State of HeadRoom Report
Mar 10, 2006 at 6:50 AM Post #31 of 75
Interesting post. I have two questions for you:
  • It seems to me Headroom is going upscale. The new lineup is excellent, but you no longer have a product in the same price bracket as the discontinued Little. Is this a conscious choice or simply because you focused on the midrange first?
  • I'm surprised you haven't jumped on the iPod bandwagon that much. The Apple Store here in SF sells some reasonably decent headphones like the ER-6i or Super-Fi.5. You would think they would be open to carrying the Airhead for professional musicians (a traditional Apple constituency) who want full-size headphones.
Mar 10, 2006 at 8:02 AM Post #32 of 75

Originally Posted by majid
Interesting post. I have two questions for you:
  • It seems to me Headroom is going upscale. The new lineup is excellent, but you no longer have a product in the same price bracket as the discontinued Little. Is this a conscious choice or simply because you focused on the midrange first?

It's not addressed to me, but I have to point out that the Micro is actually in the same category as the Little. It's $50 more, however offers the portable functionality which is a great entry into high end headphone audio.
Mar 10, 2006 at 11:18 AM Post #33 of 75
Tyll and Jamey,

Wishing you and the employees of HeadRoom much continued success. Please give Roz a much-deserved pat on the back for her patience and dedication in making us satisfied customers.

For one, I am quite happy to purchase my future amps knowing that Jude and Head-Fi will share in the proceeds.

It has always been a pleasure ordering from HeadRoom.
Mar 10, 2006 at 2:48 PM Post #34 of 75

Originally Posted by bhd812

I always thought the meet was put together by immtbiker and a few other HEADFI'ERS....????

I am glad your helping out but with all due respect from My impression of the above is more then helping out...which is cool but a meet is done by people of head-fi and not companies...atleast to me.
sounds like you really put a big step in it huh?

I'm sorry Billy, Tyll merely said that he helped by calling a few vendors who are now attending. I didn't get the impression he thought he was soly responsible or in charge. I mean he was lauding the Head-Fi community for this:


Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens

The First Annual National Head-Fi Meet

The members of Head-Fi have every reason to be very proud of acting as agents for the “high-quality personal listening experience” as evidenced by the willingness of major industry players to support upcoming First Annual National Head-Fi Meet.

Why in the world would companies be so willing to bet that their participation will deliver results? I’ll tell you why: you guys are AMAZING agents!

As definition 2 says above, Head-Fi members are able to “act or exert power (as by driving, inciting, or setting in motion)” in the world of headphones.

I don't know how you can contort a whole post giving credit to the members of Head-Fi into a self congratulatory statement because of the one sentence where he said "As I have called various vendors and asked them to participate in this even?"
Mar 10, 2006 at 3:03 PM Post #35 of 75
Glad to see you're continueing to be successful. You've been a great resource in educating friends on headphones, even if you did take a star away from my lovely HD650
Mar 11, 2006 at 7:01 AM Post #36 of 75
Nice report, Tyll. I am so close to purchasing a Micro DAC. The loss of the discount hurts, but I understand. Perhaps I missed your response Tyll, but would you consider a discount on your amps? Whatever, I see one in my future, regardless.

I share your sentiments amount the lack of contributions to Head-Fi. I don't mean to threadjack, but I feel like there are too many people who spend tons of dough on gear, but won't fork over 25 bucks to feed this little baby monster we all know and love.

Keep up the good work Tyll.
Mar 11, 2006 at 8:27 AM Post #37 of 75
Thanks for lending lots of insights into the business side of hi-fi over the years.
It is something people need to understand so they don't constantly complain about not seeing higher-priced components (caps, opamps, pots) in their electronics.
I wish your company success in the years to come.
Mar 12, 2006 at 2:06 PM Post #38 of 75

Originally Posted by Tyll Hertsens
BTW, I welcome any questions you might have.

Another member was kind enough to answer my previous question...

For anyone in search of a Headroom T-shirt look no further than right here!.

Mar 12, 2006 at 4:54 PM Post #39 of 75
I purchased my first headphone DAC/AMP and the Senn 650s from Headroom as I started on the HeadFi road. I now plan on getting a total bithead for travel.

Headroom quality and service continue to be awesome imo. The discount was a nice gesture from them, and a costly one as well I bet. I personally feel the new redirection of the $$ to this board will be a great change.

Congrats to you Tyll and your crew for both a job well done, both selling/servicing great products, and tackling a really tough job like telling all us cheapskates here (yeah..., right) that a 10% discount for a cheap entry fee is not good for business. Just like my business manager says about selling items at a loss - 'Ya can't make it up with volume on that item!'
Mar 16, 2006 at 5:37 AM Post #40 of 75

Originally Posted by bhd812
WOW! I always thought the meet was put together by immtbiker and a few other HEADFI'ERS....????....sounds like you really put a big step in it huh?

