Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Oct 12, 2012 at 5:14 PM Post #1,921 of 23,498
@lingling and palmfish

This wasn't quite what I was expecting lol; maybe I need to clarify a little bit..

Why do you say that he won't appreciate the quality of the HD600? On re-reading my original post, I think I made it seem like he listens to music while moving around the house / office a lot, and therefore the HD600 + whatever amp needed to drive it would be an unideal fit for him.

I guess what I meant to say was that my doesn't really settle in one place to do anything that he does. I guess most people have their one place that they go to for everything, like their desk to do any kind of work, their listening station to listen to music.. but when my dad settles down to listen to music or to do a sermon preparation, it's always in a different spot: sometimes it's on the floor of his study, sometimes it's sitting on a couch, sometimes it's at his desk.. he doesn't really have a set go-to area. But once he's settled in, he stays where he chooses for hours on end. I guess this is why I wanted a more portable option for a headphone amp rather than one that required a dedicated power source.

But my dad is the type of person that actively listens to music. I find that when he decides to listen to music, all other activity ceases. I don't ever recall a time seeing my dad listen to music while doing something else. He'll pick his spot, put on his airline headphones (I swear, my dad's been using those free headphones that the airlines give out on flights for years now), and then he'll close his eyes and just enjoy the music.

I think music really moves him.. I also don't think my dad's bought anything for himself for years now (except for CDs). This is why I want to amplify (sorry for the stupid pun) his experience with something that I think will really allow him to enjoy the music. In that sense, I don't think the HD600 will be a waste of my money.

But I've never used the cans before, so I guess I wouldn't know. I know that if I get this, or the HD598 or some ridiculous headphone in the $1000+ range, he'll make it last forever.

Thanks again for the input.
Oct 12, 2012 at 5:26 PM Post #1,922 of 23,498
[COLOR=FF00AA][/COLOR]I don't think there's anything wrong with getting him the HD600's and an amp. I think it's a waste of money only in the sense that for 1/2 to 1/3rd the cost, the other headphones I listed will sound every bit as good (there really isn't a "better" or "worse" in this group, just "different"). I have owned both the HD598 and the HD600 and I would be hard pressed to pick my favorite between the two. So why spend $450 when you can get the same results for less than $200?

They are all very fine headphones and a HUGE upgrade from what he's using now. He will love any one of them!
Oct 12, 2012 at 6:48 PM Post #1,923 of 23,498
Thank you for the insight. I do agree that at this point hat if he enjoys what he listens to with what crap he's using, then even a $30-$40 pair of headphones would be a significant improvement to what he's currently using. I have a bad tendency to equate more money to significantly better product, and I think I've started to develop biases for and against products that I neither own nor have tested out. I guess I'm also deferring my budget constraints to the fact that my dad's turning 60, which is a landmark occasion in our culture, and I'm trying to make a big splash without really taking into consideration that although I'm certain my dad would love whatever I got for him, he would be hard-pressed to find a difference between an HD598 and an HD600 as you've pointed out. I guess I came to the HD600 appreciation thread anticipating a bias in favor of these cans and not expecting to be referred to another set of cans haha.
So on a completely different note, do the HD598s require amplification as well? I know someone previously mentioned that I can do without an amp, but I think I really want to consider getting one anyway. (*edit: oh that person was you palmfish. lol).
And also, do you have any opinions on headphones that are similarly priced with the HD598s, say AKG K701s for around $220?
Oct 12, 2012 at 7:17 PM Post #1,924 of 23,498
Thank you for the insight. I do agree that at this point hat if he enjoys what he listens to with what crap he's using, then even a $30-$40 pair of headphones would be a significant improvement to what he's currently using. I have a bad tendency to equate more money to significantly better product, and I think I've started to develop biases for and against products that I neither own nor have tested out. I guess I'm also deferring my budget constraints to the fact that my dad's turning 60, which is a landmark occasion in our culture, and I'm trying to make a big splash without really taking into consideration that although I'm certain my dad would love whatever I got for him, he would be hard-pressed to find a difference between an HD598 and an HD600 as you've pointed out. I guess I came to the HD600 appreciation thread anticipating a bias in favor of these cans and not expecting to be referred to another set of cans haha.
So on a completely different note, do the HD598s require amplification as well? I know someone previously mentioned that I can do without an amp, but I think I really want to consider getting one anyway. (*edit: oh that person was you palmfish. lol).
And also, do you have any opinions on headphones that are similarly priced with the HD598s, say AKG K701s for around $220?

No you dont need to amp the 598s (they are 50 ohm) they sound great right out of his source.  What ever you do do not get the K701s they require a ton of amping to reach their potential.  You buy the K701s you need to spend another $200 at least on a desktop amp and DAC to get decent results.  
Other headphones in the 598s price range I would say the ATH m50, ATH A900 or AD900 neither require amping although the E17 you have will make them all sound better.  My first pair of good headphones were the AKG k272s They are underrated IMO don't require amping and can be had for $150
Oct 12, 2012 at 9:50 PM Post #1,925 of 23,498
Linglingjr is right on. All of the headphones he and I have mentioned are fine choices, but in my opinion, none of them are as good overall as the HD598.

