Sony MDR-MV1
Apr 27, 2023 at 3:22 PM Post #152 of 479
Anyone else joined the party ?
While I do enjoy the MV1, I gotta wait till the Audeze MM-100 becomes available for audition before I make any decisions.

This would probably take up to 4 months 😂
Apr 29, 2023 at 3:01 AM Post #153 of 479
Few days off work, wife out shopping with friends ….. Time to get this show on the road 👍
Apr 30, 2023 at 7:23 AM Post #154 of 479
Few days off work, wife out shopping with friends ….. Time to get this show on the road 👍
Wow! Lovely setups. How does this one compare to the older model?
May 2, 2023 at 8:00 PM Post #155 of 479
Hey y’all! I have had the privilege of receiving my Sony MDR-MV1 and am excited to present a review for a headphone that really intrigued me once I saw it announced ~a month ago.

I am someone who buys headphones to enjoy my music, and not buying headphones for the sake of buying and collecting or anything. If a headphone sounds good to me, I’ll keep it, if I don’t like it, I’ll return it or sell it. I use my headphones to enjoy my music, games, youtube, whatever else I find myself using.

For some context, the headphones I’ve used in the past are (in no particular order):
HD 280 Pro (Still have) HD560s, HD400 Pro, HD580, HD600, HD660s, AA HI-65x, AKG K712 Pro, DT 900 Pro X (Still own), DT 770, DT 1990 Pro, T1.2, T1.3 (my favorite headphone), NDH30, DCA Ether 2, and HE-500. I probably forgot some but oh well, point is, I’ve tried a few cans before.

I’ll actively be comparing the MDR MV1 to my Beyer T1.3 throughout this review. As the T1.3 is my favorite can and the MDR is a challenger.

What I listen to

Metal and that’s it. Some bands include: Tallah (my favorite, don’t sleep on these guys), Currents, Spite, Avenged Sevenfold, Opeth, Gojira, TOOL, Sleep Token, Periphery, Invent Animate, Bad Omens, Slipknot, Korn, Mastodon, Void of Vision, etc just to name a few. I listen to metal, but that has a vast range of sound that keeps me intrigued. ‘In Cauda Venenum’ by Opeth sounds nothing like ‘The Generation of Danger’ by Tallah. (You should definitely listen to both those albums). So also bear that in mind when I write about these headphones and any comparisons.

(I may or may not scatter songs in the review as I write it, I’m a little silly sometimes)


The MV1 is undoubtedly the most comfortable headphone I’ve worn, it’s almost too comfortable for me honestly. These bad boys are light at 218g (per my food scale; The MV1 is not FDA approved however) and I feel as if there is nothing on my head at all when wearing them. These also feel like they have a lighter clamp force, but they don’t move around much. I’m actively headbanging as I’m tying this (BLOW ME AWAY YOU (NIVERSE) - Gojira) and it’s not moving. So I can say, this is definitely fine for that. It’s not a death grip like the HD6-- series, but it’s enough as to not have it slide around when moving suddenly or looking down.
If these are uncomfortable to you, please get help. (I’m joking), but I find it hard that the vast majority of people won’t like this headphone comfort wise, it’s truly remarkable.
My T1.3 is very close in comfort. Outside the MV1, the T1.2 and T1.3 are the most comfortable headphones I’ve worn. The T1.3 does have a stronger clamp force and does weigh more. But if I were to give the MV1 and T1.3 a ranking # wise, MV1 is like a 97, T1.3 is like a 95.

Build Quality

Beyer T1.3 everyday of the week, hands down, no question. Perhaps a bit unfair because Beyer is close to the gold standard or the gold standard in build quality. The Beyer is nice and heavy (but not too heavy, a baseball not a shot-put), made from metal, metal everywhere on the beyer, etc etc, it’s a Beyer.

The MV1? I feel (and know, although I am stronger than most) I could snap this with one hand. This thing does not feel premium, does not feel like it could take a beating. It is constructed well though, there's no creaking or anything, but I do not feel like this could handle much Intolerance (TOOL) from a user.

Included cable is very nice though, I have no complaints with the cable. Nor the pads, unsure what the material of the pads are used, but they do feel fine. Not as fine as the velour that Beyer uses.



