The discovery thread!
Aug 29, 2013 at 10:29 PM Post #13,501 of 124,752
I don't know if it's on-topic, but I do know that this is a discovery, so...
Has anyone heard of the upcoming Galaxy Note 3?
It's said to support 4K video recording and 24/192 playback. Here's the rumor link:
It's also going to be released this September, along with the new iPad, iPhone, Mac Pro, etc., so Septermber is going to be pretty heated up with all of the new releases in, well, everything. It ain't just devices, it also extends to games, seeing that it's the end of Q3 or something like that.
Hope this kinda informed you all. XD
Aug 29, 2013 at 10:46 PM Post #13,502 of 124,752
I haven't found better tips for the S2 besides the stock ones eric.  I know Ds has experimented with a few so he should chime in.  

I only use my UE tips. They have the best fit and sound overall. I like the hybrids too but once I went to my UEs I can tell the hybrids hinder the mids a touch..I would try what ever you have. The stock tips are good too.
Aug 29, 2013 at 10:50 PM Post #13,503 of 124,752
I don't know if it's on-topic, but I do know that this is a discovery, so...
Has anyone heard of the upcoming Galaxy Note 3?
It's said to support 4K video recording and 24/192 playback. Here's the rumor link:
It's also going to be released this September, along with the new iPad, iPhone, Mac Pro, etc., so Septermber is going to be pretty heated up with all of the new releases in, well, everything. It ain't just devices, it also extends to games, seeing that it's the end of Q3 or something like that.
Hope this kinda informed you all. XD

24/192 playback on a non audiophile focused dap? What is this madness.... lol I have like barely anything in that file format... my 32gb phone is perfectly fine with 320 mp3 lol ain't nobody got room for lossless. 4k is interesting but I think all these new resolutions past a certain point is becoming a bit useless- say the 4k tv, I rarely watch programs in 1080p and generally programs are in 480 because of the cost.
Man it seems that the cks1000 got phased out pretty quickly...but whatever those are still at the top of my list since  neutral earphones tend not to work too well for edm. But given that the onkyo hf es300 is slightly bassy maybe the ie's will be tuned the same way... lol hope Ds recieves his pair before I decide to order the cks1000 :p
Aug 29, 2013 at 11:02 PM Post #13,504 of 124,752
Ya hold on a bit you aint the only person interested in them. I decided to get the headphones as well. The funny thing is. Is because of my NE-700. Nuforce Iems. I notice for a bass iem the detail on the Nuforces are actually solid and that got me thinking. The Drivers on the NE-700s has a titanium coating.
The Ultrasone Pro900 headphones while being 40mm also uses titanium coated drivers.  The bass response and overall detail is what stands out on Titanium drivers. Also these Onkyo HF300s have a sub chamber for that deep bass. I think these headphones have more than potential. I will have both here real soon. Will let you all know how I think about them.

Aug 29, 2013 at 11:12 PM Post #13,505 of 124,752
wow cool looking forward to your impressions. I hope I didn't come off as impatient, just excited haha. Lol I wish I could contribute more to this thread but I own just about zero of the headphones/earphones that are mentioned here. 
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:10 AM Post #13,508 of 124,752
Cool. So everyone's starting to get their hands on the Onkyos. About time too! Looking forward to what you think about them HF300s,nuts! Was considering them but I found IEMs to be more my thing. I've rarely used the S2 since I got the ie300.
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:17 AM Post #13,509 of 124,752
Cool. So everyone's starting to get their hands on the Onkyos. About time too! Looking forward to what you think about them nuts! I've rarely used the S2 since I got them.

^ Hook a brotha' up.

... REAL LOW. hoho

Aug 30, 2013 at 12:34 AM Post #13,510 of 124,752
I really love acoustic guitars with the S2.
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:43 AM Post #13,512 of 124,752
Yep, but I need the headset for on-the-go situations. I only use the H200 for critical listening at home.

That's what you get for selling your on-the-go Bassos!
^ Hook a brotha' up.

.. REAL LOW. hoho

You ain't no brotha... you a troll ho ho.
Exesteils, do the right thing and sell those S2's to the right man! 

Aug 30, 2013 at 12:47 AM Post #13,513 of 124,752
That's what you get for selling your on-the-go Bassos!
You ain't no brotha... you a troll ho ho.
Exesteils, do the right thing and sell those S2's to the right man! 

Hey WAYNE if you want them by all means take them, cuz i is generous like that.

edit: but can you handle all this awesomeness with those M500s coming in though hohohohohohohohoho
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:48 AM Post #13,514 of 124,752
Since I have been taking liberties with my local libraries music collection. I discovered this guy. If you guys don't know who this guy is. You will now. His name is Andres Segovia.(1893-1987) A master of the classic guitar.  I have never heard classical guitar played quite like this guy..Look up this mans music and take a listen. I only wish his early works had better recordings but you can find stuff he did during the 60s 70s that has some old school stereo tech in the recordings. Nothing short of brilliance.

Your acoustic guitars for the night..
Aug 30, 2013 at 12:56 AM Post #13,515 of 124,752
Just saw a pair of mint condition Qualias on the sales forum..... How I wish I had the money to try these.....

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