Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 23, 2023 at 4:05 PM Post #133,861 of 165,182
Pi 3 or Pi 4? Rumor has it that Pi 4 is better for this use case because Ethernet and USB are on different buses.
That's right: don't use USB on anything earlier than a Pi 4 because of bus contention issues that can cause actual audible issues like dropouts.
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Dec 23, 2023 at 4:08 PM Post #133,862 of 165,182
As a former owner of a Shindo Cortese, if you like the sound of the 2A3 this amp will make you swoon, and if you can find one and can afford it, buy it. When I liquidated my high-end 2-channel setup this is the piece that was hardest for me to let go. Oh well.
I never heard the Cortese specifically, but have heard several other Shindo pieces over the years. They all made me swoon.
Dec 23, 2023 at 4:16 PM Post #133,863 of 165,182
Pretty glorious indeed, but have you priced 2A3s recently, let alone custom high-quality output transformers?

What I miss most audio-wise when I travel are those after-dinner sessions with DNA Stellaris and ZMF Atrium.
I see LinLai's and Psvane's going for around $200/pair. Never heard them so I don't know how they compare (if even remotely) to NOS RCA's or Sylvanias. But then I have a box full of RCA's, so *I'm* good. 🤣 Just no amp to use them in at present....
Dec 23, 2023 at 4:27 PM Post #133,864 of 165,182
That's a 300B amp, right? I'm a 2A3 fan, and my Stellaris Special is as swoon-inducing as I can stand :wink:
Mine was a 2A3 version. He also made one with the F2a.
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Dec 23, 2023 at 5:12 PM Post #133,866 of 165,182
Question, I have tons of USB C to the normal USB A to connect my Schiit stuff via the USB C ports....
On a new Dell AIO just got there is one USB C port...used for phone attach and charging etc.

Question should I be able to get a USB-C to USB-C cable and attach a Schiit Modius E dac to it and be recognized and function?
The answer to your last question is yes, but if your computer has only one USB port, then you might consider getting a docking station for flexibility to connect more than one device and accommodate different types of cables. Most docks include USB-A ports so you can use your existing cables.
Dec 23, 2023 at 5:22 PM Post #133,867 of 165,182
I've had a couple of days with the new-to-me Gungnir Multibit. I'm feeding it from my M1 Mac Mini via a DDC and a RCA-Coax cable. I'll do the Unison USB upgrade in 2-3 months.

I tried it out the day it arrived after being plugged in for 8-9 hours. Intellectually, I was aware of the necessary warm up time and all that it entails, but my expectations and emotions had the bridge that day. After 2 hours of listening, I was disappointed, a little bit deflated, and worried that I wasted a decent amount of cash. The music had a grey veil over it, and there was a harshness in the upper reaches that was fatiguing. The bass certainly dug deeper, the sound stage a touch wider than when listening via my inexpensive delta-sigma DAC that preceded the Gumby, but the overall sound wasn't pleasant. I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose some sleep thinking about it.

Fast-forward to noon the next day.


The sound was rich and deep and wide. On Neil Young's "Be the Rain" I could actually hear Billy Talbot's bass notes rather than the low and buried rumble that I expected. And they were DEEP. I had to dial back the Lokius's sub bass and bass knobs from where I'd normally have them. I was hearing fine detail in Neil's strumming - an obvious rapid circular pattern - that was not there previously in the swampy distorted grunge of his longtime beat-to-Hell Les Paul that he's named "Old Black". Cannonball Adderly and Miles Davis' "One for Daddy-O": The sound-stage in the Sundara was w-i-d-e. The instrument separation was amazing. The clarity in the notes of the standup bass was a revelation. High-hat taps and cymbal splashes sound real - very analog with no digital tinge to spoil the music. The Saxophone and trumpet were in the room with me. Thwacks to drum heads have a proper thump, echo, and fade that you hear at a live venue. Listening to other random songs, I could pick out and focus on individual instruments and backup singers where previously they were buried in the mix. Familiar songs presented details that I'd not noticed before. Listening for a few hours last evening, the sound had improved even more. Was I grinning widely? Oh yeah! My wife might not see much of me over the next few days! :ksc75smile:

For the headphone stack, this is an endgame DAC for me. Music sounds incredible, real, and brand new. I'll try the AKG 712's with their wider (but shallow) soundstage today, as well as the HD-650's. I am looking at some higher-end Hifiman and Dan Clark Audio cans too. Now that this stack is almost complete (looking at you, Mjolnir 3, or something else that Schiit has in the pipeline), I'll be able to turn my focus to the speaker system in the basement.
Congratulations! I love it when people are amazed and satisfied by gear that they use.
Dec 23, 2023 at 5:49 PM Post #133,868 of 165,182
This is what I am playing on my new Mani 2:
Dec 23, 2023 at 6:31 PM Post #133,869 of 165,182
Nice TT. Makes my Pro-ject Debut Carbon look like a toy. Wait it is a toy! :D
Dec 23, 2023 at 7:17 PM Post #133,870 of 165,182
Dec 23, 2023 at 7:18 PM Post #133,871 of 165,182
Dec 23, 2023 at 7:27 PM Post #133,872 of 165,182
The answer to your last question is yes, but if your computer has only one USB port, then you might consider getting a docking station for flexibility to connect more than one device and accommodate different types of cables. Most docks include USB-A ports so you can use your existing cables.
I have 4 usb ports the normal ones and one usb c....and I do have a 4 port USB passive hub.
So we are good here with these.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Dec 23, 2023 at 7:31 PM Post #133,873 of 165,182
If you want a very satisfying track plug up to the Vali +++ (what's the real version anyways now haha?) and the Gumby then find David Bowie's Fame(2016 Remaster) the first 17 seconds or so are that DAC flexing.
Listening that to that track right now. Beyers DT-800 and Valhalla 2. My Bifrost Multibit (with Gen5 USB) is chugging along. Flex. Flex. FLEX!!!!!!!!!! Enjoying this, @OhmsClaw ....
Screenshot 2023-12-23 19.27.48.png
Dec 23, 2023 at 7:36 PM Post #133,874 of 165,182
NOOOOOO I just got a Valhalla 2 last week. I need to watch that stream ASAP. I SLEPT THROUGH THE SCHIITR MEET THURSDAY and I was there Sunday :scream_cat:
I'll just order some Telefunken Black Diamond's and enjoy what I got haha. I'll only be sad if the OI on the 3 approaches 1Ohm in Low Gain, I can use my Rn6 (26ohms) on the Valhalla 2 but the EVO(5.7ohms)/MEST(12.5ohms) (and my CFA stuff) have inappropriate impedance matching. *Vali 2++ stares from the corner*
You won't regret the Valhalla 2. It's a tough old bird. For spring chickens like me (born 1970), I never experienced that tube sound. I was a solid-state baby. Fully transistorized. I love my VH2. My 2 cents.
Dec 23, 2023 at 7:38 PM Post #133,875 of 165,182

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