Yes, the MV1 does have great bass extension in my opinion. In Scream by Avenged Sevenfold, the sub bass is fairly prominent and actually really nice.
Really, I find the bass quite nice and enjoyable. I have been spoiled however with the T1.3 and it’s bass. The impact of the T1’s bass is noticeable, and I do think the T1 does have the better bass, but that’s almost unfair imo. I do find the recording of music to be the biggest factor in bass though, things like A7X’s ‘Nobody’, yeah, that bass kicks ass on the MV1, but also on the T1. On TOOLs ‘Rosetta Stoned’, the T1 is much more pronounced. On Sold Soul’s ‘Cathedral of Dracul’, the bass can get lost a little on the MV1, on the T1, is no issue. (Side note, should listen to Cathedral of Dracul strictly for the rap ~2:13 in).
Bottom line, bass is very good. Non-bass heads will enjoy a nice low end (although is it not too over pronounced), bass heads will love that sub bass but could want more.
I am very pleased to report though that the greatest snare in all of history on ‘The Silo’ by Tallah is still as prominent as ever and is a marker of what I deem “yummy”. If I can hear that snare and have it slap a smile on my face, it’s a good day.

Mid Range? In Price Maybe

The midrange is where things start to go a little wrong for the MV1. I have seen a FR graph of the MV1 and I can concur that the graph is reasonable in presentation. It is not like an HD600 in the midrange at stock tonality. With the elevated treble (I’ll get into detail later), subdued mid range and solid base, the MV1 has a very odd sound in the mid range. I don’t think it’s bad or anything, just a weird presentation. The low mids, mid mids, and upper mids are all present, just overshadowed by the treble and bass. Vocals do not sound recessed however, so that’s a silver lining. Invent Animates ‘Without A Whisper’ has an absolutely phenomenal falsetto portion in the latter half of the song and the verse leading to it can be subdued (as it is on my T1.3)
Now the T1.3’s mids are a mess and I understand that, but I do like the mids on the T1.3. Especially EQ’d. But stock, the lower mids of the T1.3 are like “OH HI, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE, CAN YOU HEAR ME? HELLO??!! AAAAAAAA”. Perhaps over exaggerated on that, but they are very in your face. The middle and upper mid range of the T1.3 is there, but distant. I myself EQ them to bring them more forward, but for some reason, the stock tonality of the T1.3s mids are very nice.

Really nothing to write home about here, the mids are caught between a rock and a hard place with an elevated treble and a well extended low end. EQ’d, mids sound fine, un EQ’d, they sound fine, but wacky.

Too Trembly For The Treble.

I’ll get this out of the way, I myself like more darker sounding headphones (or at least V-Shaped), hence why the T1.2 and T1.3 are my favorites. The treble on the MV1 is present, and very present. The treble is more pronounced than the bass in my opinion and that’s how the aforementioned mids sounds weird to me. A solid low end and an elevated treble make the mids just weird. Not scooped, or lacking or anything, just weird.
“But what about the treble”. I don’t have much to say other than it is very present and makes cymbals and higher pitched sounds very forward. It’s not sibilant, but it’s a little (a lottle) bright for my taste. Not only that, the treble itself sounds kinda weird. It’s practically impossible to write how I hear it, but on greatly mixed or just fairly well mixed songs like ‘The Night Does Not Belong To God’ by Sleep Token, it sounds great. On ‘IED’ by Spite, say hello to treble. (Love that song though).
I do find the treble detailed and all that jazz so it’s a good treble, just too much of it for my taste. The T1.3 is just superb in its treble for my tastes.

Overall, it’s not terrible to listen to, but it is too much for me. The FR graph has a Riptide (Beartooth) in the treble but to my ears it doesn’t sound that abhorrent.

Technicalities Difficulties

I’d say the MV1 is fine for technical performance. I had no issue playing Borderlands 2 locating enemies or figuring out where gun fire was coming from, etc. In music, the imaging was pretty stellar imo. I think the MV1 is easier to pick out certain pieces of music than my T1.3, but it can’t fill in the spaces like the T1.3. With the T1, everything is there, but it’s full. There’s no gaps and music fills my entire head with sounds. The MV1 doesn’t, or at least not like my T1. I do think the T1 places and spaces instruments better, but each sound is easier to identify on the MV1.

Soundstage was solid on the MV1. Smaller than my T1s, about on par with the NDH30 and AA HI-X65. Wider than the HD6-- series and I’d say slightly larger than my 560s, although I have not heard the 560s in awhile so take that for what it’s worth.

I don’t feel like I’m missing tons of detail either. It ain’t as detailed as my T1.3 or T1.2, but the music is still enjoyable on that front which is all that matters.

Technical wise, it’s no slouch. The soundstage is solid, the imaging is great, detail is solid, hard to complain.

