Q701 impressions thread
Oct 27, 2012 at 7:53 PM Post #1,921 of 9,603
So... I've thought of buying the ASUS Xonar Essence STX mainly for gaming purposes, for which it's apparentally one of the best. But I've read a lot of bad but also a lot of good about it when it comes to music listening purposes with the Q701. Is it completely horrendous or good for mid-fi? Good for its price?

Just a matter of taste , for some it's a wonderfull headphone or just a piece of trash . Try it and you will know . But Q701 seams less bipolarised than K70X was / is .
And peraphs be more specific in what you expect from Q701 relative to Music .
Oct 28, 2012 at 3:51 AM Post #1,922 of 9,603
Just wanted to chime in and say that my Q701's sounded MUCH more enjoyable after just 6hours-isch of listening.
The burn-in phenomenon definitely seems real. Some say they keep changing even until 300-500 ours,
right now they already sound sublime 
. I'm selling my DT880's, between the AKG Q701 and the Senn HD650 I see no need for them anymore. Anyway, don't sell off/return the AKG's before at least listening through them or letting them burn for a couple of days.
Oct 28, 2012 at 9:21 AM Post #1,924 of 9,603
Just wanted to chime in and say that my Q701's sounded MUCH more enjoyable after just 6hours-isch of listening.
The burn-in phenomenon definitely seems real. Some say they keep changing even until 300-500 ours,
right now they already sound sublime 
. I'm selling my DT880's, between the AKG Q701 and the Senn HD650 I see no need for them anymore. Anyway, don't sell off/return the AKG's before at least listening through them or letting them burn for a couple of days.

+1 good post.
Also a warm amp is ideal for the Qs.  I prefer them with my M^3 - good synergy.
Oct 29, 2012 at 12:38 AM Post #1,925 of 9,603
I just ordered an AKG Q701 and a Fiio E17. Hopefully the E17 is enough, and hopefully I like the sound sig. I'm hoping it's close to the sound of my Vsonic GR01. I'd love to have a full size open version of a twfk. The seller of both item's is located in Brooklyn, and I'm only about 2 hours away from Brooklyn. Hopefully this stupid huricane/tropical storm doesn't slow things down to much.
Oct 29, 2012 at 4:38 PM Post #1,926 of 9,603
since we are all q701 users, I would believe someone might be able to help me here. I love my q701's for everything that doesn't have bass, but I am looking for a headphone to complement the q701's, that have a different sound signature and will give the most detailed bass/sub bass. I was looking at the denon d600's or maybe going with the older models but I'm not sure, if anyone could help me out that would be great !
Oct 29, 2012 at 6:41 PM Post #1,927 of 9,603
DT880 gets my vote!
Oct 29, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #1,928 of 9,603
Just got an ODAC in.  I'm listening to it right now next to the HRT MS II and E10....
My Initial impressions are that the ODAC sounds really close to the E10 - but with maybe an ounce more separation, air, and slightly bigger soundstage (not sure though....).  The HRT sounds a bit different from both.  It sounds slightly more aggressive than either.  The ODAC sounds a bit sweeter and smoother, similar to the E10. 
The E10 and ODAC sound closer to each other than the ODAC and HRT or E10 and HRT.  From what I can hear the difference is mainly in the soundstage presentation.

