TDK BA100 Impressions/Discussion Thread
Dec 26, 2011 at 2:46 PM Post #46 of 56
Whereas many IEMs are fussy about seal/positioning for bass, these seem to be more fussy about the treble. After playing with them more and more I am not really missing the treble like I had when I originally got them. Could be my brain is adjusting, though I am comparing them side by side with my son's M-80s which are a little brighter, but not that much.
Jan 3, 2012 at 8:58 AM Post #47 of 56
During the last 2 weeks, my BA100's have seen very little use, especially since these ears have been rather occupied with the PFE232, IE80, EX1000, and UM Miracle, now through the use of my new Studio-V. I spent a few hours listening to the BA100's this morning, and coupled with my Studio-V, they sound impossibly smooth and incredibly effortless! The midrange is as stunning as ever, and the highs no longer sound rolled-off. Laid back, yes, but not nearly as rolled off as per my initial impressions. For those sensitive to treble peaks, I'd say there is just the right amount of treble presence, catered towards a VERY smooth and laid back presentation. As per my own personal preference, I wouldn't mind a touch of sparkle or high end emphasis, so long as it's free from harshness/sibilance. The bass is still quick, tight, and has the perfect punch when called upon. Even next to my beloved EX10000, listening to vocal tracks with the BA100 is just beautiful! I'm now growing ever so curious to pay the BA200's a visit. If the BA200 makes up for the BA100's lack of high end sparkle, I'm sold. 

Jan 3, 2012 at 9:08 AM Post #48 of 56
I'm not sure if it does. It'll sparkle with extension, but with the way the BA200 presents things, some highs will be pushed into the background and sound a little far away. I think that, overall, the BA200 just takes the BA100 sound and makes it better in every dimension --- better placement, better bass, more detail, better extension --- but it'll largely sound the same (not really a bad thing). This is coming from a fan of the BA200.
However, this is just my guess, as I haven't listened to the BA100; I'll try to do it in a couple weeks when I have time.
I'm now growing ever so curious to pay the BA200's a visit. If the BA200 makes up for the BA100's lack of high end sparkle, I'm sold. 

EDIT: I should make sure my statement is clear --- the BA200 does not have poor highs nor is it much rolled off. However, it does retain a more relaxed presentation of the highs, especially in comparison to treble happier earphones like your EX1000 or my DBA. If you're looking for it to come close to those offerings, no, the BA200 won't do that. What it will do is give you the same pleasant and relaxed presentation of the BA100 (going by your descriptions to match my experience with the BA200), and give you dual driver solidarity of bass, clarity and intimacy of mids, and a deep three-dimensional soundstage that is reminiscent of the UM3x.
Jan 3, 2012 at 9:10 AM Post #49 of 56
Then is it safe to assume that the BA200 retains the BA100's smooth, laid back high end?
EDIT: Nevermind. I suppose the FRC speaks for itself.
Jan 3, 2012 at 9:24 AM Post #50 of 56
Yes, you answered your own question! haha...
However, it is better than pictured. I don't really have a problem with the sparkle (or perhaps lack thereof), as it does so many things so well that you're willing to forgive the highs for being that far in the background. Even then, you still hear enough highs not to leave yourself disappointed, because it does that onion layering of instrumental separation really well.
Then is it safe to assume that the BA200 retains the BA100's smooth, laid back high end?
EDIT: Nevermind. I suppose the FRC speaks for itself.

Jan 17, 2012 at 6:45 AM Post #51 of 56

Just thought I'd mention, NewEgg once again has them on sale, this time for $65, which is still a steal IMO. I've been using the BA100 on and off, with both my Studio-V and iPad, and the mids and lows really do sound fantastic, while the high end is still tuned to offer an extremely polite, smooth and laid-back sound. 

Mar 16, 2012 at 8:57 PM Post #54 of 56
I've been putting a lot of hours into these IEMs and I really enjoy their sound signature. I'm thinking of doing a review, should I post it here or start a new thread? I don't really know the rules when it comes to this stuff.
Mar 16, 2012 at 9:03 PM Post #55 of 56
I've been putting a lot of hours into these IEMs and I really enjoy their sound signature. I'm thinking of doing a review, should I post it here or start a new thread? I don't really know the rules when it comes to this stuff.

I don't think there's a rule regarding this, per se. In general, you just want to look out for the overall organization of the forum, and not make the information so spread out that it's difficult to synthesize. Some IEMs, like the TF10, have a ton of threads dedicated to their discussion, making organization messy and difficult. My personal view is that, if you just plan on writing up a multi-paragraph extended impression, write it here. Perhaps i2ehan can add a hyperlink of your post to the first page. If you plan on doing a review from beginning to end, with pictures and all, feel free to create your own thread.

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