Should You Buy The MV1?

With the MV1, I liked my music for the most part and found it suited my tastes quite well. That’s really all that’s required. It sounds good with my music. Take that for what it’s worth. No one can answer that question because value and worth are in the eyes and ears of the beholder. I’m sure I’d love the Focal Utopia, but it ain’t worth the asking price because it won’t make my listening more enjoyable.

To End The Rapture (Avenged Sevenfold)

All in all, I don’t think the MV1 is a terrible headphone at all. I actually liked it quite a bit. I actually think the comfort is it’s biggest downfall. It’s so comfortable that it’s uncomfortable. It’s beyond light and I don’t like that feeling of nothing on my head and I found it uncanny.

If you’re looking for a lighter and slightly more comfortable HD600 with more bass and more treble, you have the MV1. That’s basically what I feel the MV1 is. A slightly improved HD600. However I would take a HD600 over the MV1 due to the construction and pad style of the HD600, and because of my Idiosyncrasy (Korn) with headphone comfort, I’ll take a slightly heavier headphone.
It’s a headphone that did have me jamming and again that’s all I can ask for.

It’s a unique enough headphone that I believe many will enjoy as have I, but for me, I prefer a darker signature and a slight bit more bass and low mids.

TL;DR: It's solid. Feels like air, punches like a wasp.

Edit: The pictures don't show it but you can absolutely look through the back grill to see the driver on the other side. Nothing fills that cavity.

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May 2, 2023 at 8:52 PM Post #156 of 479
Hey y’all! I have had the privilege of receiving my Sony MDR-MV1 and am excited to present a review for a headphone that really intrigued me once I saw it announced ~a month ago.

I am someone who buys headphones to enjoy my music, and not buying headphones for the sake of buying and collecting or anything. If a headphone sounds good to me, I’ll keep it, if I don’t like it, I’ll return it or sell it. I use my headphones to enjoy my music, games, youtube, whatever else I find myself using.

For some context, the headphones I’ve used in the past are (in no particular order):
HD 280 Pro (Still have) HD560s, HD400 Pro, HD580, HD600, HD660s, AA HI-65x, AKG K712 Pro, DT 900 Pro X (Still own), DT 770, DT 1990 Pro, T1.2, T1.3 (my favorite headphone), NDH30, DCA Ether 2, and HE-500. I probably forgot some but oh well, point is, I’ve tried a few cans before.

I’ll actively be comparing the MDR MV1 to my Beyer T1.3 throughout this review. As the T1.3 is my favorite can and the MDR is a challenger.

What I listen to

Metal and that’s it. Some bands include: Tallah (my favorite, don’t sleep on these guys), Currents, Spite, Avenged Sevenfold, Opeth, Gojira, TOOL, Sleep Token, Periphery, Invent Animate, Bad Omens, Slipknot, Korn, Mastodon, Void of Vision, etc just to name a few. I listen to metal, but that has a vast range of sound that keeps me intrigued. ‘In Cauda Venenum’ by Opeth sounds nothing like ‘The Generation of Danger’ by Tallah. (You should definitely listen to both those albums). So also bear that in mind when I write about these headphones and any comparisons.

(I may or may not scatter songs in the review as I write it, I’m a little silly sometimes)


The MV1 is undoubtedly the most comfortable headphone I’ve worn, it’s almost too comfortable for me honestly. These bad boys are light at 218g (per my food scale; The MV1 is not FDA approved however) and I feel as if there is nothing on my head at all when wearing them. These also feel like they have a lighter clamp force, but they don’t move around much. I’m actively headbanging as I’m tying this (BLOW ME AWAY YOU (NIVERSE) - Gojira) and it’s not moving. So I can say, this is definitely fine for that. It’s not a death grip like the HD6-- series, but it’s enough as to not have it slide around when moving suddenly or looking down.
If these are uncomfortable to you, please get help. (I’m joking), but I find it hard that the vast majority of people won’t like this headphone comfort wise, it’s truly remarkable.
My T1.3 is very close in comfort. Outside the MV1, the T1.2 and T1.3 are the most comfortable headphones I’ve worn. The T1.3 does have a stronger clamp force and does weigh more. But if I were to give the MV1 and T1.3 a ranking # wise, MV1 is like a 97, T1.3 is like a 95.

