Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:12 AM Post #4,803 of 6,977
Ive been playing Path of exile for a the last month, Considering its free, I cant rate it in comparison to other paid games, but in free to play, Id give it an 8.5/10.
Great potential for gamers who like experimentation with not only builds but also midless hack and slash is nice here.
My favorite part about this game is the way the currency works. Its actually easy to get enought of it without playing for hours a day, and its not a pay to win game.
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:51 PM Post #4,804 of 6,977
I played through the initial release of path of exile however since Diablo 3 got its act together and fix most of the issues I doubt I'll ever go back
Jan 10, 2015 at 7:34 AM Post #4,805 of 6,977
Nah, Blizzard still don't have their act together with D3 2 years and a half later. It's ridiculous how they didn't mind treating all the millions of buyers like beta testers for so long. I stopped playing it a very long time ago but gave my account to my father and his wife and they are obsessed with it. With my father probably spending thousands of hours on it http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/kova4a-2597/hero/16714904 , http://www.diabloprogress.com/player/kova4a-2597 , so I still follow the development and changes on the game and all that Blizzard does is constantly ruin the balance of the different classes and just increase add zeroes to previous equipment. Don't get me started on the auction house, the thousands of screwed over people who have paid actual money or billions of gold for items that nowadays are the lowest of the low. The still unfixed drop rates etc. etc.
PoE in my book is much better and I've plaid it from the days it was in closed beta. And for a free game that has better servers than Blizzard and much more content I can't complain. I've paid the devs for the game because they deserve it.
And a week ago I finally got Grim Dawn on early access and now that's an old-school hack and slash rpg done right. The 7 guys making it with almost no money are putting the D3's devs to shame. If they had the cash Blizzard has and the extra manpower Grim Dawn would have already been finished and would be a million times better than D3.
Jan 10, 2015 at 11:48 PM Post #4,806 of 6,977
Finally back from my hiatus! Also, I subscribed to an MMO for the first time. I've been play Star Wars: The Old Republic nonstop recently. For someone who gets as addicted to games as often as I do, it's an easy 9/10.
Jan 12, 2015 at 9:47 AM Post #4,807 of 6,977
  Nah, Blizzard still don't have their act together with D3 2 years and a half later. It's ridiculous how they didn't mind treating all the millions of buyers like beta testers for so long. I stopped playing it a very long time ago but gave my account to my father and his wife and they are obsessed with it. With my father probably spending thousands of hours on it http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/kova4a-2597/hero/16714904 , http://www.diabloprogress.com/player/kova4a-2597 , so I still follow the development and changes on the game and all that Blizzard does is constantly ruin the balance of the different classes and just increase add zeroes to previous equipment. Don't get me started on the auction house, the thousands of screwed over people who have paid actual money or billions of gold for items that nowadays are the lowest of the low. The still unfixed drop rates etc. etc.
PoE in my book is much better and I've plaid it from the days it was in closed beta. And for a free game that has better servers than Blizzard and much more content I can't complain. I've paid the devs for the game because they deserve it.
And a week ago I finally got Grim Dawn on early access and now that's an old-school hack and slash rpg done right. The 7 guys making it with almost no money are putting the D3's devs to shame. If they had the cash Blizzard has and the extra manpower Grim Dawn would have already been finished and would be a million times better than D3.

I haver been playing POE since closed Beta as well and wen t through the character resets etc. For a free game it is awesome and the way they implemented 'add-on ' pay features without intruding on the game was so well done I threw some cash their way but overall it is bland and kinda vanilla  cookie cutter at times with poor lore. It was a fun romp (having played through the entire initial final release biut not something I would pick up again. D3 (I never used the auction house so no biggie for me) with the adjustments and patches (although no tperfect and a tad shy of D2 greatness is a solid aRPG at this point.
Jan 12, 2015 at 3:34 PM Post #4,808 of 6,977
Finished Heavy Rain, 9.5/10

Great game/story, everything on point except for a couple nitpicks about the story and gameplay that I won't post because it'll spoil it if you haven't played it. I can see why it won game of the year and why Quantic Dream is such a big name.

Playing Pokemon Omega Ruby, I think the UI was downgraded from XY but RSE is still solid.
Jan 12, 2015 at 3:37 PM Post #4,809 of 6,977
Finished Heavy Rain, 9.5/10

Great game/story, everything on point except for a couple nitpicks about the story and gameplay that I won't post because it'll spoil it if you haven't played it. I can see why it won game of the year and why Quantic Dream is such a big name.

Playing Pokemon Omega Ruby, I think the UI was downgraded from XY but RSE is still solid.

Yeah, Heavy Rain was pretty good unlike Beyond Two Souls. And also was the only ps3 game that I actually didn't mind playing with the Move.
Jan 13, 2015 at 4:06 AM Post #4,810 of 6,977
If I understand correctly, Heavy rain is a ps exclusive.
I dont like that companies do that. There are enought games for me out there to play, so Im not buying a console for a handfull of exclusives.
Jan 14, 2015 at 4:12 AM Post #4,813 of 6,977
what's on your backlog? i'm trying to go through all the GOTY's

Crap, Im getting old If I dont understand gaming slang :D.
Can you explain what you mean?
Jan 14, 2015 at 10:16 AM Post #4,815 of 6,977
I understand GOTY, just didnt understand the Backlog :D.

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