Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 22, 2016 at 11:20 AM Post #10,486 of 155,255
I'm better than all of you, because I consume only a paleo-audio diet.  I listen only to music that could have been produced by Neanderthals - lots of rock (banged against a stick), hard rock (rock banged against another rock), progressive rock (rock banged against burning stick), some ambient leaf rustling when I'm in the mood, and a healthy dose of a capella howling/chanting.  Obviously, Queens of the Stone Age figures prominently on my playlist.
Apr 22, 2016 at 11:21 AM Post #10,487 of 155,255
And for the really young, "acoustic" instruments are those with no need for electricity, the ones that vibrate real wood, metal or sinew to create sounds. The only way to make music after the zombie apocalypse runs its course...

And of course vocals are "acoustic" too. Vocals or pianos or acoustic guitar as or anything can be treated with electronic effects, of course, but basically acoustic music is any that can be created when the power is off.
Apr 22, 2016 at 11:23 AM Post #10,488 of 155,255
  I listen only to music that could have been produced by Neanderthals - lots of rock (banged against a stick), hard rock (rock banged against another rock), progressive rock (rock banged against burning stick), some ambient leaf rustling when I'm in the mood, and a healthy dose of a capella howling/chanting.  Obviously, Queens of the Stone Age figures prominently on my playlist.

I'd pay good money to see Neanderthals with Queens of the Stone Age jamming on the same stage.

Apr 22, 2016 at 1:04 PM Post #10,489 of 155,255
  At the same time, there’s a LOT of stuff going on behind the scenes. I think I commented that there are “many (redacteds) right now, just nothing to announce. Don’t worry, there’ll be some cool and (I think) game-changing products coming in the summer, and before the end of the year. There’s probably more than we can release effectively, but that’s the way things work out sometime. Don’t expect us to flood you with a dozen new products at once; instead expect the hits to keep coming, once they start coming, at regular intervals.

This is good to hear! I'm looking forward to seeing what the [redacted] products are. By the way, have you guys thought about room correction? You obviously have deep experience with digital filtering, and room correction is really just an advanced digital filter. Companies like Lyngdorf have offered this for some time (at a price), but recently I'm starting to see room correction in lower-cost products (like the new ELAC amp that was shown at Axpona). Just a thought.
Apr 22, 2016 at 1:10 PM Post #10,490 of 155,255
I hooked up my new Multibit Bifrost to my Marantz AV7701 and Emotiva XPA-5, connected to my Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers and dual Rythmik Subwoofers. The sound of the Multibit Bifrost absolutely destroys the AV7701 in stereo mode (although I'm still using the crossovers and distance settings in the AV7701, but it sounds pretty great connected directly to the XPA-5 and the towers as well).
This is really making me wish that Schiit eventually makes a 5.2 or 7.2 channel pre/pro. I really don't need it to have room correction, if I want that I'll get a MiniDSP 8 channel processor for that duty. Multibit surround sound would be so incredible. Ugh. Want.
Apr 22, 2016 at 5:48 PM Post #10,492 of 155,255
  Hi Jason,
I have a question about your European distribution. I just heard from a friend who builds audio components in Germany that there is a big problem with regulations for vacuum tubes in hifi equipment. There is an European directive (the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2002/95/EC, RoHS 1that in principle prohibits to use lead in electronic components (I don't know about the details), but that makes an exception for lead in the glas of vacuum tubes. This exception seems to run out this June, and my friend says that all the companies, also the big ones like Fender, Marshall, Engl, Hugh, Kettner, or Macintosh, have missed the application deadline for an extension of the exception.
Are you aware of what is going on?
(This has nothing to do with the April fools prank, unfortunately).

they are all working to address the issue.  Catalytic converter 

Apr 22, 2016 at 7:32 PM Post #10,493 of 155,255
Part of the delay in new products is lead times. A lot of the new products we’re working on use significantly more custom parts—hardware, molded parts, extruded parts, assemblies—and those custom parts have lead times. Sometimes those lead times are longer than we’d like. One very significant new product may slip because the lead times on a custom piece of hardware are 10-12 weeks—and we couldn’t verify that this trick piece of hardware would work until the prototypes were assembled. Expect more of this in the future, especially as products get more complex.

I'm wondering, if one of those custom parts doesn't work as intended due to a mistake on the provider's part. Do you get another fixed one in a shorter period of time or the 10-12 weeks are valid no matter what?
Nice chapter, by the way.
I'm glad you guys are still aiming to release those 2-channel products during 2016.
I can't wait

Apr 23, 2016 at 3:13 PM Post #10,497 of 155,255
If you do decide to offer a preamp can you please have a remote control, at least for volume? Being in a wheelchair makes it more difficult to change the volume between albums, if the phone rings etc.



I love my Bifrost / Lyr 2, but having to ask someone to adjust the volume tiresome. May be even an Android or iOS app.
Apr 23, 2016 at 3:27 PM Post #10,498 of 155,255
If you do decide to offer a preamp can you please have a remote control, at least for volume? Being in a wheelchair makes it more difficult to change the volume between albums, if the phone rings etc.

That's the most serious need for a remote, good luck in finding a usable setup!  But even in my living room, a remote to control volume and sources for my speaker system is a must-have. I control music albums/tracks remotely easily enough through a UPnP server/renderer/control point setup (Synology NAS+Minimserver, Sonicorbiter SE, BubbleUPnP), but I use a separate remote to control volume and source on my Bel Canto C7R integrated DAC/amp. For my uses, all inputs are digital (UPnP renderer to USB or S/PDIF coax, TOSLINK from Oppo 105 for video sound, TOSLINK from Chromecast Audio for podcasts etc), so even a DAC with remote (digital) volume and source control would do the job, but lack of this functionality is what's keeping me away from a Schiit multibit DAC for my living room, even though I love the Bifrost MB + Asgard 2 in my office where I can reach the control buttons from my desk.
Apr 23, 2016 at 6:06 PM Post #10,499 of 155,255

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