Sennheiser HD-265 Linear vs HD-570
Aug 9, 2001 at 12:33 PM Post #16 of 34
Ctn, the Sony earbuds that you have just described are the MDR-E868's! They had been available from 1995 to 1998, and listed for about $40US. In the 1995-1998 Fontopia line, the 868's were the step-down from the 888's.
Aug 9, 2001 at 12:46 PM Post #18 of 34
Ctn, the 868's sound quality is a small step down from the 888, but a sizeable step up from the 848. I own the 848 and the 888 currently.
Aug 9, 2001 at 12:48 PM Post #19 of 34
kewl now the Q to ask
how do they compare to the senn hd-590s

i think the treble on the sony's r better
Aug 9, 2001 at 12:51 PM Post #20 of 34

Originally posted by Ctn
kewl now the Q to ask
how do they compare to the senn hd-590s

i think the treble on the sony's r better

Well, Ctn, the guys from Headroom (Tyll and Todd) described the treble on the 590's as way too bright.
Aug 9, 2001 at 12:59 PM Post #21 of 34
what do u think they mean by too bright?

too bringt so they distort ( like crackle & pop )
or too bright as they are too "present and ear hurting" ?

sorry im not too familar with hifi

i got a very "exotic" ear though hehe can hear the smallest detail
Aug 9, 2001 at 1:11 PM Post #22 of 34
Well, Ctn, when I said "too bright", I meant "too bright as in too present and ear-hurting". And those pops in the recordings of female voices (e.g. Mariah Carey, Celine Dion) are actually the result of the difficulties in trying to put the full range of the female singing voice into pop recordings. Most such recordings are mixed and mastered like crap, anyway, and most microphones used in the studios that record today's pop music can't really handle the highest octaves of the female singing voice - so that you will hear some "clicks" and "pops" in those soprano female voices, and your 590's will reveal those clicks and pops too well. In other words, the 590's will make crappy recordings sound crappier.
Aug 9, 2001 at 1:17 PM Post #23 of 34
what headphones are good for those kind of recordings?
im a bit dissapointed
coz i love those voices
Aug 9, 2001 at 1:21 PM Post #24 of 34
I dunno, you could go for something that's less detailed than the Senn 590's, but I do know for a fact that most of Sony's full-sized headphones are notorious for lacking detail in the treble.
Aug 9, 2001 at 1:23 PM Post #25 of 34
kool thanx for the help

i spoke to the store keep and they heard the poping too so they are going to order in another pair and test it out

it only occurs with the left speaker only though??

im a real treble fan
Aug 10, 2001 at 9:13 PM Post #26 of 34

Ctn, someone going by the name of "blr" had called the Sennheiser HD 590's "the Grados of Sennheiser" - which, along with the "Public Service Announcement" at the beginning of Eminem's ********* The Marshall Mathers LP, inspired me to write a so-called "Public Service Announcement - Team Grado Edition."
Aug 11, 2001 at 4:24 AM Post #27 of 34

Ctn, someone going by the name of "blr" had called the Sennheiser HD 590's "the Grados of Sennheiser" - which, along with the "Public Service Announcement" at the beginning of Eminem's ********* The Marshall Mathers LP, inspired me to write a so-called "Public Service Announcement - Team Grado Edition."

LOL u r sooooooooo cruel

what r grado's known for?
im not too familar with them
Aug 11, 2001 at 5:15 PM Post #28 of 34
Grado's are known for deep, impacting bass, slightly bright treble, and a very up-front soundstage. They sound very American, and should be comperable to Klipsch speakers.
Aug 14, 2001 at 3:33 AM Post #30 of 34
Well, the soundstage is WIDE, and goes beyond your head (a little), but it sounds like you are in the front row seat or up with the band, rather than 10 rows back, that's all.....

The stereo imaging is good but not great. Not good for games, where godlike stereo imaging is required.

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