The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Jul 1, 2014 at 3:11 PM Post #21,721 of 21,763
expect to be nicely content for awhile.

I'm honestly hoping that they'll quell the need to check for updates on stuff all of the time. I've kinda oscillated between various sigs for awhile and I've come to understand that I prefer a neutral-ish sound with large staging above all else, so these seem like they could be the ticket. I'm hoping they usurp my K812 setup as well since it's kind of a hassle to be plug in all of the components to my macbook (HDD/HUGO) and then be chained to my desk for the duration of my listening sesh
Jul 1, 2014 at 3:21 PM Post #21,722 of 21,763
I took a break from head-fi for a few weeks - I was sucked into a stupid, idiotic, time-wasting internet game. I finally clawed my way out of there and went cold turkey. It's not the first time... :xf_eek:
Jul 1, 2014 at 4:49 PM Post #21,724 of 21,763
  I think it would have helped had Lachlan not be running a a crowdfunding campaign concurrent to the discussion.  To have that discussion - where he is trying to champion crowdfunding as a means to fund review content, while he is soliciting donations at the same time - is to draw attention to his own campaign.

Well, he also could have had the discussion *before* starting the crowdfunding campaign. I think that would have also kept his hands clean. He could have then said (on his own blog, not head-fi), "based on the feedback to my article, I have started a crowdfunding campaign -> here". Nice clean separation, and as long as the crowdfunding page also gave the story, I don't think it would have exploded.

I'm not sure whether you've had the opportunity to actually read his original writeup, but it's a comprehensive analysis and critique of the current review system and a proposal of crowdfunding as a better solution. He also ties himself to said conclusion, in that he pledges to stop pursuing the current system (requesting / accepting free review units), regardless of whether the new solution is going to work out for him or not. So, in my understanding, he basically puts his ass out on the line for something he believes in, because with plan A abandoned, if plan B goes wrong his days as a reviewer might be numbered.
Again, I personally think his conclusion is flawed, but that has nothing to do with his motives, which I feel are genuine. Perhaps a bit naive, but whatever... I just don't see how this twenty-something's quixotic campaign can be construed as immoral, inappropriate, or harmful to head-fi in any way.
(This is my last post on the topic. Sorry, I'm aware that it amounts to discussing mods' decisions, so please delete if I've overstepped the mark)
Jul 1, 2014 at 5:21 PM Post #21,725 of 21,763
Well, he also could have had the discussion *before* starting the crowdfunding campaign. I think that would have also kept his hands clean. He could have then said (on his own blog, not head-fi), "based on the feedback to my article, I have started a crowdfunding campaign -> here". Nice clean separation, and as long as the crowdfunding page also gave the story, I don't think it would have exploded.

This.  This exactly, and I told him as much. 

  Still doesn't mean he's out schilling for his own cause.

Actually, to people that don't know him as well as we do, that's EXACTLY what it looks like.
  I'm not sure whether you've had the opportunity to actually read his original writeup, but it's a comprehensive analysis and critique of the current review system and a proposal of crowdfunding as a better solution.

Yup, sure have.  And while there is something very noble about the intentions - if not naive (I agree with you there) - the execution of it was basically screwed from the start. It should have been done as billy suggested above... where a real (and not led) discussion took place.  And then, should a pay-for-content model have been determined by the community to be the optimal next step, he could then have initiated a campaign.
But to start a campaign, then come here and drum up interest in a discussion about it... well, it looks the way it looks, and I am not at all surprised that it was viewed the way it was.  Had it been someone I do not know, and I saw it first, I'd have deleted the post right away as spam.
Jul 1, 2014 at 6:34 PM Post #21,726 of 21,763
I've been giving my views on the actual proposal in the other thread - to summarize, I simply believe it is completely unworkable in the real world and the end result would be no tangible benefit to the community. I also said in that thread that I absolutely believe his intentions are noble and that it was not an attempt to do harm to head-fi or sponsors, just as Jude's rules are also not an attempt to allow manufacturers to fleece the head-fi consumers. I assume good intentions all the way around.
Jul 1, 2014 at 6:37 PM Post #21,727 of 21,763
Jul 1, 2014 at 8:02 PM Post #21,728 of 21,763
I've been giving my views on the actual proposal in the other thread - to summarize, I simply believe it is completely unworkable in the real world and the end result would be no tangible benefit to the community. I also said in that thread that I absolutely believe his intentions are noble and that it was not an attempt to do harm to head-fi or sponsors, just as Jude's rules are also not an attempt to allow manufacturers to fleece the head-fi consumers. I assume good intentions all the way around.
I really do not assume as much...but accept that I am in a fleece-ful environment and it's ok as long as I know it.
Jul 1, 2014 at 10:42 PM Post #21,729 of 21,763
  I'm honestly hoping that they'll quell the need to check for updates on stuff all of the time. I've kinda oscillated between various sigs for awhile and I've come to understand that I prefer a neutral-ish sound with large staging above all else, so these seem like they could be the ticket. I'm hoping they usurp my K812 setup as well since it's kind of a hassle to be plug in all of the components to my macbook (HDD/HUGO) and then be chained to my desk for the duration of my listening sesh

