Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
Jan 19, 2014 at 3:45 AM Post #1,141 of 9,327
What's verdict on HD700 vs HD800 on bass? I recall the HD700 being really good in bass, though the HD800 being cleaner and tighter. I would have said the HD700 has more bass than the HD800 a week ago, but with my current chain, especially adding the PJCCS upgrade to Quickie, the HD800 is approaching planar magnetics in bass, so rescind that statement on the HD700 having more bass. What I will say is that it's far easier to get great bass from HD700 than it is from HD800. Anyone else agree or have experienced this?
Jan 19, 2014 at 3:50 AM Post #1,142 of 9,327
  What's verdict on HD700 vs HD800 on bass? I recall the HD700 being really good in bass, though the HD800 being cleaner and tighter. I would have said the HD700 has more bass than the HD800 a week ago, but with my current chain, especially adding the PJCCS upgrade to Quickie, the HD800 is approaching planar magnetics in bass, so rescind that statement on the HD700 having more bass. What I will say is that it's far easier to get great bass from HD700 than it is from HD800. Anyone else agree or have experienced this?

Yes, the bass was spectacular on the HD700. At least to my ears, that was a constant with just about every setup I heard them on. 
Spectacular to my taste at least. Very visceral, accurate, tight, and never a hint of bloat. I thought they had the right quantity. The HD800 does win in extension though.
Jan 19, 2014 at 4:23 AM Post #1,144 of 9,327
  What's verdict on HD700 vs HD800 on bass? I recall the HD700 being really good in bass, though the HD800 being cleaner and tighter. I would have said the HD700 has more bass than the HD800 a week ago, but with my current chain, especially adding the PJCCS upgrade to Quickie, the HD800 is approaching planar magnetics in bass, so rescind that statement on the HD700 having more bass. What I will say is that it's far easier to get great bass from HD700 than it is from HD800. Anyone else agree or have experienced this?

IMO, the HD800s are more DAC picky than the HD700s. They are pretty close in regard to the amp results.  
Jan 19, 2014 at 4:26 AM Post #1,145 of 9,327
Like I said, I sold my HD700 so I can't directly compare, but from memory, I have to say the way I'm amping my HD800, it has a very similar tonality and sound signature as the HD700 with only superior technicalities across the board. Imagine the HD700 with a wider soundstage, cleaner and more texture bass with body and tactility, better detailing, and most importantly refinement and lack of grain. The biggest flaw I found with the HD700 was its grain and refinement not on the level of some other headphones I have like HE-500, HD800, and T90. I remember distinctly A/Bing HD700 and T90 and it was clear the HD700 was not as fine sounding. But imagine a headphone that had the HD700 sound signature, but without the problems of refinement, and having the HD800 superior technicalities. That's pretty much what I am listening to right now and enjoying very much.
This brings up a good question for those that have or had at one point both the HD700 and HD800: Technicalities aside, do you prefer the sound signature of the HD700 or HD800 more?
Jan 19, 2014 at 4:42 AM Post #1,146 of 9,327
That's probably why there's been the few minority who preferred the HD700s to the 800s. Simply because they found them more exciting and more engaging. Or something along those lines. Not everyone seems to like the HD800 effect. I've even heard them called sterile and lifeless. Which is pretty far from the truth.
Jan 19, 2014 at 6:58 AM Post #1,147 of 9,327
I own an HD700 and I like it a lot. They sound pretty good to me and I don't feel they are that sensitive to the source.
I have very good results with a combo HRT microstr/O2 like I did with Concero/627x. The differences were pretty small (I would even dare to say none for me).
These are the best headphones I ever had (and the more expensive as well), I like this speaker-like presentation with a very transparent sound. Acoustics songs sound fabulous!
I had the chance to listen to HD800 2 times with 2 differents set-up (combo TEAC and HDVD800) honnestly I think HD800 is quite a big upgrade. I found the HD800 slightly brighter than HD700 but the biggest difference was the soundstage, HD800 is just WOW!
Still, because HD700 is 2x times cheaper than HD800 and probably much less sensitive to the source than HD800, it looks to me a better deal.
I still don't understand all the negative words I red about the picky trebles, sibilances etc... I simply cannot hear that.
Did I mention another big advantage of these HD700 : they are VERRRRRY comfortable? 
Jan 19, 2014 at 10:33 AM Post #1,148 of 9,327
I had the HD700 and moved on to the HD800. Even though I thought I finally had my system nailed with the HD700, Bifrost Uber and Lyr with Amperex Orange Globes, at the last Toronto meet, I had a change to audition the HD800 on my system and immediately fell in love.  Flatter, more extended treble, better, tighter and deeper bass, stunning with vocals and worked with everything from Deadmou5 to Sinatra.
After the meet, I put up my HD700 and HE500 for sale and I ended up getting a killer deal on a new set of HD800.  The rest is history. I could have lived with the HD700 and Schiit stack but after longer listening sessions, I found my ears started ringing.  Have not experienced that with the HD800.
The HD800 are definitely more source/amp dependant and I'm still building the chain. Sorry for my wallet.
There are times where I really think that I should have stayed with the HD700/Schiit and called it.
  This brings up a good question for those that have or had at one point both the HD700 and HD800: Technicalities aside, do you prefer the sound signature of the HD700 or HD800 more?

