The discovery thread!
Jan 11, 2013 at 12:24 AM Post #5,927 of 103,993
This read is in regard to their older version the AD900. The AD900X would be a new upgraded version of them  One of 4 cans this man gives a A+ grade to. That is pretty surprising considering the scope of competition these cans have on this comparo.
Jan 11, 2013 at 2:49 AM Post #5,930 of 103,993
Nicely done ericp. I look forward to what you have to say about them earphones..There was a couple of earphones I was looking at today when I ordered the CKN50s. Amazon Japan is not good for me as there are so many earphones and headphones I have never heard about or seen before. Not good..I was looking into them TDKs myself I opted to get the one thing I had my eyes on every time I log onto Amazon Japan. A little surprise I will do a write up for. For everyone on this thread. If they are worthy might have to open a new one..
The CKN50 as I type is a very surprising earphone. When fully burned. They remind me of another AT phone I recently bought.
As many earphones and headphones I own I love it when you don't spend much money for greatness. These CKN50 for what I bought them for..Has a magnificent sound..

and if following AT´s logic, the ckn50 could be probably just the beginning of the ckn series. like the ckm50 was
Jan 11, 2013 at 3:17 AM Post #5,932 of 103,993
Was just amusing over how these noobs are bringing up those ATHs over your godly Somics on this discovery thread that's all. Sorry to make you think other wise cash, cuz you know the man with the "cash" and those Somics is Da BOSS. 


Have you caved yet?

Seriously people. Apparently no one wants a $35 headphone that puts $100-$200 headphones to shame sonically.

I know it looks like a cheap, toy portable set, but would you really give a cheap portable 50mm drivers, a 64 Ohm impedance, and a cable extender that brings the cord length to 10 feet? No! These things have "designed for studios" written all over them.
Jan 11, 2013 at 3:24 AM Post #5,933 of 103,993

Have you caved yet?

Seriously people. Apparently no one wants a $35 headphone that puts $100-$200 headphones to shame sonically.

I know it looks like a cheap, toy portable set, but would you really give a cheap portable 50mm drivers, a 64 Ohm impedance, and a cable extender that brings the cord length to 10 feet? No! These things have "designed for studios" written all over them.

haha glad i made an impression on you from that somic thread. You know what, my modded JVC S500s sounds so damn amazing i don't think i will cave to anything! 
But like i said, my cousins are planning to visit china soon, so i'll tell them to get both of these Somics for me for dirt cheap. I know it's already crazy inexpensive as it, but i am a slickdealer at heart and am in no rush to get them. My S500s has me standing TALL AND STRONG!!!
  Man am i glad i didn't cave to those AKG167s but it sure got close though thanks to miow's hype train, Pheeeeew!
Jan 11, 2013 at 8:29 AM Post #5,934 of 103,993
Well this is interesting... for those that were following\helping me with my AudioFit IEM's. I was browsing through |joker| Multi IEM page and came across this... 
 My AudioFit BA IEM's
(2C5) Auvio Armature


Reviewed Jan 2010

Details: Flagship IEM from RadioShack’s in-house electronics manufacturer Auvio
Current Price: N/A (discontinued) (MSRP: $79.99)
Specs: Driver:BA | Imp: 55.5 Ω | Sens: 108 dB | Freq: 20-20k Hz | Cord: 4’ I-plug
Nozzle Size: 5.5mm | Preferred tips: Comply T400, Soundmagic PL30 single-flanges
Wear Style: Straight down or over-the-ear

Accessories (3.5/5) – Silicone single-flange tips (3 sizes), comply T400 tips (3 sizes), and a pleather carrying case with magnetic flap and inner pocket
Build Quality (3.5/5) – The housings are in two parts, the rear being nicely machined metal and the front – plastic. The plastic feels a bit rough and cheap. Cabling is fairly thick but somewhat tangle-prone. Strain reliefs are functional on the 3.5mm plug end but not molded on earphone entry.
Isolation (4/5) – Isolation is quite good with the stock silicone tips and improves further with the included Complys. Angled nozzle is conducive to deep insertion.
Microphonics (4.5/5) – Very low when worn cord-down and non-existent when worn cord-up
Comfort (4/5) – The nozzles are angled as on the Klipsch S4 and the fit is very similar. Can easily be worn cord-up or cord-down.

Sound (4.9/10) – The Auvios produce a very flat and neutral sound that falls just short of expectations on a few levels. Extension on the low end is rather average, with the bass rolling off quickly past about 35 Hz. What is there is quite tight and accurate, though with little impact. The mids are slightly recessed and the soundstage is just a bit wider than average. Separation is mediocre and for the $80 MSRP I would also expect better clarity and detail in the mids and treble. The high end is fairly flat and extended, though devoid of sparkle and excitement, resulting in a slightly dark sound. Really, they aren’t bad at all, but after having heard the RadioPaq Jazz and Klipsch S4 I expect more from earphones with a list price of $80.

Value: (6/10) – Though the Auvios really excel on the usability front, the sound isn’t quite something I could get excited about. While they perform admirably from a technical standpoint, they lack a certain musical quality that keeps me coming back to earphones such as the RadioPaq Jazz and Soundmagic PL50. I was actually originally convinced that the Auvios utilized the same armatures as the Soundmagic PL50 (both are Chinese OEM single armature earphones with similar impedance and sensitivity specs). Having listened to both side by side I’d be very surprised if they did – the sound signatures are just that different. Needless to say I prefer the PL50.

