The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
Aug 7, 2014 at 8:38 AM Post #12,721 of 29,017

I thought you didn't do heavy.

 :)  I had HE6 before and LCD2.2, I much prefer HE6 in terms of comfort level and SQ.
Not really into angled pads but I bought LCD vegan pads just to try. 
I started to train crossfit so my neck core will be bit stronger :)
Aug 7, 2014 at 8:42 AM Post #12,722 of 29,017
   :)  I had HE6 before and LCD2.2, I much prefer HE6 in terms of comfort level and SQ.
Not really into angled pads but I bought LCD vegan pads just to try. 
I started to train crossfit so my neck core will be bit stronger :)

Aug 7, 2014 at 8:53 AM Post #12,723 of 29,017
  By approximate price give or take a few hundred - not in order of sound quality - and only in relation to HD800.
Lots of other amps, but I only mentioned the ones which gel well with HD800.
I avoided mention any amps which gooified the HD800 because I feel HD800 gooification is just plain wrong. [...]

I did a search without finding (much about) these in the following posts:
I like my Sennheiser HD 800 with my:
  1. Lynx Hilo (DAC + amplifier)
  2. EAR Yoshino HP4
  3. AudioQuest DragonFly (DAC + amplifier)
The combinations are engaging with toe-tapping factor and at least for Hilo and HP4 goosebumps factor as well.
Yes, the amplifier in AudioQuest DragonFly doesn't drive HD 800 to its full potential, but the combination is engaging nonetheless.
Unfortunately I don't like it with my Grace Design m903 because I find the combination less engaging (maybe dull or boring). A brief test with Benchmark DAC1 PRE or HDR next to m903 and Hilo gave a similar impression. Hence I bought the Hilo that day. Others do like the m903 or Benchmark with HD 800.
I have heard the Musical Surroundings Fosgate Signature Tube Headphone Amplifier in a shop and found it engaging with good toe-tapping factor for several headphones - possibly goosebumps factor as well, but that's more difficult to catch during a shop evaluation. I believe Sennheiser HD 800 was one of them.
I have over time found that it's important for me that an equipment combination is engaging with toe-tapping and goosebumps factor. For example dull but beautiful just doesn't work.

My signature states "I listen at (very) moderate loudness levels.". Listening at higher loudness levels may yield different results.
Aug 7, 2014 at 9:17 AM Post #12,724 of 29,017
Oh gawd. This one will be less controversial. With all due respect to Ray as a person, the DarkStar is one of heaviest pieces of crap I've ever heard. Think of a several bad sounding veiled opamps connected one after the other. Sounds dead, but it does have power. A good reason why it works with the HE-6 which can be lively up top.

It definitely gets one vote from me as the worst amp ever.

I listened myself this pairing, totally dont sound like an amp that price.
Aug 7, 2014 at 10:21 AM Post #12,725 of 29,017
  I knew I'd meet a kindred spirit someday.

I understand completely where Marv is coming from, but like you, I like my HD800 straight, no chaser.  You're gonna love the Val2.  My only caution would be not to pair it with a very bright-sounding DAC (e.g., Auralic Vega), because the Val isn't going to do anything to tamp down the 6.5K peak in the 800's frequency response.  It might be the most sold-state-sounding tube amp I've ever heard (and anybody who knows me knows that coming from me, that's a compliment).

