Jan 8, 2015 at 12:38 PM Post #11,387 of 35,360
I understand this logic having been a consumer products sales manager my whole life. I actually have been looking at Massdrop and not found much to get excited about. Buying a piece of audio gear I can't listen to and also can't return is not my cup of tea.
Jan 8, 2015 at 1:52 PM Post #11,390 of 35,360
Jan 8, 2015 at 2:13 PM Post #11,391 of 35,360
  Ok, that's weird, they have a pic of the non-pro for $173, which would be a good deal. However, the ad says "Pro"? Which is it?

It's a listing error. Note the different image in the section Frequently Bought Together near the top of the product page.

Frequently Bought Together

Price for both: $182.81 Show availability and shipping details

Buy the selected items together
  1. This item: Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250 Professional Acoustically Open Headphones for Monitoring and Studio … $173.06
  2. Zalman Zm-Mic1 High Sensitivity Headphone Microphone $9.75

Jan 8, 2015 at 3:24 PM Post #11,392 of 35,360
Jan 8, 2015 at 5:43 PM Post #11,393 of 35,360
Jan 8, 2015 at 5:46 PM Post #11,394 of 35,360
I understand this logic having been a consumer products sales manager my whole life. I actually have been looking at Massdrop and not found much to get excited about. Buying a piece of audio gear I can't listen to and also can't return is not my cup of tea.

I bought the fidelio L1 from the recent mass drop as the £77 price was much cheaper than UK retail. Thought if I don't like them I should be able to make my money back pretty easily but forgot to factor in import taxes! Doh!
Jan 8, 2015 at 7:02 PM Post #11,396 of 35,360

So, I asked an Amazon seller once why they did this when I saw them have a huuuuge price spike like this. They replied that they don't actually have inventory right now, so they edited the price above what anybody would pay, temporarily, so that they wouldn't have to delete their product listing and start from scratch once they had stock. I continue to see this tactic every once in a while.

In other words, these sellers don't know how to use the database competently and it makes me really question how well they can manage their business as a whole. The Amazon Seller interface allows for users to keep out of stock products in their database without deleting them and without having to publicly post them. For example, I recall selling a pair of Shure SRH840s back in 2012 or so. It was obviously out of stock so it was not posted for sale but the listing remained in my seller database up until early 2014 when I finally removed it. 

The latest Schiit Happened story talks about Amazon. It's worth reading.
No, that is not how it happened. The concerns were very real. People receiving products without serial numbers really did happen. Massdrop cleaned up their act and started working with the manufacturers to sell products. So they re-classified themselves through their own actions.
Then you read wrong. Instead of feeding BS conspiracy theories, how about understand that we go out of our way to ensure the community is supported by, and supports good people. 

Wow, that's an eyeopener! I know that Massdrop has since mended their ways, but I have never purchased from them yet and I may never knowing what I do now. Removing serial numbers? Grey/black market piracy, IMO!

The relevant people got their arse kicked. I bought a few things from Massdrop and it seems to have worked out fine, except one time that USPS sent a huge batch of stuff via Brazil by accident and it didn't arrive for a few months, but that wasn't Massdrop's fault.
Jan 8, 2015 at 8:46 PM Post #11,397 of 35,360
The latest Schiit Happened story talks about Amazon. It's worth reading.
The relevant people got their arse kicked. I bought a few things from Massdrop and it seems to have worked out fine, except one time that USPS sent a huge batch of stuff via Brazil by accident and it didn't arrive for a few months, but that wasn't Massdrop's fault.

Para o Brasil? Provavelmente levasse tanto tempo alí fora do país por causa da alfândega brasileira maldita.
(I'll let Google Translate do its magic for you.)
I lived in Brazil for two years and I had to deal with the customs there and I can tell you it was a huge annoyance. Things could get swiped by some questionable postal staff, things could get lost in the obscure corner of a postal warehouse and then it get suddenly delivered five months later, the list goes on. My Brazilian friends have these same issues constantly when buying online because many choose to import, especially from It's a real test of patience and feverishly hoping that you don't have to wait another two or three months for a replacement if the package is stolen or lost in shipment.
Jan 8, 2015 at 8:58 PM Post #11,398 of 35,360
I'm from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.
Someting like 40% (yes, forty percent) of my international packages don't arrive. They simply are stolen or get "lost".
If the package contains clothes and you can tell by touching the package, make it 80%.
And yes, that's still cheaper than buying here through official retailers.
Jan 8, 2015 at 9:10 PM Post #11,399 of 35,360
  I'm from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.
Someting like 40% (yes, forty percent) of my international packages don't arrive. They simply are stolen or get "lost".
If the package contains clothes and you can tell by touching the package, make it 80%.
And yes, that's still cheaper than buying here through official retailers.

Woah. That sounds much worse than my friend who lives in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. It happens maybe 1 out of 10 times but nothing like that. It could be something particular to the state of Rio de Janeiro. By the way, a shout out to a Brazilian Head-fi'er! Are there any meet-ups or events in Brazil, for Head-Fi or just Hi-Fi related? I've considering interning there for a computer company once I graduate because I miss my friends and I just the Brazilian culture as a whole and there being audio-related events there would be a plus.
Jan 8, 2015 at 9:17 PM Post #11,400 of 35,360
Woah. That sounds much worse than my friend who lives in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. It happens maybe 1 out of 10 times but nothing like that. It could be something particular to the state of Rio de Janeiro. By the way, a shout out to a Brazilian Head-fi'er! Are there any meet-ups or events in Brazil, for Head-Fi or just Hi-Fi related? I've considering interning there for a computer company once I graduate because I miss my friends and I just the Brazilian culture as a whole and there being audio-related events there would be a plus.

Yes, we have a good community here. Meetings are somewhat difficult due to Brazil being a huuuge country, but we could do some meetings and auditions through the last years.
And the best is that since we are not very isolated here, we can share info and trade/sell items, so we are always able to keep the upgraditis disease fed and alive. =D

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