The discovery thread!
Jan 4, 2014 at 4:30 PM Post #18,256 of 104,924
Live music, man, beats the crap out of any ism!!!!!
Just sayin….
Jan 4, 2014 at 5:08 PM Post #18,257 of 104,924
I might buy a Xonar STX..I mainly listen to music on my PC. I think it's more convenient that getting an amp/DAC since it's inside the computer out of the way. What do you guys think?
Is there something else that I can plug into my PC without it being too bulky to improve the sound beyond my Xonar DG?
Jan 4, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #18,258 of 104,924
  thanks for the reminder on those MOE Sf

Yeppp they seems to be pretty good sounding but looks wise..... LoL nuff said. :)
How are the QB2's against your favourite Vsonic?
I'm currently holding off on other purchases because I'm saving up for the Noble 4. I need a reference IEM to help me with my future reviews...

^ Let's just say if i had to pick only one set between the MH1Cs, LG QB2s and the VSD1s i would pick the VSonics EVERY time no ifs or buts about it. 
I actually enjoy these QB2s quite a bit, very fun/ musical and easy on the ears for less than i day i have had them so far. Like i said very similar to the MH1Cs in sonic character/ presentation as both leans towards the warmer side. These QB2s has an slight leg up in that they are more airy/ with better instrument separation/ better extension in treble BUT the MH1Cs sounds more refined overall due to its smoother presentation.
  Here's my in depth review of the OM Audio InEarPeace

^ Hope this one will last for mo' than a few days. HE HE HE

Jan 4, 2014 at 5:37 PM Post #18,259 of 104,924
On second thought, maybe I'll take my iPad, add a mike, get a live signal from the stage, then listen through a number of iem's so I can compare them…nah!!!
Jan 4, 2014 at 8:14 PM Post #18,260 of 104,924
  Yeppp they seems to be pretty good sounding but looks wise..... LoL nuff said. :)
^ Let's just say if i had to pick only one set between the MH1Cs, LG QB2s and the VSD1s i would pick the VSonics EVERY time no ifs or buts about it. 
I actually enjoy these QB2s quite a bit, very fun/ musical and easy on the ears for less than i day i have had them so far. Like i said very similar to the MH1Cs in sonic character/ presentation as both leans towards the warmer side. These QB2s has an slight leg up in that they are more airy/ with better instrument separation/ better extension in treble BUT the MH1Cs sounds more refined overall due to its smoother presentation.
^ Hope this one will last for mo' than a few days. HE HE HE

These are built like a tank, and so far so good. I don't think i'll have any issues with durability, the way I did with the KEF M200? 
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:18 PM Post #18,261 of 104,924
Concert just finished... Man, if Steven Bernstein, Henry Butler, or any of the bands Bernstein fronts are playing in your area, RUN, don't walk, to catch the show. Man, that was fantastic!!! Lucky to get in, a lot of people showed, just loved it!!!
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:20 PM Post #18,262 of 104,924
A little update on the doppios. For science sake I don't know if I was a believer of BA burn in but if you guys think about it. It makes sense that BAs do in fact need some use before they are full on to what they were made for..Case in point. I let music play through my Doppios for the last 48 hours since I got them..
Do they change like dynamics? No..However they did change. I did notice some of the BA characteristics with a touch of brightness using the DX50 on open box. That is completely gone. The low end now has also filled in very nicely. Music is now fuller sounding a bit warmer. What hasn't changed is the smoothness and the astounding amount of detail.  Before where I can pick out what each BA was doing. Now both are firing with a seamless fluidity that makes these in ears easily one of the best sounding phones I have ever owned or heard. In other words. Running music through these actually made them even better than what I heard on initial listen.
The highs on the doppios is the best I have heard on any iem.. I can make out not only tone and pitch of a high hat note with distinct clarity but approximately with what force it was struck based on how much reverb there are. This tonality in the highs is unparalleled among anything I have heard. Guys we are talking about each hit on a high note having a slight variance in tone/pitch.. Lesser iems will not pick this type of detail up not even close, this type of detail is on every part of the spectrum and that got me thinking just how good these iems are.
Vocal pitch and slight variations in breathing, microdetails on strings such as the sliding of fingers on frets, and approximately how much force used by the artist to pluck the strings can be made out with ease on these.. Needless to say these have more than separated themselves from everything I own they have quickly become my reference for sound.
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:28 PM Post #18,263 of 104,924
  A little update on the doppios. For science sake I don't know if I was a believer of BA burn in but if you guys think about it. It makes sense that BAs do in fact need some use before they are full on to what they were made for..Case in point. I let music play through my Doppios for the last 48 hours since I got them..
Do they change like dynamics? No..However they did change. I did notice some of the BA characteristics with a touch of brightness using the DX50 on open box. That is completely gone. The low end now has also filled in very nicely. Music is now fuller sounding a bit warmer. What hasn't changed is the smoothness and the astounding amount of detail.  Before where I can pick out what each BA was doing. Now both are firing with a seamless fluidity that makes these in ears easily one of the best sounding phones I have ever owned or heard. In other words. Running music through these actually made them even better than what I heard on initial listen.
The highs on the doppios is the best I have heard on any iem.. I can make out not only tone and pitch of a high hat note with distinct clarity but approximately with what force it was struck based on how much reverb there are. This tonality in the highs is unparalleled among anything I have heard. Guys we are talking about each hit on a high note having a slight variance in tone/pitch.. Lesser iems will not pick this type of detail up not even close, this type of detail is on every part of the spectrum and that got me thinking just how good these iems are.
Vocal pitch and slight variations in breathing, microdetails on strings such as the sliding of fingers on frets, and approximately how much force used by the artist to pluck the strings can be made out with ease on these.. Needless to say these have more than separated themselves from everything I own they have quickly become my reference for sound.

