Rate the video games you're currently playing
Sep 12, 2012 at 2:54 AM Post #2,986 of 6,966
games that make me sick

original half life
toy story for SEGA

there are probably a few others that I just can't think of at the moment. Racing games have never made me sick

That's curious, to say the least. Racing games are famous for causing motion sickness on people with tendencies to suffer from it.
So Half Life 1 gives you motion sickness but Half Life 2 doesn't?
Sep 12, 2012 at 11:24 AM Post #2,988 of 6,966
Have any of you ever seen a sim2 projector and seen the picture quality it's like butter? that's over 120fps..

Image motion is similar to audio in the sense that just like people can notice differences between 16/44.1 and higher formats, so can (some, at least) people perceive frame rates higher than 60 despite the human eye supposedly being limited to 60fps, just like the whole hearing being limited to 20Hz-20kHz but people perceiving differences beyond that range.
Sep 12, 2012 at 11:37 PM Post #2,990 of 6,966
Finished BioShock 2 before I went to bed this morning. 8/10.
I can appreciate not being able to obtain everything in a single play-through, but not being able to return to a level at all once you proceed severely hurts replayability on your current save file. I personally like to re-explore for areas that might not have been previously accessible due to needing a power or item obtained later in the game. So the literal one-way "train track" the game is on (you really do use a train to go from one level to the next lol) is my only real gripe.
Sep 13, 2012 at 12:39 AM Post #2,991 of 6,966
Okay, okay...
BF3: Armored Kill gets higher than 0/10 for me..
Probably much more fun on a PC.
Finished BioShock 2 before I went to bed this morning. 8/10.
I can appreciate not being able to obtain everything in a single play-through, but not being able to return to a level at all once you proceed severely hurts replayability on your current save file. I personally like to re-explore for areas that might not have been previously accessible due to needing a power or item obtained later in the game. So the literal one-way "train track" the game is on (you really do use a train to go from one level to the next lol) is my only real gripe.

Great game. I liked that one better than the first. But I do echo you in wishing you could revisit levels. Especially if you accidentally miss an upgrade station(s) like I did.
Reminds me of Rage though. Once you get into the final level, you can't get back out -- and it autosaves as soon as you enter, so you have to have a backup file.
Sep 13, 2012 at 4:13 AM Post #2,992 of 6,966
I believe RAGE's problem isn't the framerate, it's that everything is too in your face. Like instead of looking at something from 10 feet away, those same objects seem like they are 3 feet away. I have never had motion sickness from games until I played Rage. Same exact problem you have. I don't know what to call it exactly.

ugh, I bought it on sale....20gigs of space, it's just not worth the space. Not to mention it just looks awful; and yeah the judging distance was really hard....I don't know. It was like fallout and borderlands had an unplanned pregnancy and it came out wrong, that's really how I would describe that game.
Sep 13, 2012 at 4:47 AM Post #2,993 of 6,966
I don't think it looks awful. It's just the perception of depth and size really threw me off in the game. Almost like playing a game with weird binoculars.
Sep 13, 2012 at 5:38 AM Post #2,994 of 6,966
I don't think it looks awful. It's just the perception of depth and size really threw me off in the game. Almost like playing a game with weird binoculars.

Playing it on PC i thought it just looked rancid most of the time. The skybox was the best part, the rest looked like a really halfassed port.

man, the depression of my Internet is setting in. Roughly 1242.5 hours, the amount of time it's going to take for me to squeeze borderlands 2 through my pipes. and I cant un-preorder through steam apparently.
Sep 13, 2012 at 5:43 AM Post #2,995 of 6,966
Ah, well, I'm a console gamer, and it looked pretty good and fluid compared to whatever else is out there on consoles. I didn't care for the textures loading so close to you, but once they were loaded, it was a great looking game, perception issues aside.
Sep 13, 2012 at 9:55 PM Post #2,996 of 6,966
Bastion 6/10
The game is gorgeous and the soundtrack is great. The graphics phenomenal.. But, something about my ADD tells me I'll never launch it again after the few hours I put into it today. I guess it's a little too repetitive or something. I don't know, there are plenty of upgrades.. Maybe it was too easy? 

I probably just didn't give it enough of a shot.

Bottom line, the game is gorgeous.. and good. Just might not be for everyone. Watch some videos and if it appeals to you, grab it.
Sep 13, 2012 at 10:34 PM Post #2,997 of 6,966
It's one of the best game made in the last 5 years, IMO. I played through like...3 times. Did you do any of the arenas? They get tough...especially on the harder difficulties.
I loved pretty much everything about that game.
Bastion 6/10
The game is gorgeous and the soundtrack is great. The graphics phenomenal.. But, something about my ADD tells me I'll never launch it again after the few hours I put into it today. I guess it's a little too repetitive or something. I don't know, there are plenty of upgrades.. Maybe it was too easy? 

I probably just didn't give it enough of a shot.

Bottom line, the game is gorgeous.. and good. Just might not be for everyone. Watch some videos and if it appeals to you, grab it.

Sep 13, 2012 at 10:58 PM Post #2,999 of 6,966
It's one of the best game made in the last 5 years, IMO. I played through like...3 times. Did you do any of the arenas? They get tough...especially on the harder difficulties.
I loved pretty much everything about that game.

nope, I didn't even get that far. I dunno, it's totally my problem, and not the games.
Sep 13, 2012 at 11:04 PM Post #3,000 of 6,966
If you didn't get to the first arena you're missing out on a ton of the game. Variety really comes when you get multiple weapons upgraded. Plus, the difficulty ramps up on your second playthrough.
nope, I didn't even get that far. I dunno, it's totally my problem, and not the games.


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