SACDs RULE!!!!!!
Nov 18, 2001 at 10:55 PM Post #46 of 77
Yeah, funny ain't it? You'd think Sony would get their act together in this day and age and crank out a Sony HA-1ES for headphones or something.
Nov 18, 2001 at 11:00 PM Post #47 of 77
All I can tell you with regard to mods is that you have not really heard what your unit is capable of, not by a wide margin, until you get them. Go for Level 1 mods (a bargain at somewhere around $350) and thank me later! I also had the Bybee filters installed in mine, but they didn't make as significant a contribution as the plain old Level 1 mods to the analog section.

If I had to quantify the difference, I'd say it equates to about five times the amount of sonic improvement you'd get from upgrading from stock ICs to $250 interconnects. 5 times more improvement, and that's being conservative. Does that sway or impress you?

If so, make sure you are wearing your diapers when you get the unit back, 'cause you'll probably have an "accident"!

Nov 19, 2001 at 6:26 AM Post #49 of 77

markl said...

If so, make sure you are wearing your diapers when you get the unit back, 'cause you'll probably have an "accident"!

Voice of experience, eh?
Nov 19, 2001 at 1:31 PM Post #51 of 77
Oh sure, like I am going to get fooled again, I am going to buy a player for yet another "new" format and buy my record collection all over again, assuming even .5% of it was available in that format? They sold the original format for the masses with horrible turntables and stereo systems. Now they want to sell a new format for people with good gear and ears who have been stuck with an inferior medium for the past 17 years.

No thanks. Both DVD-A and SACD will never float, they will cancel each other out and we will soon see the same number of titles available as we do for pre-recorded MiniDisc.

I suppose for those people who have been stuck with and only known the current CD format, SACD or DVD-A may sound great. But it won't replace a great sounding LP collection, sonically nor inventory-wise. If SONY thought SACD would make a breakthrough, would they be putting out all their own stuff in inproved re-mastered versions they are now? Doesn't make sense.

Even if the formats sounded like the Voice of God, who wants to have a limited (VERY limited) collection that will render everything else you own unsatisfactory. Then when the general public ignores the formats and they die because nobody is going to pay those premium prices, you are stuck with them.

Nov 19, 2001 at 4:13 PM Post #52 of 77

Originally posted by Beagle
Oh sure, like I am going to get fooled again, I am going to buy a player for yet another "new" format and buy my record collection all over again, assuming even .5% of it was available in that format? They sold the original format for the masses with horrible turntables and stereo systems. Now they want to sell a new format for people with good gear and ears who have been stuck with an inferior medium for the past 17 years.

No thanks. Both DVD-A and SACD will never float, they will cancel each other out and we will soon see the same number of titles available as we do for pre-recorded MiniDisc.

I suppose for those people who have been stuck with and only known the current CD format, SACD or DVD-A may sound great. But it won't replace a great sounding LP collection, sonically nor inventory-wise. If SONY thought SACD would make a breakthrough, would they be putting out all their own stuff in inproved re-mastered versions they are now? Doesn't make sense.

Even if the formats sounded like the Voice of God, who wants to have a limited (VERY limited) collection that will render everything else you own unsatisfactory. Then when the general public ignores the formats and they die because nobody is going to pay those premium prices, you are stuck with them.

Not that it matters to you but you seem to have forgotten that the Sony SACD players also play redbook CD's very well. They also have adjustable filters for the redbook playback that are very useful. The SACD playback right now is a bonus, but even in 2-channel it sounds very good. So now I have regular CD, SACD, and LP. Choice is GOOD.

P. S. Given your penchant for prognostication I was wondering if you are related to Sister Cleo?
Nov 19, 2001 at 5:16 PM Post #53 of 77
I realize that SACD players can accommodate CDs as well, but there are more HDCD discs to play than SACD so I still need my current player. I suppose one could look at it as a treat to be able to play a limited number of available discs, in the same manner as owning Mo-Fi LPs and gold CDs.

But ultimately, for me, it would be another source of frustration, since there are going to be thousands of my favourite albums not available in a better sounding format.

Maybe Sony could phase out the CD and force everyone to get into SACD, like they did with the LP. But then, I'm still buying new LPs
Nov 19, 2001 at 5:33 PM Post #54 of 77
SACD sounds like a great proposition. Besides it's improved audio qualities, here is one ray of light that I hope will come to pass: In remastering SACD versions of existing titles, they will take the time and effort to create true audiophile versions. This, in contrast with the many crappy compressed and EQed redbook remasters put out to satisfy the lowest common denominator. Ugh!
Nov 21, 2001 at 1:23 AM Post #56 of 77
no, HDCD and SACD are different. By A LOT! SACDs are one step below vinyl. HDCDs are just spiffed up CDs.

Anyway, an HDCD on a sony 333ES still sounds a heck of a lot better than an HDCD on a denon DCM-370... and the 333ES doesn't decode the extra HDCD information... It's more player than format (in the CD vs HDCD arena)
Nov 21, 2001 at 1:41 AM Post #57 of 77
Admittedly, I can barely hear a difference between HDCDs and the original...the only difference is a feeling of a bigger soundstage and a bit more clarity. But with SACDs, it's instantly noticeable. Much airier sound, voices sound more real and breathy, microdetails show up with exceptional clarity, and one other thing I didn't notice until I did a direct comparison against almost complete lack of sibilance. SACDs are really Sony says, because there's just so much more to hear.
Nov 21, 2001 at 1:56 AM Post #58 of 77
SACDs are so good I don't mind paying a premium and risking obsolescence.

I agree Vert, HDCDs don't provide huge, mindblowing differences like SACDs.
Nov 21, 2001 at 10:08 AM Post #59 of 77
The most significant difference of CD vs. SACDs are that SACDs are devoid of that subtle PCM harshness, not only in the highs, but across the entire frequency band.
Nov 21, 2001 at 3:26 PM Post #60 of 77

SACDs are devoid of that subtle PCM harshness, not only in the highs, but across the entire frequency band

Those words are music to my ears! Uh oh, now I have to ask for the $499 Sony for Xmas.

But SCAD discs, wherefore art thou in Canada? Can't find any.

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