Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 13, 2019 at 6:23 AM Post #48,316 of 153,803
This isn’t a schiit problem of course, but the conditions for Amazon delivery people are notoriously poor. As someone who prefers not to give my business to fedex, I appreciate the option of ups.
Jul 13, 2019 at 6:25 AM Post #48,317 of 153,803
Jul 13, 2019 at 7:19 AM Post #48,318 of 153,803
Thankful that there is a tad bit of reason in here concerning shipping.

We live in such a consumerist culture, where for a few dollars, we expect, for a few paper dollars or 1s and 0s on a computer, to have something moved from one location to another, on time, with little regard for the people involved.

It's late? Lazy people, they must not care.

Even once we have robots for the entire process, things will still be late, and the programmer will be lazy, for not writing perfect code.

Most people are actually doing their best at life, even if it's not apparent to you. Live a day in their shoes, and you'd see.

Specific to the usps, how overworked and underpaid they are has been thoroughly documented, and it's beyond me how so many could be unaware of their financial troubles and why the quality of service has been affected
Jul 13, 2019 at 7:42 AM Post #48,319 of 153,803
I'd like to know who is offering those coupons. Is it Schiit itself? If so, what happened to no sales?

No sales & no free shipping stabilizes the value of a new item. Sales, discounts, coupons mean you have reason to wait and scheme and hunt for deals, and it lowers the resale value as well.

So I prefer companies with a stable price on their gear.

I'll typically wait for a deal on gear that I've already got an interest in. When I can achieve this with a warranty, quick delivery, and an excellent return policy (only used if gear is faulty), then I'll pull the trigger. Otherwise, I'll look for manufacturer's refurb version of the same equipment -- with a limited warranty. If that's not possible, then used.

When a company like Schiit uses a pricing model that simplifies the process by providing a high-value transaction out of the gate while limiting sales/deals, then I'm good with buying at 'list'. That said, many firms that do this still have Closeouts, B Stock, etc. which is where I tend look first.

I do the same thing with any gear I buy -- golf equipment is an excellent example. When next year's gear comes out, you can quite often get the previous year's state-of-the art driver/irons/etc. (now a piece of schiit to some folks :wink:) for %50-70 of list -- brand new. By taking this approach, I get excellent equipment (w/full warranty) at substantial savings.
Jul 13, 2019 at 8:54 AM Post #48,320 of 153,803
Tube Rolling Saga Part 2:

Genalex Gold Lion E88CC vs stock GE 6BZ7 tube in Vali 2


As always, thanks for reading.
My experience mirrors yours. Gold Lions are my favorite new tube. In the 6922 family, I still generally prefer Amperex White Labels, but those are getting increasingly harder to find and much more expensive.
Jul 13, 2019 at 9:14 AM Post #48,321 of 153,803
Funny... my parents are long retired and the seriousness of your tone is palpable. After careful observation of my parents, there are 4 things you don't phock with regarding Retired Folks:

  • Dr Appointments
  • Medications
  • Cable News access
  • Facebook

ChinTrackDays ... interesting, thanks for the heads-up :)
Jul 13, 2019 at 9:26 AM Post #48,322 of 153,803
ChinTrackDays ... interesting, thanks for the heads-up :)

At Barber Motorsports Park last weekend... not my cars. :sunglasses: I'm at Sebring every month. See you at the track...

Jul 13, 2019 at 10:25 AM Post #48,323 of 153,803
Thankful that there is a tad bit of reason in here concerning shipping.

We live in such a consumerist culture, where for a few dollars, we expect, for a few paper dollars or 1s and 0s on a computer, to have something moved from one location to another, on time, with little regard for the people involved.

It's late? Lazy people, they must not care.

Even once we have robots for the entire process, things will still be late, and the programmer will be lazy, for not writing perfect code.

Most people are actually doing their best at life, even if it's not apparent to you. Live a day in their shoes, and you'd see.

Specific to the usps, how overworked and underpaid they are has been thoroughly documented, and it's beyond me how so many could be unaware of their financial troubles and why the quality of service has been affected
I am well aware of what is going on at USPS. I think most people who frequent this thread. It is not a question that the employees of the USPS are good people who are being pushed too far. I think Ben Franklin would be appalled at the situation at his baby. This does not change the overall situation and how we as individuals and as a society respond to it.

I think that you mistake individual complaints with bashing the institution. I, personally, would gladly forgo individual luxuries for a reversal in the attrition of the bedrocks of society.
Jul 13, 2019 at 10:31 AM Post #48,324 of 153,803
I'll typically wait for a deal on gear that I've already got an interest in. When I can achieve this with a warranty, quick delivery, and excellent return policy (only used if the gear is faulty), then I'll pull the trigger. Otherwise, I'll look for manufacturer's refurb version of the same equipment -- with a limited warranty. If that's not possible, then used.

When a company like Schiit uses a pricing model that simplifies the process by providing a high-value transaction out of the gate while limiting sales/deals, then I'm good with buying at 'list'. That said, many firms that do this still have Closeouts, B Stock, etc. which is where I tend to look first.

I do the same thing with any gear I buy -- golf equipment is an excellent example. When next year's gear comes out, you can quite often get the previous year's state-of-the-art driver/irons/etc. (now a piece of schiit to some folks :wink:) for %50-70 of the list -- brand new. By taking this approach, I get excellent equipment (w/full warranty) at substantial savings.

One "benefit" of limited resources and expensive tastes is the search for the best value. Your response reminds me of the used camera marketplace. New digital sensors have driven the cost of very good digital cameras down. Interchange of lenses by use of adapters have opened up a "used" market for the prime, manual lenses from the old film cameras. The Konica was a clunky and ugly SLR film camera, but the Hexanon lens was some of the finest glass ever produced in Japan. Now, that glass has the opportunity to shine, with a mirrorless digital camera. I purchased five manual lenses for the price of one autofocus zoom lens. I am always reluctant to be an Early Adoptor of any new product, knowing that within months or a year, that revolutionary technology will be "yesterday's news" and I pick it up for a fraction of the cost.
Jul 13, 2019 at 2:52 PM Post #48,327 of 153,803
It's all relative. :D
Jul 13, 2019 at 4:07 PM Post #48,328 of 153,803
Something totally different for you tube rollers.
Different look. Don't know about the sound. The PSVANE 6SN7-SE :heart_eyes::dark_sunglasses:
New looks for the Freya and Freya+
Some like it according to this quaote.
One very experienced distributor / dealer for ultra high end audio equipment in USA, who had the opportunity to audition this model of tube, said: “I have so many 6SN7’s and actually like the TJ Full Music brass bottom, gold pin, ST shape 6SN7, as much as any NOS vintage tube! These globes were even better!”

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Jul 13, 2019 at 4:39 PM Post #48,330 of 153,803
They look very cool, but they better be the best sounding 6SN7 ever at the prices they are selling for. I can buy matched 6F8Gs for much less money.

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