Review: ZMF Modified Fostex T50RP. Superb!
Sep 19, 2013 at 1:39 AM Post #196 of 812
A few of my amps that sound really good with the ZMFs are the Lyr, the Audio GD SA-31, EF-5, Bellari HA540 and the DarkVoice 337SE. If I had to pick just one it would be the Audio GD. A vintage reciever would be a good choice if there is a limited budget involved.

The common factor of all of the mentioned is power, not to blast them on your ears, but for dynamics at lower volume. The Alpha pads on them really add bass and a bit of soundstage.

I must say, the ZMFs really grew on me. The are comfortable for long listing sessions, warm and relaxing at lower volumes, and really bloom bass wise and dynamically when you throw some power their way. They see a lot of head time in my realm.

Pardon the noob question but when you say vintage receiver the ones for speakers? is there no cheaper alternative to those amps you mentioned? One of the bros here advised me not to pair the T50RPs with OTL tube amps and better look for hybrid or stick to SS. any thoughts on this?
Sep 19, 2013 at 1:39 AM Post #197 of 812
Hey Zach! you should drop by this thread more often man 

Sep 19, 2013 at 3:25 AM Post #198 of 812
Congrats maz0r! How come you have a different cable?

We are on the same boat right now, I noticed I needed to crank my desktop dac/amp pass 12'oclock to get the slam from the bass but the sound is generally smooth.

Hence, I am looking for a good desktop amp but hoping for to find a tube amp instead of SS (so that I can justify getting another amp) :grin:

Cable - I made it myself from some Starquad, when i realised the Fostex cable is by default 1/4 inch after the canns shipped.
A few of my amps that sound really good with the ZMFs are the Lyr, the Audio GD SA-31, EF-5, Bellari HA540 and the DarkVoice 337SE. If I had to pick just one it would be the Audio GD. A vintage reciever would be a good choice if there is a limited budget involved.

The common factor of all of the mentioned is power, not to blast them on your ears, but for dynamics at lower volume. The Alpha pads on them really add bass and a bit of soundstage.

I must say, the ZMFs really grew on me. The are comfortable for long listing sessions, warm and relaxing at lower volumes, and really bloom bass wise and dynamically when you throw some power their way. They see a lot of head time in my realm.

Fearless, ill check out the Audio GD and others etc price wise, if one is cheaper to pickup than a Project Sunrise II i'll probably go for it, otherwise it's looking like the Sunrise first to up the power, then maybe a DAC if source isnt clean enough from my E7.
Sep 19, 2013 at 3:47 AM Post #199 of 812
Cable - I made it myself from some Starquad, when i realised the Fostex cable is by default 1/4 inch after the canns shipped.

Cool! I wish I can DIY my own cables and interconnect 
, but unfortunately I'm not so dexterous as I think I am hahaha. the last time I soldered was when I was rewiring a dynamo for a modified Tamiya mini 4wd.   
Sep 19, 2013 at 5:35 AM Post #200 of 812

Cool! I wish I can DIY my own cables and interconnect :D , but unfortunately I'm not so dexterous as I think I am hahaha. the last time I soldered was when I was rewiring a dynamo for a modified Tamiya mini 4wd.  

Yeah, it was harder than I expected due to the crampt confines within the housing. I learnt a valuable lesson dont solder interconnects on the kitchen worktop without a workstation, you get in serious trouble when you burn the worktop, and ofcourse you burn yourself.

