Quitting Head-Fi...
Mar 21, 2005 at 4:38 AM Post #17 of 89
Thanks for all your kind words! I am not leaving Head-Fi the forum, but I am leaving Head-Fi the journey.
I'll continue to regularly visit and post occasionally, and hey, if there is a new pair of headphones that just may be "it" I may grab it. The SA5Ks could have been it, oh well.

I am going to build amps as time permits. Currently I'm running things off my UA-25 unamped but it's sounding mighty fine. I think I'll be minimalist like this for a while.

Anyway. In the meanwhile I'm going to continue to list a lot of my Head-Fi stuff on the FS forums. Still have quite a few things I won't be needing for many months or years...
Mar 21, 2005 at 4:39 AM Post #18 of 89
If you love the etys so much, I strongly suggest you go down the custom IEM path. Seriously, etys are like stock earbuds compared to Sensas, and from all accounts UE10's as well. Seriously, you think it's accurate until you hear something better.

Not knocking etys, as I used them for a long time myself. I just figure if you're really happy with them, you could even more happy.
Mar 21, 2005 at 4:53 AM Post #19 of 89

Originally Posted by plainsong
I strongly suggest you go down the custom IEM path. Seriously, etys are like stock earbuds compared to Sensas, and from all accounts UE10's as well.

Well there seems to be indeed some times for "minimalistic mazimized enjoyment". I have to second Plainsongs recommendation though, especially on the UE10's. I haven't heard them, but after reading about them and seeing their freq. response, I can't help but feeling strongly interested in hearing how they sound.
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:02 AM Post #20 of 89
I'm very new at all this still, but plunging in hard and thinking a lot about different styles of reproduction. I've concluded that there really isn't a single headphone that will satisfy me in all regards. But there are probably a few, to specialize in different ways for different situations.

Also seems there is the very tricky situation of combining components in just the right way to hit a perfect synergy. I've no doubt you've travelled this road; it reflects in the qualms you list with the MS-Pro (issues with their build, not their sound signature).

So I wonder Doosik, is there not a way to modify MS-Pros to your liking? As for comfort, perhaps a C-Pad. I'm not sure I understand the cause of upper-treble resonance, though - is this an issue with the chamber the transducer is housed in?

Also, not curious about whether Beyer DT880s might do the trick?
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:05 AM Post #21 of 89
Initially I was thinking NOOOOO! I mean you've been such a great contributing member of Head-Fi and have been so instrumental in the group buys. I also see your stuff on the FS forum at such great prices...giving back to the community.

But good to see that you'll still be around.


Originally Posted by doobooloo
I am going to build amps as time permits.

Umm...I don't know how to break the news to you, but as an analyst here in NYC I don't know if you'll even have time to listen to music.
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:09 AM Post #22 of 89
glad to see you found your headphone, man. once i paired my er4s with the sr-71 amp and shure comfy tips, i've really stopped thinking about upgrading too. ety's (with a little help from ray)=upgrade killers.
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:35 AM Post #23 of 89
You all are evil.

Now I am thinking of the UE-10Pro. But they're freaking $900, that's four times what I paid for my ER-4S.

Convince me out of this. Or I'm selling everything I have now including my pair of Etys to get the UE-10Pros.
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:38 AM Post #24 of 89

Originally Posted by doobooloo
You all are evil.



Originally Posted by doobooloo
Now I am thinking of the UE-10Pro. But they're freaking $900, that's four times what I paid for my ER-4S.

Convince me out of this. Or I'm selling everything I have now including my pair of Etys to get the UE-10Pros.

$900 may be worthwhile. But another $20 to get impressions made at an audiologist
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:49 AM Post #25 of 89
you're lucky that you've been able to reach the point of saying that you're happy with a set of cans. like you i've also kept my er-4p through the past two years that i've been here at head-fi but unlike you, i'm still searching for the right headphones. thanks for selling me the ms-2i. i can't wait to hear them but i get the feeling that there's going to be something missing with them, similar to the feeling that i get with my ms-2. hopefully i'll get to where you are soon because this hobby is hurting my wallet.
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:52 AM Post #26 of 89

Originally Posted by Oski
Initially I was thinking NOOOOO! I mean you've been such a great contributing member of Head-Fi and have been so instrumental in the group buys. I also see your stuff on the FS forum at such great prices...giving back to the community.

But good to see that you'll still be around.

Ahh I was right there with you Oski, I was really upset when I saw the post because I thought Doob was leaving for good but as long as he's sticking around everything's okay
Mar 21, 2005 at 6:18 AM Post #27 of 89
OK. I was ready to go to bed for a good night's sleep but because of the recommendation for the UE-10, I have been searching on Head-Fi for more info and currently am very intrigued.

Point 1: Currently, I can afford the high price tag of the UE-10, especially if I am able to sell my remaining ER-4S and two pairs of MS-Pros.

Point 2: I can't resell the UE-10. Even if I am tempted later on in the journey, I won't be able to resell the UE-10 to free up funds for other phones.

Point 3: The UE-10 seems unanimously agreed to be better than the ER-4S in almost every way.

Man. This is really compelling. I will be calling up Ultimate Ears tomorrow, if all goes well I may be another UE-10 owner. And seriously, I will stop there. I'll have to.

What do you guys think? Man, I feel like I'm trying to quit drugs or something.
Mar 21, 2005 at 6:22 AM Post #28 of 89
LOL!!! You almost made it!

Resistance is futile! Your savings are doomed.

There should be a popup on the Headfi homepage "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Mar 21, 2005 at 6:36 AM Post #30 of 89

Originally Posted by doobooloo
I was thinking of jumping on the recent MDR-SA5000 deal but they raised the price before I made my mind to purchase. Oh well.

Give it time. The price will go back down when there is more competition selling these in the US.

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