good tuning is more of a art than a science. I am not interested in a tune-by-committee or algorithmic approach. I want to sense the inspiration and artfulness of the tuner.

7) I respect the rigidly science-based approach to this hobby...but it has never appealed to me personally.

8) The greater the degree one is able to follow their own passions and inclinations in this hobby and not get bogged down by the noise of other's opinions or the fog of hivemind and groupthink...the greater will be their own satisfaction in this hobby.

9) Everthing in the signal chain can affect sound in discernable ways-- often synergy is more important than any single factor. Key differences may not be apparent or jump out right away-- but will manifest and become apparent with repeated or extended listening. I can appreciate good BA bass in the short term, but in the long term something about it always triggers my OCD.

10) It takes a lot of time and experience to find out exactly what you like. Just as no two snowflakes are alike, it's reasonable to expect that no two people's tastes in audio will be exactly the same.

What are some of yours?
I have just one credo. Every IEM is unique and replays music in a way that was intended by whomever tuned. If I don't jive with it, I move on. On this basis, when I do share impressions, it is to provide another data point.

2024 highlights - 4 of my favourite sets 🤤

Now that is some flex there!

To me, they are two different types of beasts. Both can arguably offer some of the best experiences you can find in the IEM market.

The Viking OG is basically a technical powerhouse—it's the most resolved IEM I've heard to date. When I listen to orchestra/movie soundtracks, I can easily identify the position of each instrument and their textures, all wrapped in a wide soundstage. But I must say, I don’t like the Viking OG for every track. It excels with high-quality recordings, especially orchestras, violins, and movie soundtracks (like those by Hans Zimmer), but it doesn't perform as well with pop tracks, where you might notice some sibilance.

On the other hand, the Amber Pearl is a solid, well-tuned all-rounder, probably a “one-and-done” IEM for most folks when driven through an N30LE AP. The sound reminds me a bit of the “Multiverse Mentor Pro Max”—it has a great holographic BCD soundstage and balanced tuning, in which AP can cover a wide genre of music on a very high level. However, I found that the stock cable doesn't do it justice. I prefer to swap it out for an Orbitsaga/Erua Type 7 for added resolution and energy.

Compared to the Viking OG, the Amber Pearl sounds a bit less resolved and less bright as trade off, but has its unique BCD effect, as well as more bass quantity. They just offer two different types of experiences for enjoying the music we all love.🥰
+1. Completely agree with your impressions! Both are so engaging in a different kind of way! Both are TOTL and tough to choose if I could just have one. If it were just based on looks though, it would be the Viking. The damascus steel is sick!

So do we know which was intended by Aroma? Of course it’s probably not Uselessly Late…

If I am not wrong, it was named after the the owner of Aroma Audio?

That film was my introduction to Gosling, Isaac and Winding Refn; one of my absolute favourites of the 2010’s.

They make some pretty darn’ good IEMs, though.

Shipping soon… 😉
Damn! Very nice Daniel! Congrats!

Agreed depending on how far you go back. My TOTL would be my FitEar Titans from 2017 (2018?) and I hadn't done any critique listening till CanJam SG - after a 5 year hiatus. To my surprise a 2017 $3k TOTL sound can be achieved by a 2024 ~$1k IEM with 2024 $2k surpassing a yesteryear TOTL. Having said that, law of diminishing returns kick in - it's not a linear improvement.

the 2015-2020 dabbled with EST with a hit 'n miss, but in 2024, EST has been cohesively integrated, not to mention bone conduction too. Alas, my disposable income is a lot more limited after having kids so yesteryear TOTL will remain my TOTL.
Isn't the recently raved Creator a Titan in universal form? That's a 10k iem we are talking about so still very much relevant!
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May 3, 2024 at 6:38 AM Post #88,252 of 90,803
Just got my brand new Apollo Jr. from ALT-R in for review. Have to say, it looks even better in person! Thank you @Visveswaran Umashankar...can't wait to try it out with my gear!

PS. Apollo Jr. comes with two Pluto cases and a soft-top pouch inside. Each of these have their own accessories included, such as partition panels and IEM/cable pouches. Everything is modular and configurable for almost any system.
May 3, 2024 at 6:40 AM Post #88,253 of 90,803
Sharing Pilgrim impressions from my post on discovery thread:

Elysian Acoustic Labs Pilgrim has landed!

First impressions with stock ear tips, HiBy R4 with local FLAC files:

- Very well-tuned with a neutral and even sound signature. There is no additional warmth and at the same time, there is NO significant emphasis at the upper frequencies.