Build Quality

Beyer T1.3 everyday of the week, hands down, no question. Perhaps a bit unfair because Beyer is close to the gold standard or the gold standard in build quality. The Beyer is nice and heavy (but not too heavy, a baseball not a shot-put), made from metal, metal everywhere on the beyer, etc etc, it’s a Beyer.

The MV1? I feel (and know, although I am stronger than most) I could snap this with one hand. This thing does not feel premium, does not feel like it could take a beating. It is constructed well though, there's no creaking or anything, but I do not feel like this could handle much Intolerance (TOOL) from a user.

Included cable is very nice though, I have no complaints with the cable. Nor the pads, unsure what the material of the pads are used, but they do feel fine. Not as fine as the velour that Beyer uses.



Yes, the MV1 does have great bass extension in my opinion. In Scream by Avenged Sevenfold, the sub bass is fairly prominent and actually really nice.
Really, I find the bass quite nice and enjoyable. I have been spoiled however with the T1.3 and it’s bass. The impact of the T1’s bass is noticeable, and I do think the T1 does have the better bass, but that’s almost unfair imo. I do find the recording of music to be the biggest factor in bass though, things like A7X’s ‘Nobody’, yeah, that bass kicks ass on the MV1, but also on the T1. On TOOLs ‘Rosetta Stoned’, the T1 is much more pronounced. On Sold Soul’s ‘Cathedral of Dracul’, the bass can get lost a little on the MV1, on the T1, is no issue. (Side note, should listen to Cathedral of Dracul strictly for the rap ~2:13 in).
Bottom line, bass is very good. Non-bass heads will enjoy a nice low end (although is it not too over pronounced), bass heads will love that sub bass but could want more.
I am very pleased to report though that the greatest snare in all of history on ‘The Silo’ by Tallah is still as prominent as ever and is a marker of what I deem “yummy”. If I can hear that snare and have it slap a smile on my face, it’s a good day.

Mid Range? In Price Maybe

The midrange is where things start to go a little wrong for the MV1. I have seen a FR graph of the MV1 and I can concur that the graph is reasonable in presentation. It is not like an HD600 in the midrange at stock tonality. With the elevated treble (I’ll get into detail later), subdued mid range and solid base, the MV1 has a very odd sound in the mid range. I don’t think it’s bad or anything, just a weird presentation. The low mids, mid mids, and upper mids are all present, just overshadowed by the treble and bass. Vocals do not sound recessed however, so that’s a silver lining. Invent Animates ‘Without A Whisper’ has an absolutely phenomenal falsetto portion in the latter half of the song and the verse leading to it can be subdued (as it is on my T1.3)
Now the T1.3’s mids are a mess and I understand that, but I do like the mids on the T1.3. Especially EQ’d. But stock, the lower mids of the T1.3 are like “OH HI, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE, CAN YOU HEAR ME? HELLO??!! AAAAAAAA”. Perhaps over exaggerated on that, but they are very in your face. The middle and upper mid range of the T1.3 is there, but distant. I myself EQ them to bring them more forward, but for some reason, the stock tonality of the T1.3s mids are very nice.

Really nothing to write home about here, the mids are caught between a rock and a hard place with an elevated treble and a well extended low end. EQ’d, mids sound fine, un EQ’d, they sound fine, but wacky.

Too Trembly For The Treble.

I’ll get this out of the way, I myself like more darker sounding headphones (or at least V-Shaped), hence why the T1.2 and T1.3 are my favorites. The treble on the MV1 is present, and very present. The treble is more pronounced than the bass in my opinion and that’s how the aforementioned mids sounds weird to me. A solid low end and an elevated treble make the mids just weird. Not scooped, or lacking or anything, just weird.
“But what about the treble”. I don’t have much to say other than it is very present and makes cymbals and higher pitched sounds very forward. It’s not sibilant, but it’s a little (a lottle) bright for my taste. Not only that, the treble itself sounds kinda weird. It’s practically impossible to write how I hear it, but on greatly mixed or just fairly well mixed songs like ‘The Night Does Not Belong To God’ by Sleep Token, it sounds great. On ‘IED’ by Spite, say hello to treble. (Love that song though).
I do find the treble detailed and all that jazz so it’s a good treble, just too much of it for my taste. The T1.3 is just superb in its treble for my tastes.

Overall, it’s not terrible to listen to, but it is too much for me. The FR graph has a Riptide (Beartooth) in the treble but to my ears it doesn’t sound that abhorrent.

