Shure SRH 940 impression and support thread
Jul 12, 2011 at 5:50 PM Post #721 of 3,855
im thinking of getting these but i got a couple of questions, first would you guys say that these would be an upgrade from the m50s? how is the comfort, because the m50 earpads bother me a little bit? and do i need a amp to drive these out of an ipod?, if so will a e11 do the job?
Jul 12, 2011 at 6:06 PM Post #722 of 3,855
Should be an upgrade from the M50s.
Comfort should be okay since you're used to a semi-bulky headphone already in the M50 - headband of the 940 kinda sucks but the comfort on the ears is great
I will recommend an amp for these, only because I think they improve quite a bit with one.  They're drivable without one for sure, but they utilize an amp so well!  It won't take much, I haven't used the e11 but I imagine that it should be plenty.
Jul 12, 2011 at 6:25 PM Post #723 of 3,855
When I get some time I'm going to see if I can take apart the headband and put some high quality memory foam in there instead of the too soft foam they have in there now.
Looks like it's just two screws on each side.
I'll post back if/when I'm done.
It's funny that when you look at the picture it looks like those knobs would be too firm but they are actually too soft.
Jul 12, 2011 at 7:24 PM Post #724 of 3,855
Wow, I'm really surprised at how much I'm enjoying these things so far, and I mean really enjoying, not just appreciating. I was half expecting to be going on some audiophile journey into boredom with these things, but these have a surprising amount of punch and attack to them and don't sound overly polite and rolled off like the 840's at all. The sound quality and driver speed is f'ing great too, and cymbals especially sound amazing to me. Feeling it for sure.

I have to give a lot of credit for somehow making these even doofier looking than the 840's though, their engineers must have put in some sleepless nights pulling that off :wink:
Jul 12, 2011 at 7:31 PM Post #726 of 3,855

Interesting comment, and I have to agree, although more carefully than you stated it :)
I'm taking it you've had your fair share of experience with external setups yourself?  I agree with the statement that sometimes audio quality and price of product above a certain price floor have a lowly (positive) correlated relationship, but I am going to disagree strongly with the fact that it all sounds virtually the same.  Maybe you don't actually feel this way and you just weren't being careful with your words (NOT meant to bash you here, just curious).  With external loudspeakers, just like headphones, you're going to find different flavors.  Switching between specific Martin Logan, Klipsch, Canton, DefTech, Mirage, etc (this list could go on forever) I still find changes in presentation, and pretty significant ones at times.  If you have the opportunity to get yourself in a sound room with a lot of high end loudspeakers and can quickly switch between them with a central unit (you can find these at some "hi'fi" stores sometimes), I feel like you'll swallow your words a bit, or at least modify them.  I agree that you can't make the blanket statement "I paid more so it much be better", but I think it is okay to say that paying different amounts of money can lead to different types of sonic presentation, and if that preferred presentation is more or less money AND you're willing to shell out whatever it costs to get that right sound, I can't be one to say someone spent too much money on it even if I may not agree that it is the "best" sonic presentation available.
Again, no disrespect.

