The Mad Dog Appreciation Thread
Nov 16, 2012 at 10:51 PM Post #2 of 89
OK, I'll buy in.  I've had mine for a month or 6 weeks and love them.  I am reconfiguring my amp(s) again in order to try them out with a bit more power.  The mids are lush, the bass accuracy and extension are excellent - note that this means not boosted - so don't look for boosted, basshead punch - look for accurate bass when present in the music.  Treble details are excellent, articulate and clear.  They are not bright, but again accurate.  The whole presentation is lush, musical and not fatiguing.
Nov 16, 2012 at 11:05 PM Post #3 of 89
I've had mine since well, a while. I've gone through the Fischer 003 pads and the Shure 840 pads.
Nothing is done spectacular on them i.e. Audeze bass, but everything is balanced.
No ugly peaks, or recessed mids. For a closed can I find soundstage and details to be quite good. Comfort and isolation are honestly my favorite things about these headphones.
They get split head-time with the LCD-3.
Nov 16, 2012 at 11:15 PM Post #4 of 89
I'm all for an appreciation thread for these cans. They're absolutely wonderful and one of the best headphones I've ever used. Solid, hard hitting bass that isn't bloated and wooly. They're fast and clean with some of the best imaging I've heard from a closed headphone. I'd consider them a good value at $500 as they compare very well to headphones I've owned that cost that much. At just over $300 (with the new dog pads and the comfort strap) they're a relative bargain. Just make sure to have a decently powerful amp to bring them to life.
Nov 18, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #5 of 89
I've had mine since well, a while. I've gone through the Fischer 003 pads and the Shure 840 pads.
Nothing is done spectacular on them i.e. Audeze bass, but everything is balanced.
No ugly peaks, or recessed mids. For a closed can I find soundstage and details to be quite good. Comfort and isolation are honestly my favorite things about these headphones.
They get split head-time with the LCD-3.

Also this is one of the most FUN headphones I have.  
Thanks Dan..
Nov 20, 2012 at 9:31 AM Post #6 of 89
These are great headphones. I just got mine in yesterday along with the E11 amp to power them. And Dan is a great guy to communicate with. He replies to his emails nearly instantly.
One thing I have noticed so far (and it could simply be due to them needing some break-in time), is that vocals are rather thick and possibly somewhat chesty sounding (male and female). They even sound like that through my LDM+ amp which is leaner sounding than the E11. Anyone else notice this when these cans are new?
Other than that, these things sound wonderful. Great, tight, detailed and extended bass (more so than the 7506's), smooth and extended treble, nice, wide sound stage and imagining, and extremely comfy. As it sits right now, I like these cans better than any of the ones I've had in the past, including HD600's, HD650's, K701's, SR325is', and a few others.
Nov 20, 2012 at 11:02 AM Post #7 of 89
I have had mine for a while now. Recently I just got my new Schiit Asgard and these babies really came alive. I guess what they say about orthos is true, because my he-400s really shine now too. Pretty darn neutral headphones. Love how clear and fast they are. SO comfy too. I have the new version with strap and mad dog pads. I also feel special because I know no one in this small hick college town owns these. ( or any of my HP for that matter lol ) I can not suggest this headphone enough to people.
Nov 29, 2012 at 7:36 PM Post #8 of 89
Sooooo I'm pretty confident I want the get Mad Dogs for my next headphone, but I'm also pretty confident that they're going to make me buy a portable amp. Likely either cMoyBB by JDS or Fiio E17, or ZO2.3 for the bass boost. If someone can recommend one over the other, as paired with MD's. I'm a basshead, so authoritive bass is important for me. But I also want that 'special' quality in the mid range, while staying generally flat and detailed along the entire spectrum.
Oh and I LOVE the way these look. Beats be damned; this is a sexy headphone.
Dec 8, 2012 at 12:01 AM Post #9 of 89
Sooooo I'm pretty confident I want the get Mad Dogs for my next headphone, but I'm also pretty confident that they're going to make me buy a portable amp. Likely either cMoyBB by JDS or Fiio E17, or ZO2.3 for the bass boost. If someone can recommend one over the other, as paired with MD's. I'm a basshead, so authoritive bass is important for me. But I also want that 'special' quality in the mid range, while staying generally flat and detailed along the entire spectrum.
Oh and I LOVE the way these look. Beats be damned; this is a sexy headphone.