The 598 is just a terrific, do everything, great sounding headphone that is easy to drive without an amp and comfortable on your head for hours and hours.

It really is your best bet in my opinion.
Oct 12, 2012 at 11:36 PM Post #1,926 of 23,498
I think he could really appreciate the HD600s if you got the E17 to go with them. It takes multiple inputs, works with an iPod/iPad/iPhone (LOD adapter) and can do USB as well. Would work great with an iPad as just an amp. If you can find some HD600s on the forum for 280 shipped, that's not bad. Add another 100-140 for the E17 based upon whether you want it to come from a member or from Amazon. I got mine for 300 shipped from a member which I thought was a pretty decent deal. E17 isn't an epic pairing but for him it will work perfectly. It can go anywhere and the battery lasts forever.
If you're willing to spend as much as you say, I think 450 for the headphones and amp/dac is... not bad. My Schiit stack (Bifrost/Lyr) ran me just over 800 bucks. My HD600s were 300 and my HE-400s were 400. It is not a cheap hobby, but that's 1500 bucks, so 450 for a halfway decent setup when you're upgrading someone from AIRPLANE HEADPHONES is overkill, but will be amazing to them. The E17 has such a long battery too, you can just charge it in a few hours via USB and it lasts over 2 weeks of ~6 hours of use each day, ~8-10 hours on the weekend. And that's depending on what I do that's not listening to to these headphones.
TL;DR: Splurge if you wanna splurge. It's gonna rock no matter what you get him. Go for the HD598s with no amp if you wanna get cheaper but still great headphones. They might be a little comfier initially than the HD600s but if you put the HD600s around a pillow while you're at work and sleeping it helps to gradually stretch the plastic. Just don't do it with too stiff of a pillow. You don't wanna break it.
You could probably go with a cheaper E11 which has a slightly better amp than the E17 (reportedly) if he's not gonna need a DAC. Otherwise the E17 rocks.
Oct 13, 2012 at 12:15 AM Post #1,927 of 23,498
HD600 isn't really a Wow headphone too, especially compared to the sound you get from a pair of HD598 (Brief brief experience!) where the sound seems clearer and more Hifi for people who are new to audio. HD600 is a headphone that takes people time to appreciate.
Its like how spirits might be appealing to a bunch of teenagers as compared to a (ridiculously) expensive xxxx year wine ;p
But he is your father so you know him better =)
Oct 13, 2012 at 12:30 AM Post #1,928 of 23,498
Yes and I mean he wont know what he is missing either. Honestly i would get him a cheaper pair and because he has never heard anything better when and if he chooses to upgrade it will be so much sweeter. If i started my life in the world of audio with hd800s i wouldnt appreciate how good they sound. Its good to start small.
Oct 13, 2012 at 1:20 AM Post #1,929 of 23,498
I mean more that the HD600 sound signature is really quite boring :wink:, no stunning highs, no boom boom midbass nor rumbling subbass, soundstage positioning details are all 'just' alright. (N.B. this mix of 'just' is why they are so loved) and their lovely mids while very smooth... I don't see a lot of people focusing on mids when they first get into audio. I would never show my friends what head-fi is about with my HD580.
However, when a few of my headphone friends come over, I let them listen to my nfb5.2 -> darkvoice 336 -> HD580 and they who know hifi; grins and steals my headphone.
Oct 13, 2012 at 2:17 AM Post #1,930 of 23,498
I mean more that the HD600 sound signature is really quite boring :wink:, no stunning highs, no boom boom midbass nor rumbling subbass, soundstage positioning details are all 'just' alright. (N.B. this mix of 'just' is why they are so loved) and their lovely mids while very smooth... I don't see a lot of people focusing on mids when they first get into audio. I would never show my friends what head-fi is about with my HD580.
However, when a few of my headphone friends come over, I let them listen to my nfb5.2 -> darkvoice 336 -> HD580 and they who know hifi; grins and steals my headphone.

That's probably why I've never been a fan of the HD-600. It's just too "sleepy" for me. That's the best word I can use to describe it. I'm a semi treble-head perhaps. When modded I love the thing and it's crystal clear and fun.
I've noticed you have the HD-580 though. To me this is MUCH more engaging and fun. Less "sleepy" due to less bass, slightly more forward upper mids and treble. Only due to the HD-580 grills though. Or do you have HD-600 grills?
Right now for favorites it's:
modded HD-600 > HD-580 > HD-600
When I put HD-600 grills on my HD-580 it somehow stays on the shelf.
Now the HD-600 I like as much as the Q701. Such a stupid simple mod made me love it. What the heck...?
Oct 13, 2012 at 3:23 AM Post #1,933 of 23,498
I think some people sometimes forget that this is the 600 APPRECIATION thread.  