The HRT is a bit more forward and the soundstage sounds closer to your face but also more to the side.  Like I said in my HRT vs E10 vs M-stage DAC review: the ODAC and E10 soundstage sounds more like an oval in front of you whereas the M-stage sounds like your leaning your head foward a bit into that bubble.  The ODAC and E10 have a bit more depth, but the HRT almost sounds wider though.  Sort of like the HRT is an oval and the ODAC is a circle.  I'm not sure if this is a side effect of the HRT having closer depth and therefore you really hear the wideness wrapped around your head, or what.  You can hear left-right pans a little more obviously with the HRT and they come around the side of your head whereas as they a bit more in front of you and the other two dacs.
I also think the ODAC and E10 having slightly more depth in the soundstage may make them sound a bit more diffuse and cross-feedy.  The HRT sounds less crossfeedy and more foward sounding while still being clear, and I think this is a reason it has a bit more bite and attack to it's sound. 
Ya people always say the ODAC is ruthless and will make everything so revealing.  It think it sounds pretty smooth.  Smoother than the HRT. . I agree that the HRT actually sounds more revealing.  I think a lot of it has to do with the soundstage and how forward or laid back they are.  The HRT sounds more stereo separated and a bit drier and cleaner cut while the ODAC sounds a bit more in front of your head and 3d crossfeedy, which makes it sound slightly less dry and more diffuese and smoother.  All very slight differences, but still.
If the ODAC sounds easier to listen to it's because the less foward/more-depth soundstage.  The HRT has a slightly hotter signal too, so if you don't adjust the levels accordingly it sounds a bit more....more.
So I'm not sure if one is any better than the other or which one is doing the soundstage "right".  They're just varations it seems like.  The ODAC sounds very good, but I think people who read about it and get it then say "OMG itz the best DAK Evar1!!  Itz 10x bedder then my other DAcZ!!" are getting carried away, and have taken too many placebos while drinking too much of the kool-aid.  The HRT and E10 sound good too. 
As usual with dacs (from my experience) they sound very similar. The HRT is the most different sounding so far though.  I'd fail a double blind with the E10 and ODAC at this point, but I could maybe pick out the HRT on certain songs > when I'm specifically cuing into something about it's soundstage.
Between ODAC and HRT MS II, I won't say one is better than the other, but I slightly prefer the ODAC because ODAC gives the impression of more soundstage depth, while HRT MS II gives the impression of more soundstage width.  I think the x70x benefit more from the depth...
On a side note, I've noticed the ODAC is a little finicky about it's plugs.  I've had to unplug it a few times to remove buzzing on the signal after connecting it.  It could be it doesn't like my powered USB hub though.  I'm trying it straight into the computer and it seems to be behaving better......
Oct 30, 2012 at 12:29 AM Post #1,929 of 9,603
Ok, just finished reding through this thread, (i'll admit i started skimming near the end)
New to Headfi, Just got my Q701's on saturday (upgrading from 240mkii's) and been listening to them as much as I have time for (somewhat to the detriment of my studying).
They seem to be fitting better on my head now as I found a comfy place to put my ears within the actual cups and then crushed them down a bit with my hands to load the foam for a while. The 8 bump headband was only a problem on the first day, I'm over it now. Liking them so far, can't wait to get my computer up and running again.
For those who have been wondering about this headphone and the STX, as I don't think anyone on the thread ever actually paired the two, I should be able to let you know as soon as my new mobo arrives from Newegg. FYI dont forget to ground yourself while working on your computer, you WILL pay the piper.
Oct 30, 2012 at 1:55 AM Post #1,930 of 9,603
Just got an ODAC in.  I'm listening to it right now next to the HRT MS II and E10....
My Initial impressions are that the ODAC sounds really close to the E10 - but with maybe an ounce more separation, air, and slightly bigger soundstage (not sure though....).  The HRT sounds a bit different from both.  It sounds slightly more aggressive than either.  The ODAC sounds a bit sweeter and smoother, similar to the E10. 
The E10 and ODAC sound closer to each other than the ODAC and HRT or E10 and HRT.  From what I can hear the difference is mainly in the soundstage presentation.

The HRT is a bit more forward and the soundstage sounds closer to your face but also more to the side.  Like I said in my HRT vs E10 vs M-stage DAC review: the ODAC and E10 soundstage sounds more like an oval in front of you whereas the M-stage sounds like your leaning your head foward a bit into that bubble.  The ODAC and E10 have a bit more depth, but the HRT almost sounds wider though.  I'm not sure if this is a side effect of the HRT having less depth and therefor you really hear the wideness wrapped around your head, or what.  You can hear left-right pans a little more obviously with the HRT and they come around the side of your head whereas as they a bit more in front of you and the other two dacs.
I also think the ODAC and E10 having slightly more depth in the soundstage may make them sound a bit more diffuse and cross-feedy.  The HRT sounds less crossfeedy and more foward sounding while still being clear, and I think this is a reason it has a bit more bite and attack to it's sound.  If the ODAC sounds easier to listen to it's because the less foward/more-depth soundstage.  The HRT has a slightly hotter signal too, so if you don't adjust the levels accordingly it sounds a bit more....more.
So I'm not sure if one is any better than the other or which one is doing the soundstage "right".  They're just varations it seems like.  The ODAC sounds very good, but I think people who read about it and get it then say "OMG itz the best DAK Evar1!!  Itz 10x bedder then my other DAcZ!!" are getting carried away, and have taken too many placebos while drinking too much of the kool-aid.  The HRT and E10 sound good too. 
As usual with dacs (from my experience) they sound very similar. The HRT is the most different sounding so far though.  I'd fail a double blind with the E10 and ODAC at this point, but I could maybe pick out the HRT on certain songs > when I'm specifically cuing into something about it's soundstage.
On a side note, I've noticed the ODAC is a little finicky about it's plugs.  I've had to unplug it a few times to remove buzzing on the signal after connecting it.  It could be it doesn't like my powered USB hub though.  I'm trying it straight into the computer and it seems to be behaving better......

