Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
Jul 27, 2015 at 2:58 AM Post #4,636 of 9,327
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Enjoy the ride :wink:

Currawong. "Posting Guidelines Community." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2015.
Jul 27, 2015 at 1:51 PM Post #4,637 of 9,327
I got another HD700 from Ebay...
god.... they still sound really fun...
I cry everytime.
Feels like the beyer's T1 is overpriced when I listened to this again lol.
(nah, T1 still sounded really nice to me.)
Jul 27, 2015 at 6:00 PM Post #4,638 of 9,327
  I got another HD700 from Ebay...
god.... they still sound really fun...
I cry everytime.
Feels like the beyer's T1 is overpriced when I listened to this again lol.
(nah, T1 still sounded really nice to me.)

gosh i am waiting eagerly for my phone to arrive!
before this i was a little worry about the 6khz treble thing.
so now it really makes me wonder what is causing all the different opinion.
1. sennheiser did some running change in their production without telling(as usual)
2. after headphone break in it will sound differently
3. those that cause an uproar has hidden agenda behind them.( and they are successful in doing this)  
Jul 27, 2015 at 6:18 PM Post #4,639 of 9,327
Guess who just bought one.
Jul 27, 2015 at 7:04 PM Post #4,640 of 9,327
so now it really makes me wonder what is causing all the different opinion.

1. sennheiser did some running change in their production without telling(as usual)
2. after headphone break in it will sound differently
3. those that cause an uproar has hidden agenda behind them.( and they are successful in doing this)  


When the HD700's first came out they were trashed by a couple very influential reviewers and those early opinions have been repeated so many times that they are accepted as fact by many. Personally the whole 6khz thing has been non-existent with all the amps I've tried. I've put the 700's up against many TOTL favorites in my own system and still prefer them.
Jul 27, 2015 at 7:14 PM Post #4,641 of 9,327
gosh i am waiting eagerly for my phone to arrive!

before this i was a little worry about the 6khz treble thing.

so now it really makes me wonder what is causing all the different opinion.

1. sennheiser did some running change in their production without telling(as usual)
2. after headphone break in it will sound differently
3. those that cause an uproar has hidden agenda behind them.( and they are successful in doing this)  


Probably a little of all 3, tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if improvements were made along the way. And I've also seen loads of opinions about the 'harsh treble' by people who've only listened to these for 5-10 minutes, if ever. These are not endgame headphones, but they're also not the garbage some people will swear they are.

Plus the RRP when it launched was what, $1000? That generated lots of ill will, too
Jul 27, 2015 at 7:20 PM Post #4,642 of 9,327
Probably a little of all 3, tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if improvements were made along the way. And I've also seen loads of opinions about the 'harsh treble' by people who've only listened to these for 5-10 minutes, if ever. These are not endgame headphones, but they're also not the garbage some people will swear they are.

Plus the RRP when it launched was what, $1000? That generated lots of ill will, too

Agree with everything you said except the 700's can be an endgame phone.
Jul 27, 2015 at 9:41 PM Post #4,643 of 9,327

Plus the RRP when it launched was what, $1000? That generated lots of ill will, too

Agree with everything you said except the 700's can be an endgame phone.

So far after a year and a half the 700’s are my “current” end game and bridged the gaps between my previous smorgasbord which consisted of the HD580/600s, AKG K701s, K501s, the Grado SR325is and even the HD800s…and a little later the K712s…the HD700s filling most if not all my criteria for a satisfying headphone which is an alternative when I’m unable to listen to my stereo speaker set-up.
Have to agree though that my initial impressions at their original asking price, $1199 Can, in comparison “physically” to the HD800s was somewhat of a let down…being all plastic…but they’ve held up rather well over time…comfort is second to none and so far no regrets.
I’m an older audiophile and have been in this hobby for over 40 years, so obviously my ears are not what they used to be at frequencies over 12,000 hertz so there may be credence for the younger crowd at discerning certain annoying frequency aberrations…maybe the designer was of a similar age to my own
...but the 700s from years of experience are IMHO tonally and spatially correct when it comes to "reproducing" the original recorded music and me to a “T”.

Jul 27, 2015 at 9:49 PM Post #4,644 of 9,327
I'm over 50 too so certainly have high frequency loss but the thing is, other headphones with aggressive treble like the HD800 or the HE560 still really bother me.
Jul 27, 2015 at 10:19 PM Post #4,647 of 9,327
@Rob80b, I'm over fifty and my hearing has deteriorated over the years where I don't hear much over 16K and there is also some lost at 12K so that may be why I like the HD-700 and it doesn't sound bright or harsh.  My GF who is 42 still has really good hearing and can listen to the HD-700 but only with the Ember, the Lyr2 is too bright for her.
@donlin, I'm a little like you, the HE-560 can sound a little too bright depending on the genre and the HD-800 is only listenable on the BH Crack where the HD-700 can be enjoyed with almost anything.
Jul 27, 2015 at 10:24 PM Post #4,649 of 9,327
  hey you people who has money to spend, 
looking for other headphone?
T90 is now 399 in a famous online buying site :D

That's a good price, depending on the rest of your chain they can sound a little bright to some or really good.  I've only heard them once a few years ago but heard them along with a T-1, HD-800, and RS1i at my friends house in Japan.  They were close to the T-1 in sound signature but I ended up getting a DT-990 premium, liked the bass on these better than the T-90.
Jul 27, 2015 at 10:28 PM Post #4,650 of 9,327
I just got my connectors in from China and I made a balanced cable for my HD700. The sound has improved with smoother treble and more control over the bass, but otherwise it's mostly the same as out of my V200.

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