Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 23, 2023 at 2:34 PM Post #133,846 of 153,748
I didn’t think Gungnir would return that soon, but it’s very nice that it does! It’ll be exiting to see what multibit options will appear for it in the future.

You can’t go wrong with the GS2 though in my opinion. iIt’s only the D/A cards that are older, everything else is brand new and exactly as the current Yggdrasil+, so you’re no more than an upgrade away from an Yggy indistinguishable from a regular one. And it’s good. It’s worth to remember the the A1 cards were top-of-the-line for a long time. Even with my current old fart speakers the sound of the GS2 makes me want to come back and listen again and again!
Thank you for your reply. I decided to order a GS2 w/ Unison today. I really like the fact that the upgrade cost is the equivalent of a new order (LiM board and I imagine MiB once those are available) so there is no real downside to the GS2. If I am happy with the A1 board, no need to upgrade and a great intro price! If I feel that I could really use some improvement, I can do the upgrade at equivalent new cost ($1,800 sunk GS2 cost then upgrade cost of $550/$800, respectively).

This is living in my main speaker system so size is not an issue over Gungnir 2… and truth be told I have wanted an Yggdrasil for some years now. I don’t churn through gear, so I likely won’t try a Gungnir 2 now, but I look forward to seeing what Schiit will do with it!
Dec 23, 2023 at 2:35 PM Post #133,847 of 153,748
@LobalWarming - Now. Now. Before we get a big head about the praise received, consider the source. 😏
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Dec 23, 2023 at 2:36 PM Post #133,848 of 153,748
Dec 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM Post #133,849 of 153,748
a non-Unison USB RPi to Unison on Yggy
Pi 3 or Pi 4? Rumor has it that Pi 4 is better for this use case because Ethernet and USB are on different buses.
Dec 23, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #133,850 of 153,748

On my speaker rig I have the RPi 4 as my RopieeeXL-based Roon endpoint via USB to Yggy Unison.

I have an RPi 3B Roon endpoint feeding my desktop HP rig with an Allo DigiOne via S/PDIF coax. No USB with the 3B.
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Dec 23, 2023 at 3:09 PM Post #133,851 of 153,748
A 2A3 run single ended at a couple watts can be pretty glorious too.
Pretty glorious indeed, but have you priced 2A3s recently, let alone custom high-quality output transformers?

What I miss most audio-wise when I travel are those after-dinner sessions with DNA Stellaris and ZMF Atrium.
Dec 23, 2023 at 3:14 PM Post #133,852 of 153,748
Or people who believe in I2S sounding holographic over USB while already having great USB implementations.
I2S is a true PITA with recent Holo DACs, because of the very long PLL sync delay. USB just works, it sounds as good or better, and it accepts higher rates for us HQP fiends. Their "holographic" might just be "I just like an extra dose of jitter from unfit-for-purpose clocks and cables."
I too actually need an end point over ethernet and can't be bothered to build a pi4
iFi Zen Stream scratches that itch. It's what I have at my current location, it just works, and costs 1/2 of Red. Not as pretty, maybe.
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Dec 23, 2023 at 3:26 PM Post #133,855 of 153,748
Pretty glorious indeed, but have you priced 2A3s recently, let alone custom high-quality output transformers?
As a former owner of a Shindo Cortese, if you like the sound of the 2A3 this amp will make you swoon, and if you can find one and can afford it, buy it. When I liquidated my high-end 2-channel setup this is the piece that was hardest for me to let go. Oh well.
Dec 23, 2023 at 3:29 PM Post #133,856 of 153,748
I didn’t think Gungnir would return that soon, but it’s very nice that it does! It’ll be exiting to see what multibit options will appear for it in the future.
Reading some earlier hints about Singularity on this thread, it may end up the first non-multibit Schiit DAC that competes all around with their multibit DACs. The best DACs I own are Linn Organik and the DSD section of Holo May, both based on custom discrete designs for the final D2A, and the first ones that made me move away from Yggdrasil. But they are multiples of Yggdrasil in price. If Gungnir 2 gets in that quality ballpark at Jason's suggested price, it will be amazing. I'll almost surely get one when it comes out to create more struggle for supremacy in my audio racks :wink:
Dec 23, 2023 at 3:33 PM Post #133,857 of 153,748
As a former owner of a Shindo Cortese, if you like the sound of the 2A3 this amp will make you swoon
That's a 300B amp, right? I'm a 2A3 fan, and my Stellaris Special is as swoon-inducing as I can stand :wink:
Dec 23, 2023 at 3:51 PM Post #133,858 of 153,748
Currently playing CD:

Dec 23, 2023 at 3:52 PM Post #133,859 of 153,748

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