Sony XBA-H1 and XBA-H3 Hybrid Dynamic and BA IEM
Jun 21, 2014 at 1:23 PM Post #2,251 of 3,257
All I'm going to say is that if you do, don't go into it thinking you will get a reference flat sound. If you want a warm signature that is sibilant free, and want some of the best bass and separation at the the same time as you've ever heard, these are the answer. I own over 50 pairs of headphones and iems, and these are the best for movies, soundtracks, electronic music, hip hop, female voices, and long listening sessions. Going back to anything else I own after a few hours of these sounds sibilant and bass anemic. If you're getting them for the right reasons as I described you will be more than happy with your purchase. PS Amazon had them on special for 250 when I bought mine, they might still have that promo deal going on.

I love mine and after hearing them I honestly would have paid more than I did for them.

Oh I've heard them for about 2 weeks, no problem there, and you're right they aren't even my preferred signature though I just became drawn to them. I think I'd enjoy them laying down at night, the slight warmth can work well and maybe compliment my brighter sounding gear...
Jun 21, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #2,252 of 3,257
I haven't heard UE900, though $220 sounds decent . Many mentions reporting build fatalities though. H3 is pretty decent, if I was in USA with access to Amazon when they were $250? I woulda dun it.

It seems that everything in Botany Bay costs more. I picked up my H3's just over a month ago for $239 on Amazon (USA). I see that the current price is $327.
Jun 21, 2014 at 5:37 PM Post #2,254 of 3,257
I appreciate clarity and strong full mids more than bass so if the bass starts to impact those areas or they are not present the way I like I end up unhappy which is why I returned my H3. But that's as much to do with me as the IEM. I am currently using a pair of UE 600vi that is simply amazing for my tastes but would not say it is better than the H3 as it clearly is not as it does not have the bass of the H3 and it does not have quite the treble extension. But in the areas it excels at it is damn near perfect. I am sure for those loving the H3 they feel to same way...

Never buy based on driver count, brand preference, or what is popular. Buy based on your own preference and if possible after auditioning.
Jun 21, 2014 at 6:02 PM Post #2,256 of 3,257
And if you can, burn em in for 200hrs.

Personally I'm not a big believer in that burn in will make a big difference in sound. Perhaps that gives one time to become better acquainted with their new kit.
Jun 21, 2014 at 6:21 PM Post #2,257 of 3,257
I wasn't much of a believer either, until I noticed changes with two different headphones I have. I encourage people to give it a try. Unless you don't want to move outside the return window of whoever you purchased your product from, burn-in doesn't exactly hurt.
Jun 21, 2014 at 6:27 PM Post #2,258 of 3,257
I wasn't much of a believer either, until I noticed changes with two different headphones I have. I encourage people to give it a try. Unless you don't want to move outside the return window of whoever you purchased your product from, burn-in doesn't exactly hurt.

burn in definitely helped for my gr07,the question is whether it was due to earphones or brain burn in??!!
Jun 21, 2014 at 6:33 PM Post #2,259 of 3,257
I am a believer in burnin but only to a point. In this case I felt while there was change happening it was not in the areas I cared about the most.
Jun 21, 2014 at 6:35 PM Post #2,260 of 3,257
The biggest difference I ever saw with burn in was the sidy dm2. They sounded like garbage out of the box but after putting 100 hours on them they sounded fantastic. The treble went from splashy and congested to beautiful sounding. Burn in is real, especially for the ones I mentioned and the gr07 series.
Jun 21, 2014 at 6:38 PM Post #2,261 of 3,257
All I'm going to say is that if you do, don't go into it thinking you will get a reference flat sound. If you want a warm signature that is sibilant free, and want some of the best bass and separation at the the same time as you've ever heard, these are the answer. I own over 50 pairs of headphones and iems, and these are the best for movies, soundtracks, electronic music, hip hop, female voices, and long listening sessions. Going back to anything else I own after a few hours of these sounds sibilant and bass anemic. If you're getting them for the right reasons as I described you will be more than happy with your purchase. PS Amazon had them on special for 250 when I bought mine, they might still have that promo deal going on.

I love mine and after hearing them I honestly would have paid more than I did for them.

