The PENON official thread
Apr 14, 2024 at 2:03 PM Post #13,471 of 15,225
Sound Rhyme DTE900 is 1DD + 4BA + 4EST and costs $750 (and is frequently discounted - think it was like 10% off in the last AE sale). Its BAs are Knowles rather than Sonion (ESTs still Sonion though), and it has one fewer (albeit bigger) DD, but I don't see a reason why the Voltage should cost more than $800 considering.
I agree. I would guess it should cost less than the DTE900; otherwise, why bother...
Apr 14, 2024 at 2:08 PM Post #13,472 of 15,225
Yes it will cost more cause Penon is starting thinking to be in the right to raise the price at the level of better value brands. PENON is collecting the fruits of their aggressive marketing campaign which has made it known to many of us, but it also risks becoming an untouchable brand because it is too expensive and will be the prerogative of a few while people with normal economic resources will stop talking about it
They can do as they wish, and the market will determine if they are correct by the numbers. Also, OEMs will blow "them" as they know the excessive profit margins.
Apr 14, 2024 at 4:11 PM Post #13,477 of 15,225
I always read your reviews :wink:
Another option would be the Penon Turbo. I only have Full BAs the Dunu SA3 and I don't dislike it.
The fear I have is that I don't get much out of the 10Th having the Serial.

To give you an idea of my treble sensitivity, the H40s, Aur audio Ascension/Aurora or the Serial sound perfect for me. On the other hand, I find the h50s a bit harsh in terms of their treble.
I'm really afraid that having the Serial, the 10th or the Quattro will make them redundant.
Thanks a lot!

I don't know this model...I'll have to investigate!!!!
Thanks for the idea :)

As I said I am not sure if having the Serial is worth the Quattro...but I will investigate.

Thank you very much!
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Apr 14, 2024 at 4:16 PM Post #13,479 of 15,225
I always read your reviews :wink:
Another option would be the Penon Turbo. I only have Full BAs the Dunu SA3 and I don't dislike it.
The fear I have is that I don't get much out of the 10Th having the Serial.

To give you an idea of my treble sensitivity, the H40s, Aur audio Ascension/Aurora or the Serial sound perfect for me. On the other hand, I find the h50s a bit harsh in terms of their treble.
I'm really afraid that having the Serial, the 10th or the Quattro will make them redundant.
Thanks a lot!

I don't know this model...I'll have to investigate!!!!
Thanks for the idea :)
I can promise you the 10th and the Serial are total opposites. And yet some of the reasons you like the Serial will also be the reasons you love the 10th. Due to the Serial being in many ways the total wild and unique DD sound and the 10th being all the stage of a Hybrid. The Hybrid imaging in the 10th will make you maybe always coming back to visit it in your collection, that and it’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Apr 14, 2024 at 4:33 PM Post #13,481 of 15,225
I always read your reviews :wink:
Another option would be the Penon Turbo. I only have Full BAs the Dunu SA3 and I don't dislike it.
The fear I have is that I don't get much out of the 10Th having the Serial.

To give you an idea of my treble sensitivity, the H40s, Aur audio Ascension/Aurora or the Serial sound perfect for me. On the other hand, I find the h50s a bit harsh in terms of their treble.
I'm really afraid that having the Serial, the 10th or the Quattro will make them redundant.
Thanks a lot!

I don't know this model...I'll have to investigate!!!!
Thanks for the idea :)

As I said I am not sure if having the Serial is worth the Quattro...but I will investigate.

Thank you very much!
Where the Serial is of a smaller stage, the 10th is just bigger and uses that combined with the bass swagger to move freely around. Where yes, the Serial is more cohesive, the 10th doesn’t need to be exactly that real, it is more carefree and fun, where the 10th never worries about a thing. I still envision the 10th like a party, I know that is dumb, but it acts like a party to me? And I even like it better now after my review was written. As the 10th gets special treatment by both the ASOS and ASOS+ cables. They, the two cables make the midrange more effervescent and project the stage even farther out, taking and adding definition to the bass and enhancing pace. :) There is even more control and sculpture to the treble with the ASOS/ASOS+. What can I say, I don’t foresee myself at anytime soon being bored with the two combos?
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Apr 14, 2024 at 4:33 PM Post #13,482 of 15,225
Maybe it is indeed my DX160 which is my Main Source with Everthing except my ZMF VC. i am receiving Cayin IHA 6 and a IFI Zen Can in the next days will Report Back If the Problem also ocurrs in these Amps.
Wanted to do a follow up post to my sibiliance Problem i had with my Penon 10 th Anny . I hve bought a Hiby R3II in the meantime what a nice little device but anyway 0.0 in word zero, null, nada, ноль Sibilance with the R3II (i am so Happy i finally have fun listing an the go and i feel stupid that i not think to change source ) had to retire my DX160... I finallly getting the Praise the 10th are getting they just nail every genre with zero fatique and max fun ...
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Apr 14, 2024 at 4:47 PM Post #13,483 of 15,225
Wanted to do a follow up post to my sibiliance Problem i had with my Penon 10 th Anny . I hve bought a Hiby R3II in the meantime what a nice little device but anyway 0.0 in word zero, null, nada, ноль Sibilance with the R3II (i am so Happy i finally have fun listing an the go and i feel stupid that i not think to change source ) had to retire my DX160... I finallly getting the Praise the 10th are getting they just nail every genre with zero fatique and max fun ...
The R3 II is great with the 10th as the 10th kind a adds thickness to the HiBy signature, filling any blank spaces found. IMO

The HiBy is a style of M response, so yes, the tip-top is slightly rolled, but only slightly. Then the 10th goes and makes music with any file that is found around. Any genre and any file quality, as it is just so very musical in the end. IMO

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Apr 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM Post #13,484 of 15,225
The R3 II is great with the 10th as the 10th kind a adds thickness to the HiBy signature, filling any blank spaces found. IMO

The HiBy is a style of M response, so yes, the tip-top is slightly rolled, but only slightly. Then the 10th goes and makes music with any file that is found around. Any genre and any file quality, as it is just so very musical in the end. IMO
Yes correct and the "MSEB" feature is very good integraded i just tilt the "overall signature" 15/100 toreward warm and everthing is good in the world... I just have to edit my workflow to change the resolution of the album art and create a new dynamic backup of my Flac files but thats fine :).
Apr 14, 2024 at 5:03 PM Post #13,485 of 15,225
To give you an idea of my treble sensitivity, the H40s, Aur audio Ascension/Aurora or the Serial sound perfect for me. On the other hand, I find the h50s a bit harsh in terms of their treble.
I'm really afraid that having the Serial, the 10th or the Quattro will make them redundant.
Thanks a lot!

Oof I haven’t heard the others, but my main beef with Aurora is that its treble is rolled off, and I went to some lengths to maximise my Serial’s treble performance (meaning it could do with more as well). So while the 10th would offer a different tuning with no overlap, I wonder if its treble would be too spicy for your preferences.

I think the Quattro and Serial both go easy on the treble, but the Quattro has just that bit more to provide better imaging and positional cues. Lower down is where they diverge more - the Quattro is darker and leans towards the lower mids, and has more bass than Serial.

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