Just making sure people who purchases one would really come to appreciate one :wink: I like mine a lot, its a HD580 w/ the 600 grills mainly for aesthetics factors (I really dig that combo) as I did not detect a large difference in sound if any with my untrained ears; and a HD650 cable since the original cable is probably 10~20 years old and is wearing out.
Oct 13, 2012 at 3:28 AM Post #1,934 of 23,498
Hi Peeg
Hope you don't mind me chiming in with my 2 cents.  I read through your posts carefully, and the corresponding replies - and I'd like to give an alternate viewpoint.
First - for your Dad's musical tastes - I do think the HD598 is a good choice for most of it - but not all of it.  For most classical (especially strings) the HD598 will shine.  And it does really well especially for male voices (tenors sound great).  However - I found it ever so slightly grainy for Soprano, and even Mezzo-Soprano.  It's one of the main reasons I eventually went with an HD600 vs HD598.  The HD600 is just a marvellous all-rounder - which is why I agree wholeheartedly with your original thoughts.
I really like headphones with a nice top-end also (I also own both K701 and DT880, as well as a pair of SR325is), but for female opera (and indeed a lot of my classical), I reach for the HD600s every time.
As you're aiming for a headphone that is great with all your Dad's choices - I think the HD600 is a better choice.  If some of his musical choices are a little diverse - the HD600 will do everything well.  The other thing I really like is how natural they are.  They get timbre and tone exactly right for my ears.  They are the one headphone with live recordings that I can close my eyes and listen - and I am actually there.
As far as amping goes - depending on your budget, the E17 will be more than capable of driving them.  The HD600 are surprisingly easy to drive despite the 300 ohm impedence.  I can comfortably listen to them straight out of my iPhone4 at about 70% volume.  I'd imagine your Dad's iPad should be fine as-is, especially if cost is a factor.   Depending on how the classical music is recorded though - you may want a little more head-room (I use an arrow most of the time if I want to move around the house).  If cost is a factor - get the HD600s first, you can always add the E17 later.
Lastly - I appreciate that like most of us you have budget constraints - but if I'm reading you right, this is a special birthday, and you want to get him a really nice set-up.  I did the same for my mum (went with a Beyer and amp - she doesn't listen to opera, just straight classical), and I'm glad I went the extra distance with her.  She loves the set-up.
For the factors you listed - I think the HD600 is an absolutely excellent choice.  Your Dad is a lucky guy :)
Hello everybody.
I've been looking for some nice cans to get for my dad for his 60th birthday and the HD600's came recommended by a few users over here. I don't know much about full-sized headphones and although I've seen some Senn models here and there I'd never heard of the HD600 until a couple of days ago. I was debating between K702s and DT880s before taking a look at the HD600, and now I think I'm beginning to lean more and more towards the HD600 with time winding down.
The other half of my search involved amps, so I thought that this might be the proper place to ask. I have very little knowledge about amping headphones and have just recently gotten into it. I have a Fiio E17 that I picked up this week for my universal IEMs after having used my IEMs for almost 8 years without amping.
For my dad's purposes, there are a few things that I need to keep in consideration:
- My dad's not the type to listen to music on the go. Portability is not necessary in the sense that he needs to have an amp small enough to carry while listening on the move. But...
- He travels a lot so ideally an amp that is relatively small enough to pack up for travel would be nice.
- While my dad doesn't listen to music on the move, he does move around the house and his office quite a bit, so I think that a desktop / tube amp that strictly requires AC power would be unideal.
I've gotten a couple of recommendations from users on other threads. One person recommended a HeadRoom Total Airhead portable amp, and I've seen a few others talk about the Objective 2 amplifier pairing nicely with the HD600s. I'm on a budget because I'm a college student, but he's my dad... if I need to I'll shell out a little more for a better quality product. I guess what I'm looking for is the best price - performance ratio that would really bring out the best in an HD600 from HD600 owners.
Music that he listens to (I don't know if this will help or not... maybe the types of music he listens to will get people to redirect me to other headphone options if people think that the HD600 isn't the best option for his music? Again, I'm a noob so I apologize in advance for the excessive inquiries).
- Classical music (he really like Yo-Yo Ma and stringed classical music)
- Opera (The Three Tenors, Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Charlotte Church, etc.)
- The Beatles
- Ennio Morricone
- Christian music of all kinds, mainly worship songs (my father's a Baptist minister)
All of the songs that he's going to be listening to I'm going to rip into Apple Lossless from his extensive CD collection so that he can play it out of his iPad with an LOD.

Oct 13, 2012 at 11:36 AM Post #1,935 of 23,498
Right now for favorites it's:

modded HD-600 > HD-580 > HD-600


Now the HD-600 I like as much as the Q701. Such a stupid simple mod made me love it. What the heck...?

Okay, you found the foam removal of the HD 600 as crap, but adding to the vent area made the bass better, right?

Put an Arts and Crafts pom pom on each side and the bass lost its distraction to me.

It was Tyll from InnerFidelity who convinced me to get the HD 600 over a few others with the graphs he made available in PDF.

There will be a review from him soon with it.

Too soon to say how I feel about these even after a couple of weeks.

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