The Official Beyerdynamic T1 Impressions and Discussion Thread
Aug 20, 2016 at 5:23 AM Post #10,366 of 10,994
I too have both. The only thing my cork modded HD800 has over the T1 is better resolution & soundstage.
Doing A/B tests between the two, the T1 isn't on par with the details, but musically it smokes the HD800.
Subbass, midbass, lower mids just sound so much better. Drums, guitars have much more weight, physicality & holographic 3D effect over the HD800.
With classical or acoustic music I would say the HD800 is overall better, but with rock/hip-hop/EDM/pop etc.. the T1 is just more pleasant to listen to.

I'm on a similar boat.
Recordings play a big role for sure, but many times the T1 (while less correct than the HD800 in terms of macrodynamics) results more real sounding overall.
It might not be straight forward to explain but it's quite easy to spot what's less than perfect on the T1. The bass and lower mids are slightly raised over neutral, the midrange lacks ultimate clarity, sharpness caused by raised 8kHz is a bit too much and treble extension is a tiny step behind HD800 or DT880 Pro. But that said, most of the times, the T1 sounds very realistic.
The Piano sounds like a Piano, sometimes warmer than it should, yes. But it sounds like a warmer real piano. Guitars sound like guitars, probably sharper, but sharper in a realistic, believable fashion.
On the other hand the HD800 is a perfectionist headphone. It has the bestest cups of all which simply dissapear when the driver hits, the bass never overpowers but extends forever with little to no distortion at all, even at loud levels. It soundstages like no other headphone in production. There's plenty of room for vocals and there's impressive clarity across the whole spectrum.
But the thing is, it sometimes sounds unrealistic (some people would prefer to blame 95% of the properly engineered DACs and Amps ever built, but that's not me). You might be listening to a moderately good recording and start wondering what the hell is that perfectly delineated piano-like instrument on the right, only to find out it happens to be an ordinary piano. You can almost read the brand name of the piano with the HD800 but sometimes it won't sound like a believable piano.
The 'window to landscape' analogy is often useful for these kind of subjective, tricky, read-carefully sort of comparisons.
(Or how to say the same using other words, for better or worse)
The T1 is a relatively transparent window, especially next to lower tier (but still great sounding) headphones like DT880/K702/HD650... But not perfectly transparent. The glass lacks the ultimate finesse so you might not be able to resolve what's far far away, it might even resize the images a little bit so you might end up thinking a tree is taller than it really is, or the clouds are closer than they really are, but the tree is a tree and the clouds are clouds. Even those trees and clouds way back where the landscape becomes slightly more diffuse, look like real stuff.
(Even out of no dedicated headphone amp at all)
The HD800 on the other hand is a perfectly transparent window into a perfectly layered landscape, you get an almost perfect and measurable representation of the trees and the clouds, you find out that the grey background is actually full of little rain drops (it was a suspicion with the T1 but it becomes obvious with HD800), and you can now easily count the number of leaves on the trees. But sometimes, some trees doesn't look like real trees but fancy/spacey representations instead. Calling it a pixar made landscape is going far off the chart, but if you can sum up (5% pixar) and (95% reality) that's surely closer to what I mean.
Again, recordings play a huge role + important part of the differences noted here are results of differences in frequency response between T1 and HD800.
But that said, you can not make one sound exaclty like the other, so while I'm leaving the EQing topic aside for the sake of simplicity, some substantial differences should remain even after enthusiast equalization.
Unlike my style I've digged deep into subjective territory this time.
Since 'timbre' is a quite complex term, I often take the simplificated problem of judging if instruments sound as if they are made from their actual materials.
It sounds almost silly, but many recordings + headphones / speakers combinations rank very low in this regard.
We might not store the sound of each Steinway or Stradivarius in our brain, but most of us know how wooden/metal/plastic instruments normally sound, and we know how clappings sound.
Hands are not made of plastic (HD700 hides for some reason). While HD800 is great enough normally, and even superlative from time to time, the T1 ranks high almost always here.
These are two great sounding headphones and I normally enjoy both pretty much the same.
I think the HD800 is the superior headphone technically speaking, but if I had to choose only one headphone, then the T1 could be the one. It's soulful and still full of technical (wow-ing) capabilities.
HD800 > T1
T1 > HD800
HD800 =/= T1
Aug 20, 2016 at 8:03 AM Post #10,367 of 10,994
CLAIMS Beyerdynamic T1 ended with the results from the handset without defect.
Headphones me to be sent by courier.