Ok I've had a look at the older amps and with the exception of the bellari are outside my price range (none on eBay uk at present) I've got to wait for payday so I may get lucky but I think it'll end up being one of the garage1707 amps in kit form
Sep 21, 2013 at 10:30 AM Post #201 of 812
So I have been really busy reading up on what amp to pair with this cans and in the mean time have been listening to a lot of Jazz (which my HA-Info DA1 can deliver very good low level listening) and I am really loving it so far.
A-B between Takstar Pro-80 (yeah I know different league and all but thats what I have), The ZMFs are very smooth it made the Pro-80s sound harsh with the treble and the mids sound....cluttered?. 
The soundstage is laid back as compared to the Pro-80s more upfront presentation. Bass on the Pro-80s I used to adore until I A-B it with the ZMF. Hands down no contest, game set and match, bring down the curtains, its all over! ZMF is awesome! (note mine is the v2)
Now don't get me wrong, The Pro-80s are a great all rounder, good instrument separation and the bass is nice and deep but IMO the instruments seem to be all lined up in front of me as opposed to the ZMF which has a lot better imaging. Now I know why a lot of guys here are raving about the how sweet orthos sounds.
Note: listening volume with the Takstar is at 9 o'clock and ZMF at 11 o'clock 
Sep 21, 2013 at 10:51 AM Post #202 of 812
Up next is an A-B between the Takstar Hi2050 (again unfair comparo but hey its what I have) still listening to Jazz.
again I immediately noticed the Takstar has a forward presentation compared to the ZMFs, The Hi2050s are more airy than the Pro-80s so soundstage is a bit wider but a tad more sibilant. meaning it also sound sibilant compared to the ZMFs. bass is also no contest here. The piano notes are a lot better with the ZMFs and I dont' know why the background accompaniment sound harsh with the Takstars (both Pro-80 and Hi2050) when A-Bed with the ZMF.
Is it the quality of planar magnetic headphones or Zachs mods?
I switched to a different track with a lot of sax, with the Hi2050 the sax are more extended more prominent more lively than the more laid back ZMFs. perhaps due to the more forward presentation?   
Note: listening volume with the Takstar is at 9 o'clock and ZMF at 11 o'clock
Sep 21, 2013 at 11:33 AM Post #203 of 812
Since I have been raving about the Bass on the ZMF, I will A-B them with my M-Audio Q40s listening to some Dubstep and Drum and Bass.
The Q40s are my portable headphones, bass is deep and punchy (I swapped the pads with HM5 and used the rope spacer mod) rumble and slam are awesome. (volume at 10 o'clock)
On the ZMFs bass is deep, punchy and goes down really low but lacks the rumble and slam I get from the Q40s. (volume at 12 o'clock).
Perhaps for this genre dynamic headphones are better but maybe my amp does not provide the current the T50RPs need to shine. Back to research for a more powerful amp to utilize and bring out the full potential of the ZMFs.
Note: I tried to crank up the voulume knob with the ZMF (3 o'clock) and yeah I was like "there you are!" now that is what quality bass is man! I really need to get a more powerful amp...... 

Sep 21, 2013 at 12:42 PM Post #208 of 812
 As for me I am still contemplating which route to take, SS, hybrid or speaker amp.

The one constant to look for for any t50rp is to make sure there is plenty of overhead, so the more power the better.  That will bring out the bass.  It's one reason I like the Schiit amps as they all provide quite a bit of power so that's never an issue, ofcourse I don't know about the Magni/Modi.  I'm still getting used to the Mjolnir but even putting the dial past 12 hurts my ears!
It's too bad there's not more stores to walk into with your headphones and test this stuff out...someday!
ZMFheadphones ZMF headphones hand-crafts wood headphones in Chicago, USA with special attention to exceptional sound and craftsmanship. Stay updated on ZMFheadphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 21, 2013 at 12:55 PM Post #209 of 812
Hey Zach, Here are my options right now, please let me know which one you think is better to pair with the ZMFs.

Audio GD NFB 15.32
Emotiva mini-x 100 via speaker taps
Musical Paradise MP301 mk2
Grant Fidelity PH6
Sep 21, 2013 at 2:27 PM Post #210 of 812
  Hey Zach, Here are my options right now:
Audio GD NFB 15.32
Emotiva mini-x 100 via speaker taps
Musical Paradise MP301 mk2
Grant Fidelity PH6

Honestly I haven't heard any of those but I have read more positive things about the Audio GD than anything else.  I think satwilson has the Audio GD so he'd be a good person to inquire about that amp.  Personally if i was choosing I'd probably get either the Audio GD or the Musical Paradise since they seem the most versatile for headphones.
The Emotiva has a great reputation but I simply don't know much about it!
ZMFheadphones ZMF headphones hand-crafts wood headphones in Chicago, USA with special attention to exceptional sound and craftsmanship. Stay updated on ZMFheadphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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