Technicalities Difficulties

I’d say the MV1 is fine for technical performance. I had no issue playing Borderlands 2 locating enemies or figuring out where gun fire was coming from, etc. In music, the imaging was pretty stellar imo. I think the MV1 is easier to pick out certain pieces of music than my T1.3, but it can’t fill in the spaces like the T1.3. With the T1, everything is there, but it’s full. There’s no gaps and music fills my entire head with sounds. The MV1 doesn’t, or at least not like my T1. I do think the T1 places and spaces instruments better, but each sound is easier to identify on the MV1.

Soundstage was solid on the MV1. Smaller than my T1s, about on par with the NDH30 and AA HI-X65. Wider than the HD6-- series and I’d say slightly larger than my 560s, although I have not heard the 560s in awhile so take that for what it’s worth.

I don’t feel like I’m missing tons of detail either. It ain’t as detailed as my T1.3 or T1.2, but the music is still enjoyable on that front which is all that matters.

Technical wise, it’s no slouch. The soundstage is solid, the imaging is great, detail is solid, hard to complain.

Should You Buy The MV1?

With the MV1, I liked my music for the most part and found it suited my tastes quite well. That’s really all that’s required. It sounds good with my music. Take that for what it’s worth. No one can answer that question because value and worth are in the eyes and ears of the beholder. I’m sure I’d love the Focal Utopia, but it ain’t worth the asking price because it won’t make my listening more enjoyable.

To End The Rapture (Avenged Sevenfold)

All in all, I don’t think the MV1 is a terrible headphone at all. I actually liked it quite a bit. I actually think the comfort is it’s biggest downfall. It’s so comfortable that it’s uncomfortable. It’s beyond light and I don’t like that feeling of nothing on my head and I found it uncanny.

If you’re looking for a lighter and slightly more comfortable HD600 with more bass and more treble, you have the MV1. That’s basically what I feel the MV1 is. A slightly improved HD600. However I would take a HD600 over the MV1 due to the construction and pad style of the HD600, and because of my Idiosyncrasy (Korn) with headphone comfort, I’ll take a slightly heavier headphone.
It’s a headphone that did have me jamming and again that’s all I can ask for.

It’s a unique enough headphone that I believe many will enjoy as have I, but for me, I prefer a darker signature and a slight bit more bass and low mids.

TL;DR: It's solid. Feels like air, punches like a wasp.

Edit: The pictures don't show it but you can absolutely look through the back grill to see the driver on the other side. Nothing fills that cavity.

Thanks for your review and impressions of the MV1. Another T1.3 fan, it’s also my favorite headphone, there’s just something about it, it’s colored yet somehow sounds so right. Definitely interested in trying out the MV1 sometime. By the sounds of it, it’s a brighter headphone. Wonder if it’s treble is too much for me or if it comes off as a bit strange. But comfort sounds like a big plus. Of the recent releases I decided to give the HD 660S2 go.
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May 3, 2023 at 6:42 AM Post #157 of 479
Thanks for your review and impressions of the MV1. Another T1.3 fan, it’s also my favorite headphone, there’s just something about it, it’s colored yet somehow sounds so right. Definitely interested in trying out the MV1 sometime. By the sounds of it, it’s a brighter headphone. Wonder if it’s treble is too much for me or if it comes off as a bit strange. But comfort sounds like a big plus. Of the recent releases I decided to give the HD 660S2 go.
Thank you! I'll keep the MV1 for another week and see if my initial review changes, but I don't think it will change too much.

The MV1 is not a bad headphone in my opinion. It's a very solid alternative to the HD6-- series. I actually liked it more than the NDH30 I had not too long ago. I just adore that lush warmth and technical ability of the T1 that I don't think much will trump it.

I've heard the 660S2 is quite nice as well, hope you enjoy that can!
May 3, 2023 at 7:17 AM Post #158 of 479
Hey y’all! I have had the privilege of receiving my Sony MDR-MV1 and am excited to present a review for a headphone that really intrigued me once I saw it announced ~a month ago.

I am someone who buys headphones to enjoy my music, and not buying headphones for the sake of buying and collecting or anything. If a headphone sounds good to me, I’ll keep it, if I don’t like it, I’ll return it or sell it. I use my headphones to enjoy my music, games, youtube, whatever else I find myself using.

For some context, the headphones I’ve used in the past are (in no particular order):
HD 280 Pro (Still have) HD560s, HD400 Pro, HD580, HD600, HD660s, AA HI-65x, AKG K712 Pro, DT 900 Pro X (Still own), DT 770, DT 1990 Pro, T1.2, T1.3 (my favorite headphone), NDH30, DCA Ether 2, and HE-500. I probably forgot some but oh well, point is, I’ve tried a few cans before.