- Coming from a Harman-tuned IEM, I am pleased to find that the upper midrange is not as forward. There is enough emphasis to make vocal forward and clear but not shouty. There is also no sibilance, even when I test the harshest tracks in Ed Sheeran’s “=“ album. This IEM does not sound like Effect Audio Gaea at all.

- Treble (e.g., horn, hi hat, cymbals) is clear, detailed without being harsh or piercing.

- The bass can be contentious. It has the same sharp attack with short decay, similarly to the Gaea. The bass line is clean, precise, and “snappy”, but not as thick as I would like from a DD. On the plus side, details and texture of the bass are excellent. Bass is also well extended into the subbass and can rumble if the track has that content.

- Excellent separation, note definition, overall sense of clarity. Every instrument is well defined with sharp boundary. Micro details come through well. Combining with the bass, this IEM as a snappy, tactile presentation, like plucking a tightened string if a guitar.

- Large and spacious soundstage. With R4, the stage feels a bit 2D and flat. I will see whether the stage can gain some depth from my iBasso DX300 and L&P W4.

In general, this IEM is a winner so far on both technical performance and tuning. It will make the value proposition of some kilobuck IEM quite questionable, especially if one is looking for a neutral and technical IEM.

Lee is killing it with Pilgrim.
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May 3, 2024 at 6:58 AM Post #88,254 of 90,803
Ah...Ok, right :)
FLOOD bought.

Greetings to your friend...I will be very disappointed, kind of :) if he doesn't succeed.
I hope I will find a CD somewhere.

EDIT: and MIND bought :wink:

Cheers! :beerchug:
Wow, that is so awesome! He will be over the moon. 😁🙏🙏
May 3, 2024 at 8:06 AM Post #88,255 of 90,803
Effect Audio - CODE Series - CODE 24


I’m not here to persuade the unpersuadable. Cables have been one of my more recent obsessions within the audio hobby. For me, cables are a fine tuning tool. A link in a chain that can ultimately enhance or impair a particular set up. So with that out of the way, let’s get it.

Nothing Is What it Seems

Say what you want about the CODE series, because I’ve likely said the same thing. I was first introduced to this cable through a Head-Fi prototype tour sponsored by Effect Audio. The prototype cables were bare-bones. No termination hardware, no y-splitter, and no ear hooks. To be completely honest, I wrangled with these puppies for about an hour and shipped them off the follow day. No ear hooks on a CODE series cable should be a crime. Following this initial impression, I had no interest in further testing the CODE 24 or 24C.

Fast forward to CanJam NY. Day 2, I was committed to sampling some new cables and what better way to start the day than by visiting a fellow head-fier and friend @Sebastien Chiu. Instead of starting from the bottom-tier products and working up, I prefer to do the opposite. Set expectations high and work down. This strategy typically allows me to save a few precious minutes at each booth since cable performance typically degrades pretty quickly with price. Since I already own, or have owned, quite a few EA cables, there were only a handful on my list to try. Centurion I Chiron I Cleo II Octa. While all 3 did impress me, I would need a lengthier, more controlled atmosphere to truly evaluate. They just weren’t what I was looking for based on first impressions. Starting to lose faith, I thought why not and went in for the CODE 24.

Instantly, this was something I really jived with. A significant sub-bass boost that was well controlled, impactful, and didn’t bleed into the lower mid’s. The Mid-range remained neutral, maintaining the exceptionally natural timbre of my beloved NGaudio Khaos. A healthy boost of air, stage and imaging. Was this the same cable I previously heard? Did I make a mistake writing this cable off? After a couple tracks, I was sold and immediately emailed Andrew over at MusicTeck to put in my order.

If I’ve learned anything over the last two years when it comes to cables, my sonic preference almost always leans to a solid core structure. Why? Great question because I absolutely despise the ergonomics of them BUT sonically, they just really do something for me.

Cable Composition
Internal Configuration


CODE Series – CODE 24
MSRP - $799
Color - Cosmic Blue
Material - Selected Premium UP-OCC Silver-Plated Copper
Shielding - EA UltraFlexi Insulation
Core - Trio-Flex Pure Solid Core System/ 13 Multi-sized Core Bundles/ Proprietary Multi-size Strands Blend
Gauge Size - 16.5 AWG
Accessories - Set of Basic ConX 2.0 connectors, Carrying Case, Warranty Card

Physical Analysis
Cable Aesthetics and Functionality


So let’s talk about the cable itself. Like all recent CODE series releases, ergonomics remain sub-par. But I can confidently say the CODE 24 is much improved over the CODE 23. I do the majority of my listening at a table or stationary position so this is less of an issue for me. For testing purposes, I did sport the CODE 24 out on a few walks with the pups and with the assistance of the stock Y-split slider, or what EA refers to as the ‘gem’, I had no issues of dislodged IEM’s or moments of despair. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it’s manageable. I also want to point out the improved Y-splitter design over the CODE 23. The slider is almost fully concealed within the outer chassis when not in use and is much more satisfying to adjust.

