The discovery thread!
May 28, 2012 at 12:26 PM Post #1,817 of 104,882
I purchased the HA-FX40 a few weeks back after reading about them here (of course). They definitely needed some break-in time, as the treble sounded a bit shrill on female vocals to my ears.
After several days, they did indeed smooth out & became quite enjoyable to use (especially for the price) I feel these are a step above the AT-CK50As and pretty close to my newest go to IEMs, the Meelectroinics NE-770X, which I recently scored w/ their 1/2 off  trade in deal. The 770X's seem to produce a fuller soundstage, and they fit really well in my ears to produce a tight seal. The JVC's require a bit more effort to get seated in correctly, however it may just be that I need to roll thru more tips to find a better fitting pair.
Still & all, so amazing to see/hear what you can get for around $25 these days!
May 28, 2012 at 1:42 PM Post #1,818 of 104,882
Can anuone do a comparrison between it and the CKS77 please...I would very much appreciate it! 

May 28, 2012 at 1:50 PM Post #1,819 of 104,882
So I have given the FX101s so time and a bit of burn it.  I like them a lot, considering I have so many other ear bud/IEMs.  For the price they can't be beat - at least that I know of.  The cool thing is, because they are cheap (by "our" standards, I have already started to mode them a bit.
First, I just put Comply Tips (T-400s fit fine).  Make them fit better for me and does increase the overall sound quality a bit.
Also, because I can walk down the street and buy a pair at will and my biggest complaint is lack of iphone mic/controls (I use the mic and volume control a lot so prefer buds/IEMS/headphones with iphone-specific functionality (sometimes very limiting). I know you can buy a mic'd version of the JVCs (which I did on amazon for the heck of it, but the come with a generic mic, no volume control which is a must have for me).   So - I decided to cut the JVC's casing open (did not snap open like I had hoped - there is  rubber strip that holds the casing together), took an iphone ear bud cord/mic (white one that comes with the iphone), detached the crappy earbuds and soddered the white cable with the mic/volume controls to the new JVCs.  I did have to superglue the casing back together which made them a bit unsightly, so I filed off the extra glue and took flat black model paint and gave it a coat to clean things up.  We will see how long it lasts (lets hope my modding/soddering skills were adequate) but right now, I am rocking the FX101s with a full, operational iphone mic/in-control that, for all intensive purposes, I can not "baby" like I do my more expensive headphones! 
May 28, 2012 at 4:56 PM Post #1,820 of 104,882
After 21hrs of burn in they become more close to neutral....awesome

Okay cool, my pair has around 8 or so right now, and sounds great for hip-hop and the such......
but then it went to Amon Amarth's "Beheading of a King". Oh god my ears, the treble ate them with knives. Time to hide these puppies for more burn in.
May 28, 2012 at 5:03 PM Post #1,821 of 104,882
Yea I enjoy the 101's for EDM and Hip Hop, I have started to switch back to my CK50's for rock and classical though. Vocals on the 101's sound a little muffled sometimes as well, not enough to really bother me.
May 29, 2012 at 2:32 AM Post #1,828 of 104,882
For everyone that just got them.. Happy listening fellas and greets from the Grand Canyon. Everyone must check out the Grand Canyon at least once in their lifetime. It will be good for your soul..But in the mean time keep em on the burn!
May 29, 2012 at 5:33 AM Post #1,830 of 104,882
I have both the 40 and 101 with about 100 hrs of burn in. Wow great set for around 40 bucks I use 101's for the gym ( electronica,rock,rap/hip hop) and the 40's while at work (acoustic/live recordings/indie/classical)  I use comply tips on both.

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