I’ll actively be comparing the MDR MV1 to my Beyer T1.3 throughout this review. As the T1.3 is my favorite can and the MDR is a challenger.

What I listen to

Metal and that’s it. Some bands include: Tallah (my favorite, don’t sleep on these guys), Currents, Spite, Avenged Sevenfold, Opeth, Gojira, TOOL, Sleep Token, Periphery, Invent Animate, Bad Omens, Slipknot, Korn, Mastodon, Void of Vision, etc just to name a few. I listen to metal, but that has a vast range of sound that keeps me intrigued. ‘In Cauda Venenum’ by Opeth sounds nothing like ‘The Generation of Danger’ by Tallah. (You should definitely listen to both those albums). So also bear that in mind when I write about these headphones and any comparisons.

(I may or may not scatter songs in the review as I write it, I’m a little silly sometimes)


The MV1 is undoubtedly the most comfortable headphone I’ve worn, it’s almost too comfortable for me honestly. These bad boys are light at 218g (per my food scale; The MV1 is not FDA approved however) and I feel as if there is nothing on my head at all when wearing them. These also feel like they have a lighter clamp force, but they don’t move around much. I’m actively headbanging as I’m tying this (BLOW ME AWAY YOU (NIVERSE) - Gojira) and it’s not moving. So I can say, this is definitely fine for that. It’s not a death grip like the HD6-- series, but it’s enough as to not have it slide around when moving suddenly or looking down.
If these are uncomfortable to you, please get help. (I’m joking), but I find it hard that the vast majority of people won’t like this headphone comfort wise, it’s truly remarkable.
My T1.3 is very close in comfort. Outside the MV1, the T1.2 and T1.3 are the most comfortable headphones I’ve worn. The T1.3 does have a stronger clamp force and does weigh more. But if I were to give the MV1 and T1.3 a ranking # wise, MV1 is like a 97, T1.3 is like a 95.

Build Quality

Beyer T1.3 everyday of the week, hands down, no question. Perhaps a bit unfair because Beyer is close to the gold standard or the gold standard in build quality. The Beyer is nice and heavy (but not too heavy, a baseball not a shot-put), made from metal, metal everywhere on the beyer, etc etc, it’s a Beyer.

The MV1? I feel (and know, although I am stronger than most) I could snap this with one hand. This thing does not feel premium, does not feel like it could take a beating. It is constructed well though, there's no creaking or anything, but I do not feel like this could handle much Intolerance (TOOL) from a user.

Included cable is very nice though, I have no complaints with the cable. Nor the pads, unsure what the material of the pads are used, but they do feel fine. Not as fine as the velour that Beyer uses.



Yes, the MV1 does have great bass extension in my opinion. In Scream by Avenged Sevenfold, the sub bass is fairly prominent and actually really nice.
Really, I find the bass quite nice and enjoyable. I have been spoiled however with the T1.3 and it’s bass. The impact of the T1’s bass is noticeable, and I do think the T1 does have the better bass, but that’s almost unfair imo. I do find the recording of music to be the biggest factor in bass though, things like A7X’s ‘Nobody’, yeah, that bass kicks ass on the MV1, but also on the T1. On TOOLs ‘Rosetta Stoned’, the T1 is much more pronounced. On Sold Soul’s ‘Cathedral of Dracul’, the bass can get lost a little on the MV1, on the T1, is no issue. (Side note, should listen to Cathedral of Dracul strictly for the rap ~2:13 in).
Bottom line, bass is very good. Non-bass heads will enjoy a nice low end (although is it not too over pronounced), bass heads will love that sub bass but could want more.
I am very pleased to report though that the greatest snare in all of history on ‘The Silo’ by Tallah is still as prominent as ever and is a marker of what I deem “yummy”. If I can hear that snare and have it slap a smile on my face, it’s a good day.

