Shure KSE1500 Review - Shure KSE1500 Sound Isolating Electrostatic Earphones
Nov 6, 2015 at 4:09 AM Post #556 of 6,082
  Oh thnx, better to keep the Austrian made CDs and don't be mislead by naxos and Hi-res audio Blurays
Our ears are our best judges to decide which record/heaphones/Sources/amps keep, so if a $360 sony IEM (XBA-A3) could reveal such faked acoustics.... i wonder how unforgiving a shure stat can be
 ... yeah a 16/44.1 won over a 24/96 HAHAHA Strange for naxo their recordings i have are very good for a budget label this time they lived up to their name... Budget Label... hope they don¿t go bad as Brilliant Classics who started very good in early 2000's and now they'rent so good
Edit: I've found a review on why naxos "Faked it"
Yeah, its a bit of the problem the austrian recorded one has, some street noise (muffled tho) from the street adjacent, but it is bearable at least for me, they could just close the streets like when a fil studios do to fil a scene for a movie. f.e. like james bond they close zocalo square in mexico city for a few days instead of trying to fake it, even the reviewer said so that sounded quite a bit unnatural at times, the delay was a bit too long and "wet" in small rooms supposed to be intimate.
The fragment of the review was taken from amazon product page
Back on topic I wanna give a shot to the shures or a stat phone and see how my recordings sound on these phones

Well, such "off topic" posts reflect the real need of why headphones ( and other equipment preceeding them ) of this calibre is required in the first place.
I am a recording engineer - and finding a place with decent (enough...) acoustics that is relatively free of surrounding noise is getting ever harder and harder. Even if you swallow the recording in a relatively secluded church, with no heating in the winter, you still have to wait for the plane(s) from a 10 or so miles distant airport to end their depart or  approach to landing. Often interrupting what otherwise would have ended as a stellar performance of a particularly inspired moment of the performers on the recording 
Your remark that they should "close the surrounding" a la James Bond is merely a wishful thinking under the real world conditions. Producers of the 007 films are among the very few whose budget allows to do so - but recording music, particularly classics, operates on tiny tiny budget compared to movies. The proof? ALL the big classical labels are owned by film studios and not vice versa ... - need I to elaborate further ?
Well, DSP, soooo tooted to be the end game by some, will NEVER be able to recreate the magic of live performance - ever closer, but never cigar. Compared to the extremely precise positioning of the microphones in real good acoustic space without too much surrounding  noise , ANY DSP, present or future, is simply far too crude. 
For the purpose of monitoring the recordings, presently I use Havi B3 Pro 1 - price around 60$, appalling measurements, extreme sensitivity to tips with which they perform at their best in YOUR ear; BUT - they are really nice sounding over extended periods of time and  they do give me enough information of what is going on and there are very few nasty surprises after the recordings are listened either immediately after on location with Stax Lambda or AKG K 1000 ( this requires people to leave the room, say during the pause in recording ... ) or on speakers back at home. I did try Sennheiser ie800 - and disliked them - with passion.
I do require loose ends of Havi to be tied up - and hope KSE1500 will prove to be that headphone of my dreams. Please do note the Havi does FAR better than closed Beyers and other usual suspects most often intended for monitoring.
Nov 6, 2015 at 5:13 AM Post #558 of 6,082
  Closed cans never seem to sound as good as the open variety. Might as well use IEMs. I think you'd like the open Grado ps500 with large cups as well but something like this Shure could be a recording engineer's dream come true.

did write elsewhere I am using IEMs under mufflers - in order to get a truly high suppression of the surrounding noise  - live music included. That means only IEMs or CIEMs need to apply - on the order of, combined from IEMs and mufflers, 60 dB+ attenuation of "outside".
That's how any IEM worn by me looks like :
Taken together, mike feeding this IEM + muffler combo should give me the best approximation of the sound heard live with bare ears. .There is no coincidence I use Havi IEMs - they are known to produce, within the IEM limits, one of the most spatial soundstage available. Runs rings around closed Beyers and similar stuff. 
Nov 6, 2015 at 4:05 PM Post #560 of 6,082
Hello guys,

I'm considering to get either kse1500, or ak380 plus amp. Currently I have ak240ss, Layla and se846.

What do you think. Both have turn off's.

Ak380 being a&K product which means lots of possible defecrs, writing this with disappointment.

Shure kse1500, as I have heard it does not support higher than 24/96 or dsd.
Nov 6, 2015 at 4:18 PM Post #561 of 6,082
Hello guys,

I'm considering to get either kse1500, or ak380 plus amp. Currently I have ak240ss, Layla and se846.

What do you think. Both have turn off's.

Ak380 being a&K product which means lots of possible defecrs, writing this with disappointment.

Shure kse1500, as I have heard it does not support higher than 24/96 or dsd.

Based on information available to me, I think you'd notice a bigger difference going with the KSE1500 over the AK380. The A&K would be an upgrade from your current model, but the Shure is a completely different class of IEM compared to your current IEMs.
[Edit] Use the KSE1500 without using the DAC in the amp unit by running line-out from your AK240 and you don't need to worry about the 24/96/DSD "limitations."
Nov 6, 2015 at 7:45 PM Post #565 of 6,082
Nov 6, 2015 at 7:49 PM Post #566 of 6,082

Hello guys,

I'm considering to get either kse1500, or ak380 plus amp. Currently I have ak240ss, Layla and se846.

What do you think. Both have turn off's.

Ak380 being a&K product which means lots of possible defecrs, writing this with disappointment.

Shure kse1500, as I have heard it does not support higher than 24/96 or dsd.

  How does this system compare to that of the JH Audio Layla connected to the Astern & Kern AK240?

Also craving a comparison as both have been touted as 'best iems on the market' and both have similar crazy pricing. Wondering intensely whether the electrostatic technology in the Shure will have surpassed anything BAs (regardless of number of drivers or crossovers) have an are capable of achieving. 
Nov 6, 2015 at 8:11 PM Post #567 of 6,082
Also craving a comparison as both have been touted as 'best iems on the market' and both have similar crazy pricing. Wondering intensely whether the electrostatic technology in the Shure will have surpassed anything BAs (regardless of number of drivers or crossovers) have an are capable of achieving. 

I absolutely believe that must be the case. I can't know for sure until I've heard it though.
What I do know, is that current multi-BA flagships is crazy hype. I mean, 12 drivers per ear? This is clearly about marketing and not much else, trying to get the last dollars out of a technology that stagnated years ago somewhere around the time the UERM was released. I somehow lose respect for companies when they churn out another flagship every 6 months or so with 2x the drivers and price. This new thing from Shure is another animal entirely, and much more interesting to me.
Nov 6, 2015 at 9:39 PM Post #569 of 6,082
Eh... Maybe it's just me, but considering how close the UERM already gets to electrostats (more than a few people have felt that a well sourced/driven UERM get close to a moderately driven 009) and how even Jude still feels a full sized stat surpasses the new Shure.... Gotta say I'm intensely skeptical that the new Shure represents some big leap in HQ. I simply don't buy it. Better? Maybe. Clowns the current top tiers? Nah, I'll believe it when I hear it.

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