Damn, I don't even remember the $1300+ 1Plus2 hybrid unit being able to do that. 

Certianly some discovery you've come across there, Dsnuts.
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:34 PM Post #18,264 of 104,924

Damn, I don't even remember the $1300+ 1Plus2 hybrid unit being able to do that. 

Certianly some discovery you've come across there, Dsnuts.

The TDK BA-200 has similar traits, except it doesn't have the treble presence that these seem to have and other dual BA. That's because the BA-200 was tuned to give the lows and mids more dynamic presence, and the treble a more laid back approach, but detail is not lacking. 
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:36 PM Post #18,265 of 104,924
  The TDK BA-200 has similar traits, except it doesn't have the treble presence that these seem to have and other dual BA. That's because the BA-200 was tuned to give the lows and mids more dynamic presence, and the treble a more laid back approach, but detail is not lacking. 

but that said, the OM Audio InEarPeace is so much better. 
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:38 PM Post #18,266 of 104,924
  Someone should send the Nutman some FAD Heavens, or those ANYMODEs. Also using Molex drivers like the Zero Audio stuff. Guessing he might like those.

Just curious, but where did you find out that Zero Audio uses Molex drivers too?
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:40 PM Post #18,267 of 104,924
  The TDK BA-200 has similar traits, except it doesn't have the treble presence that these seem to have and other dual BA. That's because the BA-200 was tuned to give the lows and mids more dynamic presence, and the treble a more laid back approach, but detail is not lacking. 

I can hear fingers sliding up and down frets of a guitar, the plucking of strings, vocalists breathing, piano pedals being pressed, but the approximate amount of weight used by guitarist when plucking a string? Hmm, not sure I've pin pointed that before.....

Jan 4, 2014 at 9:42 PM Post #18,268 of 104,924

Damn, I don't even remember the $1300+ 1Plus2 hybrid unit being able to do that. 

Certianly some discovery you've come across there, Dsnuts.

Well it does depend on the quality of the recording of course but microdetailing of these Doppios are unbelievable..I doubt these are at the 1 plus 2 level of detail but for $200 it is the best I have heard in that department.
My SRH1540s are the only other phone I have that have anything close to the detail level of these. Makes for a big smile everytime I hear them.
Actually I am so curious of just how well the doppios stack up to the 1 plus 2s in detail.. Danny will probably eventually get the doppios or I will send my pair to him so he can.. That should be interesting.
Jan 4, 2014 at 9:43 PM Post #18,269 of 104,924
  Well it does depend on the quality of the recording of course but microdetailing of these Doppios are unbelievable..I doubt these are at the 1 plus 2 level of detail but for $200 it is the best I have heard in that department.
My SRH1540s are the only other phone I have that have anything close to the detail level of these. Makes for a big smile everytime I hear them.

What is this earphones full model name. I would like to check it out please.



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