I agree with a lot of this.
I bet the ODAC and E10 would sound MUCH more different with a different headphone (not sure if you tried lots of others). If you used both with say an HD-598 (or a closed headphone), then you would probably find that the E10 is darker and has more forward lower mids. I hated it with my HD-598 and DJ100. Sounded fine with the Q701 when used as a DAC. The E10 seems best with like a Q701 or a brighter headphone, but for me not so much with a much warmer (or bassier) headphone. I also didn't like it much with the PX100-II, which to my ears has lower mids that are too forward sounding with some tracks. The E10 I had made my 598 have painfully fatiguing and shouty mids, which makes no sense. Supposed to be ruler flat or something..
I don't know if you'll agree with this, but the HRT MSII seems a bit more revealing of my tracks. Why? I have no idea. They sound considerably "worse" with the HRT for whatever reason. Maybe it's because the HRT is more forward sounding in it's mids. I think perhaps the HRT might have slightly forward upper mids, but not sure. I think the HRT MSII is perhaps close to being dark, but not like the E10. The E10 doesn't seem too dark until it's used with an HD-600 or my DJ100. The only time the MSII seems kind of dark is when I used it with my HD-600 and K601. Hated it with those!! I blamed my amp for such a long time when all along it was 100% the DAC. Oops. Most would like the HRT MSII with the HD-600, but not me.
The ODAC seems a bit more smoother than the HRT to my ears. Some may prefer the HRT. Not sure why, but the treble from the ODAC reminds me of my "audiophile" PS1 (SCHP-1001). I probably couldn't ever get it's treble to bother my ears and this is on several amps and with the Q701! It almost seems too easy on the ears, but that's a positive. Even my garbage tracks that are normally very fatiguing are quite listenable with the Q701 and ODAC.
I always felt my Headroom Micro Amp had a small soundstage, but when I installed the ODAC it was quite a lot larger. Maybe the HRT MSII isn't a perfect match with the Micro Amp. I just know that the Micro is super duper revealing of what's connected to it. If I attached a Clip+ it sounds like a Clip+..well on steroids, but with the same signature mostly.
I do find it amusing how people say the ODAC will make the Q701 magically more analytical or revealing. Based on my experience this is definitely NOT the case. More like the opposite. I find the ODAC makes my Q701 sound even more musical
Sounds basically how it should and it doesn't suddenly sound thin or less full sounding. Still quite warm sounding, but obviously not like an HD-600.
Oct 30, 2012 at 2:39 AM Post #1,931 of 9,603
I agree with a lot of this.
I bet the ODAC and E10 would sound MUCH more different with a different headphone (not sure if you tried lots of others). If you used both with say an HD-598 (or a closed headphone), then you would probably find that the E10 is darker and has more forward lower mids. I hated it with my HD-598 and DJ100. Sounded fine with the Q701 when used as a DAC. The E10 seems best with like a Q701 or a brighter headphone, but for me not so much with a much warmer (or bassier) headphone. I also didn't like it much with the PX100-II, which to my ears has lower mids that are too forward sounding with some tracks. The E10 I had made my 598 have painfully fatiguing and shouty mids, which makes no sense. Supposed to be ruler flat or something..
I don't know if you'll agree with this, but the HRT MSII seems a bit more revealing of my tracks. Why? I have no idea. They sound considerably "worse" with the HRT for whatever reason. Maybe it's because the HRT is more forward sounding in it's mids. I think perhaps the HRT might have slightly forward upper mids, but not sure. I think the HRT MSII is perhaps close to being dark, but not like the E10. The E10 doesn't seem too dark until it's used with an HD-600 or my DJ100. The only time the MSII seems kind of dark is when I used it with my HD-600 and K601. Hated it with those!! I blamed my amp for such a long time when all along it was 100% the DAC. Oops. Most would like the HRT MSII with the HD-600, but not me.
The ODAC seems a bit more smoother than the HRT to my ears. Some may prefer the HRT. Not sure why, but the treble from the ODAC reminds me of my "audiophile" PS1 (SCHP-1001). I probably couldn't ever get it's treble to bother my ears and this is on several amps and with the Q701! It almost seems too easy on the ears, but that's a positive. Even my garbage tracks that are normally very fatiguing are quite listenable with the Q701 and ODAC.
I always felt my Headroom Micro Amp had a small soundstage, but when I installed the ODAC it was quite a lot larger. Maybe the HRT MSII isn't a perfect match with the Micro Amp. I just know that the Micro is super duper revealing of what's connected to it. If I attached a Clip+ it sounds like a Clip+..well on steroids, but with the same signature mostly.
I do find it amusing how people say the ODAC will make the Q701 magically more analytical or revealing. Based on my experience this is definitely NOT the case. More like the opposite. I find the ODAC makes my Q701 sound even more musical
Sounds basically how it should and it doesn't suddenly sound thin or less full sounding. Still quite warm sounding, but obviously not like an HD-600.

