The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
May 22, 2015 at 6:19 AM Post #18,721 of 29,017
Avclass are a it cheaper on the eBay link, thanks for the info mate.

I where considering this, as it where the best price in EU until now.
May 22, 2015 at 6:47 AM Post #18,722 of 29,017
Agreed much appreciated on the avclass link, worth some investigation.  My only issue with the ebay purchase is that, according to my understanding anyway, the Sennheiser warranty is global but won't apply to anything purchased from Ebay?
May 22, 2015 at 7:02 AM Post #18,723 of 29,017
Jan Meier from  still sells the HD800 and prices are usually  way more affordable that what you can find in Amerca.  Just contact him :wink: 
May 22, 2015 at 8:49 AM Post #18,725 of 29,017
The HD800 has always been at that price iirc. Amazon prices fluctuate a lot and don't always give a discount so sometimes it is a good deal and sometimes it is not. Retailers like B&H probably are not allowed to sell below MSRP (or at least has to be advertised at msrp) so they have to sell it at that price.
May 22, 2015 at 8:58 AM Post #18,726 of 29,017
I contacted the manager at AVClass prior to my purchase and was informed the warranty is valid European wide for 2 years and they included a store receipt same as if you walked in and brought from the store.
I always find it best to confirm such details on expensive items
Its also worth checking if they will match the ebay price direct and pay via credit card or then you don't get ripped off by the Pay pal exchange rate conversion and have added protection purchasing with a card brings. You can save some serious cash for the sake of a few emails or a phone call. 

May 22, 2015 at 9:02 AM Post #18,727 of 29,017
I think one of the best price you can have without discount in USA is 1400$ :
May 22, 2015 at 9:25 AM Post #18,728 of 29,017
here in australia the asking price is $1400 AUD which currently is just under $1100. so take a little bit off that when they drop the advertised price and add your freight
are there any other charges for importing into the usa?
i wonder why that's hardly mentioned here when prices are looked at
May 22, 2015 at 9:42 AM Post #18,729 of 29,017
For me, it depends on if warranty is covered in the USA if I purchase from another country. Also the street price of the HD800 is 1k and considering there haven't been many issues about the HD800 build quality I have no issues purchasing used compared to new.
I remember Jan Meier had good prices but can't remember what they are. I'll send an email to see how much it is but that's probably the cheapest since they are located in germany.
May 22, 2015 at 10:39 AM Post #18,730 of 29,017
Warranty is my major concern, not that i expect anything to go wrong.  But if it does and the warranty is void for whatever reason then the Senn repair fee will wipe out most of the saving!  Probably still worth it tbh.
May 22, 2015 at 10:47 AM Post #18,731 of 29,017
I remember Jan Meier had good prices but can't remember what they are. I'll send an email to see how much it is but that's probably the cheapest since they are located in germany.

Just got mine for $1160 from Jan. Arrives today actually, woo!
EDIT: Nevermind, it's USPS. For some reason delivering to my area on Fridays is like asking for the planets to align. Sigh.
May 22, 2015 at 1:04 PM Post #18,732 of 29,017
i just got an email from them stating the same price. It's a pretty good price for new.
It looks like warranty would be up to the local distributor if they wanted to honor it or not so would have to ship it back to Germany for warranty purposes. I would probably not worry about the HD800 warranty since I don't think too many have issues about it and out of all the headphones at this price range that are discussed here these probably have the least issues. It's nice that a price is out there that isn't too far off from the street price of them used.
May 23, 2015 at 6:12 AM Post #18,733 of 29,017
  At the moment i'm just using the chord hugo, but i just bought the violectric v220 yesterday so lets see how it goes. This hobby is getting expensive.

How much improvement did you get with the voilectric v220 over the Chord Hugo? Are there also things that are worse with using the voilectric v220? And was the big / small improvements worth the money?
May 23, 2015 at 1:04 PM Post #18,735 of 29,017
Serial 38,260 checking in! If you are lurking here Jan, thanks so much for the excellent deal!
Oh it sounds so good. Screw the fancy lingo, this sounds awesome! 
Stayed up for 20 hours to make sure this came home with me today (USPS nightmares, they lost the package and I had to wait for them to locate it, then I had to go elsewhere to get it). After a long sleep, the honeymoon period begins!

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