I've seen comments about this elsewhere, Billy, and to tell you the truth, I'm not sure exactly what your question is. Would you give it to me again?
Mar 16, 2006 at 6:57 AM Post #41 of 75
Sure Tyll..

Until I read your original post in this thread I didn't even consume the Idea of The national Meet and your work into it. I was shocked when I read it (not in a negative way at all).

I understand its a lot of work doing the meet as Aaron and others are concerned (and its definitely not overlooked and it IS aspirated ) But I never even fathomed the Idea of you or anyone else In the trade actually putting their foot in and helping out or giving the hand..or ..well you know what I mean.

So my original question (put in different wording) is You helped out huh? How did you go about with this help? lots of time put in?

Again the only reason I am asking is because I just didn't think of you getting into it,as in getting into the planning or pre-task of the meet..

I must say after I spoke to Jamey on the phone about this I feel like you stepped in and helped out not as a member of the trade but as a true original person passionate about a headphone meet (just as a non member of the trade head-fi'er), I think you really showed you still got that newbie excitement to this Hobby..thank you Tyll and Aaron and everyone else (I don't know who for your time man!!!

that meet is going to be the perfectly executed and done to perfection for the hobbyist headphone user in mind (in other words us nut balls on
Mar 16, 2006 at 9:36 PM Post #42 of 75

Originally Posted by bhd812
But I never even fathomed the Idea of you or anyone else In the trade actually putting their foot in and helping out or giving the hand..or ..well you know what I mean.

That's a bit of the trouble, Billy, I really didn't know how to take your questions. Other comments you've made worry me because they make me feel like your ready to assume and accuse me of just manipulating this market for my own gain and some how hiding it.

So, let me speak plain and simple: I am manipulating, to the best of my ability, this market place for gain. But because I see HeadRoom's brightest future in a market that has a healthy and vibrant enthusiast activity, I choose to put some of HeadRoom's resources at work simply to grow an enthusiast marketplace. When I am doing my job as an agent for the "headphone enthusiast market" I really don't look at it from a HeadRoom perspective. I look at it more from a perspective of helping to build a working market that has things like meets/events, classified ads, enthusiast opinion making (that's reliable), vendor interaction, editorial coverage, news worthyness, etc, etc. A whole mix of things. I've often said that in the past HeadRoom has had to pay a double marketing penalty compared to other companies in this nitch because we have to grow the pond, then grow the fish. That will become less true as the market grows and HeadRoom has less effect as a percentage of the whole. But the truth is I've worked hard to do my part in making this a great market for the enthusiast. Have for 13 years; always will.


Originally Posted by bhd812
So my original question (put in different wording) is You helped out huh? How did you go about with this help? lots of time put in?

You can go back in the threads and see how it happened that I got involved, but this is how I see it:

For about two years, I'd been seriously thinking about trying to start a headphone trade show. I could never figure out how to get it off the ground without it costing a fortune. One of the things I did figure, though, was that Head-Fi could do it organically with what I called in my head "megameets". These meets would act as stepping stones gathering interest and recognition untill the point was reached that industry players would start to think a headphone trade show was a good idea. I started thinking maybe I could get the guys on Head-Fi to organize these meets. In fact, I was about ready to make some posts.

At this point I have to stop for a moment and say that I feel trade show events are important to this activity, but in the same breath say that there are Head-Fi sanctioned meet activities that are important and not the same thing as the trade show stuff I'm talking about. I think there should be a "National Meet" that is EXACTLY what the members decide it is. I think that if there were a headphone trade show of type I am thinking, there would be little or no need for vendor participation in a Head-Fi National Meet. Frankly, I would LOVE that, and I would fully intend to have my own table as a member, and I would show only my own DIY projects and my horrible 25 year old DIY amp I used on airplanes. I WOULD LOVE THAT! But the market isn't quite ready for that yet, we need some stepping stones.

When Aaron announced out of the blue that he was doing a "National Meet" my jaw dropped. There it was, the mega-meet I was thinking about. He wanted to do it in October, and I knew vendor participation couldn't be had that quick. I also knew that if a "National Meet" happened I wouldn't be able to pull of my mega-meet idea this year. So I called Aaron.

There's a long boring discussion of trying to understand what the BEST meet possible was for Head-Fi. Number ONE on my list is that it raised money for Head-Fi. I will say it till I'm blue in the face: Jude has yet to break even with Head-Fi. That needs to change.