Ya people always say the ODAC is ruthless and will make everything so revealing.  It think it sounds pretty smooth.  Smoother than the HRT.  Probalby not as much as the E10. I agree that the HRT actually sounds more revealing.  I think a lot of it has to do with the soundstage and how forward or laid back they are.  The HRT sounds more stereo separated and a bit drier and cleaner cut while the ODAC sounds a bit more in front of your head and 3d crossfeedy, which makes it sound slightly less dry and more diffuese and smoother.  All very slight differences but still.
I guess I don't have enough headphones to really disect how the DACs are with different headphones.  I just have the Q701s, the KSC35/75, and the CALs.  And for anything less than the Q701 I just always hook up just the E10 and use that.  So you get all my impressions through a "Q701-colored lens".
I need to do more comparison between the E10 and ODAC, as it's harder to tell them apart than from the HRT. 
Oct 30, 2012 at 7:39 AM Post #1,933 of 9,603
I'm so glad I didn't get an ODAC! :xf_eek:

I already have an iBasso D12 and a FiiO E17 so what would be the point of another budget DAC!

BTW my Q701 probably have 1,000 hours on them.:D
Oct 30, 2012 at 12:55 PM Post #1,934 of 9,603
For who have compared different DACs , do you bothered doing some level matching ? They don't have a line out output exactly at 2.0v some a bit less , some a bit more => result audio level is not exactly the same , and at hear some times it's not noticeable . 
Just to remember , before doing level matching all dacs sounded different , ODAC , Pioneer DVD Player (PCM1754+OPA4580 inside) , A-GD NFB-2 /17.2 .
(The Audio-GDs have different filters some roll of highs , and graphs show it , i had the impression that it indeed had a slight impact on sound but peraphs placebo  , but i just used a filter that didn't roll of for a better comparison) . 
Well level matching : (playing a Constant Tone , ajusting volume digitaly) ( a cheap decibel meter help) and done . = All sounded the Same ...  So if you don't do level matching it will obviously sound different , but in other hand , it don't mean that all DACs will sound the same after level matching . In only tryed some , and motherboard line out from Desktop or laptop computer sounded clearly inferior to the other DACs . Some line out are very close to 2.0 so yeah your impression could be correct and not biased . 
But if no level matching there is always a doubt ^^ . And yes we all hear differently so if i don't hear difference  itdon't mean that you can't hear it too 

Furthemore all my head amps sounded different ... but at this time for now i lost faith in DACs , peraphs i should try some other , even expensive one , but if it's to be disapointed , i guess i better to save money and play with phones and amps 

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