This is very interesting.  Many people have complained about the HD800's 6.5 peak (it may be the most infamous peak at head-fi), but I just checked my Sennhesier HD800 certificate and surprise, surprise, surprise!  Judging by my “individual diffuse-field frequency response,” my HD800's don't have a peak at 6.5 kHz. It shows a minor bump of about 2 dB at the 4.5 mark, which to my hearing is negligible. I bought my HD800's almost 3 years ago, model # 13xxx. My graph also shows a rather notable build-up of energy (5 to 6 db) around 100 Hz. I wonder if that’s a typical HD800 bass response? Regarding my DAC: I only have an entry level DAC (Peachtree Dac it X); it doesn't sound bright to me in the least though, so I’m hoping it works passably well with the Valhalla; of course, later on, I will upgrade it for something more robust.   Anyway, cheers to the quaffing the HD800 “straight, no chasers.”
Aug 7, 2014 at 10:48 AM Post #12,726 of 29,017
I might have to buy a vali myself. 
Aug 7, 2014 at 11:09 AM Post #12,727 of 29,017
There was a period in which I was looking for the one solid state rig to rule them all.  Excerpted are a few snippets from PM's over the last couple years:
{Disclaimer: Preferences- I basically look for an amp to sound engaging and seductive-  by which I mean I want transparency and detail but I also don't want sins of commission like grating/harsh upper mids or treble.  I'd rather have one that sacrificed a little detail but I could actually listen to for long stretches of time than one that could wring more detail out but makes me feel like I've had a lobotomy after a while.  I also detest hiss or high noise floor, as much of the older music I listen to tends to have it already, I don't want my reproduction chain adding more.}
So, with those preferences in mind, here were the amps that I thought accomplished that the best:
Low impendance High Sensitivity (Grado HP1000, Fostex TH900, Denon D5000) - DSHA=LAu>GS-X
High impedance High Sensitivity (HD800) - LAU>DSHA>>GS-X
Irrelevant impedance lower sensitivity (LCD-3, HE500, Paradox) - LAu>GS-X>DSHA
The LAu had the overall best balance of great microdetail and lack of glare/harshness/bite with the largest range of headphones.  The DSHA overall would be second, with more play and a slightly blacker background with the sensitive stuff but less scaling with the ortho set than the LAu.  DHSA also has that slight blur to it, kind of like being in a smoky jazz bar if everyone was smoking e-cigarettes.  The GS-X had nice detail and drove a wide range of headphones well overall but had this razor edge to it with the HD800s and HP1000's.  I'm willing to entertain the notion that something like an Invicta (epitome of an SD DAC, designed by the same guy who designed the 9018 chip) and Mytek may be on the bright side, the HD800 is on the bright side, and the GS-X leans bright, and that 3 brights make a wrong.  So I am adding an MSB Analog DAC to the stable, to see if that helps at all and I'd revisit my thoughts at that point in time, which is why I've been a little mum on the whole thing (besides the powderkeg that can sometimes accompany saying anything less than stellar about Justin's products, I'd want to be sure of my findings.) 
Then with MSB Analog DAC with power base in the fray:
Okay, so things have definitely changed with the MSB Analog DAC.  A lot of brightness issues have been cleared up with only one pairing (the GS-X MK2 + HD800) noticed as an issue.  Since the GS-X doesn't have nearly the same level of pain-inducing brightness with most of the other headphones in my stable, I think the headphone is to blame more than anything else.  So, don't blame an overall neutralish amp for the sins of a transducer.  However, once the transducer is a known quantity (being bright) I feel very confident saying the GS-X is not the right amp for it - and that this is not a slight to your amp. To use an analogy that saves face, its like saying a mathematics professor from Harvard will not be the best teacher in your inner-city high school classroom.  Sure, he may know the material better than anyone and teaching it to a classroom of bright students whose only desire is to learn so that maybe one day their overbearing parents can live vicariously through their successful children, but teaching a classroom of disinterested kids will not be his strength.  Much better to get the unconventional teacher who can relate and engage the hard to engage, the type that eventually has a Mr. Holland's Opus/Dead Poets Society style movie made about them that my wife notices my tearing up at but doesn't question my insistence that they're not tears, they're icicles that got stuck to my face and started melting inexplicably in mid-July.
After a while though, the whole cliques fighting thing became moot:
So I wanted to give you an update on my findings.  The Gizzard has struck again!  All these petty squabbles about Justin vs Craig vs Alex vs Donald vs Pete vs J-stod are so pointless.  The TranSIT amp is the best headphone amp I have ever heard, bar none.  It uses SIT's (static induction transistors) that measure even better than the custom ones Nelson Pass commissioned.  These are solid state devices that have curves like a triode, and it really does sound remarkably like the best of both tubes and solid state, all in a solid state amp that really doesn't heat up too much as it only puts out 10 watts into 50 ohms (that's actually on par with the most powerful gear in the headphone market.)  The truly amazing part is how perfect the TranSIT is at driving everything from whisper quiet IEM's to the finnicky HD800 to the power-gobblers that are the HE-6/K1000/Abyss.  I literally listened to music all night last night, and there were many icicles melting on my face listening to this with the HD800 especially.  This is what I've always wanted in an amp - the ability for Crescendos to sound bombastic, but the quiet moments to move with their own subtle grace.  Its really too bad that the Gizzard is so secretive and refuses to sell his amps to many in the general public, as he would effectively render all other arguments moot.  In my opinion.
Aug 7, 2014 at 11:16 AM Post #12,728 of 29,017
 This is what I've always wanted in an amp - the ability for Crescendos to sound bombastic, but the quiet moments to move with their own subtle grace.  Its really too bad that the Gizzard is so secretive and refuses to sell his amps to many in the general public, as he would effectively render all other arguments moot.  In my opinion.

