Q701 impressions thread
Apr 24, 2012 at 4:09 PM Post #1,066 of 9,603
RE-ZERO's pick it up as a gentle thud. It's not thumping by any means. Will edit in results with AD700's later when I get home.
If Q701 pick it up as a moderate thumping, it's definitely good enough bass for me, I think.
EDIT: At normal listening levels on the AD700 there is a gentle thud, with no impact. So worse than RE-ZERO.
Apr 24, 2012 at 4:56 PM Post #1,067 of 9,603
RE-ZERO's pick it up as a gentle thud. It's not thumping by any means. Will edit in results with AD700's later when I get home.
If Q701 pick it up as a moderate thumping, it's definitely good enough bass for me, I think.

It's not a big thump, like a drum, its more of a "chesty" thud, in the background, but clearly audible,and extremely clean sounding on Q701, and even more so on HFi2400's. It's hard to explain how something that's in the background and is very silent can also be some clearly audible and provide such a realistic impact. Also its audible that there are two separate people tapping the foot on the floor a couple of times, but that is audible only on the Ultrasone HFi2400, again, Ultrasone's show their superior imaging compared to pretty much any <1000$ headphone. Some taps come from the middle, and some slightly from the right (mind you, that is not audible on the youtube video, that I gave only as an example, I hear those things straight from a CD).  However, on both headphones I hear the "slap" of the shoe on the floor together with the thud, and then a small decoy after it. It's very detailed. It's details like these that make it worth having good headphones. In past, I always though that those thumps were from a bass drum, until I bought decent audio gear. Then it became obvious it's not a drum.
Apr 24, 2012 at 5:21 PM Post #1,068 of 9,603
If Q701 pick it up as a moderate thumping, it's definitely good enough bass for me, I think.

I wouldn't worry about the Q701s bass.  It is infinitely better than the AD700

Apr 24, 2012 at 5:27 PM Post #1,069 of 9,603
I wouldn't worry about the Q701s bass.  It is infinitely better than the AD700


Yea they actually have great bass impact, but that doesn't help with their problem of sounding a bit thin sometimes.
Apr 24, 2012 at 6:47 PM Post #1,070 of 9,603
Yea they actually have great bass impact, but that doesn't help with their problem of sounding a bit thin sometimes.

I think you missed my point, which was:  the AD700s sound anorexically thin.  Coming from them, the Q701 will sound thick and punchy.  I know, because that's what I did 

Apr 24, 2012 at 9:37 PM Post #1,071 of 9,603
This foot tap is supposed to be thumping on the Q701?!? On mine, it's nothing more than a tap. 
 What am I doing wrong? Did you guys modify your Q701 or something?
For me, the Q701 are very underwhelming in the bass region. It's so thin that it even makes the mid range boring. Drums are just taps instead of thumps. On rare occasions, I find a song that, for some reason, has bass that the Q701 can manage. Here's an example. At 2:20 there's sub bass that makes the Q701 rumbles. But then, I suppose any headphones would rumble on this type of music. Rock and Metal need a bass line and drum to be engaging, but sadly my Q701 just can't keep up. I have to go back to my Shure for those genre.
I'm starting to believe there's different sounding Q701s out there. And by different, I mean REALLY different.
Apr 24, 2012 at 9:57 PM Post #1,072 of 9,603
This foot tap is supposed to be thumping on the Q701?!? On mine, it's nothing more than a tap. 
 What am I doing wrong? Did you guys modify your Q701 or something?
For me, the Q701 are very underwhelming in the bass region. It's so thin that it even makes the mid range boring. Drums are just taps instead of thumps. On rare occasions, I find a song that, for some reason, has bass that the Q701 can manage. Here's an example. At 2:20 there's sub bass that makes the Q701 rumbles. But then, I suppose any headphones would rumble on this type of music. Rock and Metal need a bass line and drum to be engaging, but sadly my Q701 just can't keep up. I have to go back to my Shure for those genre.
I'm starting to believe there's different sounding Q701s out there. And by different, I mean REALLY different.

