The discovery thread!
Feb 2, 2024 at 3:49 PM Post #94,516 of 105,488
Can I ask why you use a question mark after everything?
Could be his style of writing or posting. Everything is a question mark. Much like Elvis shaking his legs. That is Elvis's thing.
Feb 2, 2024 at 3:50 PM Post #94,517 of 105,488
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Feb 2, 2024 at 3:57 PM Post #94,519 of 105,488
HEYO! Here are some impressions on the Dita Project M. This is a set I purchased from Dita's website when they announced that they're selling the remaining stock of their first run. I received it late last week and have put in about ~50hrs of burn-in and about ~10hrs of ear time.

First of all, I want to say that the Project M is quite the looker and pics won't do it justice. It looks great in person. The drivers (1DD+1BA) are encased in a tiny steel puck connected to a tube that transports music to your earholes. All of the internals appear to be floating in a transparent shell filled with resin. I think she looks precious.


For accessories, you get a nice pliable 2-wire cable, a tiny briefcase-like container, and a set of Final Type E eartips that...! After cable and tip rolling through everything I have, I ended up back with the stock cable and tips for best sound and comfort.

The Project M has a neutral-bright tuning to my ears. The 9.8mm DD puts out some top quality bass that's tight and punchy. It doesn't hit as hard as I typically want, but it's still satisfying when a track calls for it. The vocals are a bit forward and intimate so the whole presentation kinda reminds me of the Elysian Diva when it's set to the medium bass tuning.

Where things differ is in the treble. The Project M has the most treble extension out of any of my IEMs. It's definitely airy and sparkly up there. I can actually hear high hats being hit and decay whereas on my other IEMs, I just hear the tck faintly in the background and not the tckshhhhh on the Project M. It's a brighter set for sure, but it really doesn't get sibilant for me. I think it's a truly resolving set that reveals details in tracks that are usually veiled or nonexistent when listening on my other IEMs. I've usually steered clear of bright-tuned IEMs, but now that I've discovered what good treble extension can sound like, I really want to demo the Elysian Annihilator since it's notorious for being a treble champ.

Oh yeah and here's one more pic. It's the best I could put together for a glow-in-the-dark shot using the phone camera.

..and yes, I intentionally positioned the IEMs to make a face.

This sounds like it's right up my alley!
Feb 2, 2024 at 3:59 PM Post #94,520 of 105,488
Feb 2, 2024 at 4:06 PM Post #94,521 of 105,488
Day 2 with the MEST Mk1.
Still trying to find the words for my impressions.
I am definitely enjoying this. It has really great staging and imaging capabilities.
I will need to do comparisons with some of my other top sets (DTE900, PENON 10TH, TURBO, EPZ 530, Shuoer EJ07M) to get a better picture of how it stacks up, but definitely puts a smile on my face.
Seriously I still put Mest OG / Mk 1 one of the best IEM that have great clean bass tuning, quite impactful yet fast, extraordinary imaging combined with great layering and large soundstage. Not for timbre freak though since the Mest Mk 1 Achilles heels is the unnatural timbre (i still can compromise in trade with its strong points). Treble heads will enjoy the extra sparklings at transient attack notes wirh Mest mkI. I compared directly AB ing with EE Odin, VE Phonix, Fir Audio XE6 and other big boys over 2k and Mest can hold up against. Comparison made with Fiio M17. Especially with dropped price of the used Mest MkI around $600ish, that truly real deal for TOTL sound.

One of the recent IEMs that I think have best tuning among others is Symphonium Crimson. While the drivers are still a mystery (assuming they are 4BAs like Helios), the tuning is one of the best of any price. A lot IEMs come close with this tuning but nothing come perfect with this tuck in bass shelf, perfectly controlled on 100-300hz, nice pinna gain on high mids, just nice lower trebles and most important is higher extension that doesn't rolled off. From hundreds chifi in midfi falls on this section 12-15khz area, where the "technicalities" are sitting there ( correlation with 4khz as presence region). All TOTL with decent technicalities have these, look at storm, annihilator, u12t, etc. Of course by backed up with quality drivers too. But quality drivers without good tuning are wasted.
And luckily the Mest tuning have similarities with Crimson from the clean bass shelf, just nice pinna gain (especially for high volume user), and that treble extension on 12-15khz. Perhaps mest is tad brighter and the 6-7khz area "supposed" to be cut off little bit to make it safer and have better timbre.
Congrats on yours buddy, definitely a keeper even in 2023 oops i meant 2024 (seriously time feels so fast nowadays)
graph (3).png
Feb 2, 2024 at 4:08 PM Post #94,522 of 105,488
Same here, a few minutes ago.