+1 - IMHO these punch way above their price point - compared to some iem's I've heard (but not owned)  I think these are easily in the $500-$600 range in terms of performance
Jun 21, 2014 at 7:43 PM Post #2,262 of 3,257 if shipping is friendly to your country, I got my H3 from here for $289 + shipping, and it's now $279 + shipping... Pretty decent for non US residents.
Jun 25, 2014 at 3:09 PM Post #2,263 of 3,257
H3's vs Shure 846
Edit - I did the comparison below at work - got them home in a quieter environment and swapped out the Black Olives for the grey Silicone sleeves. The silicone sleeves were better then the rotten (IMHO) black olives. Once again, getting the remaining black olive off the nozzle was very scary - really Shure, you need to fix this. who wants to feel like their $1000 iem's are going to break apart just getting a sleeve off? I did find that the sleeves I put on after getting the installed ones off came off much more easily.
Anyway, the main thing I noticed was that the vocals on the Shure now seem quite a bit better than they did during my earlier test and are significantly better than the H3 for vocal clarity. Still like the H3 for a warm relaxing sound though. The 846's are somewhat more fatiguing (which agrees with some other comments I've seen) but I would not say this is a problem for me, just an observation. Going to try a few more tips and check some reviews to be posted soon on the Sensaphonic custom sleeves before I order those.
Asked earlier if anybody had heard them both. Since there was no reply, I went out and blew $1000 on the 846's to see for myself. My very early impressions:
AB'd from an iphone 5, Comply's on the H3's, Black Olives on the Shures.
Right now, I'm actually finding the H3's more comfortable - The 846 memory wire is very stiff, plus I don't think the Shure tips are as comfortable. I was able to get a good seal with both, just easier on the H3. I think a big part of this is the Shure Black Olives - not a big fan, had them before and they just don't feel good in my ears. Obviously, though, you can't lie on your side with the H3's. Speaking of tips, I had read on a 846 thread the tips were hard to remove initially. Man they were right! I had to swap a medium for a large on one ear and was terrified I was going to break the nozzle - like it was glued on. Hopefully it's just because it was on there for 3 months (the 846's were manufactured in March).
Packaging: Shure wins big but so they should at triple the price. My biggest complaint about the H3's packaging was that it seems like  the case is too small (bought a Pelican 1010 micro case which works better.
Build: Obviously the Shures seem better built - (stainless nozzles, etc.) but the H3's IMHO are very solid. The H3's joints are beautifully matched and finished wheras the Shures' joint seam is a bit rough when you run your finger over it
As above, the H3 cable is much more comfortable - with the Shure's the entire cable is stiff whereas the H3 cable is very soft and flexible - neither one has an issue with microphonics
Sound: Only tried the Shure blue filters so far
Based on the source the H3's hold up pretty well - maybe another story with better source and higher than 320 files. The Shure's are quite a bit more efficient - volume was about 20% higher on same settings but to  me this doesn't matter at all.
Bass: Overall the Shures hit a lot harder, much more crisp and clear. The H3's sound deeper (lower) and more relaxed.
Treble: I honestly did not notice a huge difference between them, they were both excellent, although overall the Shures had better clarity
Mids: Shures had quite a bit more clarity and the mids were more forward
Separation and soundstage: Surprisingly the H3's were very competitive in both these areas. I think the Shures' separation may be more precise but compared to the the H3's they didn't stand out and to my untrained ears the H3's have a wider soundstage but the Shure's are deeper; but I suppose once you have very good separation you're not going to notice much of an incremental improvement.
Isolation: No contest, as expected the Shure's are much better
Overall: As I said, the H3's hold up pretty well. I did not expect a $1000 iem to be 3 times  or even 2 times better than the H3 but I was still surprised. When I replaced my Westone UM2's and Bose QC20i with the H3's, I heard things in the music that I was not hearing before. With the Shures vs the H3's I'm  getting a bit of that but not nearly as much.   That said, I will probably keep the Shures and try different tips as well as maybe the Sensaphonics custom sleeves ( but that adds another $250 to the Shure's price.)
Hope this makes sense - I'm not an audiophile and my ears are getting old, so others may not agree or hear what I'm hearing
Jun 25, 2014 at 6:52 PM Post #2,264 of 3,257
  H3's vs Shure 846

That's an excellent comparison .. thank you.
I've been wanting to see a comparison between these as I also have a 846 coming ... and my IE800 arrived yesterday. So I'm hoping to do a 3 way comparison soon. 

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