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Jan 5, 2010 at 10:58 AM Post #841 of 6,972
Risen - very good but some of the magic of the gothic series is missing...i mean, you can't get stuck, you can't kill any npc you want...possibilities to rearrange the plot as you wish are thus limited, and half of the fun is gone.

I still much appreciated the improved combat system.
Jan 5, 2010 at 12:44 PM Post #842 of 6,972
Saw Lost Plane in the bargain bin. For some reason I had a faint memory that this is not a bad game according to reviews, so I decided to buy it. Now, lets see if my memory was wrong...
Jan 5, 2010 at 6:57 PM Post #843 of 6,972

Originally Posted by MaZa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Saw Lost Plane in the bargain bin. For some reason I had a faint memory that this is not a bad game according to reviews, so I decided to buy it. Now, lets see if my memory was wrong...

If you mean Lost Planet, it's so bad it's good. Terribly unbalanced gameplay (the main character is so overpowered that he's probably capable of destroying chuck norris with his thoughts)...

In fact, Wayne only gets into a VS because he can't carry more than one gun otherwise, if it weren't for that it would just be a waste of time for him.
Jan 5, 2010 at 7:43 PM Post #844 of 6,972
Dragon Age: Origins

A good game. My biggest complaint is the fact that you have to compromise between graphics quality and framerate unless you're playing on a super-powerful PC. My computer is pretty powerful, definitely a big step above standard pre-packaged systems, but still not amazing, and I can only get to about medium quality before the lag gets intolerable.
But otherwise, a very good game. It really sucks you in, and it's long enough to keep you busy for quite a while. I'm about 35 hours in and it says I'm at about 15% complete, though I'm not sure if that includes side-quests too...
It's really fun to play as a mage, and mages actually seem to be the most useful members on your team. Definitely a lot of depth in the storyline. No complaints about difficulty. Not so hard that you can't make progress, but hard enough so that there's never anything you can just breeze through (I'm playing on Normal, and you can change the difficulty in-game, but I haven't). There are a few minor glitches occasionally, but nothing to complain about.
Not particularly that special, but certainly one of the better games I've played in a while (I haven't played very many lately). I would recommend this game to anyone that enjoys RPG's, but make sure your PC can handle it.
Jan 5, 2010 at 7:53 PM Post #845 of 6,972

Originally Posted by Aynjell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you mean Lost Planet, it's so bad it's good. Terribly unbalanced gameplay (the main character is so overpowered that he's probably capable of destroying chuck norris with his thoughts)...

In fact, Wayne only gets into a VS because he can't carry more than one gun otherwise, if it weren't for that it would just be a waste of time for him.

Yup. Dunno where that 't' dissappeared.

Im in the middle of first hive, and dont know if the gameplay is that unbalanced so far. I am playing on easy difficulty and have some problems mainly because gamepads are NOT made for these kind of games. I really have to concentrate to get hang of it. Lock-on targets button, like in Metroid Primes, would have been very useful. God I wish I could play this with keyboard and mouse...

But then again this game seems to feed you million types of weapons that you have problem thinking which you should take and leave behind and thermal energy that dying is actually very hard, even with my skills. I guess I have to switch to normal difficulty once I get hang of the controls.
Jan 5, 2010 at 8:33 PM Post #846 of 6,972
My god the Lost Planet is BORING. Ok, I'm just in the start but I'm already so full of the gameplay. Run in a tunnel, shoot anything that moves, preferably to the arse... This isnt particularly immersive either. This game might have good story, but I have already lost my interest in the maincharacter.

I will play this through atleast once, I wont let that bargain bin money go to waste. Who knows, perhaps this game might catch on in later levels.
Jan 15, 2010 at 3:53 AM Post #847 of 6,972
Star Trek Online (beta) - Complete garbage.. granted this is only after 5 minutes of play time.

Every other second the game lagged to 0 fps from my above 100 which made moving around and interacting with anything incredibly annoying, none of the dialog I encountered was spoken (come on this is 2010) the interface felt and looked cheap. I'm sure it's highly instanced. Good graphics.