Dark Funeral - We Are The Apocalypse was one of my favorite albums of 2022. Absolutely brilliant listen, and to me, very Dimmu.
Feb 2, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #94,523 of 105,488
Kinera Verdandi Black Cosmos Edition (1DD, 2BA, 2EST, 1BC) is getting on Pre-Order. Any further comment about the shells design is useless. This is the pair I am getting in 3-4 weeks.

All 3 shells designs (Blue, Black « Standard » and Black Cosmos) look amazing and sound the same.

Kinera Verdandi - Black Cosmos Edition
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Feb 2, 2024 at 5:45 PM Post #94,524 of 105,488
Can I ask why you use a question mark after everything?

'Cause even he's not sure if what he's saying makes any sense 😜

Haha, meant as a joke, but I see how it can be misconstrued. I'll add a smiley.
Ya, it is added here as a way to invoke the concept of subjectivity. And that is exactly right I’m not sure if my chosen post adjective will be same to all listeners? Hence the question mark. It is also to add mystery as these little things in our ears are always at least 10%-50% mystery, no matter how much we think we know them, it is only a singular listening experience and tomorrow may be different.
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Feb 2, 2024 at 5:51 PM Post #94,525 of 105,488
Kinera Verdandi Black Cosmos Edition (1DD, 2BA, 2EST, 1BC) is getting on Pre-Order. Any further comment about the shells design is useless. This is the pair I am getting in 3-4 weeks.

All 3 shells designs (Blue, Black « Standard » and Black Cosmos) look amazing and sound the same.

Kinera Verdandi - Black Cosmos Edition

Man, so pretty. It looks like jewellery.

Ya, it is added here as a way to invoke the concept of subjectivity. And that is exactly right I’m not sure if my chosen post adjective will be same to all listeners? Hence the question mark. It is also to add mystery as these little things in our ears are always at least 10%-50% mystery, no matter how much we think we know them, it is only a singular listening experience and tomorrow may be different.

Your writing style with question mark is kinda infectious?
Feb 2, 2024 at 5:53 PM Post #94,526 of 105,488
Kinera Verdandi Black Cosmos Edition (1DD, 2BA, 2EST, 1BC) is getting on Pre-Order. Any further comment about the shells design is useless. This is the pair I am getting in 3-4 weeks.

All 3 shells designs (Blue, Black « Standard » and Black Cosmos) look amazing and sound the same.

Kinera Verdandi - Black Cosmos Edition
god that is gorgeous, i am eager to demo this pair at CJ. the right pricing for where i want to land for awhile.
Feb 2, 2024 at 5:59 PM Post #94,527 of 105,488
Could be his style of writing or posting. Everything is a question mark. Much like Elvis shaking his legs. That is Elvis's thing.
I am guilty of trying to stir things up. Only because those things are stirred up (like a cocktail) in my head.
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Feb 2, 2024 at 6:01 PM Post #94,528 of 105,488
Man, so pretty. It looks like jewellery.
According to insider information (to be confirmed by Kinera), Kinera employs at least one person, full time, to take care about the shell design of their IEMs. It’s a serious job and it costs. This company, and their subsidiaries ones, like QoA, does their homework pretty well. The best is still to come I think, but it’s just my opinion and guts feeling. We will see many beautiful and amazing sounding transducers and devices being released during this year.
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Feb 2, 2024 at 6:38 PM Post #94,529 of 105,488
EPZ Q1 Pro
EPZ Q1 Pro.jpeg

This was self-purchased at a discounted price from Aliexpress.
10mm dual cavity dual magnetic circuit PU + LCP liquid crystal molecular dome diaphragm

One of the most beautiful looking IEMs I've encountered in my audio journey. Harmanish tone.

Retailing $32 USD

Will report back after doing some burn-in and A/B comparisons!

8 kHz below on the graph is a coupler peak.
EPZ Q1 Pro.jpg

Any updates on this? Curious how it compares to the EPZ G10 which is about the same price.
Feb 2, 2024 at 6:48 PM Post #94,530 of 105,488
Got something new today my friends, First unit in India basically. Questyle CMA18 Portable, just landed at the local retailer in my city and i grabbed this because i was just excited lol.

It seems there is a phone hanging on your dong(le)

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