The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 20, 2024 at 12:16 PM Post #79,096 of 90,689
In other news I'm jealously reading about all of your collective tip rolling experiences. For me there are so few tips that properly fit me I don't have the luxury of being able to use the vast majority that are on the market.
I have 18 types that are all 13.5 or 14 mm. That's either Large or eXtra Large. I thought that's what you used as well?

I had a need, previously, to fasten the cable to relieve the weight on the IEM, when I was using them during daily commuting. For a shirt clip, I tried various ones that had a spring loaded clip to hold the cable. These were quite large, and cumbersome, to be able to handle a large diameter cable. And the clip was not secure enough, and could come loose easily.

I looked for another way, that I could implement with available materials, and wound up with what you see below. Instead of trying to find a clip with an attachment for a larger cable, I thought of putting an attachment loop on the cable instead.
Using monofilament (fishing line) and clear heat shrink, I attach a small monofilament loop to the cable splitter using clear heat shrink. So it is fairly unobtrusive. A small nylon ty-wrap, could be used if you have no monofilament handy. Or string, etc. But I like the monofilament better, as it holds it's loop shape, making it easier to use. You can "shape" the loop with a heat gun/hair dryer.
I have these loops installed on all the cables I was using back then.

Once you have the loop on the cable:
- use any clip through the loop, and to your shirt, t-shirt, etc. The nice thing is that this can be any small clip that has a good grip. And most have a better grip than the "normal" cable clip.
- use an over the head lanyard to clip to the loop
- slip over a button before you button the shirt

A small section of clear heat shrink can also be used to prevent a cable slider from sliding.

I didn't expect an academic response and solution! Will certainly give it a thought. I have been thinking about how to abuse the shirt buttons but couldn't find a good solition. Yours is.

Time to join the Watercooler. Man, I have a lot of pages to get through. 😂
Don't worry too much as we recycle stories, experiences, and pet pics every 6-12 months. We're like a sightseeing bus doing its hourly loop. Use your imagination, replace model names with the hottest trend, and you're good. Rinse and repeat. 🤗

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Jan 20, 2024 at 12:29 PM Post #79,097 of 90,689
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Jan 20, 2024 at 12:32 PM Post #79,098 of 90,689
I didn't expect an academic response and solution! Will certainly give it a thought. I have been thinking about how to abuse the shirt buttons but couldn't find a good solition. Yours is.
Or maybe use something like this but make sure the spring are not too strong
Jan 20, 2024 at 12:39 PM Post #79,099 of 90,689
Or maybe use something like this but make sure the spring are not too strong
C'mon folks, I have the technical insight of a glow worm! How would I use this? Are you suggesting looping the cable through one of these and then do "something" with the loop? Hook it around a button perhaps? That would only work if you'd sit tight so I assume you're laughing LOL while reading this already. Tnx...

EDIT: I guess you'd need one of those on each part of the cable and secure both loops with the button, right? If you only use one the other part of the cable is still going to scrape I'd think.

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Jan 20, 2024 at 12:44 PM Post #79,100 of 90,689
Had a chance to briefly audition today Raven V1 and Aroma Fei Wan. As for the cables - some custom-made ones were used, resembling Brise Audio products to me due to weight, shielding and ergonomics. If I remember correctly some nasty speaker cables were reassembled and used as a raw material for the IEM cables.

I found that a lot of different tips worked well with Fei Wan, from SpinFits to Baroques.
While listening directly from 320 Max Ti I was hearing FW as a very sharp dynamic IEM with great extension and elevation on both ends, I really liked it a lot. The sound wasn’t too much energising for me, I did not have a perception of an overly bright or harsh sound, mids were quite clear and not recessed to my taste.
Paired with Tsuranagi it brought overall performance to another level in terms of separation, details and tonality - like FW owner said it reminded him of listening to Susvara, the change was that dramatic.
And it also made the sound less sharp and more natural.
Also Piss Bliss colour was kinda nice 🙂

As for the Raven V1 it surprised me to be much more delicate than I have expected. It has a very balanced and pleasing tuning, bass was not thunderous, mids and treble sounded natural but it hasn’t left an impression of an overly-detailed or special set.
Combined with its gigantic shell which was overall OK in terms of fit and being very tips sensitive I can hardly justify buying one on the current market.
I was told that V2 has more prominent bass and nice resonances in the lower frequencies but unless those changes are dramatic I’m afraid that ravens would not leave anything from the corpse of initially projected EE profits.