Can't speak for the K712 but when paired well I'm fiercely in love with my Q701 all the while having a torrid 4 way affair on the side with my HE-400, Paradox and Alpha Dog. I'm guessing if you like the K712 that much you'll probably be quite happy with the UERM.
Whats your chain with your K712 anyways? For me the Vali and the Matrix Mini Pro are awesome setups. The best I ever heard it sound was when I had a Stockholm V2 DAC in the mix. I really should investigate into seeing how much I could push out of the Q701. The lowly priced Vali seems to really push my Q can quite well though.
Jul 1, 2014 at 11:08 PM Post #21,730 of 21,763
Can't speak for the K712 but when paired well I'm fiercely in love with my Q701 all the while having a torrid 4 way affair on the side with my HE-400, Paradox and Alpha Dog. I'm guessing if you like the K712 that much you'll probably be quite happy with the UERM.

Whats your chain with your K712 anyways? For me the Vali and the Matrix Mini Pro are awesome setups. The best I ever heard it sound was when I had a Stockholm V2 DAC in the mix. I really should investigate into seeing how much I could push out of the Q701. The lowly priced Vali seems to really push my Q can quite well though.

Hey digi. I've got the K812 actually. Chain is simple. Just MacBook -> iTunes -> HUGO -> K812. I really like the K812 with the Geek Out as well. I'd recommend that thing to just about anyone. It's stupidly good for the price and can drive some pretty hefty cans/

And my UERM will be here in 4 business days, which means I'll get em by Monday I think. Bah. They were supposed to go out yesterday, but they experienced some sort of oracle crash at UE. I would've had the UERM on Friday were that the case :l
Jul 2, 2014 at 12:36 AM Post #21,731 of 21,763
Hey digi. I've got the K812 actually. Chain is simple. Just MacBook -> iTunes -> HUGO -> K812. I really like the K812 with the Geek Out as well. I'd recommend that thing to just about anyone. It's stupidly good for the price and can drive some pretty hefty cans/

And my UERM will be here in 4 business days, which means I'll get em by Monday I think. Bah. They were supposed to go out yesterday, but they experienced some sort of oracle crash at UE. I would've had the UERM on Friday were that the case :l

My mistake, the K812 it is. Is your Geek the Ferrari tweeked with all the extras version or just a straight up no frills Geek. Seems like everyone and their dog is loving Chord nowadays.
Jul 2, 2014 at 12:45 AM Post #21,732 of 21,763
Nah my Geek is just the vanilla, 450 Kickstarter version. The Hugo is the best source I've heard to date, but to be honest, I could just as happily live with the GEEK. I think it's a lot closer than most people are willing to admit. Diminishing returns and all that jazz. 
Jul 2, 2014 at 12:51 AM Post #21,733 of 21,763
They were supposed to go out yesterday, but they experienced some sort of oracle crash at UE. I would've had the UERM on Friday were that the case :l

As someone that has worked with many flavors of Oracle software over the last 20 years, I can tell you that an "oracle crash" is not only possible, it is highly probable!! :wink:
Jul 2, 2014 at 12:57 AM Post #21,734 of 21,763
As someone that has worked with many flavors of Oracle software over the last 20 years, I can tell you that an "oracle crash" is not only possible, it is highly probable!!

It's what you get from a company who traffik tests their ecommerce software on porn sites.

Jul 2, 2014 at 1:02 AM Post #21,735 of 21,763
All that would be forgiven if UPS just delivered on Saturdays :l 

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