Mid Range? In Price Maybe

The midrange is where things start to go a little wrong for the MV1. I have seen a FR graph of the MV1 and I can concur that the graph is reasonable in presentation. It is not like an HD600 in the midrange at stock tonality. With the elevated treble (I’ll get into detail later), subdued mid range and solid base, the MV1 has a very odd sound in the mid range. I don’t think it’s bad or anything, just a weird presentation. The low mids, mid mids, and upper mids are all present, just overshadowed by the treble and bass. Vocals do not sound recessed however, so that’s a silver lining. Invent Animates ‘Without A Whisper’ has an absolutely phenomenal falsetto portion in the latter half of the song and the verse leading to it can be subdued (as it is on my T1.3)
Now the T1.3’s mids are a mess and I understand that, but I do like the mids on the T1.3. Especially EQ’d. But stock, the lower mids of the T1.3 are like “OH HI, I DIDN’T SEE YOU THERE, CAN YOU HEAR ME? HELLO??!! AAAAAAAA”. Perhaps over exaggerated on that, but they are very in your face. The middle and upper mid range of the T1.3 is there, but distant. I myself EQ them to bring them more forward, but for some reason, the stock tonality of the T1.3s mids are very nice.

Really nothing to write home about here, the mids are caught between a rock and a hard place with an elevated treble and a well extended low end. EQ’d, mids sound fine, un EQ’d, they sound fine, but wacky.

Too Trembly For The Treble.

I’ll get this out of the way, I myself like more darker sounding headphones (or at least V-Shaped), hence why the T1.2 and T1.3 are my favorites. The treble on the MV1 is present, and very present. The treble is more pronounced than the bass in my opinion and that’s how the aforementioned mids sounds weird to me. A solid low end and an elevated treble make the mids just weird. Not scooped, or lacking or anything, just weird.
“But what about the treble”. I don’t have much to say other than it is very present and makes cymbals and higher pitched sounds very forward. It’s not sibilant, but it’s a little (a lottle) bright for my taste. Not only that, the treble itself sounds kinda weird. It’s practically impossible to write how I hear it, but on greatly mixed or just fairly well mixed songs like ‘The Night Does Not Belong To God’ by Sleep Token, it sounds great. On ‘IED’ by Spite, say hello to treble. (Love that song though).
I do find the treble detailed and all that jazz so it’s a good treble, just too much of it for my taste. The T1.3 is just superb in its treble for my tastes.

Overall, it’s not terrible to listen to, but it is too much for me. The FR graph has a Riptide (Beartooth) in the treble but to my ears it doesn’t sound that abhorrent.

Technicalities Difficulties

I’d say the MV1 is fine for technical performance. I had no issue playing Borderlands 2 locating enemies or figuring out where gun fire was coming from, etc. In music, the imaging was pretty stellar imo. I think the MV1 is easier to pick out certain pieces of music than my T1.3, but it can’t fill in the spaces like the T1.3. With the T1, everything is there, but it’s full. There’s no gaps and music fills my entire head with sounds. The MV1 doesn’t, or at least not like my T1. I do think the T1 places and spaces instruments better, but each sound is easier to identify on the MV1.

Soundstage was solid on the MV1. Smaller than my T1s, about on par with the NDH30 and AA HI-X65. Wider than the HD6-- series and I’d say slightly larger than my 560s, although I have not heard the 560s in awhile so take that for what it’s worth.

I don’t feel like I’m missing tons of detail either. It ain’t as detailed as my T1.3 or T1.2, but the music is still enjoyable on that front which is all that matters.

Technical wise, it’s no slouch. The soundstage is solid, the imaging is great, detail is solid, hard to complain.

Should You Buy The MV1?

With the MV1, I liked my music for the most part and found it suited my tastes quite well. That’s really all that’s required. It sounds good with my music. Take that for what it’s worth. No one can answer that question because value and worth are in the eyes and ears of the beholder. I’m sure I’d love the Focal Utopia, but it ain’t worth the asking price because it won’t make my listening more enjoyable.

To End The Rapture (Avenged Sevenfold)

All in all, I don’t think the MV1 is a terrible headphone at all. I actually liked it quite a bit. I actually think the comfort is it’s biggest downfall. It’s so comfortable that it’s uncomfortable. It’s beyond light and I don’t like that feeling of nothing on my head and I found it uncanny.

If you’re looking for a lighter and slightly more comfortable HD600 with more bass and more treble, you have the MV1. That’s basically what I feel the MV1 is. A slightly improved HD600. However I would take a HD600 over the MV1 due to the construction and pad style of the HD600, and because of my Idiosyncrasy (Korn) with headphone comfort, I’ll take a slightly heavier headphone.
It’s a headphone that did have me jamming and again that’s all I can ask for.

It’s a unique enough headphone that I believe many will enjoy as have I, but for me, I prefer a darker signature and a slight bit more bass and low mids.

TL;DR: It's solid. Feels like air, punches like a wasp.

Edit: The pictures don't show it but you can absolutely look through the back grill to see the driver on the other side. Nothing fills that cavity.