Will definitely think about adding FW to my collection one day and I’m happy meeting with the pals having a great time discussing new shiny toys.
Jan 20, 2024 at 12:48 PM Post #79,101 of 90,689
Hi friends!! :)

It’s that time of the week again!! Saturday = Fun Day!! (Admittedly it would rhyme better with Sunday, but well…)
Micro Canjam time!! :ksc75smile:
Just missing some Cooler love around!! :D I’m not gonna complain though, the regular locals and the shops tenants are super cool and friendly! :)

My personal micro canjam :



From left to right: Fitear DCTi, Canpur CP622B, Oriolus Traillii Ti, Rosenkranz Silver HB, Annihilator 2023, Simphonio P0, Dunu Glacier, Noble Ragnar.

RK HB looks so small in comparison to the big boys around! And next to the biggest one (DCTi) it looks like a Barbie earphone! :D

DCTi is really chunky, but it remains super comfy! Sound wise it’s still one of my favorites! Really cool set! If it wasn’t for the PITA it is to actually get one, I’d probably would have plunged a while ago! If you’re not aware about the process, to get one you need to be a previous owner of at least 1 set of Fitear custom! It takes about 3 months to get a custom done. Which means, if you’re like me and never had a Fitear set before, you’ll need to order a Fitear set of your choice, wait 3 months to get it, then purchase the DCTi and wait 3 more months to get it… I’m not that patient… :triumph:
Maybe it’s worth the wait though… it’s really good! Very well balanced warm tuning with great analog vibe, epic soundstage size that feels very natural, satisfying DD bass, beautiful natural meaty mids and nicely executed trebles that are well detailed without feeling digital.
It’s a bit sad this brand is not represented in the west as I’m sure it would be a home run for many!

I could put my custom 622b against the mighty Taillii Ti, and I’m actually surprised to find out the custom 622 is globally warmer! From memory I would have thought Traillii would have had meatier mids, but it’s not the case. My custom has more body. Not to mention that the bass is several levels above in terms of quantity and quality (this I’m not the least surprised though). They both have huge soundstage, but 622 has better separation and positioning cues. Trebles feel about on par with slightly smoother lower trebles for the custom 622.

I also revisited the Dunu Glacier. Still impressed by the full package experience for the price! Quite impressive to be honest! Build quality is from the best in the business, albeit it’s a bit heavy with its stainless steel build but it remains very comfy. Nicely executed Harmanish tuning boasting awesome bass, neutral clean mids and super detailed trebles. Trebles can feel a tad digital but nothing serious.

Cheers friends , 🍻


PS : I might demo the anaconda soon! A crazy friend just bought a Brise Audio Murakumo 2!! It must be the toughest motorcycle lock in town! 😂 I’ll let you guys know if I survived the anaconda!!
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Jan 20, 2024 at 12:53 PM Post #79,102 of 90,689
Will definitely think about adding FW to my collection one day and I’m happy meeting with the pals having a great time discussing new shiny toys.
Was wondering this afternoon how many of the, say, top 25 IEMs we'd have at hand at a Euro meetup. Way more than any European shop I'd think, and possibly MusicTeck levels.

Will send out PMs on Sunday for the

Watercooler Europe Meetup Logo NL Transparent.png

and post a shorter version on this thread with some explanation.

Stay tuned.

Jan 20, 2024 at 1:07 PM Post #79,104 of 90,689
I'm looking forward to reading a comparison of the Miroak II and LOAK, if possible? Great pix. As I wrote here a few weeks ago, I recently picked up a 634ears MIROAK II - Japan Limited set. I'm thrilled with it. I swapped the OG cable for the 634ears 4.4 balanced... love it. Very short cord though, I wish it were a foot longer lol. But may just stick with it, very comfy, no memory snags and great sound. Would definitely be open to more 634ears iems in the future, thus I'm keen to hear about the comparison. Anyway, here she is, with the balanced cable.

Posted a simple comparison on the 634Ears thread , just an FYI
Jan 20, 2024 at 1:14 PM Post #79,105 of 90,689
Was wondering this afternoon how many of the, say, top 25 IEMs we'd have at hand at a Euro meetup. Way more than any European shop I'd think, and possibly MusicTeck levels.

Will send out PMs on Sunday for the

Watercooler Europe Meetup Logo NL Transparent.png

and post a shorter version on this thread with some explanation.

Stay tuned.

