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Nov 18, 2011 at 9:18 AM Post #2,221 of 6,963
We'll see how much influence Activision had on Infinity Ward soon. Activision is absolutely the most ruthless, money grubbing company in the industry. Almost all of Infinity Ward's staff quit and formed Respawn Entertainment with EA. This was not an Infinity Ward game.

MW3: Boring, ugly graphics, nooby.  Basically Black Ops without a console or dedicated servers.  DO NOT BUY, OR AT LEAST BUY BF3 OR BC2 FIRST.

Rating: 4/10.  Utter waste of my hard earned money.

what you expect? all infinityward been doing is milking the series after the first MW. they don't care cause they're one of the highest earning company in the gaming industry. they been using the same engine after Call of Duty 2 for the 360. one thing also is they bash and no longer support the pc community since supposedly everyone is pirates and cheaters. they're just like every other modern gaming company nowadays. they all became greedy. forget quality of the game itself. lets just put all the money in marketing to make sales cause everyday consumer is stupid retards and don't know what quality is anymore and will buy anything they see on tv.

Nov 18, 2011 at 9:20 AM Post #2,222 of 6,963
Oh and I started a third and (I hope) final character on Skyrim. Had a pure melee, tried to get into a pure caster but I dislike the magic system in Skyrim. I've not made a Wood Elf focusing and sneaking and archery. I'm really enjoying it.
Nov 18, 2011 at 10:05 AM Post #2,223 of 6,963
Oh and I started a third and (I hope) final character on Skyrim. Had a pure melee, tried to get into a pure caster but I dislike the magic system in Skyrim. I've not made a Wood Elf focusing and sneaking and archery. I'm really enjoying it.

I made a pure caster as my first character, I really enjoyed the College of Winterhold quests. It kinda sucks having limited spell selection for a good chunk of the game since most spells are too expensive to use until you're decked out in regen and % reduction.

Nov 18, 2011 at 10:10 AM Post #2,224 of 6,963
I was trying the sneaky caster route but there were no real benefits to being sneaky and a caster. Spells gave you away and there was no SNEAK ATTACK with them. 
I'm really loving the bow mechanics though. Realistic arrow fall and what not. Makes it not just point and shoot. Plus crits and sneak attacks are just hilarious as they send people flying across the room.
I made a pure caster as my first character, I really enjoyed the College of Winterhold quests. It kinda sucks having limited spell selection for a good chunk of the game since most spells are too expensive to use until you're decked out in regen and % reduction.

Nov 19, 2011 at 3:36 PM Post #2,226 of 6,963
Rayman Origins
+Wonderful art style and music
+Competent side-scroller gameplay
+Responsive controls
- If you don't care for collecting stuff, the game will get dull
- No Taylor Swift
- Doesn't necessarily have the magic of the Mario and DK franchises, but I'm still fairly early in the game
Nov 19, 2011 at 4:37 PM Post #2,227 of 6,963
Addicted to Skyrim atm. Going sneaky/archer and became a member of the Thief's Guild yesterday. Running axe/shield for when up close, the archery is so much fun.

Can't wait to play Arkham City next week. I'll break out the 3D glasses for the first time in 6-8 months. Since Arkham Asylum basically.
Nov 20, 2011 at 1:13 AM Post #2,228 of 6,963
Revised thoughts on AC: Revelations, kind of disappointed honestly.  I've been extremely happy with the whole series thus far.  Many complained that there was a lack of new or revised mechanics, but I found each following entry just enough to keep me interested.  Overall, changes were always an improvement.  Story was always strong as well.
Its not that Revelations is neccesarily bad but I'm finding that pretty much all the added stuff in this entry is more annoying and tedious then anything else.  Like I said above, definitely not a fan of the den defense at all.  There is a huge emphasis on bomb crafting and using in this entry and I honestly never see the use in it.  Its a chore looking for parts/recipes and as already stated, kind of useless so why bother?  Capturing dens is kind of awkward in general as well.  Once you locate/kill the captain you apparently become invisible to the remaining enemies.  Also, its annoying to complete these since you get gunned down real fast once detected.  I found that I usually completely abandoned any sense of strategy and just ran in, hoping to kill the captain before getting shot to death.
The only new addition that is quite nice is the hookblade as its a great addition to both climbing and combat.  Its definitely not a bad game, I'd probably give it a strong 6 or 7 out of 10.  The narrative is still engaging and its overall interesting enough to momentarily take my time away from both Saints Row and Skyrim.  That said, I do find myself blazing through the game as quick as possible pretty much glancing over everything else.
Nov 20, 2011 at 2:33 PM Post #2,229 of 6,963