Getting some Mad Dog's in a few days time and I own the JDS Labs cmoy and the FiiO E11 so I can give you a little insight there if you like.
Dec 8, 2012 at 12:21 AM Post #10 of 89
That'd be great. I'm pretty sold on these already, and I also ended up getting a ZO, its just a matter of saving up for MD at this point. If I don't like the m-100 ill just sell them and get MD sooner.
Sooooo I'm pretty confident I want the get Mad Dogs for my next headphone, but I'm also pretty confident that they're going to make me buy a portable amp. Likely either cMoyBB by JDS or Fiio E17, or ZO2.3 for the bass boost. If someone can recommend one over the other, as paired with MD's. I'm a basshead, so authoritive bass is important for me. But I also want that 'special' quality in the mid range, while staying generally flat and detailed along the entire spectrum.

Oh and I LOVE the way these look. Beats be damned; this is a sexy headphone.

Getting some Mad Dog's in a few days time and I own the JDS Labs cmoy and the FiiO E11 so I can give you a little insight there if you like.
Dec 13, 2012 at 11:48 PM Post #11 of 89
The mad dogs sound pretty good with the JDS labs cmoy, gives lots of extra bass. I haven't tested the e11 yet but I think the jds labs is already doing more to make it a really fun sounding headphone.
Unfortunately these headphones are hurting the hell out of my ears...I'm regretting the purchase a bit :frowning2:
They sure are great sounding though.
Dec 14, 2012 at 12:50 AM Post #12 of 89
The mad dogs sound pretty good with the JDS labs cmoy, gives lots of extra bass. I haven't tested the e11 yet but I think the jds labs is already doing more to make it a really fun sounding headphone.

Unfortunately these headphones are hurting the hell out of my ears...I'm regretting the purchase a bit :frowning2:

They sure are great sounding though.
Really? People say that it's one of the most comfortable headphone they've ever had.
Dec 14, 2012 at 3:21 AM Post #14 of 89
The mad dogs sound pretty good with the JDS labs cmoy, gives lots of extra bass. I haven't tested the e11 yet but I think the jds labs is already doing more to make it a really fun sounding headphone.
Unfortunately these headphones are hurting the hell out of my ears...I'm regretting the purchase a bit :frowning2:
They sure are great sounding though.

Is the clamping force too tight?  Under the rubber head band, there is a pretty sturdy piece of metal that you can adjust.  Just make slow attempts and slightly pulling to open up the band a bit.  Then, test fit them.  Work slowly in stages until the headphones reach the desired clamping force to allow you to still get a good bass response, as well as have some comfort too.
If there was another issue regarding the hurting that your ears suffering, then please describe the experience a bit.  Someone, whether a Mad Dogs owner, or the owner of the Fostex T50RP will be able to advise you on getting around your issue.
Dec 14, 2012 at 12:06 PM Post #15 of 89
Was about time for the app thread I guess! :wink:
I can say that I LOVE... let me say that again, I LOOOOOVE my Mad Dogs.
Have been an owner for a few months now (got them first with the 840 earpads and now the Dog Pads) and I can't find too many faults with it (compared to previously owned headphones).
First of all, a few months ago I decided to get a couple of closed-back headphones just for the heck of it... but MAINLY to find a suitable upgrade/sidegrade for my Denon D5000s. Why? Because I work in a "cube" environment and the D5000s leak... not a WHOLE lot (not in an open-back kind of way) but they do leak at the volumes I usually listened to. So, basically that meant:
1) Wanted bass and subbass
2) Wanted sparkly highs
3) Ok soundstage/instrument separation
4) Good Mids
I already had my trusty Shure 940s (very nice, detailed and clean mids/highs. Awesome for vocals but lacking body/bass on a lot of songs),
Sennheiser HD600s (open-back, so not that great for work!), Panasonic RP-HTF600-S (cheapo but great on the bass quantity and non-fatiguing. These are "semi" so they also leak A LOT!!!!) and I think that's it. In a short time where I went looking I purchased:
  1. Skullcandy Mix Master Mike
  2. V-MODA M-80
  3. Denon D600
  4. Fostex T50RPs (Mad Dogs!)
  5. Ultrasone Signature Pro
  6. Sony MDR-1R
  7. V-MODA M100
  8. Fostex T50RP (Stock)