It should be a silent thump, but still very solid feeling thump.
By the way, that song you linked almost makes my vision blurry when listening to it with HFi2400's. :p
Q701 kicks pretty hard too, almost as hard as HD650's.
Apr 24, 2012 at 11:34 PM Post #1,073 of 9,603
-Just recently been trying out the white one-
I only have bare minimum settings to enjoy em right now in terms of on the PC (gaming's another department obviously).  Onboard Audio, hook up with L/R analog to Mixamp.  Still based on my past experiences of previous equipment, this sounds amazing to me har har.
Aiming for a Titanium HD coupled with an amp (or DAC/AMP but those usually come together anywhow) that's on a budget, but that's up in the air right now.  Either Fiio E9 or Fiio E17.
Apr 25, 2012 at 4:44 AM Post #1,074 of 9,603
It should be a silent thump, but still very solid feeling thump.
By the way, that song you linked almost makes my vision blurry when listening to it with HFi2400's. :p
Q701 kicks pretty hard too, almost as hard as HD650's.

Regarding what you said. "Q701 kicks pretty hard too, almost as hard as HD650's"

i personally agree with you 100% on that. But the sound signatures of these 2 cans are slightly different; seeing how the hd650's have a slightly darker tone. 

I bought both of them and i must say that they're really a close match to some extent.
Apr 25, 2012 at 7:09 AM Post #1,075 of 9,603
Regarding what you said. "Q701 kicks pretty hard too, almost as hard as HD650's"

i personally agree with you 100% on that. But the sound signatures of these 2 cans are slightly different; seeing how the hd650's have a slightly darker tone. 

I bought both of them and i must say that they're really a close match to some extent.

Sometimes I wonder if there are large manufacturing variations in headphones.
I have tried HD650s, compared to my Q701s the HD650s sound very dark and rolled off in the treble.
Apr 25, 2012 at 1:33 PM Post #1,076 of 9,603
I think some of these sonic signature differences are the rest of our gear too. I think they do solid bass and drums, bass guitars etc sound fat and punchy on mine. I would not describe them as thin at all.
Apr 25, 2012 at 2:10 PM Post #1,077 of 9,603
Try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THPXoLjQX-Y
The foot tapping at the beginning is clearly audible on Q701's for me, and its got a pretty nice impact, texture and decay, would definitely feel it in my chest if I was listening to speakers.  It's pretty low (not sure if it's exactly sub bass) and subtle, but almost inaudible on headphones with poor bass performance.  Q701 pick it up nicely, K550's even nicer, and Ultrasone Hfi2400's even nicer than both.

I'm kind of late to this, but I tested this with the HD-580, KRK KNS-8400, Q701 and Koss Pro DJ 100/Tony Bennett.
It's more present on the DJ100 and HD-580. I would say they're all about equal and had no problems with it. A little less present on the Q701 and KRK KNS-8400.
I prefer it to be accurate. I don't want anything more "thumping" than it should be. Sometimes it's hard to know which headphone is the most accurate here.
BTW strangely enough that song sounded best on the Tony Bennett, but obviously didn't have the soundstage detail of the the Q701.
It's amazing how many acoustic songs I have with sub-bass in them!
I love the idea of posting videos and picking apart small details and comparing them on headphones. It seems there's very rarely anything on a $250+ headphone that some of my cheap headphones can't pick up.
Someday i'd like an example of something that's heard on a $1000+ headphone and not on budget headphone. I'm not convinced this is even possible! Maybe someone can prove me wrong.
Apr 25, 2012 at 2:17 PM Post #1,078 of 9,603
Well, you can always mod the Q701s to increase the presence of bass.
Apr 25, 2012 at 10:42 PM Post #1,079 of 9,603
Hey guys,
I just bought an amp/dac for my q701s and I want to convert my cable to balanced so I can use it through the balanced headphone out. What are my options?
Apr 26, 2012 at 11:45 AM Post #1,080 of 9,603
You don't just convert your cable.  You have to change the wiring in the left cup so you get four conductors out of the headphone that will connect to the four pins of a balanced output.  Currently, L- and R- are soldered to the same post and that goes to the 3-pin male mini-XLR that you plug the stock cable to.
In terms of options, there are:
1. four wires out of the left cup to the end of your lead, i.e. hard wired single entry with no detachable cable
2. four wires from the left cup to 4-pin mini-XLR to four conductor cable as seen in this thread: http://www.head-fi.org/t/483861/guide-balanced-akg-k702-with-detachable-4-pin-mini-xlr-cable
3. dual entry (either hard-wired or detachable)
The second option is the one I did.  They're all simple, but I wouldn't call them easy, especially dealing with the 4-pin male connector retrofit.

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