Rayman Origins
+Wonderful art style and music
+Competent side-scroller gameplay
+Responsive controls
- If you don't care for collecting stuff, the game will get dull
- No Taylor Swift
- Doesn't necessarily have the magic of the Mario and DK franchises, but I'm still fairly early in the game

Oh man i played 1 and 2 so mcuh back than. It has a special feel to it, lovely game!

Nov 20, 2011 at 4:33 PM Post #2,230 of 6,963
Rayman Origins
+Wonderful art style and music
+Competent side-scroller gameplay
+Responsive controls
- If you don't care for collecting stuff, the game will get dull
- No Taylor Swift
- Doesn't necessarily have the magic of the Mario and DK franchises, but I'm still fairly early in the game

Oh man i played 1 and 2 so mcuh back than. It has a special feel to it, lovely game!

Loved those N64 games :)
Nov 20, 2011 at 6:19 PM Post #2,231 of 6,963
Tribes: Ascend. Fun enough for me to actually pick up the starter package. It's a bit of a pity that unlocking classes is so expensive. It will probably take a couple of weeks to unlock just one class (unless you pay for them). It's not actually pay to win (you can get everything with in-game credits), but playtime definitely translates into actual benefits. I'm not too bothered about that though, since everyone is pretty new now still :). 7.5/10
Nov 23, 2011 at 6:36 PM Post #2,235 of 6,963
Skyrim - 10?
First day in my reaction was like.."Wow, this is boring" andI don't have a short attention span. Second day it got better. Right now the main storyline isn't really doing much for me.
What I love to do the most is to completely skip the map and main storyline and go exploring. Feels as if I'm exploring some really remote location that nobody ever sets food in half the time.
For example, yesterday I spent an hour in a blizzard, explored some ship wreck and spent forever trying to reach this building high up on a cliff. Turns out it was connected to deserted village that I never even knew existed.
I do a quest here and come back and I find it attached by two dragons all at once.
What's nice is that like Fallout 3, there seems to be a story behind every single thing in the game. For example, you can read specific journals by people inside a cave and find out what they were doing there. .
Did you read the one about the mage who tried to trap people in a pit? Or the Conjurer who keeps dead people for his "experiments"? Pretty creepy.
Right now I'm skipping the main storyline and will try not to look at the map and just go off finding stuff to do.
I don't think I'm that good yet. I can kill two dragons with no problem, but then get killed by some random enemy in 10 seconds. It seems this game is forgiving of how you level more than Oblivion. Some of my skills are lacking a bit, but it's no big deal.
I'm 17 hours in and I have only a few spells so far.
Sometimes the graphics look so realistic when you're walking around. Some of the views when you're walking around on top of a mountain look as if it's like a painting or something. I thought some of the views of far away locations could only be done on the PS3, but I guess I'm wrong. First saw it done in Uncharted 2. You know how when it looks as if you can see 10 miles away? Wonder how much better this looks on the PS3..
The loot when exploring is OK. A tiny bit better than what you get from Oblivion. Exploring isn't quite as rewarding as it is in Fallout 3 of course, but how could it be? Seems the world must have like 5 times larger than that of Fallout 3? Probably not, but it'd be interesting to know.
My only complaint about the game is the incredibly STUPID NPC/companions. They seem to randomly get lost for no reason. Out of nowhere I actually see them appearing in the distance in FRONT of me. Seems when I'm in a difficult fight they just seems to be off doing something else.

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