Jan 19, 2014 at 11:11 AM Post #1,149 of 9,327
Trying to brush up here as I’m obviously old school not having graduated past using a CDP, I’ve touched on a bit with of streaming with my Apple TV, but the majority I see are mostly mobile using some form of DAC, my own foray into portable listening predates the “Sony Walkman” so you can see where I’m coming from.
There are may be slight differences when dealing with digital conversion but I have always found the biggest improvement and what needs to be addressed the most is the analogue output, addressing noise and producing the most linear wave-form possible.
This is what gets amplified for the headphones or speakers, and what IMHO is accounting for the vast array of different opinions, and then there are SS or tube based amps and even hybrids.
With my current set-up (and maybe my last) I’ve yet to encounter as I mentioned earlier any shortcomings with the HD700s, they are different from the HD800s but in my books they do nothing wrong, no odd anomalies or spikes or what have you and are extremely linear from top to bottom, so I chalk that up to the supporting gear.
Maybe an over simplification and open to argument but think of the amplification as a bridge between source to headphones, a catwalk will get you from A to B but a suspension bridge will be less prone to indecent while crossing.
Now I do not expect folks to go out and drop $4,000 on hardware and I still have fond memories of being able to listen to Pink Floyd’s Ummagumma on the way to school with my first portable Philips mono cassette deck and budget headphone back in 1970 thinking life couldn't get any better.
But at the end of the day it’s satisfying to know the HD700s are very good but how far one wishes to take their individual set-ups comes down to personal priorities, I’m just an aging audiophile who’s invested over 40 years in pursuing satisfying music reproduction, just saying.
Jan 19, 2014 at 3:25 PM Post #1,150 of 9,327
I have not had ample time with the HD 800 to draw any legitimate conclusions about it, but I do think it is impressive that a can half its price gets compared to it. Still, this won't stop me from acquiring the HD 800 the moment a deal presents itself.
Jan 19, 2014 at 6:46 PM Post #1,152 of 9,327
Mickey, I know you and I purchased our HD700 around the same time and we both liked the 700 for some of the same reasons.
What do you think of the Schiit Vali which I know you now own and think highly of, do you think they would match well with the 700?

Looking to get a taste of a tube amp and at the Vali's asking price it seems to me an opportunity for me to get a sample of a hybrid tube amp sound.

What do you think Thx in advance.
Jan 19, 2014 at 6:52 PM Post #1,153 of 9,327
Hey Dionysus.. don't have the HD700 any more as I've moved to the HD800.  It's a good entry level pairing for the HD800 so I would assume that it would be the same for the HD700 so I would say, go for it! 
Jan 19, 2014 at 7:02 PM Post #1,154 of 9,327
How can you have a Naim DAC-V1 and HD800s and use a Schiit Vali with it?????  Naim and HD800's is high-end stuff and you've obviously invested a lot of money in this only to crap it up with a cheap Schiit Vali?  It makes no sense to me...absolutely none.  Unless maybe you suddenly fell into money problems or something.  
Jan 19, 2014 at 8:29 PM Post #1,155 of 9,327
Umm.. I don't use the Vali with the HD800's.  Just tried it a couple of times just for kicks and impressions.  It's actually very, very good.  Even Jude said somewhere that the Bifrost Uber/Vali is a really good combo with the HD800 and for some, may be an end game.  
My around the house/transportable system is a Dragonfly with the Vali. I much prefer the amp built into the Naim and plan on matching the Naim up with a WA2.

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