None taken, and I agree. What I meant was the gear besides the speakers (or headphones). Sorry if that wasn't clear; I typed that quickly. It certainly needs qualification, so much that I wasn't willing to go into it there (or here). I'll just say that all gear has a certain (fairly low) point at which it just doesn't get better, at least not significantly so. So even though there are different flavors of speakers, for instance, at the 10k and up price point, these flavors also exist at the 1-5k price point and everything else is equal (or darn close) to speakers at any price. I've heard dozens of expensive to very expensive speakers and set ups via an "audio group" I'm loosely associated with in my area. We've tested much gear, blind or not, and after a point (again relative to what kind of gear it is) no one could tell whether they were listening to a 50k or 5k speaker or $300 or 3k DAC for instance (I feel I overpaid for my DACMagic actually).
I don't want to get into specifics, one reason being that a member of this association was robbed and had his identity stolen on the basis of his listing of his gear he posted online (an easy way for thieves to find out what you have is of course to see if you posted your possessions online!), so I won't mention any specific gear. I'm taking a risk even mentioning it in an open forum or listing my own "humble" headphones/gear here. But this stuff isn't what thieves generally go after, nor is it often that this type of thing takes place. This guy was also posting all sorts of his possessions across boards (he is rich enough to not have to work so I guess he got bored lol), from golf clubs to cars to inside pics of his home and antique furniture and such. It's no wonder he got targeted...especially when he mentioned he was going to Europe for 5 weeks on a forum as well.
Anyway, if you're going to spend money, at least spend it on speakers and headphones. But only to a certain (low) point: the rest is just not worth it imo (granted I haven't heard any phones above those that retail for $500 since none I know are into cans because they aren't "real" hi fi gear), just way too much for diminishing returns no matter how much you have to spend (wasting money is a waste even if you have billions). All jmo of course. 
I will recommend an amp for these, only because I think they improve quite a bit with one.  They're drivable without one for sure, but they utilize an amp so well!  It won't take much, I haven't used the e11 but I imagine that it should be plenty.

Same here. I did run them out of my Cowon D2 with and without my little FiiO E5 and they seemed better with the E5 to me, better separation and extension.
Jul 12, 2011 at 10:20 PM Post #727 of 3,855
Finally received my set and right out of the box I personally feel that the treble can be a little too high for my liking and can lack a little bass. This is coming from an IEM user, so I am wondering...Will burning in the headphones make a significant improvement to these problems?
Jul 12, 2011 at 10:45 PM Post #729 of 3,855
im coming from the m50's, if i were to get these which would have more bass the m50s or 940s? and if its m50s how much less bass is pecentage wise?

M50's have a heck of a lot more bass than the 940s. Percentage wise? I haven't got the slightest clue.
940's are bass light, yet they are very neutral. They are brighter than the M50 and also have more upfront midrange.
Jul 12, 2011 at 11:51 PM Post #730 of 3,855

Finally received my set and right out of the box I personally feel that the treble can be a little too high for my liking and can lack a little bass. This is coming from an IEM user, so I am wondering...Will burning in the headphones make a significant improvement to these problems?

Have probably put more than 150 hours on mine and there's not much improvement.
Maybe the lower-end sounds a bit better now BUT maybe it's that I got used to the cans...
Still love them though!
Jul 13, 2011 at 12:04 AM Post #731 of 3,855
I was feeling antsy tonight so I did that little headband mod.
It was pretty straight forward. Didn't feel like I was on the edge of breaking anything.
I now have a 2-3 inch long by the width of the whole headband piece of good memory foam right in the middle under the pleather material. The original plan was to swap out those little beady bits of foam with good stuff but once apart I could see that wasn't an option. I'll try it this way first. Maybe at some point I'll do it the way I wanted (it'll be more work).
Just had them on for a bit and they certainly seem more comfortable. I'll know better tomorrow.
I didn't take any pictures but if you want any info just ask.
Jul 13, 2011 at 7:47 AM Post #733 of 3,855
Just got mine. I dont think they lack bass in any way (not a basshead tho). I listened to some Sepultura (Roots) and the bass level was perfect (I clearly can't describe them as bass shy there). I'm currently trying some classical (Zarathustra by Prévin and Brahms Piano concerto 2 (Anda/Fricsay)) and I'm impressed: bass is really well controled here, it's almost like listening to other headphones.
They seem to be great all rounders. They could easily be my only pair of HP now that I think about it.
As for the treble presence, it's not really annoying, I can easily get used to it.
(using them with a Fiio E9 btw)
I guess I'll have to sell my 840's now...
Jul 13, 2011 at 8:27 AM Post #734 of 3,855
I agree completely. If these were my only headphones, I wouldn't feel like I'm missing a thing.

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