Thank you for nice review! You noted: "If you're looking for a lighter and slightly more comfortable HD600 with more bass and more treble, you have the MV1". Is there really the same mids range as the HD600? If so, it's sad
May 3, 2023 at 7:52 AM Post #159 of 479
Thank you for nice review! You noted: "If you're looking for a lighter and slightly more comfortable HD600 with more bass and more treble, you have the MV1". Is there really the same mids range as the HD600? If so, it's sad
I would say the midrange is not quite like the HD600. It's different enough but still does remind me a little of the HD600. I'd say the MV1 is more like the AA-HIX65 than the HD600. But the similarity is there.
May 3, 2023 at 11:26 AM Post #160 of 479
Thank you! I'll keep the MV1 for another week and see if my initial review changes, but I don't think it will change too much.

The MV1 is not a bad headphone in my opinion. It's a very solid alternative to the HD6-- series. I actually liked it more than the NDH30 I had not too long ago. I just adore that lush warmth and technical ability of the T1 that I don't think much will trump it.

I've heard the 660S2 is quite nice as well, hope you enjoy that can!
I understand. Sometimes headphones can grow on you but sometimes not.

What made you like the MV1 more than the NDH30? From what I gather NDH30 and MV1 will be targeting a similar market. Yeah the T1.3 is a great combination of lush warmth and excellent technicalities.

Honestly after spending time with the S2 and reading a lot of impressions of other new headphones I think I made the right choice.
May 3, 2023 at 11:43 AM Post #161 of 479
I understand. Sometimes headphones can grow on you but sometimes not.

What made you like the MV1 more than the NDH30? From what I gather NDH30 and MV1 will be targeting a similar market. Yeah the T1.3 is a great combination of lush warmth and excellent technicalities.

Honestly after spending time with the S2 and reading a lot of impressions of other new headphones I think I made the right choice.
Honestly, it was mostly the weird fit of the NDH30. It's got large earcups but shallow depth and it just felt weird.
Also the bass extension was nice, but it didn't have the impact I was expecting or reading about from it.
Imaging I also felt was slightly greater on the MV1 as well.
Nor do I think it was worth the asking price of $649. But I'm incredibly cheap so I don't factor that for most.
May 3, 2023 at 12:08 PM Post #162 of 479
Honestly, it was mostly the weird fit of the NDH30. It's got large earcups but shallow depth and it just felt weird.
Also the bass extension was nice, but it didn't have the impact I was expecting or reading about from it.
Imaging I also felt was slightly greater on the MV1 as well.
Nor do I think it was worth the asking price of $649. But I'm incredibly cheap so I don't factor that for most.
If you found the fit unnatural on the NDH 30 then you my have not had it in the optimal position. I find it very natural, comfortable and easy to position it correctly on my head, but it is known to be finicky in that respect. I suspect that if you’d been comfortable with the fit and had it correctly placed then you would have found the imaging exemplary. Or, If the Sony actually has better imaging than the NDH 30 then it’s officially the headphone bargain of the century!
May 3, 2023 at 1:05 PM Post #163 of 479
If you found the fit unnatural on the NDH 30 then you my have not had it in the optimal position. I find it very natural, comfortable and easy to position it correctly on my head, but it is known to be finicky in that respect. I suspect that if you’d been comfortable with the fit and had it correctly placed then you would have found the imaging exemplary. Or, If the Sony actually has better imaging than the NDH 30 then it’s officially the headphone bargain of the century!
I understand it's blasphemy to critize the NDH30, but I can assure you; I was wearing it correctly.
May 3, 2023 at 1:11 PM Post #164 of 479
I understand it's blasphemy to critize the NDH30, but I can assure you; I was wearing it correctly.
Not at all. I might get the Sony myself so it’s good to know. But in that case the Sony has better imaging than anything under 1K I would think. How does the imaging compare to your T1.3?
May 3, 2023 at 1:20 PM Post #165 of 479
Not at all. I might get the Sony myself so it’s good to know. But in that case the Sony has better imaging than anything under 1K I would think. How does the imaging compare to your T1.3?
I think the T1.3 does a better job at sheer accuracy in things like gaming. But with music. I found that on an individual level, I can focus on one instrument at a time more with the MV1, but the T1.3 does a better job at placement of the instrument in the stage presented. As well as being able to sound "full" (probably due to that bass and low mid enhancement). They’re both very good (Same with the NDH30) at imaging, but for me I prefer the presentation of the T1.3.

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