I wonder that the exchange of their Schiit Valhalla 2 for:
Decware CSP3 or Woo Audio WA2 (OTL)
Beyerdynamic A1 (SS)

Tubes will be replaced by 6922 Amperex their minds whether to buy 2 or 3 pieces of tube.
The sound from Schiit Valhalla 2 appeared to me as boring without details, too linear, none Wow sound.(6n1p stock tubes)
Aug 24, 2016 at 10:36 PM Post #10,369 of 10,994
Just wanted to chime back in and mention that after an impossibly long UPS-induced wait, I got the T1 headphones today. I am in love! They are extremely comfortable, well-built, they sound incredibly detailed with a very neutral sound signature and for the price I paid, I cannot think of any complaint at all. Thank you guys for suggesting these!
Aug 24, 2016 at 11:10 PM Post #10,370 of 10,994
  Just wanted to chime back in and mention that after an impossibly long UPS-induced wait, I got the T1 headphones today. I am in love! They are extremely comfortable, well-built, they sound incredibly detailed with a very neutral sound signature and for the price I paid, I cannot think of any complaint at all. Thank you guys for suggesting these!

Very glad that you like it.  If you're comfortable sharing, what range serial number did you get?
Aug 25, 2016 at 9:17 AM Post #10,375 of 10,994
  Very glad that you like it.  If you're comfortable sharing, what range serial number did you get?

Great to hear.
Now through a bit of Alexis Cole - A Kiss in the Dark at them and see whatyou think.
I particularly like the Chesky Binaural + recordings that have lots of depth and soundstage.
If you are new to HDtracks be sure and pick up the Free Sampler they offer as well.
edit:  meant to quote SeeSax (with the new T!'s)
Aug 26, 2016 at 7:34 PM Post #10,377 of 10,994
Just got my T1's today (No. 15806) for $630 on Amazon and running them on my Xonar Essence STX. Upgraded from the HD 598's. Listen to a lot of electronic, pop, rap, hip-hop, and soundtracks in FLAC.
They sound clearer, but the treble is just way too harsh and very fatiguing. A lot of songs make me wince with instruments and some vocals. Been listening to them for a few hours now after breaking them in, and my ears hurt. I didn't even have them up too loud the entire time. With my HD 598's, I could go 8 hours with no problems.
They are extremely uncomfortable. The pads feel like rope, or stiff, cheap foam. They have a pointy edge on the foam where it touches your head, and that really begins to hurt around my jar and temples where it is pushing with its hard foam. The HD 598's pads are extremely more comfy, and feel much more uniform and squishy. They mold around my ears better, without a pointy cheap foam feel.
Aug 26, 2016 at 7:51 PM Post #10,378 of 10,994
Just got my T1's today (No. 15806) for $630 on Amazon and running them on my Xonar Essence STX. Upgraded from the HD 598's. Listen to a lot of electronic, pop, rap, hip-hop, and soundtracks in FLAC.

They sound clearer, but the treble is just way too harsh and very fatiguing. A lot of songs make me wince with instruments and some vocals. Been listening to them for a few hours now after breaking them in, and my ears hurt. I didn't even have them up too loud the entire time. With my HD 598's, I could go 8 hours with no problems.

They are extremely uncomfortable. The pads feel like rope, or stiff, cheap foam. They have a pointy edge on the foam where it touches your head, and that really begins to hurt around my jar and temples where it is pushing with its hard foam. The HD 598's pads are extremely more comfy, and feel much more uniform and squishy. They mold around my ears better, without a pointy cheap foam feel.

Great hutt..btw you have to get an amp to properly drive T1s , stx amp isn't enough to drive T1 properly atleast get an O2 if anything.
I have xonar st with T1 so know about it.
O2,ican crack all are great amps.
Also about foams , is it a first hand pair as such issues shouldn't happen
Aug 26, 2016 at 8:00 PM Post #10,379 of 10,994
Great hutt..btw you have to get an amp to properly drive T1s , stx amp isn't enough to drive T1 properly atleast get an O2 if anything.
I have xonar st with T1 so know about it.
O2,ican crack all are great amps.
Also about foams , is it a first hand pair as such issues shouldn't happen

They were purchased brand new from Amazon:
The STX does have a headphone amp, and it drives these headphones well. I'm not playing them very loud, as the treble hurts too much, but they can get LOUD with the STX. I've read up a bunch and people use the T1's with the STX and they are driven fine.
Anyone know any actually good and squishy pads for the T1's that don't change the sound signature too much?
Aug 26, 2016 at 8:36 PM Post #10,380 of 10,994
Just got my T1's today (No. 15806) for $630 on Amazon and running them on my Xonar Essence STX. Upgraded from the HD 598's. Listen to a lot of electronic, pop, rap, hip-hop, and soundtracks in FLAC.

They sound clearer, but the treble is just way too harsh and very fatiguing. A lot of songs make me wince with instruments and some vocals. Been listening to them for a few hours now after breaking them in, and my ears hurt. I didn't even have them up too loud the entire time. With my HD 598's, I could go 8 hours with no problems.

They are extremely uncomfortable. The pads feel like rope, or stiff, cheap foam. They have a pointy edge on the foam where it touches your head, and that really begins to hurt around my jar and temples where it is pushing with its hard foam. The HD 598's pads are extremely more comfy, and feel much more uniform and squishy. They mold around my ears better, without a pointy cheap foam feel.

The pads should be extremely comfy but the sound should be terrible

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