I would also like to be there. Has the location already been decided? I propose Berlin :)
Jan 20, 2024 at 1:19 PM Post #79,106 of 90,689
I would also like to be there. Has the location already been decided? I propose Berlin :)
Don't tell me you missed the red-white-blue in the font! I did that because otherwise I would have nothing to explain tomorrow 😁

BTW, I, too, proposed Berlin. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

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Jan 20, 2024 at 1:23 PM Post #79,107 of 90,689
Jan 20, 2024 at 1:31 PM Post #79,108 of 90,689
Don't tell me you missed the red-white-blue in the font! I did that because otherwise I would have nothing to explain tomorrow 😁

BTW, I, too, proposed Berlin. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

Definitely Russia 😂
Jan 20, 2024 at 1:45 PM Post #79,109 of 90,689

Hello Coolers! I have spent the last few weeks listening to four IEMs that share many similarities: Annihilator 23, Fei Wan, Loki, and Erebus. I’ve focused on the first three in several comparison posts recently. Now it is Erebus’ turn in the spotlight. Many people may be saying “Ere-what?” since this is such an unknown in circles like Watercooler and seemingly the rest of Head-Fi. This is definitely a TOTL IEM, and in a universe where that expression may be overused, Erebus stands out.

I will note that NGAudio has done itself and the portable audiophile community no favors with its lack of marketing. I have heard it is more widely known in China and parts of Asia. But why release a $4700US retail IEM in all other markets just to let it languish, unknown and unheard? It is a shame particularly since it is a fantastic IEM, and I personally would love to have more of you to banter with about the Erebus in the same way we all dish on newer hot properties like Canpur 622B, Annihilator 23, Storm, Trifecta and more.

Putting that aside, I truly enjoyed listening to the four IEMs at hand over the past few weeks. It’s been an absolute treat to have access and time to put them all through my gauntlet of test tracks. All four share the so-called Asian/Eastern top-down profile, and with solid to great DD bass. Their retail prices range from $3000US to $4700US, which to feels random to me since they are all very close in performance and joy factor, with some key distinctions.

Note that in my comparisons, when I say “Anni” I mean Annihilator 23. When I say Loki I am referring to the international edition.


My test chain for Erebus was N30 DAP (hyper off, A/B amp, P)>doctorjuggles copper cable>Erebus>Azla Max tips. I used N30 to test the other three IEMs for this round.
Erebus is relatively easy to drive, almost the same as Loki. Fei Wan requires less power. Anni requires a lot more juice to sing.
I am a big fan of @doctorjuggles custom cables - in particular his copper cable tops some I have on hand Erebus, including First Times Shielding (too much energy), Cleo II (too little bass), and stock (too little of everything).

A mix of classic rock, modern rock, folk rock, singer/songwriter, jazz vocal, jazz, pop, dance pop. All the same test songs I used in my other recent comparisons between Anni 23, Fei Wan, and Loki.

Build and Fit:
Premium build. The Erebus shell feels like a small piece of polished marble.
The plate design is not super attractive, and I never would have chosen this on looks alone. That said, appearance doesn’t matter much to me, since I don’t see a IEM while it is in my ears and it is otherwise stored safely in a case.
Erebus is almost as comfortable as Fei Wan, making it more comfortable than any other IEM I have tried except that one. I could have Erebus in all day and barely notice.
Nozzle width is medium, so no difficulties putting on tips.
The 2-pin port is not recessed so it feels tenuous when I am attempting to insert a cable. Recessed would have been easier and felt more secure.
Slight DD flex on insertion.
No pressure thanks to venting.

Sound Profile:
Erebus has a more relaxed sound than other three but is not relaxed in absolute terms: it has some verve, scales extremely well, works with just about any type of music, for any mood I brought to it.
It features a largely uncolored, very slightly warm, reference-ish sound (its bass strength and upper mids energy keep it from being what I imagine truly reference style to be).
At first it does not sound really special, rather just very good, but with more extended listening, the full scope of how impressive and top-shelf Erebus is becomes clear.
Erebus features a more balanced W shaped sound than the other three. All parts of the FR are distinct and still coherent, unlike some other W shaped IEMs like Rn6 that to me sounded slightly less coherent.