The cable and hardware is finished in a deep ‘cosmic’ blue, complimented by a tasteful dose of golden accents. Though I typically prefer a more neutral look, this cable is absolutely stunning with the right IEM pairing. If you’re like me, aesthetics play a significant role when selecting a permanent pair up with a set of my IEM’s in my collection.

I purchased my CODE 24 with a permanent Pentaconn 4.4mm termination based on preference but it should be noted that the default cable is equipped with TermX. Like all other current EA offerings, this cable has ConX for adaptability. You will receive a basic set by default, but are able to add additional connectors if needed. I personally hesitate purchasing any cable without swappable IEM connectors anymore. Mainly due to a revolving door of new IEM’s showing up on my doorstep.

There is No Sound in Space
Impressions from Earth


This cable has been ‘burned in’ for roughly 100 hours. Sources include the Sony WM1ZM2 and Shanling M9+. IEM’s used include Oriolus Monachaa/ Elysian Annihilator/ AME Raven. My music selection for this review varies widely, including but not limited too Daft Punk, 3LAU, GoGo Penguin, Glass Beams, Hans Zimmer, The Black Keys, Glass Animals, Microwave, Northlane, Erra, Ingested, Knocked Loose, Hollow Front,

Bass - Immediately, I notice a significant boost in quality, quantity and impact. Not quite to CODE 23 levels, but there is an unquestionable improvement to the low end with the CODE 24. The low boost manages to fall off just shy of the mid-bass region maintaining a notable delineation. The biggest problem I’ve had in the past with pure silver cables is the mid-bass boost muddying the mix. Not here. Granted this is a hybrid, but I felt it should be noted to alleviate any potential concerns.

Mids - Lower mid’s remained exceptionally neutral, maintaining the natural timbre of all IEM’s tested. The upper mid’s however do get a little treatment here, specifically in clarity and overall spaciousness. Vocals come through with more authority and weight without being pushed forward in the mix. This is a massive plus in my book, as I typically prefer vocals to remain slightly recessed in the overall mix. Lastly, I’d like to highlight the overall smoothness in the upper-mid range presentation. The CODE 24 allows for a highly musical experience without sacrificing resolution.

Treble - There are some audible enhancements to the treble region as well, though nothing transformative. What I found to be most impressive was the overall improvement in imaging and instrumental separation. In addition, the high end of the spectrum receives a tasteful injection of sparkle without introducing any sibilance or unnatural peaks.

Techs - The most consistent improvement I noticed throughout my testing was a natural growth in stage width. This boost allowed for a greater sense of space between tracks and an overall improvement in resolution and detail retrieval. I wouldn’t say the CODE 24 increases or emphasizes micro/ macro details, but rather allows for more information to come through with the growth in stage.



Effect Audio CODE 23 - For those unfamiliar, the CODE 23 is the pure copper variant in the CODE series sporting a $599 price tag. First and foremost, ergonomics are greatly improved over the 23. I also prefer the 24’s new slider and hardware design. I do find the CODE 24 a bit more picky in pairing. Sonically, the CODE 23’s sub bass presentation and dynamic performance takes the cake. While the CODE 24 is no slouch in either department, it provides an overall smoother, more relaxed presentation. I do prefer the CODE 24’s influence over the treble region, adding that extra sparkle and air within the mix. From a strictly sonic perspective, both are fantastic choices for the price.

Effect Audio Fusion 1 - While the Fusion 1 may not live under the CODE series umbrella, it does have an undeniable resemblance in cable geometry. Instead of pure copper or silver-plated copper, the Fusion 1 is constructed of gold plated silver litz, pure silver litz and pure copper litz. The Fusion 1 is also the most expensive of the bunch, carrying a $999 price tag. Ergonomics between these two cables are pretty darn comparable. Aesthetically, I think the Fusion sports a more sophisticated look that’s easier to match with IEM’s if that’s important to you. Starting with the low end, the Fusion 1 tends to tighten up the low end resulting in a more controlled, punchy presentation compared to the CODE 24’s overall boombastic boost to this region. I also sense a richer, ever so slightly forward presentation to the mid-range with the Fusion. Both cables display exceptional clarity and air. Technicality improvements are pretty consistent between the two.

