Schiit Freya Impressions and Tube Rolling Thread
Jul 16, 2021 at 4:15 PM Post #2,161 of 3,260
Well, right now I have the Freya hooked up using some GE NOS Tubes to my Carver…running Dynaudio Contour 20 Speakers. "To me" it sounds fantastic!…The reason I want the Kinki Monoblocs is that I want to hear my set-up thru a modern high-quality amp. Also…I want to take my Carver to be serviced… I think. It has its original capacitors in it and they sound fine (which most reviewers say is not possible. THEY'RE WRONG! 🙂)…but I think I should have them replaced, the volume pots cleaned (or replaced), the contacts cleaned and any upgrades done that my tech seems to think are relevant. He has a 4-5 month turnaround time, so I need the new amps so that I have tunes!😁
Jul 16, 2021 at 4:19 PM Post #2,162 of 3,260
Well, right now I have the Freya hooked up using some GE NOS Tubes to my Carver…running Dynaudio Contour 20 Speakers. "To me" it sounds fantastic!…The reason I want the Kinki Monoblocs is that I want to hear my set-up thru a modern high-quality amp. Also…I want to take my Carver to be serviced… I think. It has its original capacitors in it and they sound fine (which most reviewers say is not possible. THEY'RE WRONG! 🙂)…but I think I should have them replaced, the volume pots cleaned (or replaced), the contacts cleaned and any upgrades done that my tech seems to think are relevant. He has a 4-5 month turnaround time, so I need the new amps so that I have tunes!😁
C'mon man, you can't go four or five months without music? 🙄
Jul 18, 2021 at 6:05 AM Post #2,163 of 3,260
Good Morning,

My current system is Headphone Solid State Amp and DAC.

I have some questions to understand.
1. Is there much difference in musical quality which connects freya to my Headphone SS amp?
2. The dac has RCA output to connect to freya+, can I use the balanced outputs after that? Is the sound converted from RCA to Balanced?
3. Will I use the technical details from the Tubes to SolidState Amp? like more warm, or cold, or more deep base, etc etc

When to equip the entire system (DAC ->Freya+ >Headphone SS amp)
Will I see differences in sound like deep base, soundstage, warmer, treble, tonality?

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Jul 18, 2021 at 5:23 PM Post #2,164 of 3,260
Hey all, I've got a Freya S that was stained by the feet of an AC Infinity unit. It's circles. Alcohol didn't even make a dent and it's engrained. Any ideas on getting this removed?
Jul 18, 2021 at 7:03 PM Post #2,165 of 3,260
Hey all, I've got a Freya S that was stained by the feet of an AC Infinity unit. It's circles. Alcohol didn't even make a dent and it's engrained. Any ideas on getting this removed?
Posting a picture might help. If they are kind of a rust color on silver they could be permanent. If no picture, maybe a description of what color rings on what color s*** so to speak
Aug 10, 2021 at 10:35 AM Post #2,166 of 3,260
Here's a fun one. This morning I noticed that a twist tie on my desk stuck to the Freya remote. It seems this remote has magnets in it, and will stick to a metal surface. It will stick right to the sides of the Freya, a leg on my rack, etc. etc. Anyhow, check it out with yours. I don't recall seeing anything documenting this as a feature.

Aug 10, 2021 at 11:37 AM Post #2,167 of 3,260
Hey all, I've got a Freya S that was stained by the feet of an AC Infinity unit. It's circles. Alcohol didn't even make a dent and it's engrained. Any ideas on getting this removed?
Bar Keeper’s Friend? A powder cleaner with oxalic acid. [ I use this mixed with water to make a paste to clean tube pins. Rinse with water / then dab with isopropyl alcohol ]. I assume that your Freya has the silver finish.
Aug 10, 2021 at 12:36 PM Post #2,168 of 3,260
Here's a fun one. This morning I noticed that a twist tie on my desk stuck to the Freya remote. It seems this remote has magnets in it, and will stick to a metal surface. It will stick right to the sides of the Freya, a leg on my rack, etc. etc. Anyhow, check it out with yours. I don't recall seeing anything documenting this as a feature.

Aug 10, 2021 at 3:03 PM Post #2,170 of 3,260
Bar Keeper’s Friend? A powder cleaner with oxalic acid. [ I use this mixed with water to make a paste to clean tube pins. Rinse with water / then dab with isopropyl alcohol ]. I assume that your Freya has the silver finish.
Thanks I'll give it a shot
Aug 10, 2021 at 4:39 PM Post #2,171 of 3,260
I am very interested in seeing what Schiit comes up with with their new Loki max. I think this would be perfect with my Freya + in tube mode. I’ve always felt the tube stage was too warm for my taste. A slight cut at 120 hz should be just the ticket. I’m waiting to see what sonic benefits the five times more expensive unit offers over the newly introduced Lokius. One of the updates I do know about is the addition of a remote. A small thing, perhaps, but important for fine tuning the sound from the sweet spot. I’m hoping they will use the same design as the Freyas so it’s possible to mate the two remotes magnetically.
Aug 10, 2021 at 7:07 PM Post #2,173 of 3,260
Interesting…I never considered a tone control. I just looked up The Lokius. Pretty cool and inexpensive. So…they are coming out with a new unit?
What I know. The same 6 bands I assume. 20hz, 120hz, 400hz, 3000hz, 6000hz and 16000hz. Same size chassis as the Freya. Remote control and PRESETS! I don’t know how many. I hope it will offer some way to have calibrated settings. No Loki, so far, has any kind of reference markings on its face. Loki Max will reportedly be $1500 as opposed to $299 for the Lokius. That’s why I am hoping that there will be Sonics on a higher level. I alternate between 2 different speaker systems so storeable presets could be very handy. Schiit is so value oriented that at this price the sky is the limit for a product like this. I heard this production started a couple months ago so here’s hoping it’s introduction isn’t too far off.
Aug 10, 2021 at 7:39 PM Post #2,174 of 3,260
What bugs me is Jason said they'd never be truly balanced. That bugs me, to take such care to preserved a balanced signal like that, only to "ruin it" with something you can do via software anyway.

I mean, sure, if all you listen to is vinyl, it might be a worthwhile concession. But how many of us do that?
Aug 10, 2021 at 8:28 PM Post #2,175 of 3,260
What I know. The same 6 bands I assume. 20hz, 120hz, 400hz, 3000hz, 6000hz and 16000hz. Same size chassis as the Freya. Remote control and PRESETS! I don’t know how many. I hope it will offer some way to have calibrated settings. No Loki, so far, has any kind of reference markings on its face. Loki Max will reportedly be $1500 as opposed to $299 for the Lokius. That’s why I am hoping that there will be Sonics on a higher level. I alternate between 2 different speaker systems so storeable presets could be very handy. Schiit is so value oriented that at this price the sky is the limit for a product like this. I heard this production started a couple months ago so here’s hoping it’s introduction isn’t too far off.
WOW! YES…I would be more interested in a Loki Max product for sure. Remote control is a MUST in my mind…you want to be sitting where you listen to the music when adjusting it. DUH. It is 2021 for God's sake. 😄Anything else would be torture! LOL! And..the size format being the same as the Freya…YUP!…but based on the cost of the other Schiit Tone controls…the price is a bit of a shocker, especially in THAT context. THE tone control costing more than the pre-amp is NOT workin' for me 😳…but I am intrigued, just the same…definitely.

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