Erebus’ sub bass has punch and snap, close to FW, moreso than Anni and Loki. More articulate and tactile sub bass than Anni and Loki, though not quite as much as FW. Medium decay, as opposed to FW or Loki.
There is a medium amount of mid bass, not close to FW’s, also less than Loki, and more similar to Anni. Erebus’ mid bass comes up to lower mids just enough to bring them a bit forward and add depth and a little warmth. No muddiness across the spectrum.
Erebus’ mids are the best of the set of four. Its mids are more forward than the other three, with what feels like just the right amount for vocals and acoustic instruments to assert their space well and not be left behind, as can be the case with Loki in particular. Erebus’ mids are neutral-ish. To go beyond this set of four, are not as warm and romantic as for example Trailli, but as detailed and similar-charactered I would argue as Mentor.
The upper mids can be energetic at times, though not peaky and generally not fatiguing. This quality lends urgency to many vocals, which 90% of the time is welcome. Still, I would prefer it was dialed down. At points the danger zone is approached, but never fully entered into thankfully.
Erebus has fantastic treble, not dry but rather neutral to slightly sweet, loads of air with just the right sparkle, softened crispness, medium extension, zero sibilance, not at all fatiguing. Very close to Anni’s treble, I would say 95% of it, just lacking a very slight bit of the superior transient snap that Anni possesses. Erebus’ treble to me is better than Fei Wan and Loki, as excellent as those two are in the higher end.
Erebus’ timbre is more neutral than FW, equal to Anni. Realistic, minimal color. More how the music was intended perhaps (as overused an expression as that is).
Emotive listening experience, very musical and not at all clinical, even with its relatively neutral sound profile.

Superb technicals, maybe the best as an entire presentation of any IEM I have heard (note I have not heard Storm, Jewel, Canpur 622, or Amber Pearl, which are also described as technical frontrunners).
Excellent layering and separation of instruments, better than the other three, in spite of their excellence. Superior imaging as well.
Wider stage than the other three, though very close to FW. More width than any IEM I have heard except Trailli, which is on par. Stage not as deep as FW. Deeper than Anni and Loki.
Excellent transients, particularly acoustic and brass instruments, on par with Anni.
As much or more detail than other three, which is saying something as these are all extremely resolving IEMs.
Equally fast as the other three.

Maybe the best part of Erebus’ performance. Up and down vocal ranges, it scales so well, from Ella Fitzgerald ballads and Sarah Jarosz’s singer/songwriter songs, up through faster and more robust vocals such as Robert Plant on Led Zepplin’s “Immigrant Song” and Beastie Boys “So What’cha Want”, and more baritone voices like Gregory Porter on “Liquid Spirit” and Paul Simon’s background singers on “Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes” - so many Wow moment. All across the vocal spectrum, I hear excellence of pacing, timbre, intonation, detail.

Best Genres:
All of them!
Jazz and bass vocal sound superb
Classic rock, modern rock, pop, dance pop: all excellent
I suspect classical would sound terrific, though I don’t listen to it
Live music sounds fantastic - Wynton Marsalis Septet at Lincoln Center with many guests sounds exhilarating and enchanting, perfection in my mind. In terms of scaling, The Who “Live At Leeds” sounds vigorous, fast and alive on Erebus, on par with Fei Wan even without FW’s full bore bass intensity.

Bottom Line:
Erebus is most similar to Annihilator 23 out of the other three. The key differences are Erebus has for me much better bass performance, more forward and textured mids, and much larger staging. All of that with treble that is almost on-par with Anni. These two IEMs are similar enough that I would not include them both in the same roster.

Erebus makes an excellent complement to the other two, Fei Wan and Loki. It makes an even better apples and orange complement to Trifecta, which I also have. I would say Erebus plus any “fun” IEM like Fei Wan or bottom-up set like Xe6 or maybe Raven (which I haven’t heard yet) would be a great two-IEM tag team.

Erebus is the most all-rounder of any in my roster, with Anni closely behind. Any genre from my library that I play, with any tempo or level of complexity, sounds excellent on it. It scales better than the other three, better than any IEM I have heard.

I realize my impressions have been almost entirely positive to raves. I don’t mean to be a fanboy about the Erebus, I just can find few flaws for my preferences. One would be the plate design, not a big deal for me but still it is not attractive. The lack of recessed 2-pin connector ports is not great. The other nitpick is the energy in the upper mids, which if they were slightly reduced would make this the IEM I could quit the hobby with. Even still, it very well could be if that sad day were ever to come.

Hopefully more of you will get to hear Erebus. It is first-rate and should be in the conversation when we all debate which are the TOTL of TOTLs in the IEM world.



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