I have to say that there is A LOT to like on the list above (be it sound-wise, built quality/portability, main use, etc.). For example:
- the Denon D600s which a lot of head-fi'ers seem to "hate" are actually quite good sounding to my ears (even though the highs sounded weird to me, there was an inconsistency in its presentation). They were not harsh, they did have good quality/quantity bass (maybe a bit too much) and the mids were not that withdrawn to my ears. They were also comfortable to boot.
- Same goes with the V-MODA M-80s. Really balanced, with full-bodied sound (surprising for such a tiny enclosure!!! -- they are on-ears) but missing the highs a bit.
- Sony MDRs and M100s were the last of that list that I bought and used for weeks and they also have very very good qualities. The M100s have a lot of bass, and good controlled highs. Mids are not the best BUT they are not super recessed. I mean, I can enjoy most genres without problems. The thing that killed it for me was comfort. The earpads just plain... suck. Yep, they are good quality material but their shape is probably working against it and it hurt my ears (and no, I don't have weird nor big ears! :wink:). The Sony MDR-1R are actually very pleasant sounding, a bit too much midbass but mids were present and good sounding and so were the highs BUT they felt bright much of the time to me and I didn't like it which was weird as one of my favorite headphones is the SRH940s which are bright as hell. But if you read the MDR-1R thread, some people say they find them "warm" with a lot of bass presence too... so YMMV!!!! To my ears, the upper-mids.highs become fatiguing...
BUT in the end, I only kept coming back to two headphones, Ultrasone Signature Pros and the Mad Dogs!!!
The Signature Pros, again, to MY ears, have a "warmer" sound, more bass presence, great extension and POWERFUL sub bass (maybe not the same quantity as the Denon D5000s but definitely better defined!), very present Mids and Highs. In fact, I was surprised because, well, being Ultrasones I just expected a TON of bass, recessed mids, and shrill highs! I was wrong, apart from being warm, they are tonally great with great extension on both ends and present mids! If it wasn't for them being a BIT uncomfortable, they would be the BEST headphones I have ever bought! They clamp a bit hard which is great for isolation and for controlling leakage but that very same clamp makes my ears hurt just a bit after two or more hours straight of listening to my music.
Then, Mad Dogs... "Neutral-ish" but I find bass to be a bit increased also (which I like). To my ears these are still as mid-centric as the Stock pair but without the resonances and the uglyness!! :wink: . LOVE the mids of the Mad Dogs (which was one of the things I loved from the SRH940s), they have good highs presence and excellent Bass reproduction (including subbass). No, it doesn't reach the Sig Pros nor the Denon D5000s in quantity but the quality is great and it's "there". Apart from this, these are THE MOST COMFORTABLE HEADPHONES I have tried (yup, better than the Denons and the new MDR-1R). They feel like pillows on your head and I have listened to them for more than 4 hours straight without any problems).
These two became my comparison "control" group lol.
So I compared everything against them, the D600s, the M100s, the MDR-1Rs, the D5000s.
Guess who won!?!? :wink:
I just have to say that I sold MOST of my headphones thanks in part to the Mad Dogs!
I think that speaks for it's presentation and sound reproduction!!!
My D600s, M100s, MDR-1Rs, and all above I have sold. I only have my Sennheiser HD600s (relegated for Home use!), my cheapo Panasonics (for PC gaming use) and the Ultrasone Signature Pros and Mad Dogs (which I sometimes alternate for use at work... lately I've just been using the Mad Dogs!).
So, unless you/someone is looking for something VERY SPECIFIC (i.e. portability/durability/basshead == M100s, comfortable/neutral-ish/good looking == MDR-1Rs, lower budget/with good sound == M80s, SRH840s, treble happy/Mid-centric == SRH940s, etc. etc.), I will recommend the Mad Dogs to everyone! lol
To my ears and my head, Signature Pro > Denon D5000 > Mad Dogs > Shure SRH940s > Sony MDR-1R > V-MODA M100 > Denon D600 > V-MODA M-80 > Skullcandy Mix Master Mike > Fostex T50RP (Stock)
But as always, this above is according to MY ears and MY preferences! As always, YMMV!!! The best thing of course is to try them yourselves! But I can say with GREAT CONFIDENCE that the Mad Dogs are one of the best offerings out there.
Thanks for reading this Wall of Text!! LOL
And congrats to Dan for creating a pleasant sounding mod of a current headphone available at an INCREDIBLE and accessible price! Also, thanks for the quick responses and great customer service!
P.S. No, I don't work nor am I associated to Dan! LOL I just find these headphones quite incredible for the price and can give similar headphones in the price range a run for their money! No B.S.!

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