Number two on my list is a sort of formula that if an enthusiast market is working properly you can get the corporate entities to pay for the fun. At this meet not only are vendors paying the tab on the space and dinner and making a whopping donation to Head-Fi, most will also be willing to loan out equipment during the meet for people to try and some will have b-stock for sale cheap. Head-Fi guys could have a great time all buy themselves, but they wouldn't be generating the multi-thousand dollar dough that's it's going to now, and there wouldn't be a banquet at which Wes Philips will moderate a discussion between members of the design team from Shure, Etymotic, Ultrasone, Ultimate Ears, Sennheiser, and others. Stuff like that can only happen with corporate help.

BUT! And this is a big BUT! From the very beginning I was always at the mercy of what Aaron and the New York team decided. They had their own list of what was important. A list which I agree with strongly. The event had to be great for members to meet face to face at, and the members needed to have fun with headphones, and everything should be geared to enabe that. I advocated various viewpoints at times, but the descisions were and continue to be done by Aaron and the NY team, and I think the result is better than any one could have hoped for or achieved separately.

At this point it's probably worth noting a few things for the sake of transperancy. Jude was also consulted at numerous points along the way. Even in those cases, my experience was that the NY team still made all the final descisions. It's their meet, and Jude even sees it that way. There was one tricky bit of stuff: no one wanted all the income to flow through their personal accounts because of the tax implications (raising peoples brackets, etc). No one wanted to have to personally sign the event liabiltiy insurace. It became apperant that the event might not even happen in the face of these technical difficulties. So, I volunteered HeadRoom to under-right the event. (So for goodness sake don't blow anything up while your there!) HeadRoom is providing all the accounting services and legaleze needed for the meet. I have sent reports to Aaron and the NY team from our accounting system and I have written, sent out, and collected signatures on the event exhibitor contract, and collected, accounted for, and reported on the funds from the vendors participating, and will be paying all the charges for the event and cutting the check to Head-Fi for all the proceeds. HeadRoom is donating all the time and services rendered at no cost, and we have paid for our table just like all other vendors. The only real advantage I had in the process was that I got first pick of the table, but I would have gotten that anyway as table pick was done first in order of sponsors at the top of the page at Head-Fi and then on a first come first served basis.

So, to answer your Yoda-phrased question, "is You helped out huh? How did you go about with this help? lots of time put in?" Yeah. I've put in quite a fair bit of time arrainging vendor and press participation. We're also printing the badge blanks and table signage, and have volunteered to help with the electrical distribution the morning of and I'm bringing our PA system for the announcements and panel discussion.


Originally Posted by bhd812
I must say after I spoke to Jamey on the phone about this I feel like you stepped in and helped out not as a member of the trade but as a true original person passionate about a headphone meet (just as a non member of the trade head-fi'er), I think you really showed you still got that newbie excitement to this Hobby..

Again, the truth be told, I did what I thought was best for the hobby in a rather complex and sophisticated way. But I was always looking for a way to keep this thing vibrantly alive for the hobbyist. I do, however, have a lot of newbie exitement for the way it's turning out, though. This will be my First Annual National Meet ... it will be everybodies first National Meet. We're all newbies on this one, and it's going to be great.


Originally Posted by bhd812
thank you Tyll and Aaron and everyone else (I don't know who for your time man!!!

Well I'll give a shout out with you on that one. I played my part, but organizing the space, getting everyon signed up, keeping track of equipment lists, raffle prizes, lock box control, security, schedule, etc, etc was and is being done by the NY team. I also want to thank Aaron and the New York team for putting on what will become know as THE birthing event of the future of headphone enthusiasm. And big props goes to all Head-Fi members for remembering to be civil in their posts so that we create a community in which people want to meet each other in person. As I said in my OP, this meet is an incredible achievement in community building, and the majority of the credit belongs with the community members themselves. ....? I just realized I should have thanked the moderators also in this regard: Thanks, guys.

So, did that answer your questions, Billy?
Mar 16, 2006 at 9:49 PM Post #44 of 75

Originally Posted by The Monkey
Nice review in Stereophile!

Thanks! I was wondering if someone would notice.
Mar 16, 2006 at 10:19 PM Post #45 of 75
Tyll summed it up perfectly...from the time in October when I got her pregnant, to one month before birth, as we head down the last tri-mester with guns ablazing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that an idea of having a meet for all people who write to each other every day to meet in one blow up into an extravaganza where every single person attending and sponsoring will benefit. It is a win-win situation for all (especially the 30 or so people who will walk out with expensive gear, for the price of a $20 raffle ticket). I thank all of those who joined me in helping put this together, and all those who will be in attendance, and all those who can't make it and will read the after meet impressions and download the moderated Panel Discussion file to listen to, as if they were there.

Remember...this all started out as a simple poll of picking cities.

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