I would love to hear that next time I am in MKE......
Aug 7, 2014 at 11:18 AM Post #12,729 of 29,017
  There was a period in which I was looking for the one solid state rig to rule them all.  Excerpted are a few snippets from PM's over the last couple years:
{Disclaimer: Preferences- I basically look for an amp to sound engaging and seductive-  by which I mean I want transparency and detail but I also don't want sins of commission like grating/harsh upper mids or treble.  I'd rather have one that sacrificed a little detail but I could actually listen to for long stretches of time than one that could wring more detail out but makes me feel like I've had a lobotomy after a while.  I also detest hiss or high noise floor, as much of the older music I listen to tends to have it already, I don't want my reproduction chain adding more.}
So, with those preferences in mind, here were the amps that I thought accomplished that the best:
Low impendance High Sensitivity (Grado HP1000, Fostex TH900, Denon D5000) - DSHA=LAu>GS-X
High impedance High Sensitivity (HD800) - LAU>DSHA>>GS-X
Irrelevant impedance lower sensitivity (LCD-3, HE500, Paradox) - LAu>GS-X>DSHA
The LAu had the overall best balance of great microdetail and lack of glare/harshness/bite with the largest range of headphones.  The DSHA overall would be second, with more play and a slightly blacker background with the sensitive stuff but less scaling with the ortho set than the LAu.  DHSA also has that slight blur to it, kind of like being in a smoky jazz bar if everyone was smoking e-cigarettes.  The GS-X had nice detail and drove a wide range of headphones well overall but had this razor edge to it with the HD800s and HP1000's.  I'm willing to entertain the notion that something like an Invicta (epitome of an SD DAC, designed by the same guy who designed the 9018 chip) and Mytek may be on the bright side, the HD800 is on the bright side, and the GS-X leans bright, and that 3 brights make a wrong.  So I am adding an MSB Analog DAC to the stable, to see if that helps at all and I'd revisit my thoughts at that point in time, which is why I've been a little mum on the whole thing (besides the powderkeg that can sometimes accompany saying anything less than stellar about Justin's products, I'd want to be sure of my findings.) 
Then with MSB Analog DAC with power base in the fray:
Okay, so things have definitely changed with the MSB Analog DAC.  A lot of brightness issues have been cleared up with only one pairing (the GS-X MK2 + HD800) noticed as an issue.  Since the GS-X doesn't have nearly the same level of pain-inducing brightness with most of the other headphones in my stable, I think the headphone is to blame more than anything else.  So, don't blame an overall neutralish amp for the sins of a transducer.  However, once the transducer is a known quantity (being bright) I feel very confident saying the GS-X is not the right amp for it - and that this is not a slight to your amp. To use an analogy that saves face, its like saying a mathematics professor from Harvard will not be the best teacher in your inner-city high school classroom.  Sure, he may know the material better than anyone and teaching it to a classroom of bright students whose only desire is to learn so that maybe one day their overbearing parents can live vicariously through their successful children, but teaching a classroom of disinterested kids will not be his strength.  Much better to get the unconventional teacher who can relate and engage the hard to engage, the type that eventually has a Mr. Holland's Opus/Dead Poets Society style movie made about them that my wife notices my tearing up at but doesn't question my insistence that they're not tears, they're icicles that got stuck to my face and started melting inexplicably in mid-July.
After a while though, the whole cliques fighting thing became moot:
So I wanted to give you an update on my findings.  The Gizzard has struck again!  All these petty squabbles about Justin vs Craig vs Alex vs Donald vs Pete vs J-stod are so pointless.  The TranSIT amp is the best headphone amp I have ever heard, bar none.  It uses SIT's (static induction transistors) that measure even better than the custom ones Nelson Pass commissioned.  These are solid state devices that have curves like a triode, and it really does sound remarkably like the best of both tubes and solid state, all in a solid state amp that really doesn't heat up too much as it only puts out 10 watts into 50 ohms (that's actually on par with the most powerful gear in the headphone market.)  The truly amazing part is how perfect the TranSIT is at driving everything from whisper quiet IEM's to the finnicky HD800 to the power-gobblers that are the HE-6/K1000/Abyss.  I literally listened to music all night last night, and there were many icicles melting on my face listening to this with the HD800 especially.  This is what I've always wanted in an amp - the ability for Crescendos to sound bombastic, but the quiet moments to move with their own subtle grace.  Its really too bad that the Gizzard is so secretive and refuses to sell his amps to many in the general public, as he would effectively render all other arguments moot.  In my opinion.