Pros: Comfy, decent build quality, almost zero microphonics
Cons: Bland sound, optimistic MSRP

I still think these are the best IEM's currently in my possession. For $40 i am pleased but i can't help but think there are cheaper\better options out there. Guess that is the hallmark of a budget-fi audiophile. 
Can't wait to get home and try out the Id America Sparks which i found online for ~$25. 
Jan 11, 2013 at 9:21 AM Post #5,936 of 103,993
Even though the housing might be same, the drivers will differ from OEM to OEM. I think at this price they are using siren BA drivers which are also available in other iems at same price range.

While i have no doubt that oem to oem can differ. The AudioFit and the Auvio have the exact same specs for impedance and sensitivity which lead me to the conclusion they could be one in the same. Thank you for your insight MuZo2. 
Jan 11, 2013 at 10:53 AM Post #5,937 of 103,993
Seriously people. Apparently no one wants a $35 headphone that puts $100-$200 headphones to shame sonically.

Was contemplating to order a pair of the EFI-82 for $16 which was on offer from AliExpress, during the checkout process I chickened out when they asked for my full credit card details instead of giving me the paypal option.
Anyone here ever ordered anything from AliExpress before ? are they legit and trustworthy ? 
Jan 11, 2013 at 11:40 AM Post #5,938 of 103,993
Well, while my FXZ200 are on massive burn-in, I receive my new BTG-Audio Starlight cable for my V6. Oh boy!! So that will occupy my ears (and the TDK BA200) while the FXZ200s take it's burn-in pounding.
But like Dsnuts, the Amazon.jpn bug has caught me worse than the flu bug going around the states here. So, I also ordered the ATH-CN50, but in addition I ordered a new technology earphone that seems to be getting a lot of rave (actually Currawong raved about them along with the FXZ200 at the electronic show he went to in Japan). Yes, I ordered the TDK MA600, (aka: magnetic armature instead of balance armature). It's been getting some good reviews from what I can tell and basically gives the armature driver or more dynamic (yet BA detailed) like sound. Currawong stated heard the MA700, but I couldn't find that model. The magnetic armature seems to be the MA600, so maybe the number changed. I wouldn't be surprised if Dsnuts ordered these too. I was reading some Japanese website where the writer stated he was surprised that TDK isn't selling this great sounding new technology at more of a premium price. So, like with the S500s, I put myself out as the guinea pig for you guys and will let you know when I get them (which could be Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at the speed Tenso is going in sending these products out).

Really, I must get the V7007 and ASG-2 and stop! Happy listening (yeah, I'm also thinking about being the guinea pig for the AKG k374 ... We'll see). Oh boy! 

Well, Dsnuts and are really bad influences
   ....but who would have thought that my wife, knowing full well of my audio gears addiction would buy me a copy of the latest Japanese 'phile' magazine when she visited Japan last month.    ....this is like a bible chock full of the latest poisons !

ericp10, I'll be following your reviews of them TDK MA600 and MA700 with interests, incidentally Maxell also has a 600/700 pair. Here's some info on the Maxell MXH DD600, it seems these have 2 dynamics in them

FR curves...

Here's some detail of the Maxell DBA700

The DBA700 is interesting as they have a hybrid combo of a BA and dynamic drivers.
Here's the FR graph

Logitec's got some very interesting BT phones (Looks like Bazookas or N.O.S cylinders !)

And I thought my FRZ100/200 looks like frankenbolts, they look good compared to these Logitecs

Jan 11, 2013 at 12:10 PM Post #5,939 of 103,993
Guess I'm the luckiest guy alive with a wife that supports my addiction
biggrin.gif if I can only find somebody who understands and reads Japanese (it's like having a bottle of wine but no wine bottle opener) ....I'll be the happiest guy alive.
Here's some sort of comparision chart or review of a few relevant iems and cans





ATH CK100PRO ???? that a perfect score ????

Any kind Japanese readers can explain what those tables say ?
Jan 11, 2013 at 12:11 PM Post #5,940 of 103,993
Well, Dsnuts and are really bad influences
   ....but who would have thought that my wife, knowing full well of my audio gears addiction would buy me a copy of the latest Japanese 'phile' magazine when she visited Japan last month.    ....this is like a bible chock full of the latest poisons !

I'll be following your reviews of them TDK MA600 and MA700 with interests, incidentally Maxell also has a 600/700 pair. Here's some info on the Maxell MXH DD600, it seems these have 2 dynamics in them

FR curves...

Here's some detail of the Maxell DBA700

The DBA700 is interesting as they have a hybrid combo of a BA and dynamic drivers.
Here's the FR graph

Logitec's got some very interesting BT phones (Looks like Bazookas !)

And I thought my FRZ100/200 looks like frankenbolts, they look good compared to these Logitecs

Yeah, that magazine looks dangerous, Ghostfit. I think I was using Amazon.jpn before Dsnuts, but he's more dangerous with it as he finds headphones and earphones that would never search for there. I pretty much know what I want and go there to get it. I try not to look for new interesting stuff, although I failed and that is how I ended up getting the CKN5 and TDK MA600.

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