I should have realized this is the same dev who made Champions and not even bothered downloading the beta.
Jan 15, 2010 at 5:46 AM Post #848 of 6,972

Originally Posted by MaZa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My god the Lost Planet is BORING. Ok, I'm just in the start but I'm already so full of the gameplay. Run in a tunnel, shoot anything that moves, preferably to the arse... This isnt particularly immersive either. This game might have good story, but I have already lost my interest in the maincharacter.

I will play this through atleast once, I wont let that bargain bin money go to waste. Who knows, perhaps this game might catch on in later levels.

Remember when I told you the game was so unbalanced? For somebody who can man handle other people in shooters, Lost Planet should be stupid easy. BUT, that is the appeal for me, it's not supposed to be realistic or practical, it's supposed to be a frag fest. Any gamer going into a capcom game expected this from the get go. Just how things are.

Go have a few shots of something really hard, 2 or 3 should get you going, and then go back to the game, you'll start seeing the humour in it. I mean WAYNE CAN RIP A GUN RIGHT OFF A VS AND CARRY IT AROUND WITH HIM. How much more ridiculous do you need? It's like Metal Slug, but in 3D.

The game isn't fun until you think of it like that.
Jan 15, 2010 at 12:52 PM Post #849 of 6,972
MW2 multiplayer. Every time I start it I absolutely love it. Then after let's say an hour I am getting fed up with tubers, choppers and fast knifers.
Also what's really annoying is this. You make a kill and then BAM! Nice shot from a distance! Headshot! Buzzkill! Payback! Challenge complete!
Jan 15, 2010 at 1:24 PM Post #850 of 6,972

Originally Posted by MaZa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Devil May Cry 4 might be very interesting, but I havent played any of its previous installments. Do I have to play the older ones first to get hang of what is going on?

About Bayonetta... Any game that tries to sell itself only by sex-appeal-for-adolescent-teens has hard time proving itself to be serious game that is truly worth playing. Not that I have problems with female beauty, far from it, but this kind of thing immidietly sounds "obviously shallow and hollow game" alarm in my head.

It doesn't try to sell itself with sex appeal really.
It sells itself with great action gameplay, and an awesome sense of humour and charm...that gives it that classic "clover" feel...A nice mix of Viewtiful Joe + Devil may cry...with a little bit of a feeling of other clover games...

Really nice, and the first game in a while I made a completely blind purchase on..based on game studio alone...Not disappointed with it in any way!
Bayonetta for me is a 10/10

Better than DMC4, but you can pick up a copy of DMC4 dirt cheap...while bayonetta is still new...

MW2 is still fun, but haven't played in a month or so due to connection issues, but great game <3
Jan 15, 2010 at 2:58 PM Post #851 of 6,972
Playing Dragon Age: Origins on the 360. Kind of getting bored. Perhap's I've outgrown traditional RPG style play. But perhaps it's because it really feels like Bioware had their C-Team working on this game, since they're working on Mass Effect 2 at the same time.

Meh, passes the time until ME2 is out.
Jan 18, 2010 at 8:49 AM Post #853 of 6,972
Darwinia: 10/10

By god. This is beginning to sound a bit monotonous but what a beautiful game! The music, the storyline, the graphics... It's all simply lovely. And the gameplay is so unique. This is the only RTS I've played in a while that I've played for more than an hour. And steam sale prices make it even better.

I've been playing so many good games recently. I need to play a bad one to get some perspective.
Jan 18, 2010 at 9:14 AM Post #854 of 6,972
I was playing the tennis on Wii a minute ago,I really like this game as you can always come back to it anytime, just to win-or try to win a few games, feel nice about it and then do something else, its a no fuss entertainment for me, the game loads straightaway, decent graphics and nice gameplay.
Jan 18, 2010 at 3:16 PM Post #855 of 6,972
Ah, Modern Warfare 2, I had it a few days ago for PC and it is everything everyone said about it: lag, no map choice, lag, no determining who you play with, lag, no way of kicking abusive/offensive/cheating players oh and er lag. All of which creates a frustrating mix because you have a game that on its fundamental levels is a load of fun and at the same time botched by its online implementation.

For the Xbox 360 version (campaign, cooperative spec-ops (awesome!) and offline multiplayer): 9/10

For the PC version as it is: 4/10, a higher rating isn't justified in any rational way.

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