great post. thanks for sharing. Is there any info at all of this TranSIT amp? Pics or anything. 
Aug 7, 2014 at 11:41 AM Post #12,730 of 29,017
Google tells me this "TranSIT amp" is a joke: 
Aug 7, 2014 at 11:43 AM Post #12,731 of 29,017
After a while though, the whole cliques fighting thing became moot:
So I wanted to give you an update on my findings.  The Gizzard has struck again!  All these petty squabbles about Justin vs Craig vs Alex vs Donald vs Pete vs J-stod are so pointless.  The TranSIT amp is the best headphone amp I have ever heard, bar none.  It uses SIT's (static induction transistors) that measure even better than the custom ones Nelson Pass commissioned.  These are solid state devices that have curves like a triode, and it really does sound remarkably like the best of both tubes and solid state, all in a solid state amp that really doesn't heat up too much as it only puts out 10 watts into 50 ohms (that's actually on par with the most powerful gear in the headphone market.)  The truly amazing part is how perfect the TranSIT is at driving everything from whisper quiet IEM's to the finnicky HD800 to the power-gobblers that are the HE-6/K1000/Abyss.  I literally listened to music all night last night, and there were many icicles melting on my face listening to this with the HD800 especially.  This is what I've always wanted in an amp - the ability for Crescendos to sound bombastic, but the quiet moments to move with their own subtle grace.  Its really too bad that the Gizzard is so secretive and refuses to sell his amps to many in the general public, as he would effectively render all other arguments moot.  In my opinion.

We might need some moderation here... The Gizzard has specifically requested that we not talk about the TranSIT on these internet forums? Full gag order!  Last time I had contact he said that's why he's not a sponsor here.  
It goes without saying that the TranSIT is completely at another level compared to the other stuff mentioned here, but considering how difficult it is to commission the Gizzard, I'd say it's almost un-obtanium at this point.  Don't get me wrong, it was well worth the money and pain I went through to get one!!
Aug 7, 2014 at 11:55 AM Post #12,732 of 29,017

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