Eletech Perseus - I think these cables display a lot of the same enhancements, but the Perseus’s improvements are just a bit more subtle. The Perseus has great sub bass depth and texture, just with less quantity. Mids seem slightly recessed on the CODE 24, but I attribute this to its explosive sub-bass and modest treble ‘coloration’. Both cables provide a substantial boost to overall staging. Again, I wouldn’t call one better than the other. My choice between the two would strictly come down to the IEM I was pairing it with.

Verdict (With a Grain of Cosmic Dust)

If there’s anything I’ve learned in this hobby, it’s not to buy a product solely based off hype. Too many times have I been disappointed with a product praised by the community. Do your research! I also recognize that demoing products is not always an option so there is that. Bottom line, take my impressions with a grain of salt. The music I listen too, or what a demand from my gear may significantly differ from you. Theres plenty of people that will claim this cable is trash and that’s OK. I don’t require public validation and neither should you. Enjoy what you enjoy! For me, I love having this cable in my arsenal. It’s aesthetically unique, versatile, well constructed and provides a specific set of tricks I can use to fine tune sets in my collection to my preference. If you interested in purchasing, see link below!

MusicTeck - Effect Audio Code 24
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May 3, 2024 at 8:33 AM Post #88,256 of 90,803
Yep, tried with Traillii, what aspects are you interested about?

When driven through a good Android phone, Mac or PC it sounded almost like DX320 MAX on Gain 2. The background is black, sound is quite technical with noticeable sub bass boost and a bit of highs highlighting, the scene is very wide.
Through older iPhone like regular 11 one the sound would be more V-shaped and with a small stage.
Beware that DC Elite is quite heavy for the dongle.
Based on the reviews it seems like it'll be a nice contrast to my wm1am2 when I want a more energetic sound presentation. I haven't used anything with a stepped attenuator and was curious if the volume adjustment would be an issue but I guess the bird isn't too sensitive.

I primarily use dongles with my laptop so I'm not too worried about the weight/power draw.
May 3, 2024 at 8:48 AM Post #88,257 of 90,803
@PinkyPowers I personally consider the Odin’s to be a classic and Empire’s best creation till date.
I can see how that would be. Especially after putting on the Type E tips. Truly outstanding performance with much nicer tonality.
May 3, 2024 at 9:10 AM Post #88,258 of 90,803
Well I see more and more “transportable” amps being released, like ibasso p5, ms 475, enleum hpa, etc. They especially have my interest, I like small form-factor. And ofc, an improvement in sound and power. Good to hear that IEM’s also benefit, not just headphones.

Yeah quality of the device is also important, not just sound. That is why im hesitant about the tsu and mass kobo.

Ibasso p5 and enleum hpa, seem both like such better designed devices (visually and build quality).

What you are describing is what Im looking for in sound improvement. Little more bass, bigger soundstage and fuller sound.

Would be cool if someone could do a big “portable amp” comparison article
Headphone Auditions In Amsterdam probably has most to compare and they have the amp by Thrax as well which could/should be added to your shortlist.
May 3, 2024 at 9:21 AM Post #88,259 of 90,803
Agreed depending on how far you go back. My TOTL would be my FitEar Titans from 2017 (2018?) and I hadn't done any critique listening till CanJam SG - after a 5 year hiatus. To my surprise a 2017 $3k TOTL sound can be achieved by a 2024 ~$1k IEM with 2024 $2k surpassing a yesteryear TOTL. Having said that, law of diminishing returns kick in - it's not a linear improvement.

I often wonder what today's summit-fi Head-Fiers would think of yesteryear's treasures. Objectively speaking, there is more technology to work with these days in sculpting sound signatures, but there's still some old stuff out that that is very unique. For example, what would people now think of a Tralucent 1p2 with the silver+gold cable? The staging on that thing was insane!

Had to dry my eyes seeing this. One of the nicest responses I've ever seen... 🥰🥰🥰

:pray: :blush: :potato:

There's more than one way to skin a cat. You could forever chase that carrot hanging in front of your head and buy the best set out there each and every month. Or you could be happy spending $2k, $1k, or whatever number suits you best, stay at that number forever, and see sound quality improve to an incredible level over time.

I've often found it useful to simply take price out of the equation. IOW, how I think or feel about how something sounds should be kept completely separate from how much it costs... because a thing doesn't sound better just because I can afford it, nor does it sound worse because I can't.
May 3, 2024 at 10:52 AM Post #88,260 of 90,803
The scotch isn't half bad either! One of the best valued whiskey's around imho!

Especially at $80! Back during COVID, I couldn't find it for under $110.

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